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Глава 5. After business hours (После рабочего дня). Урок 1. The personal invitation (Частное приглашение)

В практике международных деловых отношений приглашения на business lunch или dinnerне редкость, возможно даже, что Вам закажут билеты в театр. Типичныеразговорные ситуации с подходящими речевыми оборотами помогут Вамполучить удовольствие от этих ситуаций.
The personal invitation (Частное приглашение)

Если Вы сами хотите пригласить гостя на ужин или на спектакль, начните со слов:
Would you like to ...? или I would like to invite you to ... Чтобы назначить встречу, достаточно спросить: How about Tuesday eight o'clock? или: Is Friday at seven OK? Отказ надо высказывать всегда вежливо и обязательно обосновывать его: Thank you for the invitation, but I'm afraid I have another appointment that day.

Mr Chester:
Well Mr Horst, that was it for today. Would you like to go to the theatre tonight?
Mr Horst: Thanks very much, but to tell you the truth I'm very tired.
Mr Chester: Of course, I understand. Giving a presentation in a foreign language is quite exhausting утомительно, isn't it?
Mr Horst: Yes, indeed and I think I'm still suffering from a jet lag.
Mr Chester: Well, how about tomorrow night?
Mr Horst: That would be fine. Where shall we meet?
Mr Chester: I'll pick you up at around seven at your hotel.
Mr Horst: Great, that would just give me time enough to get dressed.

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Inviting / Приглашение
Would you like to come and have dinner with my family?
We would like to invite you to a baseball game.
How about a visit to the museum of modern art this weekend?
Would you like to make a tour around the countryside?    осмотреть окрестности
Mr Simon would like to invite you for supper this Sunday.
Could you join us for a barbecue this weekend?    Вы могли бы присоединиться к нам

Accepting invitations / Принятие приглашений

Thank you, I'd be delighted to meet your family.
Thank you, I love baseball games.
Thanks I'd love to.
That's a wonderful idea.

Declining invitations / Отказ от приглашений

Thank you, but I'm afraid I can't. I'm meeting my boss.
Thanks but I'm afraid I'm not feeling very well.
Thanks a lot but I'm flying home on Sunday.
Thanks but I'm very busy this week.
Reactions / Реакции
Oh, that's a pity, my family will be very disappointed.     жаль; разочарованный
Oh, I see, well, perhaps some other time.
What a shame! Maybe next week?
Well never mind. We'll find another date.       Ничего страшного.

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