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ГДЗ Голицынский Ю. Б. 6-е издание "Грамматика. Сборник упражнений"

ГолицынскийНазвание: 5-9 класс: Грамматика: сборник упражнений Ю.Б. Голицынский
Автор: Голицынский
Описание: Предназначена книга для учащихся с 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 классов, но вполне подойдет для всех желающих вспомнить и усовершенствовать язык. Построена она следующим образом: краткое напоминание о каком-либо правиле английской грамматики, а после него – большое количество упражнений, закрепляющих это правило.
Для тех, кто начинает учить английский язык Голицынский не подойдет, так как правила в нем даются очень коротко, можно даже сказать, схематично. Кроме того, автор охватил далеко не все правила грамматики. Идеальный вариант использования книги – в качестве практикума в дополнение к школьному учебнику.
Этот сборник упражнений будет весьма полезен для учащихся пятых классов общеобразовательной школы, множество заданий в нем перекликается со школьной программой.

         1Упражнение 1
1. This is a book. It is my book. 2. Is this your pencil? — No, it isn't my pencil, it is my sister's pencil.3. I have a sister. My sister is an engineer. My sister's husband is a doctor. 4. I have no handbag. 5.She has got a headache. 6. Have they got a car? — Yes, they have. Their car is not very expensivebut reliable. 7. Have you got a calculator? — No, I haven't. 8. Is this a watch? — No, it isn't a watch,it's a pen. 9. This pen is good, and that pen is bad. 10. I can see a pencil on your table, but I can seeno paper. 11. Give me a chair, please. 12. They have a dog and two cats. 13. I have a spoon in mysoup plate, but I have no soup in it. 14. My Friend says he is going to be a millionaire one day. 15.Would you like an orange? 16. Mr. Smith is an artist, Mrs. Smith is a poetess.
     2Упражнение 2
Не hasn't got a car. But he's got a computer. The computer is new. 2. My Friends have got a cat anda dog. The dog never bites the cat. 3. This is a tree. The tree is green. 4. I can see three boys. Theboys are playing. 5. I have a bicycle. The bicycle is black. My Friend has no bicycle. 6. Our room islarge. 7. We wrote a dictation yesterday. The dictation was long. 8. She has two daughters and oneson. Her son is a pupil. 9. Last year I gave my mother a bracelet For her birthday. She liked thebracelet. 10. My brother's Friend has no dog. 11. This pencil is broken. Give me that pencil, please.12. She has a ball. The ball is big. 13. I got a letter From my Friend yesterday. The letter wasinteresting. 14. When they were in Geneva, they stayed at a hotel. Sometimes they had dinner at the hotel and sometimes in a restaurant. 15. I've got an idea. 16. What a surprise!
      3Упражнение 3
1. This is a pen. The pen is red. 2. These are pencils. The pencils are black. 3. This is soup. The soupis so tasty. 4. In the morning I eat a sandwich and drink tea. 5. She gave me coFFee and a cake. ThecoFFee was hot. The cake was very tasty. 6. Do you like ice cream? 7. I see a book in your hand. Isthe book interesting? 8. Do you need a camera? 9. He never eats meat, he always eats vegetables,cereals, seeds, Fruit, and nuts. He is a vegetarian. 1.0. This is a pineapple. The pineapple is delicious.11. Elaine, apples are good For you! 12. My cousin is upset. He's got a sore throat. 13. This is cottagecheese. The cottage cheese is Fresh. 14. She bought meat, butter and potatoes yesterday. She alsobought a cake. The cake was delicious. We ate the cake with tea. 15. This is my table. On the table Ihave a book, two pencils, a pen and paper, 16. This is a bag. The bag is brown. It is my sister's bag.And this is my bag. It is yellow.
     4Упражнение 4
1. I. have two sisters. My sisters are students. 2. We are at home. 3. My brother i$ not at home, he isat school. 4, My mother is at work. She is a doctor. 5. I an) not a doctor. 6. I have no sister. 7. He isnot a pilot. 8. I have thirty-two teeth. 9. He has a child. 10. She has two children. Her children are atschool. 11. Is your Father at home? — No, he is at work. 12. Where is your brother? — He is at home.
      5Упражнение 5
1. We have a large Family. 2. My granny oFten tells us long interesting stories. 3. My Father is anengineer. He works at a Factory. The Factory is large. 4. My mother is a doctor. She works at a largehospital. She is at work now. 5. My aunt is a teacher. She works at a school. The school is good. Myaunt is not at the school now. She is at home. She is drinking tea and eating jam. The jam is sweet. Iam at home, too. I am drinking tea and eating a sandwich. The sandwich is tasty. 6. My sister is atschool. She is a pupil. 7. My cousin has a big black cat. My cousin's cat has two kittens. The cat likesmilk. The kittens like milk, too. 8. I am an engineer. 9. My son is a pupil. 10. He is a good pupil. 11.This is a house. 12. This is my pencil. 13. You have some pencils, but I have no pencil. Give me apencil, please. 14. What a pity! I can't come to the party tonight.
      6Упражнение 6
1. What's the weather like today? — The weather is Fine. 2. The sun is yellow. 3. The sky is greytoday. 4. The Earth is a planet. 5. We had an English lesson yesterday. The teacher asked me manyquestions. The questions were diFFicult. 6. Where is your brother? — He is at home. He is in his room.He is sitting at the table. He is doing his homework. The homework is diFFicult. 7. Our cat is sitting onthe soFa. 8. It is very dark in the room. Turn on the light, please. 9. Nick went into the bathroom,turned on the water and washed his hands.
      7Упражнение 7
1. This is a good book. Take the book From the table. Put this book into the bookcase. 2. The weatheris Fine today. The sky is blue. The sun is shining brightly in the blue sky. 3. This is a boy. The boy is atschool. He is a pupil. This boy is my brother's Friend. He has a cat, but he has no dog. He likes hiscat. He gives the cat milk every day. 4. Yesterday I received a letter From my Friend. The letter wasimportant. 5. We live in a big house. I like the house very much. 6. Are you a worker? — No, I am astudent. 7. I like your beautiFul Flower. Give me the Flower, please. 8. My mother is at home. She isreading an interesting book. 9. My Father is not at home. He is at work. He is a doctor. He is a gooddoctor. He works at a hospital. The hospital is large.
      8Упражнение 8
1. There is a big tree in the garden. 2. There is a bank near here. — Where is the bank? 3. There is anew supermarket in the centre oF our town. 4. There is a hotel over there. The hotel isn't cheap. 5.Where is the cat? — The cat is on the soFa. 6. Where is the book? — The book is on the shelF. 7.Where are the Flowers? — The Flowers are in a beautiFul vase. 8. Where is the vase? — The vase is ona little table near the window. 9. Open the window, please. The weather is Fine today. I can see thesun in the sky. I can see a nice little bird. The bird is sitting in a big tree. The tree is green. 10. There is a little white cloud in the sky. 11. What a beautiFul day! 12. We have a large room. There is a bigsoFa in the room and a little lamp on the wall over the soFa. I like to sit on the soFa and read a goodbook.
      9Упражнение 9
1. There is a wonderFul small computer in Front oF the books there. 2. Where is the soup? — The soupis in a big saucepan on the gas cooker. 3. Where are the cutlets? — The cutlets are in the reFrigeratoron a little plate. 4. There is no bread on the table. Where is the bread? 5. There is a little browncoFFee table in our room in Front oF the soFa. 6. Where is the table in your room? 7. There is a thickcarpet on the Floor in my mother's room. 8. Is your brother at home? — No, he is at work. He worksat a big Factory. He is an engineer. 9. My sister has many books. The books are in a big bookcase. 10.The weather is Fine today. Let's go and play in the yard. There are many children in the yard. Theyare playing with a ball.
   10Упражнение 10
1. I see a bottle oF pineapple juice on the kitchen table. 2. Her son has a great sense oF humor. 3.There was a discotheque at the club last Saturday but he didn't go. 4. Is there a bus stop near thebuilding? 5. We have a big dog. The dog is very clever. 6. My Friend has a very good computer. 7.This boy is big. He is a student. 8. There is a large piano in the hall. 9. This is a tree and that is not atree. It's a bush. 10. I am a boy. I am a pupil. I study at school. 11. My sister is at work. She is asecretary. She works For a new company. 12. This is a very diFFicult question. I don't know the answerto it. 13. Do you see a little girl with a big ball in her hands? She is a pupil oF our school. 14. Therewas a beautiFul Flower in this vase yesterday. Where is the Flower now? 15. Last year we were inGeneva. It is an exciting city to visit, but a very expensive place to live.
   11Упражнение 11
1. There is a jar oF orange marmelade in the middle oF the shelF. 2. There is a big box oF cereal to theright oF you. 3. There is a bunch oF bananas on the table. Don't keep them in the reFrigerator. 4.There is a loaF oF white bread on the upper shelF oF the reFrigerator. IF you want your bread to beFresh, keep it only in the reFrigerator. 5. Is there a bag oF Flour in the cupboard? 6. There was a bottleoF lemonade in the corner oF the kitchen. 7. There is a thick red carpet in my room. The carpet is onthe Floor in Front oF the soFa. 8. Where is the table in your brother's room? — His table is near thewindow. 9. I can see a Fine vase on the shelF. Is it your vase? 10. We have no piano in our livingroom. 11. My uncle is married. He has a beautiFul wiFe. They have a son, but they have no daughter.12. I can see a nice coFFee table in the middle oF the room to the right oF the door. It is black and red.I like the coFFee table. 13. Our TV set is on a little table in the corner oF the room. 1-4. There is abeautiFul picture in my Father's study. The picture is on the wall to the leFt oF the window. 15. What apicture!
    12Упражнение 12
My aunt's Flat is in a new house. There is a living room, a bedroom, a study, a bathroom and akitchen in the Flat. The bedroom is a large room with two windows. The room is light as the windowsare large. There are white curtains on the windows. There are two beds with large pillows on them.There are small tables near the beds. There are lamps on them. To the leFt oF the door there is adressing table with a mirror on it. There is a low chair at the dressing table. There are severalpictures on the pale green walls. There is a thick carpet on the Floor. The carpet is dark green. Theroom is very cosy.
    13Упражнение 13
1. There is a park behind the hospital. There are (some) beautiFul trees in the park. 2. There is agood Film on TV this evening. I am going to watch it. 3. There is a library between the school and thebank. There are (some) English and German books in this library. 4. There is a soFa in the corner oFthe room. 5. There are (some) cushions on the soFa. 6. There are (some) books on the shelF. Give mea book, please. 7. Look into the reFrigerator. What can you see on the shelves? — There is (some)butter in the butter dish. There is (some) sausage, but there is no cheese. There are (some) eggs and(some) apples. There is an orange, a lemon, and (some) jam in a little jar. 8. There is (some) juice inthis cup. May I drink the juice? 9. There are (some) girls in the yard, but I can see no boys. Where arethe boys? — Oh, all the boys are playing Football at the stadium. 10. There is a peculiar charm in her voice. 11. There is (some) money in the purse.
    14Упражнение 14
1. Where is the bus station? — The bus station is next to the gas station. 2. There are two pets in thehouse: a cat and a dog. 3. There is a TV antenna on the rooF. 4. There is a mailbox between thebuilding and the bus stop. 5. There is a big dog in Front oF the Fireplace. 6. Do you speak English atwork or school? 7. She had a bad day today. 8. I have a colour TV set. The TV set is on a little table inthe corner oF the room. 9. There is a book, a pen, and (some) paper on my writing desk. 10. Mybrother is a teacher. He works at a school. He has very good books. His books are in a big bookcase.11. There is (some) tea in my glass. There is no tea in my Friend's glass. His glass is empty. 12.Where is the coFFee table in your room? — The coFFee table is in Front oF the soFa. There is a cup onthe coFFee table and (some) newspapers. There is (some) coFFee in the cup. 13. There are (some)photographs on the soFa. 14. There is a guitar on the chair near the piano. 15. He is a rock guitarist.
   15Упражнение 15
1. Every day my brother and I get up at eight o'clock and walk to school. I like school. It's Fun. Mybrother loves Football. He hates homework. So he doesn't like to go to school. Will he go to work inthe Future? 2. My Friend has to get up early in the morning because he goes to school. That's why heusually goes to bed early in the evening. 3. The weather was very bad in the morning yesterday. Thesky was grey and it was raining. But in the middle oF the day the weather began to change. The rainstopped and the sun appeared From behind the clouds. In the aFternoon it was very warm. I did notwant to stay at home and went into the yard. There were boys and girls in the yard. We played in theyard till late in the evening. When I came home, I drank tea, ate a sandwich and went to bed at once.I slept very well at night.
    16Упражнение 16
1. My brother is a pupil. He goes to school. He goes to school in the morning. He has Five or sixlessons every day. In the aFternoon he goes home. At home he does his homework. In the evening hereads books. He usually goes to bed at halF past ten. At night he sleeps. 2. My Father goes to work inthe morning and comes home in the evening. 3. I get up at halF past seven in the morning and go tobed at a quarter to eleven in the evening. 4. When does your mother leave home For work? — Sheleaves home For work at a quarter past eight. 5. When do you leave home For school? — I leave homeFor school at halF past eight. 6. What do you do when you come home From school? — I do myhomework, talk to my Friends on the phone and go For walks. I oFten listen to music. I like jazz best.Sometimes I play computer games.
    17Упражнение 17
1. We always go to the Russian Museum on Sunday. 2. On Saturday she usually goes to thePhilharmonic. 3. In August he has his birthday. He is planning to have a nice party with his Friends. 4.There are three rooms and a kitchen in our new Flat. 5. My new dress is made oF silk. 6. IF you wantto write something on the blackboard, you must have a piece oF chalk. 7. Are there any pupils in theclassroom? 8. I have a new English book. I Find the book quite Fascinating. 9. There is a garden inFront oF our school. The garden is not large, but it is very nice. 10. May is the FiFth month oF the year.11. Saturday is the sixth day oF the week. 12. Sunday is a day oFF. 13. Today is the ninth oF May.Anton has got a new mobile phone. He is going to make a phone call to his grandFather. 14. This is anice place. In June we are going there For a holiday.
   18Упражнение 18
1. This is a classroom. The classroom is large and light. 2. There is a picture on the wall. 3. What isthe date today? It is the seventh oF December. 4. The third lesson today is a lesson oF English. 5.Pete, go to the blackboard. 6. AFter school I usually go home. 7. My Father always comes From worklate: at eight o'clock or at halF past eight. But on Friday he comes home early: at halF past Four or ata quarter to Five. On Saturday and on Sunday he does not go to work. 8. My Friends live in a smalltown. It is a new town. The streets in the town are broad and straight. There are beautiFul buildingsin them. The town is very green, and so the air is Fresh. There are (some) beautiFul parks andgardens in the town. The people like to go there aFter work. In the evening you can hear the soundsoF music From the parks. There are (some) schools, (some) libraries, a supermarket, a hospital, atheatre, (some) cinemas, (some) clinics and (some) kindergartens in the town.
    19Упражнение 19
I go to school in the morning, so I get up early. I usually get up at a quarter past seven. I go to thebathroom, turn on the water and wash my Face and hands. My Father and mother also get up early inthe morning. My mother works at an oFFice. She is a typist. My Father is a doctor. He works at ahospital. We have breakFast in the kitchen. We eat porridge and eggs. We drink tea. My Father andmother leave home For work at halF past eight. My Father goes to the hospital, and my mother goesto the oFFice. I don't leave home with my parents: the school where I study is near our house. I leavehome For school at a quarter to nine. My granny stays at home and cooks dinner. I have lunch atschool aFter the third lesson. My Father and mother have lunch at work. When we come home, wehave dinner.
20Упражнение 20
1. Every day my husband goes to work, my son goes to school and I go to the institute. 2. There is anew school at the corner oF our street. 3. My daughter came home From school on Monday and saidto me, «There will be a parents' meeting on the tenth oF February at six o'clock in the evening.» 4.The teacher read us a very interesting story at the lesson. 5. When the bell rang, the pupils went intothe classroom. 6. We are usually at school From nine o'clock in the morning till two o'clock in theaFternoon. 7. We don't go to school on Sunday. 8. We stay at home and relax.
    21Упражнение 21
1. What do you do aFter breakFast? — AFter breakFast I go to school. 2. My granny likes to read a bookaFter lunch. 3. People usually have breakFast in the morning. They have dinner in the aFternoon. Inthe evening people have supper. 4. There is a proverb: «AFter dinner sleep awhile, aFter supper walka mile.» 5. Who cooks dinner in your Family? 6. Yesterday Father told us a very amusing story atbreakFast. 7. What did you have For lunch at school on Wednesday? — We had salad and tea. 8. Mymother never has supper with the Family because she does not like to eat in the evening. 9. When doyou clean your teeth in the morning: beFore breakFast or aFter breakFast? 10. I make cakes For tea.
    22Упражнение 22
1. For breakFast I have coFFee with milk and sugar. I have jam, too. There are diFFerent things on thedinner table. There is (some) bread, (some) butter and (some) ham. There are (some) cups and(some) glasses there. There is a jug on the table. The milk in the jug is hot. There is a teapot on thetable. There is tea in the teapot. The tea is hot, too. There are (some) plates, (some) Forks and(some) knives on the table. 2. The lamp is on the table. 3. There is a lamp on the table. 4. Is there alamp on the table? 5. Is the lamp on the table? 6. Is there a clock on the wall? 7. There are twoshelves on the wall. 8. Where are the shelves? — The shelves are on the wall. 9. They have a largeFlat. There are Four rooms in the Flat. 10. Is the newspaper on the table? 11. Is there a newspaper onthe table? 12. There is (some) butter on the plate. 13. Where is the butter? — The butter is on a littleplate. 14. There is (some) white and brown bread on the table.
    23Упражнение 23
1. Pete has a small Family. He has a Father and a mother. He has no brother, but he has a sister. Hissister is a pupil. She is a good girl. She has many Russian books, but she has no English books. 2.There is a writing desk in the room. The writing desk is good. There is a lamp on the writing desk. 3.My uncle has a large Family. They are six in the Family. 4. My Father is an engineer. He works at a bigFactory. 5. We have a good library. Our books are in a big bookcase. 6. Is your sister married? 7.What do you do aFter breakFast? — I go to school. 8. When do you come home? — I come home athalF past two. 9. Do you like to watch TV in the evening? 10. He watches television all day. I never doit. I can't watch TV very oFten. But tonight I can spend the evening in Front oF the box, because thereis a very exciting Film on. It is «My Fair Lady» with Rex Harrison and Audrey Hepburn. I love it.
    24Упражнение 24
1. My aunt and my uncle are doctors. They work at a hospital. They get up at seven o'clock in themorning. They go to bed at eleven o'clock. 2. I work in the morning and in the aFternoon. I don't workin the evening. I sleep at night. 3. When do you leave home For school? — I leave home at a quarterpast eight in the morning. 4. What does your mother do aFter breakFast? — She goes to work. 5. Is there a soFa in your living room? — Yes, there is a cosy little soFa in the living room. — Where is thesoFa? — It is in the corner oF the room to the leFt oF the door. I like to sit on this soFa in Front oF the TVset in the evening. 6. There is a nice coFFee table near the window. There are (some) newspapers onthe coFFee table. 7. There is (some) tea in the cup. 8. When do you watch TV? — I watch TV in theevening. We have a large colour TV set in our room. There is a beautiFul vase on the TV set. Thereare (some) Flowers in the vase. 9. I have a large writing desk in the study. There is (some) paper onthe writing desk. My books and exercise books are on the writing desk, too.
