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Sports is Important in Our Life (Спорт в нашей жизни).

doc Sports is Important in Our Life

doc Спорт в нашей жизни

Sport is very important in our life. It is popular among young and old people.
Many people do morning exercises, jog in the morning and trainthemselves in clubs, in different sections and take part in sportcompetitions.
Other people like sports too, but they only watch sports games, listento sports news. They prefer reading interesting stories about sportsmen.But they don't go in for sports.
Спорт очень важен в нашей жизни. Он популярен среди молодежи и по: лых людей.
Многиелюди делают утреннюю зарядку, бегают трусцой по утрам и тренируются вклубах и разных секциях, а также участвуют в спортивных соревнованиях.
Другиелюди любят спорт тоже, но они лишь смотрят спортивные игры, слушаютспортивные новости. Они предпочитают читать интересные рассказы оспортсменах. Но они не занимаются спортом.
Physical training is an important subject at school. Boys and girls playvolley-ball and basketball at the lessons. There is the sports groundnear our school and schoolchildren go in for sports in the open air.
A lot of different competition are held at schools, a great number ofpupils take part in them. All participants try to get good results andbecome winners. Sport helps people to keep in good health. If you go infor sports you have good health and don't catch cold.
Children and grown-ups must take care of their health and do morning exercises regularly.
Физические занятия —важный предмет в школе. Мальчики и девочки играют в волейбол и баскетболна уроках. Около школы есть спортплощадка, и школьники занимаютсяспортом на открытом воздухе.
Много разных соревнований проводится вшколах, значительное число учеников принимают в них участие. Всеучастники пытаются добиться хороших результатов и стать победителями.Спорт помогает людям сохранять здоровье. Если вы занимаетесь спортом — увас хорошее здоровье, и вы не простуживаетесь.
Дети и взрослые должны заботиться о 'своем здоровье и делать регулярно утреннюю зарядку.
There are some popular kinds of sports in our country: football, volleyball, hockey, gymnastics, skiing, skating. Athletics is one of the mostpopular kinds of sports. It includes such kinds of sports as: running,jumping and others. Everybody may choose the sport he (or she) isinterested in.
There are summer and winter sports.
My favourite sport is swimming. I go to the swimming-pool twice a week,but I prefer to rest by the lake or the river and swim there. My friendKostya goes in for boxing. He is a good boxer and he is a brave andcourageous boy. His hobby helps him in his every day life.
Естьмного различных видов спорта в нашей стране: футбол, волейбол, хоккей,гимнастика, лыжный спорт, катание на коньках. Атлетика — один изнаиболее популярных видов спорта. Он включает в себя такие виды спорта,как бег, прыжки и другие. Каждый может выбрать себе вид спорта по душе.
Существуют летние и зимние виды спорта.
Мойлюбимый спорт — плавание. Я хожу в бассейн дважды в неделю, но япредпочитаю отдыхать на озере или на реке и там плавать. Мой друг Костязанимается боксом. Он хороший боксер, и он смелый и отважный мальчик.Его увлечения помогают ему в его повседневной жизни.

info Vocabulary

to jog [dзog] — бегать трусцой
section — секция
competition [,kompi'ti∫n] — соревнования
participant — участник
to go in for sports — заниматься спортом
to catch cold — простуживаться
to take care — заботиться
to include — включать
to choose — выбирать
to prefer — предпочитать
courageous [k∂'reidз∂ы] — смелый

quest Questions

1.    Do you do your morning exercises every day?
2.    How do children and grown-ups take care of their health?
3.    Are a lot of different competitions held at schools?
4.    Do you go in for sports?
5.    Are there any popular kinds of sports in our country? What are they?
6.    What is your favourite sport?
7.    Where do you prefer to rest?
8.    Do your friends go in for sports?
9.    Do you like winter or summer sports?
10.  Our hobbies help us in our life, don't they?

doc Exercises

1.    Which of the sports are these people probably talking about: snooker/pool/billiards/darts, but could, of course, apply to a number of other sports too (golf, shooting, etc.) (Snooker, pool and billiards are similar games but have different rules); bowls (the bowls have a weight on one side which gives them a bias as they roll); hang-gliding ('at the top' = at the top of the hill from which the hang-glider is launched); windsurfing (being able to stay upright on the water); motor-racing; riding (most people get a very sore seat/legs when they first try it)?
1.    "The ball has a natural curve on it so it doesn't go in a straight line on th grass."
2.    "Provided it's not too windy at the top, there's no problem."
3.    "It is incredibly noisy, fast and dangerous, but it's really exciting to watch.'
4.    "You get sore at first and can hardly sit down, but you get used to it afte a while."
5.    "It's all a matter of balance really."
6.    "You need a good eye and a lot of concentration."

2.    Name one other piece of equipment necessary to play these sports apart from the item given, as in the example. What special clothing, if any, is worn for each sport?
Example: golf: clubs, balls
1.    archery: bow, _________________
2.    badminton: racket, _________________  
3.    hockey: stick, _________________  
4.    baseball: bat, _________________  
5.    darts: darts, _________________  
Answers: Clothing:
1.    Archers usually wear special gloves, and probably a cap to shade the; eyes.
2.    Usually sweat-shirt and shorts or tennis-skirt, with tennis-style shoes, possibly sweat-bands too.
3.    Hockey-players usually wear shorts or a short tennis-skirt, but also pro tective gloves, shin-pads and possibly a safety-helmet.
4.    Baseball players often wear caps, plus protective clothing (special gloves, shin-pads, etc.).
5.    No special clothes, since the game is usually played informally in pu and clubs.