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Unit 15. Occupations

pair.jpgLook at the pictures. In pairs, play the Alphabet Job game:
Key.Suggested occupations: accountant / baker / carpenter / dancer / electrician / farmer / gardener / historian / interpreter / judge / kitchen designer / lawyer / medium / nurse / optician / plumber / queen / researcher / shopkeeper / teacher / undertaker / vet / writer / xylophonist / youth worker (social worker for young people) / zoo-keeper
Student A says a job beginning in 'a'. Student B says a job beginning with 'b', Student A says a job beginning with 'c', etc.
Which letters of the alphabet could you not find jobs for?


Look at task I. Which of these topics do the questions refer to? Tick or cross.
Key.Students should tick numbers 1, 3, 4, 6 and 8.
1    your family       
2    your political views       
3    your hobbies and interests       
4    your plans for the future       
5    your secrets       
6    your local area       
7    your religious beliefs       
8    your present and future studies  
For each topic you ticked, write one other short question you might ask someone on that topic.
Key.Suggested answers: Could you tell me something about your family? / What do you like to do in your free time? / Have you decided what job you might like to do? / ls there anything you dislike about living in this area? / What's your favourite subject at school?

Which of these are good things for you to say or do in task A. Which ofthem are not so good? Write 'Do' or 'Don't' before each one.
Key.1 Don't    2 Do
3 Do    4 Don't
5 Do    6 Don't
7 Do    8 Do   
9 Don't    10 Do   
11 Don't    12 Do   
13 Don't    14 Do

1    _________________ give one word answers.
2    _________________ give reasons for your opinions.
3    _________________ use contractions ('can't', 'won't', 'shouldn't', etc).
4    _________________ say 'My family consists of four members.'
5    _________________ say 'There are four of us in my family.'
6    _________________ say 'I live here for six years.'
7    _________________ say 'I've been living here for six years.'
8    _________________ say 'I go to a comprehensive/secondary school.'
9    _________________ say 'I will be a doctor.'
10  _________________ say 'I'd like to be a doctor.' or 'I want to be a doctor.'
11  _________________ just say 'I don't know' if you don't know what you want to do when you leave school.
12  _________________ say 'Well, I haven't really decided yet what I want to do when leave school.'
13  _________________ say 'What?' if you didn't hear the question.
14  _________________ say 'Sorry, could you repeat the question?'
In pairs, ask and answer the questions you wrote in B. Use the Dos and Don'ts above to help you.

flag.jpgYou are going to hear some students being asked about jobs. For each student, decide which question they are answering: a or b.
a What are you going to do when you leave school?
b Would you like to do the same job as your parents?
1   _________________       
2   _________________       
3   _________________       
4   _________________       
5   _________________    
6   _________________
7   _________________
8   _________________

1    b
(student mentions not wanting to be an assistant like her father)  
2    a (student mentions that he will probably work with computers)  
3    a
(student mentions that she would love to do something to do with mathematics or to be a teacher)  
4    a
(student mentions that she would like to go to university to study)  
5    b
(student mentions that being a taxi driver is not so good and that it is exhausting)  
6    b
(student mentions that if she did the same job as her parents that they would help her, which she wouldn't like)  
7    a
(student mentions that she is too young to decide about having a career, but talks about studying)  
8    b
(student mentions that being a nursery teacher like her mother is very exhausting)

flag.jpgNow listen again. This time, decide whether the statements are true от false. Circle T for True or F for Fаlsе.
Key.1T   2F   3T  4T   5F   6T   7F   8F
1    Student 1 gives a reason for her opinion.    T / F
2    Student 2 uses the word 'possibly'.    T / F
3    Student 3 gives two reasons.    T / F
4    Student 4 tells us what she wants to study at university.    T / F
5    Student 5 tells us that both her parents work.    T / F
6    Student 6 uses the second conditional to talk about a hypothetical situation.    T / F
7    Student 7's voice goes up on her final word.    T / F
8    Student 8 says 'I really believe ...'.    T / F