   25Упражнение 25
My Friend's Flat is very comFortable. There are three rooms in the Flat: a living room, a study and abedroom. The living room is not very large. The walls in the living room are blue. There are (some)pictures on the walls. There is a table in the middle oF the room with some chairs around it. To theleFt oF the door there is a soFa. Near the soFa there are two large armchairs. They are verycomFortable. There is a piano in my Friend's living room. The piano is to the right oF the door. Thebedroom and the study are small. The Furniture in the Flat is brown.
    26Упражнение 26
1. What colour is your new hat? — It's red. 2. Is there a reFrigerator in your kitchen? 3. Where is thereFrigerator in your kitchen? — It is in the corner oF the kitchen. 4. There are (some) Flowers in ourliving room. The Flowers are in a beautiFul vase. 5. I have (some) tea in my cup. 6. He has no coFFeein his cup. 7. What book did you borrow From the library on Tuesday? 8. I have (some) books,exercise books and pens in my bag. 9. I am an engineer. I work at an oFFice. I go to the oFFice in themorning. As the oFFice is Far From the house I live in, I take a bus to get there. 10. What bus do youtake to get to work? 11. Whose pen is this? 12. What colour is your new T-shirt? — It's white. 13. Sheis going to a music shop to buy a cassette. — What cassette is she going to buy? 14. That's the manwhose computer was stolen last night. 15. What a smart boy!
    27Упражнение 27
Here is a large window. Through the window we can see a room. Opposite the window there is adoor. On the door there is a curtain. In the corner oF the room there is a round table. On it we cansee (some) books and a telephone. There is a bookshelF over the table. On the bookshelF we can see(some) newspapers and a book by Jack London. There are two pictures in the room. One picture issmall, the other picture is very large. There are two bookcases in the room. The bookcases are Full oFbooks. There is a large soFa in the room. On the soFa we can see a bag. Whose bag is that? There isno bed in the room. On a small table near the window there are (some) Flowers and a glass oF water.In Front oF the window we can see an armchair.
    28Упражнение 28
1. English is a world language. 2. I study English. I attend English classes in the evening. On the dayswhen I have no classes, I stay at home and do some work about the house. I have dinner with myFamily. AFter dinner I talk to the members oF my Family, watch TV and read books, newspapers andmagazines. I go to bed late at night. 3. I am thirsty. Give me some water, please. 4. There is a bookon the table. Give me the book, please. 5. I enjoy listening to music but I don't really like the musicthat that man plays on his guitar. 6. What did you have For lunch? — I only had a tuna sandwich. 7.He is a wonderFul teacher. He teaches history.
    29Упражнение 29
1. When my grandFather was a young man, he studied physics. 2. Do you speak Spanish? 3. My uncleis a great specialist on English literature. 4. Japanese is more diFFicult than French. 5. We listened toa very interesting lecture on English history yesterday. 6. Yesterday at the lesson oF geography theteacher told us (some) very interesting things about Famous travellers. 7. My Father speaks Englishand French, but he does not speak German. 8. We had a lesson oF mathematics yesterday. We wrotea paper in mathematics. The teacher said, «I shall correct the papers in the evening. Tomorrow youwill know the results». 9. My brother is an expert on geology.
   30Упражнение 30
1. Do you play the piano? 2. There is a big black piano in our living room. It is at the wall to the leFt oFthe door opposite the sideboard. My mother likes to play the piano. She oFten plays the piano in theevening. 3. Boys like to play Football. 4. What do you do in the evening? — I oFten play chess with mygrandFather. 5. Where are the children? — Oh, they are out oF doors. The weather is Fine today. Theyare playing badminton in the yard. 6. What games does your sister like to play? — She likes to playtennis. 7. Do you like to play the guitar? 8. What colour is your guitar? 9. My name is Charlie. I comeFrom a pretty big Family. I have two brothers and a sister. I am the oldest and my sister is theyoungest; she plays the violin really well and wants to be a proFessional musician. She has otherhobbies, too, and she oFten goes swimming with her Friends iF the weather is nice.
    31Упражнение 31
It was a hot day. The sun was shining brightly in the blue sky. A wolF and a lamb met at a stream.The water in the stream was cool and clear. The wolF saw that lamb was Fat and wanted to eat it. Hebegan to shout, «You, Fool, you are making the water dirty!» The lamb was aFraid. It looked at thewolF and said in a thin voice, «But, Mr WolF, I cannot make the water dirty For you From the placewhere I am standing, because the stream runs From you to me.» «Stop talking!» shouted the wolF inan angry voice. «I know you! I met you six months ago, and you were very rude to me.» «You arewrong, Mr WolF,» cried the lamb, «you could not have met me six months ago: I am only Four monthsold.» «Never mind,» said the wolF, «iF it wasn't you, it was your brother.» And with these words heseized the poor lamb and carried it into the wood.
    32Упражнение 32
1. Bill Robins was a very rich man. He was the richest man in the village. 2. Pete is the tallest boy inour class. Nick is the shortest boy, but he is very strong. He is stronger than many boys who aretaller than he. I think Nick is the strongest boy in the class. 3. Granny oFten tells us long stories.Today her story was still longer. It was the longest story. She began telling it aFter dinner andFinished only beFore supper. But the story was very interesting. I think it was the most interesting oFGranny's stories. 4. Which was the most diFFicult exercise in the paper? 5. Which is the best season oFthe year? 6. February is the shortest month oF the year. 7. Do you know the longest river in ourcountry? 8. In May the days are longer than in April. 9. He is the most intelligent person I know.
    33Упражнение 33
1. Moscow is situated on the Moscow River. The Moscow is a river that moves very slowly. There is acanal called the Moscow-Volga Canal which joins the Moscow to the Volga. The Volga runs into theCaspian Sea. 2. Several rivers run into the sea at New York. The most important is the Hudson Riverwhich empties into the Atlantic Ocean. Besides the Hudson there are two other rivers: the East Riverand the Harlem River. 3. In Siberia there are many long rivers: the Ob, the Irtysh, the Yenissei, theLena and the Amur. 4. The Altai Mountains are higher than the Urals. 5. There is a splendid view oFLake Geneva From this hotel. 6. My Friends have travelled a lot. This year they are going to Fly to theCanary Islands. 7. Which river Flows through London? — The Thames. 8. OF which country isWashington the capital? — The United States. 9. The United Kingdom consists oF Great Britain andNorthern Ireland. 10. Chicago is on Lake Michigan.
    34Упражнение 34
1. The Thames is a short river. 2. Russia is washed by the Arctic Ocean in the north. 3. Kiev is to thesouth oF Moscow. 4. Europe is a continent. 5. Moscow is the capital oF Russia. 6. Is Asia an island or acontinent? 7. The Black Sea is in the south oF our country. 8. The White Sea is in the north oF ourcountry. 9. This is a map oF the world. Can you read maps? What can you see on the map? Whatcolour are the valleys on the map? 10. Petrov is an architect. He is an experienced architect. He is inthe Far East. He has a wiFe. His wiFe is a typist. They have a son and a daughter. 11. The Philippinesare situated to the southeast oF Asia.
   35Упражнение 35
1. The Neva Flows into the GulF oF Finland. 2. The PaciFic Ocean is very deep. 3. The Urals are notvery high. 4. Kazbek is the highest peak oF the Caucasus. 5. The Alps are covered with snow. 6. The Shetland Islands are situated to the north oF Great Britain. 7. Is Canada the largest country inAmerica? 8. The Crimea is washed by the Black Sea. 9. Lake Baikal is the deepest lake in the world.10. Paris is the capital oF France. 11. Lomonosov was born in a small village on the shore oF theWhite Sea. 12. Gogol was born in the Ukraine in 1809. 13. The Caucasus separates the Black SeaFrom the Caspian Sea. 14. Europe and America are separated by the Atlantic Ocean. 15. The BalticSea is stormy in winter. 16. There are many small islands in the PaciFic Ocean. 17. The North Seaseparates the British Isles From Europe. 18. The Balkans are old mountains. 19. The Nile Flows acrossthe northeastern part oF AFrica to the Mediterranean Sea. 20. Which are the highest mountains inRussia? 21. When was she in the USA?
    36Упражнение 36
1. Russia occupies the eastern halF oF Europe and the northern third oF Asia. 2. The climate oF thenorthern part oF Russia is severe. 3. This winter is a true Russian winter with hard Frosts. 4. It is warmin the Crimea and the Caucasus. 5. Washington is the capital oF the United States oF America. 6. Iwant to go to New York some day. 7. The best way to know and understand the people oF othercountries is to meet them in their own homes. 8. Is Australia an island or a continent? 9. The Red Seais between AFrica and Asia. 10. There are seven continents on the Earth. 11. France is to the north oFItaly.
    37Упражнение 37
1. This is a pen. It is a good pen. The pen is black. It is on the table. 2. I have got a dog. The dog'sname is Spot. He. is a big grey dog. The dog is very strong. 3. My Friend has a sister. Her name isAnn. The girl is a pupil. 4. We have a picture in the living room. The picture is really very Fine. It is onthe wall. 5. The Irish Sea is between Great Britain and Ireland. 6. There is a map on the wall oF theclassroom. It is a map oF the world. There are many seas and lakes on the map. This is theMediterranean Sea and that is the Red Sea. These are the Himalayas. They are the highestmountains in the world. 7. We live in St Petersburg. St Petersburg is a very large city. It is one oF thelargest cities in Russia. 8. My brother is a doctor. His Flat is in the centre oF the city. It is in a newhouse. There are three rooms in the Flat. The living room is the largest oF all. It is a nice light room.There are (some) pictures on the walls. There is a round table in the middle oF the room. Thero is asoFa at the wall with a large thick carpet in Front oF it. The study and the bedroom are small, but verycomFortable.
   38Упражнение 38
1. Did you have a good time in the country? — Oh, yes. The weather was Fine. We were out oF doorsFrom morning till night. We played Football, volleyball and other games. We came home late at nightand went to bed at once. 2. Look at the clock! It is a quarter past ten. Go to bed at once. 3. The sunrises in the east and sets in the west. 4. We spent last summer in the [Jkraine, in a little village onthe bank oF a big river with very warm water. There was a wood on the other side oF the river. WeoFten went to the wood and gathered a lot oF mushrooms. 5. My Friend likes to play chess. He isready to play chess all day long. He is the best chess player in our school.
    39Упражнение 39
1. Teckle comes From a very old country on the Nile. It is called Ethiopia. Ethiopia is a beautiFulmountainous country. Teckle is a young man. He wants to become an engineer. He is very happy tobe a student oF St Petersburg University. He spends,a lot oF time at the library reading and studyingdiFFerent subjects. Very oFten in the evening his new Friends and he walk around the city talkingabout their native countries. 2. Galina lives in the Ukraine. She lives in a small village near Odessa.She is a librarian. She always has a lot oF work. Galina wants to enter Moscow University and nowshe is preparing For the entrance exams. 3. My Friend lives in America. He is a student. He studieshistory at Harvard University. 4. Every year, thousands oF students come to Cambridge Fromoverseas to study English. Use, a German student, graduated From Cambridge University two yearsago. What a talented girl!
40Упражнение 40
When we want to write a letter, we take a piece oF paper and a pen. We First write our address andthe date in the right-hand corner. Then on the leFt-hand side we write a greeting. We may write, Forinstance, «My dear brother,» «Dear Henry,» etc., and then on the next line we begin the body oF the letter. We must not Forget to leave a margin on the leFt-hand side oF the page. At the end oF theletter we write «Yours,» and then we sign our name. We put the letter into an envelope and close theenvelope. On the envelope we write the name and address oF the person who will receive it. We sticka stamp in the top right-hand corner, and then we post the letter.
    41Упражнение 41
Once there lived a man who was very Fond oF gold. He used to say, «While I have my gold, I am thehappiest man in the world.» And so all his liFe he saved money. One day he was travelling in thedesert oF North AFrica. He lost his way. He had no Food or water. He was almost dying oF hunger. Hewas so weak that he could not walk, he could only crawl. The heat was terrible. There were onlystones and sand around. Just then he saw a bag lying on the sand. He hoped that he would Find Foodin it and water, too. He crawled up to the bag and opened it. He saw that the bag was Full oF gold.What is the use oF gold to a hungry man in a desert? He leFt the bag on the hot sand, crying bitterly,«I am the most unhappy man in the world.»
    42Упражнение 42
1. Let's go to the shop. I must buy (some) bread and milk. 2. I was at the cinema yesterday. — WhatFilm did you see? — Oh, I saw a very good Film. I think it is the best Film oF the year. 3. Do you oFtengo to the theatre? — No, I don't. I like to go to the theatre, but I am very busy. I work From morningtill night. I even have no time to play the piano. 4. Oleg has a lot oF interesting books at home. 5. Alot oF tourists From diFFerent countries come to St Petersburg. They want to see one oF the mostbeautiFul cities in the world. 6. My new Friend said to me, «I am a student in the First year atHarvard.» 7. We went to the cinema in the evening. 8. What Foreign languages does your Fatherspeak? — He speaks English. He studied English at school. 9. I am interested in biology. 10. Weplayed tennis at the lesson oF physical training yesterday. We had a good time. 11. Did you go For awalk yesterday? — No, we didn't. The weather was bad, and we went to the cinema. 12. What areyour Friends doing? — Mary is playing the piano. Tom and Nick are playing chess.
    43Упражнение 43
Three men came to New York For a holiday. They came to a very large hotel and took a room there.Their room was on the Forty-FiFth Floor. In the evening the Friends went to the theatre and came backto the hotel very late. «I am very sorry,» said the clerk oF the hotel, «but the liFts do not work tonight.IF you don't want to walk up to your room, we shall make beds For you in the hall.» «No, no,» said oneoF the Friends, «no, thank you. We don't want to sleep in the hall. We shall walk up to our room.»Then he turned to his Friends and said, «It is not easy to walk up to the Forty-FiFth Floor, but we shallmake it easier. On the way to the room I shall tell you some jokes; then you, Andy, will sing us somesongs; then you, Peter, will tell us some interesting stories.» So they began walking up to their room.Tom told them many jokes; Andy sang some songs. At last they came to the thirty-sixth Floor. Theywere tired and decided to have a rest. «Well,» said Tom, «now it is your turn, Peter. AFter all thejokes, I would like to hear a sad story. Tell us a long and interesting story with a sad end.» «The storywhich I am going to tell you,» said Peter, «is sad enough. We leFt the key to our room in the hall.»
    44Упражнение 44
SwiFt, a Famous English writer, was travelling one day on horseback with his servant. The weatherwas bad, it was raining, and the roads were muddy. In the evening the two men came to an inn.BeFore going to bed SwiFt told his servant to clean his boots. But the servant was lazy and did not doit. In the morning SwiFt asked the servant why he had not cleaned the boots. «What's the usecleaning the boots now?» said the servant. «The roads are muddy, and the boots will soon be dirtyagain.» «All right,» said the writer. «Let's go. We must continue the journey.» «But I haven't hadbreakFast,» said the displeased servant. «Well, what's the use giving you breakFast now?» said SwiFt.«You will soon be hungry again.»
   45Упражнение 45
In a small town in the East there once was a man who had a parrot. The parrot was taught to say thewords: «There is no doubt about it.» It used to repeat these words, all day long. Every time it wasasked a question, it gave the same answer, «There is no doubt about it.» One day the man decidedto sell the bird; so he put the parrot into the cage and went to the market with it. «Twenty poundsFor a very clever parrot!» he cried. A man who was passing by heard this and turned to the parrot. «Are you worth twenty pounds?» he asked. «There is no doubt about it!» answered the parrot.«What a clever parrot!» said the man and bought the bird. He took the parrot home and invited hisFriends to look at the clever bird. The Friends came and looked at the parrot and talked to it. Now youmust know that the man was not rich. In Fact, he was oFten short oF money. So a week or two later,sitting in an armchair and looking at the parrot, he said, «What a Fool I was to throw away such a lotoF money!» «There is no doubt about it!» cried the parrot. And this time the bird was right.
    46Упражнение 46
A train stopped at a little station. A passenger looked out oF the window oF a train carriage and saw awoman selling cakes. The man had not had breakFast in the morning. He was hungry and wanted tobuy a cake. The woman was standing rather Far From the carriage. The man did not want to go andbuy a cake himselF because he was aFraid to miss the train. He saw a boy who was walking along theplatForm near the carriage. He called the boy and asked him, «How much does a cake cost?»«Threepence, sir,» answered the boy. The man gave him a sixpence and said, «Bring me a cake, andwith the other threepence buy a cake For yourselF.» The boy took the money and went to the woman.A Few minutes later the boy returned. He was eating a cake. He gave the man threepence changeand said, «The woman had only one cake, sir.»
    47Упражнение 47
A crow once said to her children, «It's high time For you to look For Food.» With these words sheturned them out oF the nest and took them to the Field. But the crow's children did not like the idea.«We'd rather go back to the nest,» they cried. «It's so nice when you bring Food to us!» «Indeed!»said their mother. «You are big enough to Feed yourselves. My mother turned me out oF the nestwhen I was much younger, and I had to take care oF myselF.» «But people will kill us with their guns,»said the young crows. «No Fear oF that,» answered their mother. «BeFore people shoot, they takeaim, and that takes time. When you see a man raising a gun to his Face, you must just Fly away.»«That's a simple thing to do,» said the children, «but supposing a man or a boy wants to throw astone at us: in such a case he won't have to take aim.» «Well, then he will have to bend down to pickup a stone,» said the crow. «But what iF he carries a stone in his hand ready?» «Why, iF you areclever enough to think oF that,» said the mother, «you are clever enough to take care oF yourselves.»And she Flew away leaving the young crows in the Field.
    48Упражнение 48
Russia is such a large country that when it is night in one part oF the country, it is day in anotherpart, when it is winter in one part oF the country, it is already summer in another. Imagine it is thebeginning oF May now. It is spring in St Petersburg. The weather is Fine. It is still cool at night, but it isquite warm in the aFternoon. It sometimes rains, but the rain is warm, too. The ground is coveredwith soFt green grass, and the trees are covered with green leaves. But while it is spring in StPetersburg, it is still winter in the north oF our country at the beginning oF May. Here it is cold andsometimes Frosty, the rivers and seas are covered with ice. The ice does not melt in some placeseven in summer. The ground is covered with deep snow. In the south oF our country the weather isquite diFFerent. It is already summer in the Caucasus. It is much warmer than in St Petersburg. It issometimes even hot. The sky is usually cloudless and it seldom rains here. People wear summerclothes. They enjoy gardening. You should see their gardens in the summertime — they arebeautiFul.
    49Упражнение 49
1. Is this an interesting book? Is this a very interesting book? Is this the very interesting book youhave spoken about so much? It is such an interesting book. Is it the same book you haverecommended to us? 2. She is a teacher. She is a good teacher. She is a teacher oF our school. She isa teacher oF English. Here is the teacher, ask her about the questions which interest you. 3. There isa word in the text which I cannot understand. There is a very diFFicult word, too, which I cannotpronounce. Here is the word I was looking up in the dictionary. This word is an adverb. 4. The Firstmen were vegetarians. 5. SerFdom was abolished in Russia in the 19th century. 6. Columbus, whodiscovered America, was a native oF Genoa. 7. Rome is an ancient town. 8. Ireland, Scotland andWales are parts oF the United Kingdom. 9. What is the name oF the ocean between America and Asia?— The PaciFic. 10. Last summer I visited Switzerland and Germany. 11. Amsterdam is the capital oFthe Netherlands. 12. It was such a shock. 13. It's high time to take a break.
   50Упражнение 50
Once there lived a king. His name was Midas. He had a little daughter. They lived in a beautiFulpalace with a wonderFul garden around it. Now the king was very Fond oF gold. He loved gold morethan anything else in the world. One day, when the king was looking at his gold, a young manappeared beFore him. «You are a very rich man, Midas,» said the young man. «Yes,» said the king,«but I would like to be richer. I would like to have a golden touch. I want everything that I touch toturn into gold.» The young man was a magician, and he gave the king the golden touch which hewanted to have. The king was very happy. He touched a table, and the table became gold. He wentinto the garden. There were beautiFul roses in the garden. He touched the roses, and they alsobecame gold. The king's daughter, who loved the roses very much, saw it and began to cry. «Don'tcry, dear daughter», said the king and touched his daughter's head. The next moment the girl turnedinto a beautiFul gold statue.
    51Упражнение 51
A group oF Farmers were sitting in a village house, and among other things they began talking aboutechoes. One oF the Farmers said that there was a wonderFul echo in the Field near his Farm wherethere was a large group oF trees. All the other Farmers said that they would like to hear the echo, andthe Farmer invited them to come the next aFternoon. But the Fact was that the Farmer did not reallyhave the echo he had told the other Farmers about. So when he came home, he sent For the son oFthe cook and told him to go to the Field, hide himselF among the trees and imitate everything thatwas said. The next day the other Farmers came, and the Farmer took them to the Field to listen to thewonderFul echo. When they were in the Field, he shouted at the top oF his voice, «Are you there?»The answer came back, «Yes, I've been here For two hours!»
    52Упражнение 52
It was a nice summer day. The weather was Fine, the sun was shining in the blue sky, the air wasFragrant with the smell oF grass and Flowers. A dog which was running about the streets oF a littletown saw a butcher's stall with a lot oF meat. The dog cautiously approached the stall and, when thebutcher turned away to talk to a woman, quickly seized a big piece oF meat and ran away with it. Onthe way home the dog had to cross a stream by a narrow bridge. As he was crossing, he lookeddown into the stream and saw his reFlection in the water. He thought it was another dog with anotherpiece oF meat. He snapped at the reFlection and dropped his own piece oF meat. That's how the dogwas punished For greediness.
    53Упражнение 53
On Sunday our Family went to the country. We got up at sunrise and quickly had breakFast. AFterbreakFast we leFt home. There is a little village not Far From St Petersburg where we have Friends. Wewent there by train. We had a very good time in the country. The weather was Fine, the sky was blueand the sun was shining. We stayed out oF doors all day long. We played volleyball and tennis. Wereturned to town late in the evening. When we came home, we had supper and went to bed at once.
    54Упражнение 54
1. Look at the sky. It is covered with dark clouds. Let's hurry home. 2. It was very pleasant to live inthe country in summer. The weather was nice and it seldom rained. Summer is a Fine season. 3. Howlovely the night is! There are no clouds in the sky and the air is so Fresh. 4. When spring comes, thesun shines brighter, the snow melts, the days become longer. 5. Winter is a good time For sports. 6.On Sunday my Friend and I usually go to the country. We ski, skate, play snowballs and have a verygood time. 7. The Fog is so dense that it is diFFicult to walk. 8. My Friend is a very good chess player.9. In summer we lived in the country and went up to town by train. 10. Tomorrow is Sunday. IF it istoo hot in town, we shall go to the country. And on Monday we shall come back. 11. Autumn is themost beautiFul season oF the year. 12. Winter isn't a depressing season.
   55Упражнение 55
Last Tuesday evening, when the whole Family was at home, a burglar came into the house and stole$500! When we discovered the theFt, we called the police. Because the burglar's shoes were wet anddirty, the detective could Follow his Footprints. Here is what the burglar did. He broke in through the Front door. It was locked, so he broke the lock. Dad was reading a newspaper in the study near theFront door. He was Facing the big window, so he didn't see the man, and because he was alsolistening to loud music, he didn't hear him. It was raining and there was thunder, so there was a lotoF noise outside, too. The burglar crossed the hall to the kitchen. Mum was making a pot oF tea, so hedidn't go into the kitchen. The man went back across the hall and looked into the dining room. Noone was in there. He looked through all the drawers and Found $300. But this wasn't enough. Hecame out oF the dining room and went upstairs. Tom was doing his homework in his bedroom andlistening to his Walkman. The burglar went past Tom's room. Sally was taking a shower and smgingat the top oF her lungs. He went into the TV room. He opened everything but Found nothing. Then heleFt the TV room, went back down the stairs and into the kitchen. Mum was sitting in the living roomwith Dad. The burglar was very quiet! He Found $200 in an old teapot on the top shelF oF the leFtkitchen cupboard. Then the man went out through the French window in the dining room. It wasn'tlocked, so it was easy to get out. The police couldn't believe it! We never heard the burglar!
    56Упражнение 56
1. My brother read to me an extract From the book which he had brought the day beFore. The maincharacter oF the book is a young doctor who went to a distant village in Siberia. 2. The weather wasvery bad in October. 3. When he came into the room, he saw a man sitting on the soFa. He at onceremembered that it was the man he had seen at the theatre the night beFore. 4. Yesterday I saw theFilm you are speaking about. 5. He took a taxi and gave the address to the driver. 6. Tower Bridge isthe First bridge over the Thames coming From the sea. Built in 1894 it is a suspension bridge. Thecentral portion oF it can be opened to admit ships to the docks in this part oF the river. When a shiparrives, the traFFic is stopped and the great bridge opens in the centre: its two halves go up into theair and the ship passes through.
    57Упражнение 57
Once a Frenchman was travelling in Sweden. He stopped at a hotel in a little Swedish town. It wasevening, the man was tired, so he went to bed at once. In the morning he had breakFast in the hotelrestaurant. AFter breakFast he went For a walk. He walked along the streets oF the town, visited amuseum and (some) shops. Presently he Felt hungry and dropped into a caFe For lunch. He sat downat a table, called a waiter and ordered mushrooms. But the Frenchman did not know Swedish andthe waiter did not know French. Nobody in the caFe could speak French. Then the Frenchman took apiece oF paper and a pencil and drew the picture oF a mushroom. The waiter looked at the pictureand leFt the room at once. Five minutes later he returned with an umbrella. What a Funny story!
  58Упражнение 58
A guide was once showing a group oF rich American tourists the places oF interest in a little town inthe south oF Italy. He took the tourists From place to place, but as the town was small, aFter a whilethe guide could not think oF anything that might be oF interest to the Americans. «Tell us somethingunusual about the weather or the climate oF this place,» said an American lady to the guide. «Whatcan I tell her about our climate?» thought the guide. Then he had an idea. «Well,» he said, «there isone unusual thing about our climate. One can easily notice that the wind here always blows From thewest.» «Really?» said the lady in a surprised tone, «What an interesting thing!» But another touristsaid, «You must be wrong. Look! The wind.is blowing From the east now.» At the First moment theguide did not know what to say. But he was a clever man and soon Found a way out. «Oh,» he said,«Is that so? Well, then it must be the west wind coming back.»
    59Упражнение 59
The English king Richard the Lionheart was a tall, strong man. He was very proud oF his strength andliked to show people how strong he was. Once, as he was riding on horseback in the countryside, hishorse lost a shoe. Luckily he was not Far From a village and soon he Found a blacksmith. «Give me agood horseshoe,» he said to the man. The blacksmith gave the king a horseshoe. Richard took it inhis hand and broke it in two. «This horseshoe is no good,» he said, «give me a better one.» Theblacksmith did not say a word. He gave the king another horseshoe, but Richard broke it, too. Theblacksmith gave him a third shoe. This time Richard was satisFied and ordered the blacksmith toshoe his horse. When the work was done, Richard oFFered the man a coin. The blacksmith took thecoin between his Fingers and broke it in two. Now it was Richard's turn to be surprised. He took alarger coin out oF his pocket and handed it to the blacksmith. The man broke it, too, saying, «Thiscoin is no good, give me a better one.» Richard smiled and gave the man a gold coin.
60Упражнение 60
In the FiFteenth century people knew only three continents: Europe, Asia and AFrica. They knewnothing about such a big continent as America. The man who discovered America was born in 1451in Italy. His name was Christopher Columbus. He became a sailor at an early age. Knowing that theEarth was round, he decided to reach India sailing to the west. He tried to arrange an expedition, butdid not have money, and nobody wanted to help him. At last the king oF Spain gave him money Forthe expedition. He set sail in 1492. The voyage was very dangerous and diFFicult. On the 12th oFOctober his ship reached land. When they landed, they saw strange trees and Flowers. Men andwomen with olive-coloured skins gathered around the sailors and looked at them with great surprise.Columbus was sure that he had discovered a new way to India. Some time later another sailorreached America. The name oF the sailor was Amerigo Vespucci. He understood that it was a newcontinent.
    61Упражнение 61
1. He's looking For a plain shirt, but all the shirts are striped. 2. I'm looking For a pair oF black pants.3. She's looking For a blouse. Polka-dot blouses are very popular this summer. 4. I bought a new hatyesterday. The shop assistant said it was the latest style. 5. I want to ask you to accompany me tothe shop. I must buy a dress. 6. Where did you buy this overcoat? — I bought it at a big store inNevsky Prospect on Tuesday. 7. My sister bought a blue hat on Wednesday. The colour suits her verynicely as she has got blue eyes. 8. I must buy a pair oF new gloves. 9. Where is the shoe department?— It is on the third Floor. 10. I think the coat is a little tight. 11. We came to a big store to Find out iFwe could have a suit made to order. 12. I don't like the hat you have chosen. The colour is notbecoming to you. 13. Here is the department oF ready-made clothes. Let's go in and see iF we canbuy a nice pair oF trousers For you. 14. I am going to give him a silk tie as a birthday present. He likesties.
    62Упражнение 62
Mr Jones was a teacher oF physics at school. He was Fond oF the experimental method in physics andoFten told his pupils to use this method. One day Mr. Jones came to school on a new bicycle. Thebicycle had a pair oF pneumatic tyres, which had just been invented, and none oF the pupils had everseen them. During a lesson the teacher took the pupils into the school yard and showed them thenew invention. «Now, children,» he said, «who can tell me what is inside this tyre that makes it sohard and yet so elastic?» The boys touched the tyres. «Cotton wool,» said one oF them. «Steelsprings,» said another. «Oh no,» said the teacher, «you are wrong.» Suddenly a little boy, who wasstanding beside the bicycle, cried out, looking very happy, «I know what it is! There's wind inside.»Mr Jones smiled and said, «You are right: there's air inside. But how did you Find it out?» «Well, I usedthe experimental method,» said the boy, «I stuck a nail into the tyre, and some wind came out oF it».For the First time in his liFe Mr Jones did not like the use oF the experimental method.
    63Упражнение 63
1. Everyone in our country knows Lomonosov, the Founder oF the First Russian university. 2.Nekrasov, a Famous Russian poet, described the liFe oF Russian peasants. 3. I don't want to miss theconcert which will take place at the Philharmonic on the 15th oF April. 4. He graduated From theuniversity six years ago. Now he is a scientist. And though he is a young scientist, his name is wellknown. 5. My aunt is a teacher oF physics. 6. Yesterday I read a book by Dickens, a Famous Englishwriter. 7. I am sorry, I don't know the way to the nearest caFe. I am a stranger here myselF. 8. Thetown I was born in is on the Volga. 9. Who is the author oF this book? 10. A quarter oF an hour wasleFt beFore the beginning oF the concert. We entered the hall and saw a group oF pupils oF our school.We joined them.
    64Упражнение 64
1. During the vacation I attended some interesting lectures. I remember two oF the lectures best oFall. They were about Russian music. 2. I am sure he won't stay in town For the vacation. 3. Twoweeks are leFt beFore the end oF the school year. The examinations are coming. On the First oF Junewe shall take an exam in literature. 4. Today is my day oFF. I am going to spend the day in thecountry. 5. My brother brought a new book yesterday. When I looked at the title, I was very glad: itwas the book which I had wanted to get For a long time. 6. My sister is acquainted with the actor whoplayed the leading part in the play you saw yesterday. 7. What river is the longest in Europe? — Why, what a strange question to ask! Any schoolboy can tell you that it is the Volga. 8. I am aFraidyou will have a lot oF trouble with this business. 9. The day was not bright yesterday. The sky wascovered with clouds.
   65Упражнение 65
I knew a man who had travelled very much in his liFe. He had visited many countries in the east andin the west. He loved children and oFten told them interesting stories. I remember some oF thestories which lie told me. One oF the stories was about an adventure he had had in London. He was ayoung man at that time and was interested in the history oF architecture. One day he visited one oFthe towers oF the Houses oF Parliament. He came out on to the balcony oF the tower and began tolook at the ornaments on the walls. Then lie climbed up on the rooF. Suddenly a man came runningto him and seized him by the arm. He began shouting something in English, but my Friend knew onlya Few words oF English and did not understand him. The Englishman called a policeman. The Fact wasthat he thought that the Russian tourist wanted to kill himselF by jumping From the top oF the tower.Later, when everything became clear, they laughed a lot over it.
    66Упражнение 66
One day a Father and his rich Family took his son on a trip to the country with the Firm purpose oFshowing hi m how poor people can be. They spent a day and a night at the Farm oF a very poorFamily. When they returned From their trip, the Father asked his son, «How was the trip?» «Verygood, Dad!» «Did you see how poor people can be?» the Father asked. «Yeah!» «And what did youlearn?» The son replied: «I saw that we have a dog at home, and they have Four. We have a pool thatreaches to the middle oF the garden; they have a river that has no end. We have imported lamps inthe garden; they have the stars. Our patio reaches to the Front yard; they have a whole horizon.»When a little boy Finished speaking, his Father was speechless. His son added, «Thanks, Dad, Forshowing me how poor we are.»
    67Упражнение 67
The room in which the boys were Fed was a large stone hall, with a copper at one end, out oF whichthe cook took gruel which he put into each bowl at mealtimes. Each boy had one portion oF gruel andno more, and on Sundays they had two ounces and a quarter oF bread besides. The bowls neverneeded washing — the boys polished them with their spoons till they shone again. At last the boysgot so wild with hunger that one boy said he was aFraid he would some night eat the boy who sleptnext to him. The boys believed him. A council was held. Oliver was chosen to go up to the cook thatevening aFter supper and ask For more. The evening arrived, and the boys took their places. The cookstood at the copper. The gruel was served out and disappeared. Then Oliver rose From the table andadvancing to the cook, said in a weak voice, «Please, sir, I want some more.» The cook was a healthyman, but he turned pale. «What?» said he in a trembling voice. The man could not believe his ears.
    68Упражнение 68
Many years ago a London theatre perFormed a play in which there was a great storm on the sea. Inthose days theatres had no machines. That is why the manager engaged several boys to make thewaves oF the sea. They jumped up and down under a big piece oF sea-green cloth. The boys receiveda shilling a night For their work. They worked For several weeks. But then the manager decided to paythem less money — only sixpence a night. So the boys decided to go on strike. During aperFormance, when the storm began, when the wind blew and it was raining, the sea remained calm— there was not a single wave on it. The angry manager liFted once corner oF the «sea» and said tothe boys, «Make waves, boys, make waves !» «Do you want waves For a shilling or For sixpence?»asked a boy in a loud voice. «Oh, For a shilling,» answered the manager. The boys began to jump upand down, and did it so well, that the storm looked quite real.
    69Упражнение 69
In the old days it was necessary For all the parts oF a city to be close together, in order that adeFensive wall might surround it, and the streets, thereFore, were made as narrow as possible. ManyEuropean cities began with walls round them. But in America there was little need For deFensivewalls, and that's why many American cities have been built on a regular plan, modiFied a littleaccording to natural surroundings. The streets in American cities, instead oF having names, arenumbered, and so when one has once understood the plan oF an American city, it is very easy to Find one's way From one part oF it to another. The old part oF New York lies in the southern halF oFManhattan Island, and there the streets are narrow and twisted, as in the towns oF the Old World. Butthe rest oF the streets, with but Few exceptions, all run in straight lines. There is one street in thecity, however, that does not Follow a straight line. And that is Broadway, New York's most Famousstreet. It starts within sight oF the dancing waters oF the harbour and runs between tall skyscrapersin the northwestern direction. This great street is the longest in the world.
   70Упражнение 70
AFrica is a very large continent lying to the south oF Europe and to the southwest oF Asia to which it isjoined by the Isthmus oF Suez. Less than one hundred years ago men knew almost nothing oF t hemiddle oF the continent. Travellers From Europe made long journeys into the centre but they metwith terrible diFFiculties, For the continent is covered with Forests Full oF FearFul wild animals. Sometravellers died oF hunger or thirst or strange illnesses, others were killed by lions, still others bynatives; but nevertheless bold men were Found ready to go along rivers into the heart oF AFrica. Themerchants who came From European countries had much to sell, and here were millions oF peopleready to buy; here was a country, the richness oF which was unimaginable.
    71Упражнение 71
Robert Burns, the son oF a small Farmer in Ayrshire, was born on the 25th oF January, 1759. Hisparents were poor, so Burns did not get a good education. He worked hard as a ploughboy. He wasFond oF reading and always had a ballad book beFore him at dinner. AFter the death oF his FatherRobert and his brother and sisters took over the Farm together. Working in the Fields Burns wrotemany wonderFul songs. However, things became so bad on the Farm, that the poet decided to go toJamaica hoping to get a job on a plantation there. Luckily some Friends helped Burns to publish abook oF poems. The book was noticed and praised highly. In 1786 Burns went to Edinburgh, and hisbook oF poems unlocked the doors oF rich Edinburgh houses to a peasant with such a wonderFultalent. In 1788 he married Jean Armour and spent a peaceFul and happy year. The rest oF his liFestory is a tale oF the poet's hardships. The hard liFe ruined the poet's health, and on the 21st oF July,1796, he died at the age oF thirty-seven.
    72Упражнение 72
«Is there a post oFFice near the house you live in?» «Yes, there is. Go to the corner oF the street alongwhich trams run. Then turn to the leFt and walk a short distance down the street. Do not cross thestreet, oF course. You will see a sign over a door which says «Post and Telegraph OFFice». «Thank youvery much. I am sure I shall Find it without diFFiculty. I must buy (some) stamps, send a telegram andask whether they receive parcels there. I want to send a parcel to an old Friend. It will be her birthdayin a week. Perhaps you can tell me where I can Find a shop that sells nice things that one can give aspresents?» «Yes, certainly. There's a very good shop not Far From here. You can easily walk there in aFew minutes. Go straight down the street that you will see directly in Front oF you when you come outoF the post oFFice till you come to a wide street along which buses and trolleybuses run. Then turn tothe leFt again and almost immediately you will come to a beautiFul shop with big windows Full oF allsorts oF things. I am sure you will Find nice presents there.»
    73Упражнение 73
Until near the end oF the 19th century it was the law in England that iF a man was unable to pay adebt, even a small one, he could be imprisoned. This imprisonment might very well be For liFe, as itwas impossible For the people in prison to work at their ordinary occupations and so make money torepay the sum they had borrowed. IF they had Friends who could bring them materials to work with,they might work with their hands, sewing or making boots, For instance. The great English novelistCharles Dickens knew a great deal about the debtors' prisons From personal experience, For when hewas about ten, his Father was imprisoned For debt, and the whole Family had to go and live with himin the prison because they had nowhere else to live. The mother and the children, however, couldleave the place when they wished; but at ten o'clock every evening the great gates were shut For thenight, and no one could leave or enter until morning. Dickens described the liFe in the debtors'prisons in some oF his novels. It was largely because oF Dickens' sharp criticism that the EnglishGovernment was Finally Forced to do away with debtors' prisons.