1    b
(student mentions not wanting to be an assistant like her father)  
2    a (student mentions that he will probably work with computers)  
3    a
(student mentions that she would love to do something to do with mathematics or to be a teacher)  
4    a
(student mentions that she would like to go to university to study)  
5    b
(student mentions that being a taxi driver is not so good and that it is exhausting)  
6    b
(student mentions that if she did the same job as her parents that they would help her, which she wouldn't like)  
7    a
(student mentions that she is too young to decide about having a career, but talks about studying)  
8    b
(student mentions that being a nursery teacher like her mother is very exhausting)
For each of these questions, make notes on the lines provided. Do notwrite full sentences. It doesn't matter if you put the same informationinto more than one box.

1  What are your plans for the future?
2  Have you decided on a career yet?
3  What do you want to do when you leave school?
4  Would you like to do the same job as your parents?
5  Do you have either a full-time or a part-time job at the moment?
As a class, ask and answer the questions in G. One student starts byasking another student one of the questions. When they -ave answered,it's their turn to ask another student one of the questions.

Read these sentences and then use the words in italics to complete the sentences below.
Key.1    the sack
2    application form
3    part-time
4    vocation
5    commission
6    manual
7    civil servants
8    white collar workers
9    bonus
10  blue collar workers

•    I don't get a salary each month; I get 10% commission on every computer I sell.
•    I sent off the application form for that job at the bank, and I've just heard they want me to come for an interview.
•    Jobs which involve physical work are often described as manual jobs.
•    People who do manual jobs are called 'manual workers' or 'blue collar workers'.
•    People who work in offices are sometimes called 'white collar workers'.
•    Adrian was given the sack when it was discovered he'd lied about his qualifications.
•    Everyone in the office got a £200 bonus last Christmas. I hope we get one this year, too!
•    People who work in government departments are called civil servants.
•    When I was at university, I worked part-time in a newsagent's.
•    If you say that a certain job or career is your vocation, you feel strongly that it's the right job or career for you.

1.   You'll get ________________ if you carry on being so late for work every day!
2.   There's no ________________; just send a CV and a covering letter to the Managing Director.
3.   Anne's decided to go ________________ now she's pregnant; she's only going to work two days a week.
4.   I've always felt that it was my ________________ to be a teacher. I've never wanted to do anything else.
5.   The great thing about ________________ is that the more you sell, the more money you make.
6.   Is it true that Bruce Willis was a ________________ worker in a factory before he became an actor?
7.   Some ________________manage to work their way up the career ladder and become things like ambassadors and senior diplomats.
8.   Many ________________ have to make a real effort to stay fit; sitting at a desk all day is very unhealthy.
9.   The ________________ we give you will depend on how well you've done the job.
10. The closing of the factory led to 5,000 ________________ being made redundant.

Speaking know-how
• Выполняя задание I, не стремитесь к тому, чтобы наш ответ полностьюсоответствовал реальным фактам. Например, если вы не можете вспомнитьназвание вашей будущей профессии на английском языке, назовите любуюпрофессию, название которой вы помните.
• Выполняя задание J,помните, что каждая фотография передает лишь определенную идею.Например, если на фотографии изображена медсестра, то вам нужно говоритьо профессии медсестры вообще, а не описывать медсестру, изображенную нафотографии.

We'd like to know something about you, so I'm going to ask you some questions about yourselves.

Where are you from?
How do you usuualy spend your free time?
Have you decided on a career yet?
What are your plans for the future?
Do you have either a full-tima or a part-time job at the moment?
How ambitious are you?
What do your parents do?
What you like to do the same job as your parents?

Formal written English:
I have not yet decided on a career.

Informal spoken English:

Well, I haven't really decided yet what I want to do.

Rewrite these sentences in the style of informal spoken English.

1    My father is currently unemployed and my mother works as an accountant.
2    I am considering becoming a vet as I greatly enjoy taking care of animals.
3    My main ambition is to establish my own small business.
4    I am not certain that I wish to go to university.
5    Job satisfaction is more important to me than a high salary.

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