    74Упражнение 74
At the beginning oF the 19th century a little boy was born in the Family oF John Dickens, a clerk at anoFFice in Portsmouth, and was named Charles. He had a sister who was older than himselF, and therewere several other children in the Family. When Charles was seven, he was sent to school. He wasnot a strong child. He did not like to play cricket or Football and spent all his Free time reading. In1821 the Family went to London, and little Charles leFt behind him the happiest years oF hischildhood. His Father was in money diFFiculties, and the Family became poorer and poorer. The boyhad to give up his studies. Mr. Dickens was put into a debtors' prison. Little Charles learned to knowall the horrors and cruelty oF a large capitalist city. He had to go to work at a blacking Factory. Heworked there From morning till night. When his Father came out oF prison, Charles was sent to schoolFor some time. Soon he got work as a clerk. Then he learned stenography and became a reporter inParliament. In 1836 at the age oF 24 Charles Dickens published his First book. It was a collection oFstories. The title oF the book was «Sketches by Boz.» These were Followed by «Pickwick Papers» and«Oliver Twist» and many other Famous novels. Charles Dickers is one oF the greatest writers oF the19th century. His novels are now translated into most languages oF the world.
   75Упражнение 75
During the American War oF Independence, the commander oF a small unit oF soldiers was givingorders to his men about a heavy cannon that they were trying to liFt to its place at the top oF someFortiFications. It was almost beyond their power to liFt the weight, and the commander kept shoutingencouraging words. An oFFicer, not in uniForm, was passing by, and he asked the commander why hedid not help the soldiers. Greatly surprised, the man turned round and said proudly, «Sir, I am acorporal!» «Oh, you are, are you?» replied the oFFicer: «I did not know that. I beg your pardon, MrCorporal.» Then he got oFF the horse he was riding and, taking hold oF the rope that the men werepulling at, he pulled with all his strength. And when the cannon was in its place, he turned to thelittle great man and said, «Mr Corporal, when you have another job like this and have not enoughmen, send For your commander in chieF, and I shall gladly come and help you.» The corporal wasstruck with astonishment. The man who had helped his soldiers was George Washington.
    76Упражнение 76
William Shakespeare, the greatest English playwright, was born in 1564 in StratFord-upon-Avon inEngland. StratFord is a small country town in a Farming district near the centre oF England. The Avon,which is a pretty river with grass and trees all along its banks, runs through StratFord. Not much isknown oF Shakespeare's Father. He was a Farmer who, at diFFerent times oF his liFe, sold meat andbought and sold wool. He was poor and was oFten in money diFFiculties. Also very little is knownabout the liFe oF his only son William. The little house in which the great writer was born still stands.It is now a museum. William went to school in StratFord. In 1586 he went to London. Probably theFirst work he did there was at one oF the two theatres that were in London at that time. Then hebecame an actor and soon began to write plays For the company oF actors to which he belonged.Shakespeare bought the largest house in his home town in 1597, but he did not spend much timethere till 1610. He spent the last years oF his liFe mostly in StratFord, but he oFten visited London. Hedied in 1616.
    77Упражнение 77
Last July, my 65-year-old Father was on his daily run. It was an unusually hot day, and he Felt a littlesick, so he stopped to rest in the shade. A passerby asked iF he needed help, but my Father said,«No,» Figuring he'd be able to get home. Minutes later, another person stopped. The man realizedsomething was seriously wrong and called 911. That stranger saved my Father's liFe. Dad suFFered aheart attack and was hospitalized For Five days. I cannot thank that passerby enough For gettinginvolved and helping when it would have been easier to walk away. Now, my Father has many yearsleFt to enjoy his grandchildren. Let everybody be Good Samaritans when they see the need. A liFecould depend on it.
   78Упражнение 78
A young man attempted to rob a store near my oF -Fice. He bought a bag oF potato chips, and whilethe clerk was making change, he attempted to grab the money From the cash register. When theclerk quickly closed the drawer, the man tried to take the cash register but it was so heavy, hecouldn't liFt it. He got angry. There was a rack Full oF cigarettes in the corner oF the store. He decided to grab the cigarettes but the clerk stopped him. The man drove away empty-handed, but wasspotted by the police For driving a stolen car. The police pursued him with lights Flashing and sirensblaring. He was soon arrested and charged with possession oF a stolen vehicle, careless and recklessdriving and speeding. His Fine was set at $2,000. While being escorted, the man asked iF he couldstop near the store and get his potato chips, since he had paid For them. The clerk at the storeidentiFied him as the man who tried to steal the cash register, and he was charged with attemptedrobbery. His Fine was increased to $15,000; he sits in jail awaiting trial.
    79Упражнение 79
1. George Bernard Shaw, a well-known English playwright, was born in Ireland in 1856. He was theson oF a clerk and had to begin working at an early age. At the age oF twenty he moved to Londonwhere he became a journalist. 2. The play «Widowers' Houses» shows the egoism and hypocricy oFsome businessmen who got their proFits From the London slums where the poorest people lived. 3.While travelling in Germany Harry Trench, a young English doctor, got acquainted with Mr Sartorius,a respectable-looking gentleman, and his daughter Blanche. The young people Fell in love with eachother and were going to get married. Trench knew that Sartorius was rich, but he did not know whatkind oF property he had. He learned about it From a conversation with Lickcheese, Sartorius' rentcollector. It turned out that Sartorius was the owner oF some tenements in the London slums, andthat all the property he had was built by getting money out oF the poor people who lived there.Trench was greatly shocked. He did not want to take money From Blanche's Father. But Blanche saidshe could not live on the small income Trench had. They had a quarrel, and Trench leFt the house.AFter some time Trench learned that the land on which Sartorius' houses were built belonged toTrench's aunt and that he himselF was living on the money got in the same way. Everything comesout «all right» in the end: Trench marries Blanche and becomes a partner in Sartorius' business. Theauthor shows that in Fact Trench is no better than Sartorius, Lickcheese and the like.
80Упражнение 80
My husband picks up the local newspaper every morning From a vending machine on our way towork. The other morning, a girl who appeared to be about six was in Front oF him in line, buying thepaper For her mother, who was sitting in the car. The child put the money For one paper in the slotand took two newspapers! My husband said to her, Oh, is this two-For-one day?» The child did notreply. She just took the two newspapers to her mother. This is stealing, pure and simple. I wonderwhat this mother is going to think when her daughter becomes a teen and gets arrested ForshopliFting at the mall? I suppose she'll wonder where her daugter got the idea that it is OK to takesomething without paying For it. The mother missed an opportunity to teach her child right Fromwrong. IF the child took the extra newspaper in error, the mother should have instructed her to put itback. However, iF she put the child up to it — shame on her.
   81Упражнение 81
Three bank robbers got a surprise last night. This is what happened. The three robbers, who all workas cleaners at a hospital, drove up to the bank on Main Street. The three men, wearing masks overtheir Faces, got out oF the car and ran into the bank. Inside the bank, they pointed guns at thecustomers and bank tellers. One oF the men told all the customers to lie down on the Floor. And thenone oF the other men said something like, «Quick, the money! Give me money!» So one oF the tellershanded them some bags. AFter leaving the bank, the three men jumped into their van and drove oFF.One mile down the road, the robbers parked their van next to an ambulance they had parked beForethe robbery. They got into the ambulance and drove oFF. They went straight to their hospital. AFterleaving the ambulance in the hospital parking lot, the three men went together into a small room.There, they opened the bags oF money they had been given — and got a very unpleasant surprise!The bank teller had given the robbers special bags containing bright red ink! The red ink is releasedwhen the bag is opened, and it can't be washed oFF. So suddenly, the men Found themselves coveredin red ink! As the men leFt the room and tried to leave the hospital, an emergency room doctor sawthem and she thought, «Oh God, they're all covered in blood.» So she tried to help them but theyreFused her help and ran oFF. The doctor realized something Funny was going on and she called thepolice. The police caught the robbers — guess where? Outside the bank on Main Street.
    82Упражнение 82
A tsunami is a natural phenomenon consisting oF a series oF waves generated when water in a lakeor the sea is rapidly displaced on a massive scale. It is also a very large dangerous ocean wave caused by an underwater explosion, earthquake, etc. Earthquakes, landslides, volcanic eruptions andlarge meteorite impacts all have the potential to generate a tsunami. The eFFects oF a tsunami canrange From unnoticeable to devastation. The magnitude 9.0 2004 Indian Ocean Earthquake triggereda series oF lethal tsunamis on December 26, 2004 that killed over 310,000 people (more than220,000 in Indonesia alone), making it the deadliest tsunami in recorded history. The tsunami killedpeople over an area ranging From the immediate vicinity oF the quake in Indonesia, Thailand and thenorth-western coast oF Malaysia to thousands oF kilometres away in Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka, theMaldives, and even as Far as Somalia, Kenya and Tanzania in eastern AFrica. The disaster prompted ahuge worldwide eFFort to help victims oF the tragedy, with hundreds oF millions oF dollars being raisedFor disaster relieF.
   83Упражнение 83
A lioness, a tigress, an actress, a poetess, a woman, an aunt, a wiFe, a sister, a grandmother, adaughter, a mistress, a baroness, a countess, a shepherdess, a hostess.
    84Упражнение 84
A lord, a boy, a nephew, Mr Smith, a widower, a steward, a Frenchman, an ox, a king, a prince, aduke, a cock, a Father.
    85Упражнение 85
Pens, classes, stories, roads, days, cats, bushes, desks, tables, plates, Foxes, rooms, ladies, knives,chairs, buses, heroes, matches, ways, houses, Families, Flags, towns, wolves, countries, lions, parks,plays, dictionaries, thieves, keys.
    86Упражнение 86
Babies, plants, lemons, peaches, bananas, brushes, stars, mountains, trees, shillings, kings, thewaiters, the queens, men, the men, women, the women, eyes, shelves, boxes, the cities, boys,geese, the watches, mice, dresses, toys, the sheep, teeth, children, the oxen, deer, the lives,tomatoes, secretaries, crowds, airports, theatres, tornadoes, shops, tragedies.
   87Упражнение 87
These magazines, those stickers, these stamps, those sandwiches, these posters, these teacups,these eggs, those walls, those pictures, these Feet, those mountains, these ladies, those windows,these men, those matches, these knives, these books, these Families, these pies, those answers,those apartments, those teachers, those comedies.
   88Упражнение 88
1. These are spiders. 2. Those are snails. 3. These are stars. 4. These are Film stars. 4. Those arecartoons. 6. These are boys. 7. These are babies. 8. Those are plates. 9. Those are Flowers. 10. Thoseare bookshelves. 11. Are these soFas? 12. Are these bookcases? 13. Are these men? 14. Are thoseballs? 15. Are those trains? 16. Are those planes? 17. Are the windows open? 18. Are the doorsclosed? 19. Are the boys near the window? 20. Those are not kings. 21. Those are not queens. 22.Those are not buses. 23. These aren't mountains. 24. Those aren't geese. 25. These aren't mice. 26.They are sheep. 27. They are cigarettes. 28. They are cats. 29. They are not girls. 30. They aren'tbags. 31. They aren't trees. 32. They are not bad eggs. 33. They are good eggs. 34. Are thoseFlowers? 35. Are these roses? 36. These are pots.
    89Упражнение 89
1. These men are engineers. 2. Those women are my sisters. 3. These children are my sons. 4. Thosegeese are big. 5. These mice are white. 6. These men are doctors. 7. Those women are my cousins.They are teachers. 8. Those girls are my nieces. They are pupils. 9. These girls have blue sweaters.10. These boys have warm coats. 11. My uncles have large Flats. 12. There are some tables in theroom. 13. We have good pens. Our pens are in our pockets. 14. There are some Flowers in the vase.15. These children's Feet are sore. 16. These cups are dirty. 17. Those books are dull. 18. These hotels are very expensive but they are very nice. 19. There are children's playgrounds in the park.20. Those are new supermarkets in our town. 21. They are delicious lemon pies For dessert. 22. Theyare nice cotton dresses For my nieces.
   90Упражнение 90
1. Those phones in the oFFice are out oF order. 2. Those blouses are made oF silk. 3. These areexcellent paintings. 4. His books are very popular and they really interest me. 5. They are diFFicultwords to write. 6. My sons are journalists and they have been very successFul. 7. These purses aren'tmade oF leather. 8. Those are my neighbours' cars. 9. Have they got cameras? 10. They are newcassette recorders. 11. These rooms are very large. 12. There are some matches in the box. 13.There are knives over there. 14. There are (some) men and women in the street. 15. These ladies arethose gentlemen's wives. 16. These shoes are too large For my Feet. 17. The children are sitting on abench. 18. My teeth are white. 19. These keys are made oF steel. 20. Potatoes are vegetables andcherries are Fruit. 21. These are my Friends' studies. 22. Our chieFs are very competent.
   91Упражнение 91
1. These are my stockings. 2. They have new suits. 3. These metals are very hard. 4. Those ships areRussian ones. 5. We heard their voices. 6. Their dogs do not like bread. 7. The plates were on thetable. 8. These towns aren't very large. 9. We saw them at the tram stop yesterday. 10. Are thosegirls your sisters? 11. We shall give you our books. 12. These stories will be unusual ones. 13. Arethese good matches? 14. The boys put their books on the desks. 15. They took oFF their hats. 16.Those houses are new. 17. The young men put their hands in their pockets. 18. Are these studentscoming with us, too? 19. The women didn't say anything. 20. Do they speak English? 21. The policeoFFicers have caught the thieves. 22. They are holding the children hostige.
    92Упражнение 92
1. They are very diFFicult questions to answer. 2. We think we'll have those cakes on the right. 3.Look at those pumpkins! They are the biggest ones we've seen this year. 4. Are these your scarves?5. Those were cookie jars. 6. What are those children's names? 7. The cats have caught mice. 8.There were ladies, gentlemen, boys, and girls in the room. 9. In the Farmyard we could see oxen,sheep, cows, and geese. 10. Are these workers Englishmen or Germans? — They are Frenchmen. 11.Why don't you eat these potatoes? 12. These strawberries are still green. 13. The withered leaveshave Fallen to the ground. 14. Can you see birds in those trees? 15. Do your teeth still ache? 16. Iheld up my Feet to the Fire to warm them. 17. Their children study very well. 18. These men work atour oFFice. 19. There are some new houses in our street. 20. These stories are very exciting. 21. Ihave hurt my Feet. 22. The wolves have been shot. 23. They keep their toys in boxes. 24. Put theseknives on those tables.
    93Упражнение 93
1. These are birds. 2. Are those also birds? — No, they aren't. Those are cats. 3. Are those goodhorses? — Yes, they are. 4. Are those cows big or small? — They are big. 5. These are apples andthose are Flowers. 6. Where are the coins? — They are in the box. 7. What colour are the boxes? —They are green. 8. What are they made oF? — They are made oF wood. 9. What are those men? —They are clerks. 10. Are they in the oFFice? — Yes, they are. 11. Are those women typists? — No, theyaren't. — What are they? — They are doctors. 12. Are his brothers at home? — Yes, they are. 13.These houses have balconies looking out on the street. 14. The architecture oF these buildings isquite modern. 15. These are new districts oF St Petersburg. 16. There are (some) shops, cinemas andtheatres in the new districts. 17. They are retired workers. 18. We are drivers. 19. We hear thesounds oF children's voices. 20. They are nice girls. 21. They are noisy boys.
    94Упражнение 94
1. The dog's ball. 2. That man's skateboard. 3. The children's songs. 4. The grandmother's umbrella.5. My Friend's room. 6. My son's questions. 7. My brother's wiFe. 8. Our teacher's table. 9. Pushkin'spoems. 10. This girl's voice. 11. The workers' new club. 12. Pete's letter. 13. My parents' car. 14. Thiswoman's liFe. 15. These women's handbags. 16. My sister's Flat is large. 17. My brother's children areat home. 18. The boys' room is large. 19. This girl's name is Jane. 20. These students' work isinteresting. 21. My son's computer is modern. 22. He was my cousins' Friend.
   95Упражнение 95
1. The cat's eyes are green. 2. The children's toys are in a big box. 3. My Father's birthday is in May.4. What a coincidence! This is my mother's Favourite cake. 5. I love my husband's books. 6. What isthat young man's name? 7. He showed me his sister's letter. 8. She took her brother's skates. 9. Giveme your pupils' exercise books. 10. Bring the children's things. 11. Yesterday the children Found abird's nest. 12. This is my Friend's Family. My Friend's Father is an engineer. My Friend's mother is ateacher. 13. Whose bag is this? — It is Tom's bag. 14. Whose dictionaries are these? — They are thestudents' dictionaries. 15. Have you seen our teacher's book? 16. I like this boy's handwriting. 17. I(can) hear my sister's voice. 18. She opened the window and heard the children's laughter and cries.19. She put the boys' wet boots near the stove. 20. This is our grandmother's armchair. 21. I thinkthe student's answer is excellent. 22. My husband knows a lot about Agatha Christie's detectivenovels. 23. Sunday was Diana's birthday. 24. We watched TV at my Friend's house last night. 25.Lisa's dog jumped into the pond (pool) with us.
   96Упражнение 96
1. some. 2. any. 3. no (some). 4. any, some. 5. any, any. 6. any, some. 7. any, some. 8. any, some. 9.some. 10. no. 11. any. 12. any, some. 13. no. 14. any. B.
1. some, some, some, some, some. 2.some, any. 3. any, any. 4. any. 5. some, some, some, some; any, any. 6. any. 7. no.
    97Упражнение 97
1. any. 2. some. 3. some. 4. any. 5. no. 6. some (no). 7. any. 8. no. 9. some. 10. any. 11. no. 12.some. 13. some. 14. some. 15. some. 16. some. 17. any, some. 18. any. 19. some (no). 20. no.
  98Упражнение 98
1. no. 2. some; some. 3. any; any. 4. some. 5. some. 6. any. 7. V. 8. any. 9. some. 10. any. 11. V, V.12. some. 13. V, V. 14. some. 15. V. 16. any. 17. some. 18. any. 19. some. 20. V. 21. any, some. 22.V.
   99Упражнение 99
1. everything. 2. anything. 3. something. 4. nothing, something. 5. anything, nothing. 6. anything,everything. 7. anything. 8. everything. 9. anything. 10. nothing. 11. something. 12. anything. 13.everything. 14. something. 15. everything.
100Упражнение 100
1. anything. 2. everything. 3. something. 4. everything. 5. anything. 6. nothing. 7. anything, nothing.8. something. 9. anything, something. 10. something. 11. everything. 12. something. 13. anything.14. nothing. 15. nothing.
  101Упражнение 101
1. anybody. 2. everybody. 3. somebody, nobody. 4. everybody, everybody. 5. somebody. 6. nobody.7. anybody. 8. everybody. 9. anybody. 10. somebody. 11. nobody. 12. anybody. 13. everybody. 14.anybody. 15. somebody. 16. nobody. 17. somebody. 18. somebody. 19. nobody. 20. anybody. 21.anybody. 22. everybody.
  102Упражнение 102
1. any. 2. no. 3. anything. 4. any. 5. anything. 6. any. 7. anybody. 8. any. 9. nobody. 10. anything.11. anything, anything. 12. any. 13. no. 14. no.
  103Упражнение 103
1. They have done nothing. They haven't done anything. Have they done anything? 2. He has giventhem no money. He hasn't given them any money. Has he given them any money? 3. You have brought nothing For us. You haven't brought anything For us. Have you brought anything For us? 4. Ihave taken no English books From you. I haven't taken any English books From you. Have I taken anyEnglish books From you? 5. She was reading nothing. She wasn't reading anything. Was she readinganything? 6. He has written no letters to anybody. He hasn't written a letter to anybody. Has hewritten a letter to anybody? 7. Nobody by the name oF Petrov lives on the third Floor. Does anybodyby the name oF Petrov live on the third Floor? 8. They have no English books. They haven't anyEnglish books. Have they any English books? 9. There are no tall trees in Front oF their house. Therearen't any tall trees in Front oF their house. Are there any tall trees in Front oF their house? 10. Peterhas nothing in his box. Peter hasn't anything in his box. Has Peter anything in his box? 11. There areno parks in this town. There aren't any parks in this town. Are there any parks in this town? 12. Thereare no good bookshops in our district. There aren't any good bookshops in our district. Are there anygood bookshops in our district?
  104Упражнение 104
1. I didn't say anything. Not a word. 2. Everybody wanted to get Yuri Gagarin's autograph. 3.Everything I have belongs to you. 4. Is there anybody in the canteen? 5. There is nobody in thegarden. 6. Is there anybody in our room? 7. There is somebody there. 8. There is nobody there. 9. Isthere anybody in the library? 10. Is there anything behind the curtain? — No, there is nothing there.11. There is something in the bag. 12. Is there anybody in the house? — Yes, there is somebodythere. 13. Is there anything under the table? — Yes, there is something there. 14. There is nothingthere. 15. Is there anybody in the doctor's consulting room? — No, there is nobody there. 16. Thereare some books in English in our library. 17. Are there any books by Jack London in your library? 18.My uncle wants to tell me something. 19. The next day my brother knew everybody. 20. IF you wantto eat something, go to the dining car. 21. Tell us everything about your journey. 22, Is thereanything I can do For you?
  105Упражнение 105
1. some, any. 2. no. 3. something. 4. any. 5. no, some (some, no). 6. anything, nothing. 7. anything.8. nobody. 9. somebody (nobody). 10. anybody. 11. any, something, some. 12. anybody, any. 13.some. 14. anybody.
  106Упражнение 106
1. anywhere. 2. somewhere. 3. nowhere. 4. everywhere. 5. anywhere. 6. anywhere, somewhere. 7.anywhere. 8. somewhere, anywhere, everywhere. 9. somewhere. 10. anywhere. 11. somewhere. 12.anywhere, somewhere. 13. everywhere.
  107Упражнение 107
1. There is something round on the table. What is it? 2. Nobody knows anything about it. 3. There aremany parks in the town. There are trees and Flowers everywhere. 4. There is somebody in that room.5. Ann lives somewhere in this district. 6. I don't know anybody in this town. 7. Give me something toeat, please. 8. Does anybody know our teacher's address? 9. Everything is all right. 10. Doesanybody want to watch TV? 11. We heard this song everywhere. 12. He is somewhere in the garden.13. Kate isn't here. We've looked For her everywhere, but we can't Find her anywhere. Has anybodyseen Kate? — Here she is. Nobody knows anything about her and she is sitting on a bench reading abook.
  108Упражнение 108
1. some. 2. no. 3. any. 4. no. 5. no. 6. some.
1. nobody. 2. nobody. 3. somebody (nobody). 4.anybody. 5. anybody. 6. nobody.
1. anywhere. 2. somewhere. 3. anywhere, nowhere. 4. nowhere.5. anywhere, somewhere. 6. nowhere.
  109Упражнение 109
1. everything, nothing. 2. something. 3. nothing. 4. everything. 5. some, some. 6. some. 7. some,nothing. 8. no. 9. anything, anybody, something. 10. anybody. 11. everybody. 12. no. 13. any. 14.any, anything, every. 15. nobody. 16. everybody (everything). 17. everything. 18. nothing(something). 19. anything.
  110Упражнение 110
1. anything, anything, nothing, nothing, anything, nothing, anything, anybody. 2. everybody, some,some, anything, nothing. 3. everybody, some, some, anything, anybody, nothing, nobody. 4.everything, everything, nobody. 5. anywhere, nowhere.
  111Упражнение 111
1. any, any. 2. anything, no, some, some. 3. any, any, no. 4. any, no (some). 5. no. 6. anything. 7. no(some). 8. any, any, no. 9. some. 10. anything, nothing. 11. any. 12. any. 13. some. 14. anybody. 15.any. 16. any. 17. nobody, anything. 18. no (some).
  112Упражнение 112
1. the. 2. some. 3. any. 4. V. 5. no. 6. some. 7. the. 8. V. 9. the. 10. any. 11. S. 12. V 13. the. 14.some. 15. the. 16. some. 17. the. 18. V. 19. A 20. no. 21. the. 22. the. 23. V. 24. A 25. the. 26. some.27. V. 28. a. 29. the.
  113Упражнение 113
1. a) some, some, b) a, the, some, V. 2. a) some, b) the. c) V. 3. a) V. b) some. 4. a) V. b) some, c)the. 5. a) some, b) the c) some. 6. a) a. b) the.
  114Упражнение 114
1. the, a, a, the. 2. the. 3. the, a, the. 4. a. 5. V, V 6. some. 7. the. 8. V 9. a, V. 10. V. 11. some, the.12. V, V. 13. a, the. 14. some. 15. the. 16. V. 17. a. 18. V, V, an, V
  115Упражнение 115
1. no, the, some. 2. any. 3. some. 4. the, the. 5. any, the. 6. V, the. 7. a, V. 8. V 9. some, some. 10.some. 11. V, V. 12. V, the. 13. the, the. 14. the, the. 15. some. 16. the. 17. the, the. 18. no, the, the,some, the. 19. V. 20. some. 21. a, V, V. 22. a. 23. any, any. 24. S9 a, V.
  116Упражнение 116
Many exercise books, much milk, much water, many days, many newspapers, much chalk, muchsnow, many years, many pictures, much music, many boys, many girls, much tea, many lemons,much meat, many rooms, many teachers, much work, much air, many birds, many cars.
  117Упражнение 117
1. many. 2. much. 3. much. 4. much, many. 5. much. 6. many, much. 7. much. 8, many. 9. many,many. 10. many. 11. much. 12. much. 13. many. 14. much. 15. many. 16. much. 17. much. 18.many. 19. many. 20. much. 21. many. 22. much.
  118Упражнение 118
Few houses, little tea, Few cups, Few apples, Few windows, little paper, little coFFee, Few articles, littlejoy, little soup, Few trees, little grass, Few children, Few toys, little light, Few desks, little sausage,little juice, Few books, Few Flowers, little salt, Few Friends, Few palaces.
  119Упражнение 119
1. Few. 2. little. 3. little. 4. Few. 5. little. 6. Few. 7. little; Few. 8. little. 9. Few. 10. little. 11. Few. 12. Few.13. little. 14. Few. 15. little. 16. Few.
120Упражнение 120
1. many. 2. much. 3. little, much. 4. Few. 5. much, many, little. 6. much, much. 7. little. 8. Few. 9.much. 10. little. 11. many. 12. many, much.
  121Упражнение 121
A little money, little money, a Few chairs, Few chairs, a Few songs, Few songs, a little Fun, little Fun,Few boys, a little water, a Few people, little water, little air, Few tables, a Few minutes, a Few cats,little grass, a little luck, a Few days, little work, a little salt, a Few spoons, little light, Few windows, aFew cars, a little sugar, Few eggs, little cheese.
  122Упражнение 122
1. a little. 2. a Few. 3. a little. 4. a Few, a Few, a little. 5. a Few. 6. a Few. 7. a little. 8. a Few. 9. a Few.10. a little. 11. a Few. 12. a little. 13. a Few, a little, a Few. 14. a Few. 15. a little. 16. a little. 17. a Few.18. a Few, a little. 19. a Few. 20. a little. 21. a little.
  123Упражнение 123
1. little. 2. a little. 3. a little. 4. little. 5. little. 6. a Few. 7. Few. 8. a little. 9. a Few. 10. Few. 11. little.12. a Few. 13. a little. 14. Few.
  124Упражнение 124
1. a little. 2. much, little. 3. a Few. 4. Few. 5. a little, a Few. 6. a Few. 7. a little, a little. 8. Few. 9. alittle. 10. a Few. 11. a little. 12. a little. 13. many, much. 14. much. 15. much. 16. a little. 17. little.
  125Упражнение 125
Hotter, the hottest; longer, the longest; cleverer, the cleverest; sillier, the silliest; greater, thegreatest; redder, the reddest; blacker, the blackest; whiter, the whitest; thinner, the thinnest;thicker, the thickest; Fatter, the Fattest; nicer, the nicest; warmer, the warmest; colder, the coldest;merrier, the merriest; smaller, the smallest; taller, the tallest; higher, the highest; weaker, theweakest; stronger, the strongest; heavier, the heaviest; lighter, the lightest; greener, the greenest;drier, the driest; cleaner, the cleanest; dirtier, the dirtiest; wider, the widest; deeper, the deepest;braver, the bravest.
  126Упражнение 126
Old, older, the oldest, the eldest, my elder brother, my old Friend, Farther, the Farthest, the longest,shorter, happy, happier, the happiest, the best, the blackest, longer, worse, better, warmer, her bestFriend, her younger son, his elder son.
  127Упражнение 127
1. a. I know an interesting story. b. He knows a more interesting story, с She knows the mostinteresting story. 2. a. It is a long way. b. It is a longer way. с It is the longest way. 3. a. Her work isvery important, b. His work is more important. с My work is the most important. 4. a. It is a bad song.b. It is a worse song. c. It is the worst song. 5. a. He is a good engineer, b. He is a better engineer, сHe is the best engineer. 6. a. He brought her a beautiFul Flower. b. He brought her a more beautiFulFlower. c. Не brought her the most beautiFul Flower. 7. a. He told us about a happy man. b. He told usabout a happier man. c. Не told us about the happiest man.
  128Упражнение 128
1. It is a very easy problem. Give me a more diFFicult problem. 2. In summer the days are long andthe nights are short. 3. The 22nd oF June is the longest day. 4. In July the days are shorter. 5. InDecember the days are the shortest. 6. A «Four» is a good mark, but a «Five» is better. 7. A «Five» isthe best mark. 8. The worst mark is a «two». 9. Your dress is very beautiFul, oF course, but my dress is more beautiFul. 10. My Father is a tall man. 11. It is a warmer coat. 12. I think our English teacherwas very patient. 13. Our old doctor was very busy. Our new doctor is even busier. 14. My Germanteacher is the most energetic person. 15. We know your neighbour is a very boring man. 16. I thinkyour grandFather is the most generous person I've ever met. 17. Ronald's watch is accurate, but hisaunt's watch is more accurate. 18. She bought her watch in Switzerland because she thinks Swisswatches are the most accurate in the world. 19. That Film on TV is much worse than today's. 20.What's the Funniest TV programme? 21. Those were the happiest days in her liFe.
  129Упражнение 129
1. В. delicious, more delicious, A. the most delicious. 2. bigger. 3. smaller. 4. the highest. 5. wider. 6.large. 7. larger. 8. the biggest. 9. the largest. 10. the oldest. 11. greater. 12. the most beautiFul.
  130Упражнение 130
1. Английский язык такой же трудный, как и немецкий. 2. Мое сочинение не такое длинное,как твое. 3. Сегодня не так тепло, как было вчера. 4. Дом, в котором живет его тетя, такой жестарый, как и дом, в котором живет его дядя. 5. Его квартира не такая роскошная, как ее, ноона гораздо больше. 6. Джонни не такой богатый, как Дон, но он моложе и гораздосчастливее. 7. Моя собака не такая дружелюбная, как твоя. 8. Ты можешь есть столько,сколько хочешь. 9. Футбольный матч не такой захватывающий, как хоккейный. 10. Этот отельне такой дешевый, как мы ожидали. 11. Его песни не такие популярные, как песни «Битлз».12. Ее брат такой же интеллигентный, как и его жена.
  131Упражнение 131
1. as...as. 2. so...as (as...as). 3. as...as. 4. so...as (as...as). 5. as...as. 6. as...as. 7. as...as. 8. so...as(as...as). 9. so...as (as...as). 10. as...as. 11. as...as. 12. as .,. as. 13. so...as (as...as).
  132Упражнение 132
1. Не isn't as tired as she is (as her). 2. Exercise two is as diFFicult as exercise three. 3. She thinksboxing is as dangerous as wrestling. 4. This house is as high as that one. 5. Today the water in theriver is not so warm as yesterday. 6. You are not so clever as Father. 7. India is not so large as China.8. The Thames is as beautiFul as the Neva. 9. His grandmother is not so old as his grandFather. 10.Apples are as tasty as plums, but not so tasty as pears. 11. Is the Russian Museum as rich as theHermitage? 12. Derzhavin is not so Famous as Pushkin. 13. The Dnieper is not so long as the Volga.14. Last year August was as hot as July. 15. He isn't as old as me (as I am). 16. She is as generous asher grandmother. 17. His car is as comFortable as yours. 18. The exam wasn't as diFFicult as weexpected. 19. He is as strong as his brother. 20. This computer isn't as expensive as I expected. 21.Her son is as polite as her (as she is). 22. This work is as interesting as yours.
  133Упражнение 133
1. This work is easier than that one. 2. This novel is more exciting than that one. 3. Andrew Mironovwas a more talented actor than all others. 4. These people are nicer, more polite, more hospitablethan those. 5. This house is higher than that one. 6. Today the water in the river is colder thanyesterday. 7. Father is cleverer than you (are). 8. China is larger than India. 9. His grandmother isyounger than his grandFather. 10. Pears are tastier than apples. 11. Our cat is smaller than our dog.12. My brother is younger than me. 13. Last year February was colder than January. 14. The Dnieperis shorter than the Volga. 15. The Hermitage is richer than the Russian Museum.
  134Упражнение 134
1. Новый кинотеатр в нашем районе гораздо больше, чем старый. 2. Он является одним изсамых опасных преступников в мире. 3. Невский проспект гораздо красивее, чем наша улица.4. Наш дом не такой большой, как ваш. 5. Это самая смешная история, которую я когда-либослышал. 6. Ей становится лучше. А это самое важное. 7. Какой у тебя рост? Ты выше меня. 8.Она чувствовала себя такой же сильной, как и ее брат. 9. Мы отправились раньше вас. 10. Онбыл осторожнее меня. 11. Этот студент самый внимательный в нашей группе. 12. Мне нужнопальто потеплее. 13. Он так же устал, как и ты. 14. Он был одним из самых опытных рабочихна фабрике. 15. Лучше поздно, чем никогда. 16. Она была не такая привлекательная, как ее мать. 17. Его работа не такая трудная, как моя. 18. Он был самым старшим в семье. 19. В мореплавать легче, чем в реке. 20. Это самая маленькая комната в нашей квартире.
  135Упражнение 135
1. healthier. 2. clean. 3. the worst. 4. taller. 5. larger. 6. shorter. 7. the highest. 8. better. 9. higher.10. the most beautiFul. 11. better. 12. longer. 13. shorter. 14. colder. 15. more diFFicult. 16. easier.17. busy. 18. cold. 19. Fond. 20. colder. 21. the most interesting. 22. the coldest. 23. worse. 24. thehottest. 25. the most beautiFul. 26. the best.
  136Упражнение 136
1. greyer. 2. the Fattest. 3. heavier, heavier. 4. the tallest. 5. most attentive. 6. colder, yellower. 7.the most beautiFul. 8. better, good, better, the best. 9. lighter. 10. drier. 11. Faster. 12. nice, nicer.13. angrier, angrier. 14. harder, harder. 15. the tallest. 16. more careFul. 17. quiet, quieter. 18.delicious.
  137Упражнение 137
1. This is the most valuable painting in the Russian Museum. 2. My computer isn't as new as myFriend's. 3. Our exams are much more diFFicult than yours. 4. The building oF Moscow University is thetallest in the capital. 5. Our town is not so big as Kiev, but it is as beautiFul. 6. Nevsky Prospect is oneoF the most beautiFul streets in St Petersburg. 7. Who is the youngest pupil in our group? — Petrov(is). But he is the tallest. 8. English grammar is diFFicult, but English pronunciation is more diFFicult. 9.The shops in our street are larger than the shops in your street. 10. Our TV set is as new as this one.11. This room is lighter than that one. 12. Today the weather is worse than yesterday. It is coldertoday and it is raining. 13. My room is not so large as my Friend's room, but it is lighter and warmer.14. Which oF these books is the most interesting? 15. November is not such a cold month as January.16. My Father is a very busy man. 17. The Crimea is one oF the best places For rest. 18. Today heFeels much better.
  138Упражнение 138
1. on. 2. in. 3. on. 4. into. 5. on. 6. into. 7. on, in. 8. in. 9. into, on. 10. in. 11. on, into. 12. in. 13. into.14. on. 15. on. 16. into, on. 17. on. 18. into, on, in, on, on, on, on, on. 19. into, into, on, into.
  139Упражнение 139
1. Go to the blackboard. 2. Write the date on the blackboard. 3. Hang the picture on the blackboard.4. She poured some water into the vase and put the Flowers into it. Then she went to the window andput the vase on the windowsill. 5. The teacher is standing at the blackboard. He is writing a sentenceon the blackboard. The pupils are sitting at the desks. They are writing this sentence in their exercisebooks. 6. Nick went into the kitchen and sat down at the table. His mother was standing at the stove.She went up to the table, put a cup on the table and poured some tea into the cup. 7. We gatheredmany mushrooms in the woods. 8. Masha opened the door and went into the house. There wasnobody in the house: the bears were in the woods. In the room Masha saw a table. She went up tothe table. On the table she saw three plates. 9. Kate was in the room. She was standing at thebookcase. 10. There was a thick carpet on the Floor. The children sat down on the carpet and beganplaying. 11. Where are the boys? — They are playing in the yard. 12. It is winter now. There is snowon the ground. There is ice on the river. 13. She went up to the blackboard, took the chalk and beganwriting on the blackboard. 14. The butter is on the table. Put it into the reFrigerator. And now sitdown at the table. There is (some) juice in this glass. Drink it and put the glass on the shelF. 15.Where is your pen? — It is in my pocket. 16. Put a handkerchieF into your pocket. 17. He jumped intothe river and quickly swam to the island.
140Упражнение 140
In the kitchen, at the port, at the swimming pool, in the park, in the wood, at the theatre, in thegarden, at the library, in the river, at the shop, in the glass, in the room, at the cinema, in the snow,at school, in the classroom, in the house, in the cup, at the museum, in the ocean.
  141Упражнение 141
On the shelF, on the windowsill, on the bench, at the plant, on the wall, at the railway station, on theplatForm, on the Floor, on the rooF, at the exhibition, at the stop, on the ground, at the concert, on theblackboard, at the lesson, on the bridge, at the stadium, on the snow, on the grass, at work.
  142Упражнение 142
1. Where is Nick? — He is at the lecture. 2. Father goes to work every day. 3. Yesterday Father was atwork and mother was at home. 4. Yesterday I went to the library. I borrowed a very interesting bookat the library. 5. Kate was sitting at the table. There were books and exercise books on the table. HerFather went up to the table and put a vase on the table. He put some Flowers into the vase. 6.Yesterday we went to the exhibition. We saw a lot oF paintings at the exhibition. 7. Where is Tom? —He is at the stadium. He always goes to the stadium on Sunday. And his sister goes to the swimmingpool. She is at the swimming pool now. 8. Do you like to go to the theatre? 9. When we came to therailway station, we put our things on the platForm and sat down on a bench. Mother went to the shopand bought some lemonade. 10. At the lesson yesterday the teacher said to me, «There are twomistakes on the blackboard. Go to the blackboard and correct the mistakes!» 11. Were you at theconcert yesterday? — No, we worked at the library and then we went to the park. We played in thepark and then we sat on the grass. 12. Put the book into the bag and go to the blackboard. 13. Thereare many children in the yard today. 14. There are many students at the lecture today.
  143Упражнение 143
1. I went to the garden. 2. I went into the garden. 3. We went to the Forest. 4. We went into theForest. 5. Go to the classroom. 6. Go into the classroom. 7. Go to the park. 8. Go into the park. 9. Shewent to the kitchen. 10. She went into the kitchen. 11. Don't go to the shop. 12. Don't go into theshop. 13. She ran to the yard. 14. She ran into the yard.
  144Упражнение 144
1. In winter I usually go to bed at ten o'clock because I go to school and have to get up early. But insummer, when I don't go to school and live in the country, I like to go to bed late. 2. Do you like toread in bed? 3. We did not want to stay in town on such a hot day, so we went to the country. 4. It isvery late. Go to bed at once. 5. Where is your little sister? — She is in bed. Mother always puts her tobed at eight o'clock. 6. In summer my mother does not go to work and I do not go to school. We livein the country. My Father goes to work every day, so he stays in town. But sometimes he comes tothe counry aFter work and goes back to town early in the morning, when I am still in bed.
  145Упражнение 145
1. In summer they always go to the south. 2. My Father works at a plant and my mother works at alibrary. My elder brother studies at a university and I go to school. In the morning Father goes to theplant, mother goes to the library, my brother goes to the university and I go to school. Ourgrandmother usually goes to the shop in the morning. In the shop she buys FoodstuFFs. 3. My Friendlives in the north. 4. We spent the summer in the south. 5. It was very hot in town, and we decided togo to the country. AFter breakFast we went to the railway station. At the railway station there weremany people. The people were standing on the platForm and waiting For the train. It was wonderFul inthe country. At First we went to the woods. It was hot, but when we went into the woods, it becamecool. Then we went up to a river. We swam in the river, and grandmother was sitting on the grass atthe river. In the evening we went to town. 6. Vladivostok is situated in the Far East. 7. Yesterday wewere at the theatre. 8. The day beFore yesterday we were in the park. 9. Tomorrow we shall go to thecinema or to the museum. 10. Where is your brother? — He is in the room, standing at the window.11. Where is your sister? — She is at school. 12. Where is the child? — He is in bed. Mother put himto bed halF an hour ago. 13. Where is your Father? — He is at work. 14. Where is your grandFather? —He is in the park. 15. Where is Nick? — He is at the stadium.
  146Упражнение 146
At Four o'clock, at halF past Five, at a quarter to three, at sunset, at a quarter past Four, at midnight,at Five minutes past Five, at ten minutes to two, at noon, at sunrise, at twenty-Five minutes past two.
  147Упражнение 147
1. at, at. 2. on, at, at, at. 3. on. 4. on. 5. on. 6. on. 7. at. 8. at. 9. at. 10. at, at.
  148Упражнение 148
Last month my aunt didn't go to work. She got up at ten o'clock and went to bed at midnight. SheoFten went to the theatre and to the cinema. But this month she gets up at sunrise because she goesto work again. She works at our university. The academic year at the university begins in Septemberand Finishes in May. In January and June students take exams. My aunt goes to the university onTuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday. On Monday she always works at the library. On Fridayshe usually goes to the country. She gets up at seven o'clock and goes to the railway station. Shespends the whole day in the country and returns to town at sunset. Next week my aunt will go toLondon and next year she will go to New York.
  149Упражнение 149
1. On the Fourth oF June we shall go to the country. 2. I like to go to the park in autumn. 3. This weekwe shall meet our Friends at the airport. The plane arrives at seven o'clock in the evening. I thinkthat we shall go to bed only at midnight. 4. Last winter he oFten went to the skating rink on Sundays.5. Last week we went to the Russian Museum. 6. In summer the sun rises early in the morning andsets late in the evening. 7. Last summer we went to the south. When we were in the south, we wentto the sea every day. We got up at sunrise and bathed in the sea. At noon we had dinner and rested.In the evening we went to the park. At sunset we oFten went to the sea and returned home at halFpast ten or at eleven. 8. Next year we shall go to the Far East. 9. Next week I shall go to the theatre.10. Dickens was born in 1812.
  150Упражнение 150
At Five o'clock, by Five o'clock, since Five o'clock, at noon, by noon, since noon, since midnight, bymidnight, at midnight, since last year, last year, this year, by 2019, by the twentieth oF February, onthe twentieth oF February, since morning, by night, at night, by the First oF November, in November,since summer, on Tuesday, by Friday, at halF past two, by tomorrow, at sunrise, by spring, in spring,last spring, since last spring, by winter, next year, by next year, since yesterday.
  151Упражнение 151
1. I haven't heard this song since last winter. 2. She hasn't been to the theatre since last month. 3.We haven't spoken about it since last week. 4. You haven't approached the piano since Monday. 5. Itis already evening, and you haven't done anything since three o'clock. 6. We haven't been toMoscow since 1999. 7. He hasn't written to us since last year. 8. I haven't seen him since yesterday.9. She hasn't eaten since morning. 10. We haven't played Football since summer.
  152Упражнение 152
1. He will come in an hour. 2. Wait a little, please, I shall return in a Few minutes. 3. We shall Finishschool in a Few years. 4. In two or three years everything will change. 5. I haven't been to Estoniasince 2005. Next summer I shall go there. I shall spend the whole summer there and return to StPetersburg by the First oF September. 6. Last Sunday we got up at sunrise and by seven o'clock wewere ready to go. At ten minutes past seven we started. We went to the bus stop. There were Fewpeople at the stop: on Sunday people don't like to get up at sunrise. The bus came up to the stop inten minutes. We went to the railway station. In halF an hour we were at the railway station. On theplatForm we met our Friends. In an hour we were already in the country. We went to the woods. Itwas hot, but when we went into the woods, it became cool. We spent the whole day in the countryand returned to town at sunset.
  153Упражнение 153
1. to, oF. 2. oF. 3. oF. 4. to. 5. to. 6. to, oF, oF, to, oF, to. 7. oF, to. 8. to, oF. 9. oF. 10. to. 11. oF. 12. oF, to.13. oF. 14. to. 15. oF. 16. oF.
  154Упражнение 154
1. by. 2. with. 3. by. 4. with. 5. by. 6. with. 7. by. 8. with. 9. by. 10. by. 11. with. 12. with. 13. by. 14.with. 15. by.
  155Упражнение 155
1. to, to, at, V. 2. about, at, to, V. 3. V, at, Z. 4. oF, V, to, For. 5. oF. 6. oF. 7. V. 8. at. 9. to. 10. For, in.11. to, oF. 12. oF. 13. to, For, to, to, oF, in, to, V._ 14. V, oF, at, by. 15. about. 16. oF, V, oF. 17. at, V, to,on, at, oF, to.
  156Упражнение 156
1. Walk along this corridor, turn the corner at the end oF the corridor and go into the First room. 2. InFive minutes everybody was sitting at the table and listening to their grandmother. 3. He looked atthe boats sailing down the river. 4. Last year we travelled about Europe. 5. He was walking along thestreet and looking at the Faces oF the passersby. 6. The dog ran up to the river, jumped into thewater, swam across the river and ran into the woods. 7. He crossed the street and entered the caFe.8. She was walking about the room. 9. They sailed across the southern seas. 10. Walk along this pathacross the Field and through the wood, and in two or three hours you will come up to a river. 11.They were walking about the town From sunrise till sunset, talked to many people, looked at splendidpalaces and monuments. In the evening they returned to the hotel tired but pleased. 12. TomSawyer jumped over the Fence and ran along the street. In a Few seconds he turned the corner anddisappeared.
  157Упражнение 157
1. is, is. 2. is, is. 3. is, is. 4. are, am. 5. am. 6. is, is. 7. is, is. 8. are, are, are. 9. is, is. 10. are, am. 11.is, is, is. 12. is, is. 13. is, is. 14. is. 15. is, is. 16. is. 17. is. 18. is. 19. is. 20. is, are, is, is, is, is, is, is.
  158Упражнение 158
1. What's your name? — My name is Ann. 2. What's your address? — My address is 45 OxFord Street.3. Where are you From? — I'm From London. 4. Who is he (in this photograph?) — He is my Father. 5.What is his name? — His name is John. 6. Where is he? — He is in London. 7. I am Lena and this isNick. He is my brother. He is ten (years old) and I am twelve (years old). We are From St Petersburg.8. I am a pupil. I am at school. 9. My brother is a painter. He is not an engineer. 10. My sister is atwork. She is a doctor. 11. He is a student. 12. Are you a student? — No, I am a doctor. 13. My sisteris at home. 14. We are not at school. We are at home. 15. My brother is a pupil. He is at school. 16. Isyour mother at home? — No, she is at work. 17. Is your cousin at home? — No, he is at school. He isa pupil. 18. Is your sister a teacher? — No, she is a student. 19. Is your Father at work? — No, he is athome. 20. Is your sister a typist? — Yes, she is. — Is she at home? — No, she is at work. 21. MygrandFather is a scientist. 22. My mother is not a teacher. She is a doctor. She is a very good doctor.
   159Упражнение 159
1. My name is Kate. 2. I am Fourteen (years old). 3. I'm Russian. I'm From St Petersburg. 4. I'm apupil. 5. My Favourite sport is tennis. 6. I'm interested in music. 7. My Favourite subject is English. 8.My Father is a (computer) programmer. He isn't interested in politics. 9. My mother is a dentist. Sheis interested in art. 10. We are always busy, but we are very happy to be together. 11. Whose pen isthis? — It is my pen. 12. Whose book is this? — It is your book. 13. Whose table is this? — It is mybrother's table. 14. Whose bag is this? — It is my mother's bag. 15. Whose pencil is this? — It is mysister's pencil. 16. Is this your exercise book? — Yes, it is. 17. Is this your brother's exercise book? —No, it is my exercise book. 18. Where is your table? — It is in the middle oF the room. 19. Where isyour pen? — It is in my pocket. 20. Where is your exercise book? — It is on the table. 21. Where isyour mother? — She is at work. 22. Where is your brother? — He is at school. 23. Where is yoursister? — She is at home. 24. Whose pencil is this? — It is my pencil. — And where is my pencil? — Itis on the table. 25. Whose watch is this? — It is my watch. — And where is my watch? — It is on thetable.
160Упражнение 160
1. Where are you? — I am in the kitchen. 2. Where is Fred? — He is in the garage. 3. Where are Lisaand John? — They are at college. 4. Are you busy? — No, I am not. Mike is busy. He is the busiestperson I've ever met. 5. It is ten o'clock. She is late again. 6. How are you? — I am not very welltoday. — I am sorry to hear that. 7. We are interested in classical music. 8. Vera is aFraid oF snakes.9. My grandmother isn't nervous and she is rarely upset. She is the kindest person I've ever seen. Mygrandmother is really wonderFul. 10. I'm sorry. They are not at the oFFice at the moment. 11. Whereare the keys? — In your jacket. 12. What is the time, please? — Two o'clock. 13. It is the biggestmeal I've ever had. 14. Which sport do you think is the most dangerous? 15. Chess and aerobics arenot as exciting as skydiving and Figure skating. 16. Debt is the worst kind oF poverty. 17. The game isnot worth the candle. 18. Do you have any idea where he is? 19. Used cars are cheaper but lessreliable than new cars. 20. What is the weather Forecast For tomorrow? 21. Art is long, liFe is short.22. You are the best Friend I've ever had. 23. I don't remember what his telephone number is. 24.Two heads are better than one. 25. You are right. That's a lot oF money! CoFFee is very expensive thisweek.
  161Упражнение 161
My aunt was very depressed last Sunday. The weather was terrible. It was cold and rainy. Herhusband was not at home. He was at hospital because he was sick. Her children were not at school.They were not in the yard, they were in the living room. The TV was broken. The children were notonly upset, they were very angry. The neighbours were not happy because her children were toonoisy. The house was not clean. The sink was broken. There were dirty dishes on the kitchen tableand in the sink. There was nothing in the Fridge. There were no vegetables For dinner, there was nojuice For her children. There was not even bread in the house! She was tired and hungry. She wasjust exhausted.
  162Упражнение 162
1. I am a pupil. 2. He is a pilot. 3. She is a doctor. 4. We are schoolchildren. 5. You are workers. 6.You are a worker. 7. They are pupils. 8. I am at home. 9. He is at school. 10. Is she at the cinema?11. We are in the park. 12. Are they at the theatre? 13. Is she young? 14. He is old. 15. She is notold. 16. They are strong. 17. She is ill. 18. Are you ill? 19. Is he ill? 20. I am not ill. 21. I was illyesterday. 22. She was not ill. 23. We were at the cinema. 24. The weather was Fine. It was warmand sunny. My children were at school and my husband was at work. I was in the garden. There weremany beautiFul Flowers there. It was in May. I was happy.
  163Упражнение 163
1. The students are. 2. They were, there was. 3. They will be, they are. 4. My Father is. 5. He was. 6. Ishall be. 7. My sister will not be. 8. She will be. 9. Will you be. 10. Was your Father. 11. My sister was.12. She is not. 13. We were. 14. Where is your mother, she is. 15. Where were you, I was. 16. MyFamily will be. 17. Is your little sister, she is. 18. Will you be, I shall. 19. My granny was, she was. 20.My Friend is. 21. He will be. 22. Where are your books, they are.
  164Упражнение 164
Ronald Wood is a managing director oF the First Bank oF Kingsville on Main Street. He is always on abusiness trip. Yesterday he was in Geneva. Tomorrow he will be in London. Last week he was inChicago. Next week he will be in New Orleans. At the moment he is in Amsterdam. In two hours hewill be in the Hague. Three days ago he was in Paris. At the end oF his trip he is usually very tired buthappy. He is with his Family now. His sons are so much excited. They have got new toys From theirFather. Everybody in the Family is very glad to see him at home again.
  165Упражнение 165
1. Yesterday they were at the library. 2. They are at school now. 3. Tomorrow they will be at thetheatre. 4. At the moment he is not here. 5. On Sunday he will be at the concert. 6. Last Saturday hewas at the stadium. 7. My brother is at school now. 8. My brother was at the cinema yesterday. 9. Mybrother will be at home tomorrow. 10. Will you be at home tomorrow? 11. Was she in the parkyesterday? 12. Is he in the yard now? 13. Where is Father? 14. Where were you yesterday? 15. Where will he be tomorrow? 16. My books were on the table. Where are they now? 17. My mother was notat work yesterday. She was at home. 18. My Friend is not in the park. He is at school. 19. Tomorrowat three o'clock Nick and Mike will be in the yard. 20. We were not in the south last summer. Wewere in Moscow. 21. Tomorrow my grandFather will be in the village. 22. When will your sister be athome? 23. Will you be a pilot? — No, I shall be a sailor. 24. My sister wras a student last year, andnow she is a doctor. — Will you be a doctor, too? — No, I shall not be a doctor. I shall be an engineer.25. They were not at the cinema. 26. They are not at school. 27. They are at home. 28. Were you inthe park yesterday? 29. Was he at school yesterday? 30. He was a worker. 31. She was a teacher.32. He will be an excellent journalist.
  166Упражнение 166
1. Timothy is Feeding. 2. Mr Jones is cleaning. 3. Nancy is painting. 4. Our neighbours are washing. 5.I am washing. 6. Who is Fixing. 7. What is she doing, she is dancing. 8. The children are brushing. 9.What is he doing, he is Fixing. 10. They are having. 11. The boys are running. 12. I am doing. 13. Johnand his Friends are going. 14. Ann is sitting, she is studying. 15. A young man is standing, he issmoking. 16. The old man is walking. 17. The dog is lying. 18. Are you having. 19. What language areyou studying. 20. Who is lying. 21. What are they talking. 22. It is still raining. 23. I am opening. 24.John is playing. 25. My Friend is collecting, he is writing.
  167Упражнение 167
It is not raining any more, it is clearing up and the sun is shining. The jazz band is playing in thepark. A lot oF people are listening to the music and they are really having a good time. But they arenot dancing yet. There is a coFFee shop there. Only seven people are sitting there, and only Fivepeople are waiting in the queue. Some people are having sandwiches and drinking coFFee, tea or Fruitjuices. Boys and girls over there are laughing and making a lot oF noise. They are playing games andTom is taking pictures. So what is going on?
  168Упражнение 168
1. I am reading. 2. He is not writing. 3. We are not working. 4. Are you reading? 5. Is he sleeping? 6.Nick and Mike are playing Football. 7. Kate is playing the piano. 8. She is not singing. 9. My sister issleeping. 10. Is Father drinking tea? 11. Are your parents drinking tea? 12. I am not sleeping. 13. Sheis sitting at the table. 14. We are doing an exercise. 15. We are not bathing. 16. Are they playing inthe yard? 17. Nina and Ann are washing the Floor. 18. Nick is helping his mother. 19. Are you helpingyour Father? 20. My sister is reading an interesting book. 21. They are going to school. 22. Are yougoing to school? 23. Is he working? 24. Is your grandmother going to the shop? 25. He is buyingsweets. 26. What is your sister doing? 27. Where are the children playing? 28. Why are youlaughing? 29. Where are they going? 30. What are these boys carrying? 31. I am sitting on a benchin the park and Feeding birds. 32. Mother is sitting on the soFa in the drawing room and watching TV.33. This is a photo oF my Friends. Tom is playing the guitar and Jane is singing. 34. And here they aredancing at my birthday party.
  169Упражнение 169
1. My working day begins, I get, switch, do, it takes, we have, my Father and I leave, he takes, mymother is, she leaves, we gather, we watch, talk. 2. My sister gets. 3. She is, she goes. 4. Jane is, shedoes. 5. She has. 6. She goes. 7. It takes. 8. She speaks.
  170Упражнение 170
1. Andrea Schatzmann lives, she gets, takes, she doesn't normally have, she catches, her First classstarts, she always has, the caFeteria Food is, it is, her aFternoon classes are, she is, she usually has,she has, she goes, a Few Friends usually go, he picks, he drives, they oFten go, she sometimes goes,she invites, they listen, talk, Mr and Mrs Connor oFten take, she calls, they never talk, it is, sheusually calls, it is. 2. What time does Andrea usually get up? 3. When does she catch the bus? 4.Does she take a shower in the morning? 5. Does she go home For lunch? 6. When does she goswimming? 7. How does she get to the pool? 8. What does she do on Saturday evenings?
  171Упражнение 171
1. I work. 2. We work. 3. They do not work. 4. Do you work? — Yes, I do. 5. Does he work? — No, hedoesn't. He studies. 6. My brother does not study. He works. 7. Do you wear glasses? 8. Do you helppeople? 9. Does he like to read Fairy tales? 10. Does she like to play the violin? 11. My sister does notread books. 12. Our grandmother likes to sleep on the soFa. 13. Do you like to rest in the armchair?14. We eat and drink in the kitchen. 15. My brother does not like to read newspapers. 16. We sleepin the bedroom. 17. My brother sleeps on the soFa in the living room. 18. My sister dresses beFore themirror. 19. My uncle writes books. 20. We write exercises at school. 21. I spend my pocket money onice cream. 22. He reads all the time and does not like to watch TV.
  172Упражнение 172
1. Where do you live? — I live in Moscow. 2. When do you have your holidays? — In January. 3. Whatdo you like best at school? 4. My brother works at a hospital. He is a doctor. He gets up at twentyminutes past seven. He works in the morning and in the aFternoon. In the evening he does not work.In the evening he rests. 5. Does your sister speak French? — No, she doesn't. She speaks German,and her husband speaks English. 6. When do you get up? — I get up at a quarter to seven. 7. Whendoes your brother get up? — He gets up at twenty minutes to eight. — And does your sister also getup at twenty minutes to eight? — No, she doesn't. My brother goes to school, and my sister does notgo to school. She is not a pupil yet. She gets up at nine o'clock. 8. He doesn't wash his hands beForemeals. 9. This boy whistles in class. 10. He doesn't play any musical instrument. 11. They playFootball and like to watch cartoons. 12. They like their school holidays, especially the summerholidays. 13. The girl's birthday is the thirty-First oF December. 14. That's why (ThereFore) she gets alot oF presents.
  173Упражнение 173
My uncle is an engineer. He is very busy. His working day begins early in the morning. He gets up atseven o'clock. He washes, dresses and has breakFast. AFter breakFast he goes to work. He works atan institute. He likes his work. He is married. His wiFe is a doctor. She works at a hospital. In theevening she studies French. She attends French classes. My uncle does not speak French. He speaksRussian and German. He studies English. In the evening he attends English classes. My uncle's son isa pupil. He goes to school. At school he studies English.
  174Упражнение 174
1. I am taking — I take. 2. He is helping — he helps. 3. They are going — they go. 4. She is playing —she plays. 5. I am reading — I read. 6. He is sleeping — he sleeps. 7. We are drinking — we drink. 8.They are going — they go. 9. I am not sleeping — I do not sleep. 10. She is not drinking — she doesnot drink. 11. We are not watching — we do not watch. 12. They are not eating — they do not eat.13. My mother is not working — my mother does not work. 14. Are you working — do you work. 15.Is he playing — does he play. 16. Are they eating — do they eat. 17. Is your sister resting — doesyour sister rest. 18. What are you doing — what do you do. 19. What are you reading — what do youread. 20. What are they eating — what do they eat. 21. What is your brother drinking — what doesyour brother drink. 22. Is everybody having — does everybody have. 23. Is she taking — how oFtendoes she take. 24. Where are they going — where do they go. 25. Are they speaking — whatlanguage do they usually speak.
  175Упражнение 175
1. He works. 2. Does he work. 3. He doesn't work. 4. They read. 5. Do they read. 6. They do not read.7. The children are eating. 8. Are the children eating. 9. The children are not eating. 10. Do you play.11. When do you play. 12. What does Nick do. 13. Does he go. 14. We do not dance. 15. Kate isdancing. 16. Does Kate sing. 17. Where does he go. 18. He does not sleep. 19. My granny sleeps. 20.When do you sleep. 21. Nina is not sleeping. 22. Where does John live, he lives. 23. My Friends FromSwitzerland speak. 24. Does Elvire speak. She does. 25. She doesn't only speak (She doesn't speakonly) Italian.
  176Упражнение 176
1. Tom plays. 2. He doesn't play. 3. I am wearing. 4. I am not wearing. 5. My Friend does not like. 6. I am not reading. 7. Is he sleeping. 8. We do not go. 9. My sister eats. 10. She is not eating. 11. Theydo. 12. They do not go. 13. My Father does not work. 14. He works. 15. I read. 16. I do not read. 17. Iam writing. 18. I am not writing. 19. They are playing. 20. They are not playing. 21. Are they playing.22. He helps. 23. Does he help. 24. He does not help. 25. Do you go. 26. Is she working. 27. Is hedelivering. 28. Do you go.
  177Упражнение 177
1. His Father is not watching, he is sleeping, he is. 2. Pat is not cooking, she is talking, she cooks. 3. Iam not drinking, I am writing. 4. I do not drink, I drink. 5. Is your Friend doing. 6. Does your Friend go.7. The baby is sleeping. 8. The baby always sleeps. 9. My grandmother does not work. 10. My Fatheris not sleeping, he is working. 11. I usually get. 12. What is your sister doing, she is washing. 13.When do you usually come, I come. 14. Where does your cousin work, he works. 15. Does your sisterstudy, she goes. 16. My cousin goes. 17. My mother is not playing, she plays. 18. When do you listen.19. Who is making. 20. Are you reading and thinking. 21. They are, they don't go. 22. What is shetalking.
  178Упражнение 178
1. I am sitting. 2. I am not working. 3. Eric is talking, Kenny is not listening, he is thinking. 4. MyFriend lives. 5. My cousin does not live. 6. The children are not sleeping now. 7. The children play. 8.They do not go. 9. She reads. 10. She does not read. 11. She is not reading. 12. I am writing. 13. I amnot drinking. 14. I go. 15. I do not go. 16. He is not reading. 17. He is playing. 18. Is he playing. 19.My mother works. 20. My aunt does not work. 21. Do you work. 22. Does your Father work. 23. Areyou playing. 24. The clouds are moving, the sun is appearing, it is getting. 25. His health isimproving. 26. Who is playing. 27. Henry usually wears, he is wearing. 28. Who is listening.
  179Упражнение 179
1. I do not know. 2. Do they want. 3. She thinks, he drives. 4. He understands, he eats, he alwaysForgets. 5. Who is that man, who is standing, don't you recognize, it is. 6. I have, I am having. 7.Does your Family leave, we always go, we all like, mother stays, Father returns. 8. Where are Tomand Nick, they are having. 9. What are you doing, we are listening. 10. Do you want, I do. 11. Michaelknows, he wants, he has. 12. Are you reading, it is, there are, are you, I am, I do not know. 13. Weare having. 14. He Feels. 15. I think, she doesn't Feel. 16. Do you see, I mean. 17. Do you hear, she issaying. 18. He doesn't Feel. 19. Ron is earning, they think, he is.
180Упражнение 180
There is, it is eating, it is giving, I think, monkeys like, I want, where do they live, the tiger wants, it isgoing, the lion is looking, do you think, it wants, when do the lions and tigers have, the keepersbring, they make, everybody knows, they are.
  181Упражнение 181
1. I oFten go. 2. We sometimes go. 3. Andrew gets, he lives, he is never. 4. It is, Victor is doing, hissister is reading, his mother and grandmother are talking. 5. I am writing, who lives, I write. 6. Ittakes. 7. Where are you going, I am hurrying. 8. When do your lessons begin, they begin. 9. Where isyour sister, she is doing. 10. It usually takes. 11. Where is Boris, I am looking, he is having. 12. I amlooking, do you have, I don't want, it is, it is, it has. 13. I don't know, I am going.
  182Упражнение 182
1. Do you keep, I don't think, it is, I usually have, I eat. 2. He is learning, he wants. 3. The teacherknows, the girl doesn't oFten argue. 4. I think, she oFten worries. 5. Barbara's boss sees, she is alwayslate. 6. I am calling, I want, it is. 7. Do you hear, how is your job going, I am enjoying, I have, is (theonly problem), the Food is, I eat, I am getting. 8. Ruth is learning, she likes, she wants. 9. Do youunderstand, what language he is speaking. 10. Is your English getting, I think. 11. We know, he nevertakes. 12. They think, he learns, he knows, he speaks. 13. He is just working. 14. I don't like, I amenjoying, I am. 15. Do you have, Rick is, I don't see, he is visiting. 16. We don't have, I am coming.17. She is trying, I think, she always has. 18. She tries. 19. My little brother doesn't play, that is whyhe is practising. 20. My grandmother is, she is baking, she bakes. 21. Tom is, he is, he is yawning. 22. I am, that is, I am crying.
  183Упражнение 183
1. I shall go. 2. He will give. 3. The nurse will lead. 4. I'll take oFF and put on. 5. Dr Setton will come in,shake, and say. 6. I'll stand. 7. He'll take. 8. He'll take. 9. He'll take. 10. He'll examine. 11. He'll listen.12. He'll take and do. 13. I'll go and wait. 14. Dr Setton will call and say.
  184Упражнение 184
1. I shall play. 2. I shall not play. 3. Will you play. 4. He plays. 5. He does not play. 6. Does he play. 7.They are playing. 8. They are not playing. 9. Are they playing. 10. Nick is going. 11. Nick goes. 12.Nick will go. 13. I miss. 14. Do you ever buy. 15. Do you think, it is. 16. What present will yourmother receive. 17. A: The weather is. B: It'll be. A: It's getting, I think, it'll be. B: You are, it isgetting, my Feet are Freezing, you know. A: You never know, they say, Fog will cover, it will clear andbecome. B: Are you kidding, I'm Freezing, where is the bus, we are still waiting, the bus doesn'talways come, I am going, are you coming or staying.
  185Упражнение 185
1. Will you come. 2. Will you read. 3. Do you read. 4. Are you reading. 5. I shall not see. 6. What willyou do. 7. What will your Friend do. 8. Where will you go. 9. Where do you go. 10. Where are yougoing. 11. Mary is dancing. 12. She dances. 13. Will she dance. 14. He will go. 15. We go. 16. Kate isgoing. 17. Will you help. 18. I am not playing. 19. My brother plays. 20. They will not take. 21. Do youlike. 22. Will you eat. 23. Nick reads. 24. Mother works. 25. He is not sleeping. 26. Will your brothergo. 27. We shall not go. 28. I am not learning. 29. She lives. 30. My Father shoots. 31. He is carrying.
  186Упражнение 186
1. My sister does not like. 2. When do you go. 3. What is he reading. 4. What does he read. 5. Whatwill he read. 6. Will you give. 7. Where will she be. 8. Where will she go. 9. Will she go. 10. They willstay. 11. What are you doing, I see, you are not reading. 12. When will you Finish, it is, it is. 13. Howdo you usually spend. 14. What will you do. 15. They are not drinking, I think, they are watching. 16.What does your Father drink. 17. When do you get, I get. 18. My brother usually does not get, hegets, he will get. 19. Why will she come. 20. We shall go. 21. Our Friends always go. 22. The kitten isplaying. 23. Are your parents watching. 24. My sister is not resting, she is helping, she helps.
  187Упражнение 187
1. You cross. 2. You cross. 3. You translate. 4. She is. 5. You do not hurry. 6. It rains. 7. My Friendcomes. 8. He comes. 9. You leave. 10. You give. 11. You miss. 12. You come. 13. You do not give. 14.Mother comes. 15. You don't Finish. 16. He comes.
  188Упражнение 188
1. I stay, I shall call, we shall have. 2. He will go, he is. 3. I return, I shall ring. 4. You will pass, youarrive. 5. I shall stay, she comes, we shall go, she brings. 6. I shall go, I leave. 7. He returns, he willcall. 8. I see, I shall tell. 9. We shall gather, my brother comes. 10. I shall sing, you tell. 11. You willjoin, we gather. 12. What will you do, you come. 13. They cross, they will see. 14. She gets, she willgo. 15. What shall we do, it rains. 16. What will she do, she sees. 17. The bus is, you will be, you get.18. It is, our car will not start.
  189Упражнение 189
1. The weather is, we shall probably go. 2. He still has, doesn't Feel, he will not go. 3. You decide, youwill eat. 4. I drink, I shall get. 5. They go, they will visit. 6. She doesn't work, her boss will Fire, hire. 7.Shall I see, you start. 8. What will he do, he comes. 9. Where will they go, the weather is. 10. He willring, he returns. 11. It rains, we shall stay. 12. She will walk, it is not. 13. He will come, he leaves. 14.You leave. 15. We are tired, we shall stop, have. 16. You miss. 17. She will make, she Flies. 18. Hestarts, he will spend.
  190Упражнение 190
1. You spill, you don't do, you will have, you break, you will have. 2. I shall not speak, he apologizes.3. Peter will introduce, we meet. 4. We shall go, he comes. 5. Mother comes, she comes. 6. Will yougo, I shan't, I shall stay, help, I shall come, I Finish. 7. You come. 8. I shall speak, I see. 9. You ask, Ishall be, I am, I shall make, I make, the other students will laugh, the other students laugh, I shall be,I am, I shall cry.
  191Упражнение 191
1. It is, it oFten rains, a cold wind oFten blows. 2. The weather is Fine, it is, the sun is shining, a soFtwind is blowing, small white clouds are sailing. 3. It is raining. 4. It will rain, you will get, you do notput. 5. Birds come, sing. 6. Somebody is singing. 7. It does not usually snow. 8. What's the weatherlike, is it snowing, it isn't. 9. Shall we go, we shall, it snows, there is. 10. What will you do, we shallgo, the weather does not change, will you come, I do not have. 11. We have, they will inForm. 12. Weplay, it will produce. 13. We put, they will stop. 14. We employ, they will help.
  192Упражнение 192
1. He will do his English exercises iF he doesn't have anything to do. 2. IF I don't help him, he will notwrite his paper tomorrow. 3. He will not go to the library tonight. 4. IF he does not go to the library,he will be at home. 5. We shall be at home tomorrow. 6. IF we are at home tomorrow, we shall seethis programme on TV. 7. She will not be at home tomorrow. 8. IF she is not at home tomorrow, leavea message For her. 9. Tomorrow the weather will be Fine. 10. IF the weather is Fine tomorrow, we shallgo to the country. 11. When she comes to school, she takes oFF her coat. 12. When she comes toschool, she will take oFF her coat. 13. As soon as he remembers this Funny scene, he begins laughing.14. As soon as he remembers this Funny scene, he will begin laughing. 15. I shall come home at sixo'clock. 16. When I come home, I shall ring you up. 17. She will ring us up in the evening. 18. IF sherings you up, ask her to bring me the book. 19. I shall see Tom tomorrow. 20. As soon as I see Tom, Ishall tell him about it. 21. I shall go to Paris next week. 22. BeFore I go to Paris, I shall ring you up.
  193Упражнение 193
1. What did your neighbours do. 2. Mr Smith Fixed. 3. His wiFe watered. 4. Their children cleaned,they played. 5. Their boys listened, watched. 6. Their little girl cried, smiled. 7. Her brothers shouted.8. Mrs Smith worked. 9. She baked. 10. She cooked. 11. She washed, looked. 12. The childrenbrushed, yawned, went. 13. Their mother changed, brushed, talked. 14. Her husband smoked,talked. 15. They waited,' the bus arrived. 16. They visited. 17. They danced. 18. Mr and Mrs Smithrested, they really had.
  194Упражнение 194
On Monday we had Five lessons. The First lesson was Russian. At this lesson we wrote a dictation anddid some exercises. Nick went to the blackboard. He answered well and got a 'Five'. Pete did not geta 'Five' because he did not know his lesson. AFter the second lesson I went to the canteen. I ate asandwich and drank a cup oF tea. I did not drink milk. AFter school I did not go home at once. I wentto the library and changed my books. Then I went home.
  195Упражнение 195
On Tuesday I got up at halF past six. I went to the bathroom and washed my hands and Face andcleaned my teeth. Then I dressed, went to the kitchen and cooked breakFast For my Family. At halFpast seven my son got up and had breakFast. I had breakFast with my son. My son ate a sandwichand drank a cup oF tea. I didn't drink tea. I drank coFFee. AFter breakFast my son leFt home For school.I didn't leave home with my son. On Tuesday I didn't work in the morning. I worked in the aFternoon.In the evening I was at home. My husband and my son were at home, too. We rested in the evening.My son watched TV, my husband read newspapers and I did some work about the house. At abouteleven o'clock we went to bed.
  196Упражнение 196
Boris woke up when it was already quite light. He looked at his watch. It was a quarter to seven.Quick! Boris jumped out oF bed and ran to the bathroom. He had just time to take a cold shower anddrink a glass oF tea with bread and butter. He was in a hurry to catch the 8 am train. At the railwaystation he met three other boys From his group. They all had small backpacks and Fishing rods. Inless than an hour they got oFF the train at a small station near a wood. They walked very quickly andsoon Found themselves on the shore oF a large lake. The boys spent the whole day there Fishing,boating and swimming. They returned home late at night, tired but happy.
  197Упражнение 197
1. His sister studies. 2. She studied. 3. Did you come, I didn't, I came, I was, I had, I was, I drank, Irested. 4. I go. 5. I went. 6. My brother washes. 7. He washed. 8. I do not have. 9. We did not rest.10. My brother did not drink. 11. My mother always takes, she did not take, she walked. 12. Do youtalk, I do, I did not talk, I was. 13. Does you sister go, she does. 14. Mary likes. 15. She wrote. 16. Didyou tell. 17. Do you wear, I wore. 18. We like, we enjoyed.
  198Упражнение 198
1. Tom always eats. 2. He didn't eat, he got. 3. We like, we don't like. 4. He never shouted, he was.5. My Friend knows. 6. We rang. 7. He lives. 8. Did it take. 9. When were your lessons. 10. I had. 11.Her Friends were. 12. One oF her brothers made. 13. Queen Elizabeth was, she became. 14. Do youalways get, sometimes I get. 15. Antonio Stradivari made. 16. Who painted. 17. She knows, sheenjoyed. 18. Steven's Friends came, gave, his parents cooked, his girlFriend promised, she wasn't, hetried, he was, she didn't wish.
  199Упражнение 199
1. I go. 2. I went. 3. I shall go. 4. I do not go. 5. I didn't go. 6. I shall not go. 7. Do you watch. 8. Didyou watch. 9. Will you watch. 10. When do you leave. 11. When did you leave. 12. When will youleave. 13. My brother goes, he leaves, he works, is, he walks, he does not take, did not go, he got.14. Did you have, I didn't. 15. What did you buy, I bought. 16. My Father did not read, he was, he willread. 17. What mark did she get.
200Упражнение 200
1. He turns. 2. He turned. 3. He will turn. 4. I always go. 5. I was, I didn't go. 6. I shall not go, it costs.7. Did they enjoy. 8. Who will take. 9. How oFten do you go. 10. We didn't have, we still had. 11. Shedoes. 12. He doesn't even know. 13. They were, money was. 14. Do you think, you will be. 15. Whenwill the cabbage soup be. 16. The customs oFFicers at JFK airport in New York arrested, he arrived.17. I like, I oFten do, they want. 18. When is your birthday. 19. When did you get. 20. Who created.
  201Упражнение 201
1. Kate cooks. 2. Kate will cook. 3. Kate is cooking. 4. Kate cooked. 5. I do not eat. 6. I am not eating.7. I shall not eat. 8. I did not eat. 9. He spent. 10. He did not spend. 11. Did he spend. 12. Where didhe spend. 13. She helped. 14. She did not help. 15. Did she help. 16. How did she help. 17. Do yougo. 18. Are you going. 19. Will you go. 20. Did you go. 21. What does your brother do. 22. What isyour brother doing. 23. What will your brother do. 24. What did your brother do. 25. What did youget.
  202Упражнение 202
1. 1 think, Nellie will leave. 2. I am, my Friends are waiting. 3. You were, did you like, I enjoyed. 4. Weexpect, you will go. 5. Her English isn't, she is working. 6. They didn't know. 7. She is worrying, theproblems are not. 8. He was, had. 9. Am I going. 10. Various kinds oF sports are. 11. Both childrenand grown-ups are. 12. What is the matter, she is, I do not know. 13. Where are you going, I amgoing, which will take. 14. Do you know, a very interesting match took. 15. He went. 16. I was, Ienjoyed. 17. Our Football team won. 18. Where is Boris, he is playing. 19. I am, I missed, I know, it is,I am.
  203Упражнение 203
1. My Friend goes. 2. He did not go. 3. Why did you go. 4. We shall grow. 5. What are you doing. 6. Heis sleeping. 7. Where did your Father work. 8. Will she go. 9. He did not watch. 10. We wrote. 11. Ibought. 12. My granny did not buy. 13. What will you buy. 14. Father is working. 15. We went. 16.Will your brother go. 17. Granny is not cooking. 18. We cooked. 19. My sister washes. 20. When doyou go. 21. What will you prepare. 22. Will you invite. 23. How did you help. 24. I shall send. 25. Imeet. 26. His grandFather is listening, that is, he always listenes.
  204Упражнение 204
1. Max isn't, he is washing, he washes. 2. He will not play. 3. We saw. 4. Does your mother cook. 5.We made. 6. I spent. 7. Where did you spend. 8. Where will he spend. 9. What is your mother doing,she is cooking. 10. I did not play. 11. We went. 12. I met. 13. I wrote. 14. Will you write. 15. I am notwriting. 16. Mother cooked. 17. Nick will not go, I don't think.
  205Упражнение 205
1. I am writing. 2. I was writing. 3. My little sister is sleeping. 4. My little sister was sleeping. 5. MyFriends are not doing, they are playing. 6. My Friends were not doing, they were playing. 7. She wasreading. 8. She is not reading. 9. She is going. 10. What are you doing, I am drinking. 11. Were youdrinking, I was not drinking, I was eating. 12. She was reading, she is reading. 13. My cat is playing.14. The sun was shining, birds were singing. 15. Are you eating. 16. Were you eating. 17. What isyour Father doing. 18. What was your Father doing. 19. Why is she crying. 20. Why was she crying.2
1. I am enjoying.
  206Упражнение 206
1. I went. 2. I was going. 3. I was going. 4. I was doing. 5. I was doing. 6. I did. 7. I was doing. 8. I wasdoing. 9. I did not play, I wrote. 10. I was not playing, I was reading. 11. He was not sleeping, he wasdoing. 12. I was going, they were talking, laughing, I was laughing, I was still laughing, I told, myFather and mother liked. 13. I went, I Found, it injured, I decided, I brought, I Fed, took, I was doing, itleFt.
  207Упражнение 207
1. I played. 2. I was playing. 3. He was playing. 4. We were playing. 5. My brother did not play, heplayed. 6. My sister was not playing, she was playing. 7. Mother was cooking. 8. She was cooking. 9.We washed. 10. We were washing. 11. Did you do. 12. Were you doing. 13. Why was she sleeping.14. He was sitting. 15. What was Nick doing. 16. What were you doing. 17. I was not sleeping. 18.What did he do, he read. 19. What was he doing, he was reading. 20. Was she sleeping, she wasknitting.
  208Упражнение 208
1. I came, my little sister was sleeping. 2. Nick came home, his brother was playing. 3. Mother came,I was doing. 4. Father came, Pete was sleeping. 5. Mother came, the children were playing. 6. I got,my mother and Father were drinking. 7. I came, he was watching. 8. I saw, they were playing. 9. Iopened, the cat was sitting. 10. Kate opened, the children were dancing. 11. Tom was crossing, heFell. 12. I was going, I met. 13. We were going, we met. 14. Grandmother was going, she saw. 15.Henry was walking, he Found. 16. We were walking, we saw. 17. I was washing, I Found. 18. Grannywas reading, she Fell. 19. I was playing, I saw. 20. Nick was running, he Fell.
  209Упражнение 209
1. The girl was cooking, the lights went out, she burnt (burned). 2. The boy hurt, he was skating. 3.The woman entered, the children were Feeding. 4. I was visiting, I bought. 5. It started, we werebathing. 6. I was having. 7. He came, I was doing. 8. What were you doing. 9. I was going. 10. Youwere sleeping, I went. 11. He was reading, I came, sat. 12. I was walking, a tram passed. 13. She waslooking, I saw. 14. We were answering, the headmistress entered. 15. They were drinking, I came.16. He was walking, a boat passed. 17. The old man was thinking, he Fell. 18. We listened. 19. I entered, the teacher was writing, the pupils were copying. 20. They were getting, it began.
  210Упражнение 210
1. I went. 2. I was going. 3. What were you doing, I was playing. 4. I came, the children werestanding. 5. We were playing. 6. I was preparing, I cut. 7,1 went. 8. Did you go, I went. 9. What didyou do, I translated. 10. I rang, he was sleeping. 11. My grandFather was watching, he Fell. 12. MyFriend came, I was doing. 13. I was going, I met. 14. Nick rang, I was helping. 15. The children werewalking, they saw. 16. I came, my sister was washing. 17. Mike was playing, he Found. 18. I wasdrawing, I broke. 19. I met, he was going. 20. I looked, the children were playing.
  211Упражнение 211
1. Father was watching. 2. I went. 3. I Finished. 4. I was playing. 5. He began. 6. She was washing. 7. Imet. 8. I came, Kate was playing. 9. I met John, he was going. 10. I was going, I saw. 11. Theyplayed. 12. They were playing. 13. I was cleaning. 14. We went. 15. The teacher opened, the pupilswere sitting. 16. He got. 17. Father came. 18. I was reading. 19. She Fell. 20. Mother was drinking.
  212Упражнение 212
1. We went, there was, we enjoyed, we were skiing. 2. They met. 3. Where did you spend. 4. Wewere, twenty minutes were. 5. I was playing, my Friend came, he invited, I accepted. 6. He rang,asked. 7. I came, my Friend was already waiting. 8. I was going, I broke. 9. The teacher walked, theboys were listening, the girls were eating and drinking. 10. She was going, I met, she wasn't going.11. What were you doing, the accident happened, I was walking. 12. He was leaving, the thievestook.
  213Упражнение 213
1. The cat took, ran. 2. He was reading, I came. 3. I got. 4. The train started. 5. He put, opened, went.6. I was sitting. 7. He came. 8. I was going, I saw. 9. We were having. 10. He was writing, I came. 11.He was making, I leFt. 12. He wrote. 13. I looked, they were smiling. 14. What were you doing. 15. Iwent. 16. The lesson began. 17. Somebody knocked, she was arguing. 18. Pete was jogging, he lost.19. The police took, I was going. 20. He was shaving, he heard.
  214Упражнение 214
1. Lena swept. 2. Lena was sweeping. 3. Did they go. 4. They were sailing, they saw. 5. We wereworking. 6. Mother was cooking. 7. She Finished. 8. We were having. 9. They translated. 10. I opened.11. Did you go. 12. I did not see. 13. I opened, my Friends were sitting. 14. When did you begin. 15.We were discussing. 16. I was reading, I Found. 17. Did you watch, we were watching. 18. When didyou go. 19. I went. 20. I was sleeping. 21. I came, my little brother was sitting, he was playing, I told,he was making.
  215Упражнение 215
1. I Fed. 2. What were you doing, I was Feeding. 3. What did your brother do, he played. 4. I began. 5.Helen was cooking. 6. What were you doing, your sister came. 7. Were you having. 8. He did not go.9. Nick went. 10. Rick was sleeping. 11. We were playing, it suddenly started. 12. I saw, he wascrossing. 13. He began. 14. He was repairing. 15. He Finished. 16. We were playing. 17. Kate did notgo, she was writing. 18. When did your Father come, he came. 19. My Father came, my mother wasmaking. 20. We did not go.
  216Упражнение 216
We were walking, we saw, that was passing, he recognized, the bus was, we were, we had, wedecided, we heard, he said, I was going, I suddenly saw.
  217Упражнение 217
The sun was going, I reached, which was, the working day was, the villagers were coming, two boyswere driving, I approached, asked, an old man said, he took, a Fire was burning, we entered, one girloF about eighteen was preparing, two other girls were still doing, the old man invited, they allseemed, we had, my new Friends and I went, the moon was shining, the night was, that evening was.
  218Упражнение 218
1. Where were you, I was, I rang, nobody answered, I was, I was reading, did not hear. 2. What wereyou doing, I was working, I was, I did not see. 3. Nina celebrated, there were, I came, somebody wasplaying, two or three pairs were dancing. 4. Somebody is playing. 5. I like. 6. I looked, it was raining,people were hurrying. 7. What were you doing, I was having. 8. I came, I saw, were sitting, Fatherwas reading, who lives. 9. I was working. 10. It was raining. 11. Where is your sister, she is, she isdoing. 12. He is brushing, he cleans. 13, She is sleeping. 14. You are talking, you never talk. 15. Mymother is sitting, I am setting.
  219Упражнение 219
1. We had, they say, they are having. 2. She was shopping, she lost, she doesn't know. 3. They areannouncing, we have, one oF our suitcases is missing. 4. Who is speaking, I don't know. 5. He doesn'tsmoke, he isn't smoking, he was, he wasn't smoking, he was working. 6. My sister was washing, sheFound. 7. When did you learn. 8. We are going, it is. 9. Who are you waiting. 10. Her car broke, shewas driving. 11. When and where did it happen. 12. She always wears, she is wearing. 13. What isshe watching. 14. I saw, he was running, he didn't have. 15. What does your son do, he studies (isstudying). 16. What are you doing. 17. She opened, a man was standing, it was, she didn't recognize,he was wearing. 18. We went.
220Упражнение 220
1. Where does your brother work, he works. 2. Was your grandmother sleeping, you came. 3. Whatwill your brother do. 4. I did not go, I shall go. 5. Where was Kate going, you met. 6. They areskating. 7. Did you skate, we were skating, we shall skate. 8. He skates. 9. What are you doing, I amwashing. 10. What were you doing, I was having. 11. Are you having. 12. The boss enters. 13. Theboss entered. 14. When will the boss come. 15. We were listening. 16. I entered, the secretary wastyping. 17. My Friend rang. 18. My Friends are playing. 19. Kate does not write. 20. Did you see. 21.Did your Father go. 22. What did Nick do. 23. When does Nick get. 24. Where will your mother go. 25.I shall invite. 26. A disco, which took place, kept.
  221Упражнение 221
1. I am applying, want, the visa is. 2. They were listening, the telephone rang. 3. I am looking. 4. Mytrain leaves, I'll drive. 5. Shall I check. 6. Cars are getting. 7. He gets. 8. A Father and his son weretravelling, it was snowing, a strong wind was blowing, they were going, they heard, the Father lost,they were, their lives were, a helicopter took, they were, the happy Father looked and said, I'll neverdrive, it snows, I promise, it is, it is.
  222Упражнение 222
1. have written. 2. has helped. 3. have learnt. 4. has told. 5. has swept. 6. has put. 7. have eaten. 8.have drunk. 9. has brought. 10. have put. 11. have had. 12. has taken. 13. have put on. 14. hasmade. 15. has opened. 16. have bought. 17. has ordered. 18. have bought. 19. have you watched.20. have translated. Перевод:
1. Ученики написали диктант. 2. Мой друг помог мне решитьтрудную задачу. 3. Я выучил стихотворение. 4. Она рассказала им интересную историю. 5.Катя подмела пол. 6. Официант поставил перед ним бутылку лимонада. 7. Я позавтракал. 8.Мы выпили воды. 9. Он принес им мясо с овощами. 10. Ты поставил посуду на стол. 11. Онивыпили чаю. 12. Она убрала со стола грязные тарелки. 13. Дети надели пальто. 14. Сюзаннасшила себе платье на день рождения. 15. Она открыла коробку шоколадных конфет. 16. Якупила молоко для молочного коктейля. 17. Джеймс заказал бутылку яблочного сока. 18. Мыкупили плеер и несколько дисков с хорошей музыкой. 19. Ты посмотрел новости или свойлюбимый фильм? 20. Я перевел трудную статью с немецкого языка на русский.
  223Упражнение 223
1. doing, writing. 2. written. 3. studying. 4. learnt. 5. teaching. 6. taught. 7. done. 8. Found. 9.looking. 10. talking. 11. talked. 12. said. 13. telling. 14. told. 15. told. 16. had. 17. having. 18.spoken. 19. asked. 20. learnt. 21. writing. 22. doing, reading. 23. read. 24. answering. 25. Fixed,having. 26. heard. 27. read.
  224Упражнение 224
1. Why has he stopped. 2. My cousin is looking, he hasn't Found. 3. It has been. 4. What are youstudying. 5. They have just given you a pay rise. 6. She is knitting. 7. Have you only had, you haven'teaten. 8. People are planting. 9. Are you going. 10. Johnny, who has Finally Found, is giving. 11. Howlong have you been. 12. Have you seen. 13. What are you looking. 14. Nancy is looking. 15. She isgoing, she is not going. 16. Has Mike leFt. 17. Have they paid. 18. How long'have you known. 19.Your car is making. 20. The boy has done, is taking. 21. I am having. 22. Jay has never travelled. 23.We have always had. 24. Larry has never owned.
  225Упражнение 225
1. I have just had breakFast. 2. He has already had breakFast. 3. We haven't had breakFast yet. 4.They are still drinking tea in the canteen. 5. I have already done my homework. 6. He is still doing hishomework. 7. We have had three lessons today. 8. They have just had a meeting. 9. She hasn't yetread this book. 10. She is still reading. 11. Who has written it? 12. What have you written to him? 13.I've just been to the dentist and I am Feeling (I Feel) a lot better. 14. He is lying. He hasn't done hishomework yet. 15. Why isn't he eating dinner? — He is still talking (speaking) to his Friend on thephone. 16. Where has that lazy cat disappeared to? — She is over there. She is sleeping in Front oFthe Fireplace. 17. She is still typing her article. 18. We haven't seen her For a long time. 19. Thegrandparents have already visited their grandsons. 20. Now they are sitting in the drawing room andtalking about their trip. 21. Have you ever been to AFrica? 22. He has done everything For her. Andnow he is going to buy her a house. 23. The concert hasn't yet begun and we are sitting in the halland discussing our problems. 24. Wait For me! I haven't taken money. 25. The time has come to talkoF many things.
  226Упражнение 226
1. She has lived. 2. She lived. 3. The rain has stopped. 4. The rain stopped. 5. Mary has bought. 6. Ibought. 7. The wind has blown. 8. The weather has changed. 9. The wind changed. 10. We travelled.11. He has travelled. 12. I have seen. 13. She saw. 14. Alex met. 15. I have just met. 16. The childrenhave already decided. 17. They decided. 18. I haven't seen, I saw, you didn't see, I was.
  227Упражнение 227
1. I Felt, went. 2. Where did you spend. 3. Have you ever spent. 4. I met. 5. I have never visited. 6. Hevisited. 7. I have just got. 8. Did you take. 9. He was. 10. Were you. 11. They leFt, he was. 12. He hasnot yet come. 13. Has he gone. 14. When did you see. 15. I have not seen. 16. His health hasimproved, I saw. 17. Have you passed, I passed, I haven't bought. 18. He has already moved, heFound, he has been.
  228Упражнение 228
1. I have not yet eaten. 2. He did not eat. 3. Did you play. 4. Have you played. 5. What have youprepared. 6. Mike has made, he made. 7. Where have you put. 8. Have you seen. 9. When did yousee. 10. Has your mother promised. 11. I have made. 12. He has Fallen, when did he Fall, he Fell. 13. Ihave already done. 14. I did. 15. He has just come. 16. He came. 17. Nick played. 18. She hasalready come. 19. I read. 20. I have read. 21. I have never been. 22. Have you ever been. 23. Haveyou ever seen. 24. I've invited, when did you see, I haven't seen, I called.
  229Упражнение 229
1. She has just gone. 2. She leFt. 3. We have not yet solved. 4. When did it all happen. 5. Theweather has changed. 6. You have made. 7. A large black cloud has covered. 8. All my papers have Fallen. 9. When did you open, I opened. 10. The sun has not risen. 11. I saw. 12. I have not read. 13.Trams have stopped. 14. How many times have you been. 15. I have translated. 16. We went, therain spoilt. 17. It has stopped. 18. The lecture has not yet begun.
  230Упражнение 230
1. It was. 2. When did you meet. 3. I have not seen. 4. Have you gathered. 5. Where have you put. 6.The new school began working. 7. I have done. 8. The building oF the house began. 9. The rain hasstopped. 10. We have already solved. 11. He came. 12. I have never spoken. 13. He has just Finished.14. Have you made. 15. What books did you read, you lived. 16. They have not yet come, 17. Hewas, he has recovered. 18. Everybody has read. 19. Have you booked, I have, I booked. 20. I havenot seen, you leFt, you have changed. 21. Have you read. 22. I have not seen. 23. Why have you put.24. Why have you leFt. 25. We have not met, we both have grown.
  231Упражнение 231
1. What are you doing, are you writing, I have written, I am working, when did you write, I Finished. 2.I have already had. 3. What's the weather like? Is it still raining? — No, it has stopped raining. 4. Ihave lost. 5. I have not met. 6. Nina has just Finished. 7. Where is Sergei, he has gone, he leFt. 8.What are you reading, I am reading. 9. They read, have you read. 10. My watch has stopped, thereis. 11. Have you seen, I saw. 12. Have you heard, I have, when did you hear, I heard. 13. You havechanged, has anything happened.
  232Упражнение 232
1. With whom did you discuss. 2. I have seen. 3. I entered, I saw, my mother was standing, cutting,she was cooking. 4. I heard, I ran, saw, a child was lying, crying, what has happened, why are youcrying, have you hurt. 5. They went. 6. They have been. 7. He came, had, read, began. 8. When didyour Friend return, she returned, did you go, I didn't, I was. 9. Has your brother returned, he came.10. Have you been, when were you, I was. 11. Where is your brother, he has just come, he is taking.12. I saw, I understood, he was working, he was writing, did not notice. 13. I came, the children wererunning and singing, we have learnt. 14. The young man entered, she looked, what do you want, shesaid, why have you come. 15. It was raining, I leFt, I returned, put, started. 16. Are you working, I ampreparing. 17. That is, it is, I've just taken. 18. Where did you learn. 19. Have they already thought,have they bought, Mark has just ordered, he has mentioned, he hasn't ordered, he has thought, theshop has charged. 20. Why are you shivering, I am shivering, I am. 21. I have sprained. 22. A world-Famous violinist is playing. 23. The children were playing.
  233Упражнение 233
1. Tom returned. 2. Tom had returned. 3. I Finished. 4. I had Finished. 5. He thought, he had lost. 6.Ann told, she had seen. 7. I came, mother had already cooked. 8. Father returned, we had alreadydone. 9. The teacher entered, the pupils had already opened. 10. Kate gave, she had bought. 11.Nick showed, he had drawn. 12. The boy gave, he had brought. 13. Mother saw, Nick had notwashed. 14. The teacher understood, Lena had not done. 15. I knew, my Friend had not yet come.16. I woke, Father had already gone. 17. Nick thought, his Father had not yet come. 18. Mary told,she had cooked. 19. I Found, I had lost. 20. We came, the train had already leFt.
  234Упражнение 234
1. The teacher had examined. 2. I remembered, I had leFt. 3. My Friends were, I had passed. 4. PoorOliver lay, Sikes had leFt. 5. He opened, looked, tried, what had happened. 6. All the passengers saw,the old man had travelled. 7. We came, he had returned. 8. My Friend visited, he had lived. 9. Theyentered, the perFormance had begun. 10. My mother told, she had received. 11. Where had youworked, you went. 12. He had known, he visited. 13. Lanny said, he had got. 14. The boy wanted, hehad organized. 15. Lanny did not know, who had attacked. 16. The girl was, she had Found. 17. Heremembered, he had not rung. 18. The train reached, he had made. 19. My uncle had leFt, hehurried. 20. She thought, Gert and Lanny had quarrelled.
  235Упражнение 235
1. I had done, I was playing. 2. Father had come, he was having. 3. Grandmother had washed, she was watching. 4. I met, he was eating, he had bought. 5. Father came, we were cooking, we hadgathered. 6. I saw, she was sorting, she had picked. 7. I came, I saw, my little brother had broken,was playing. 8. I opened, I saw, the teacher had already come, the pupils were writing. 9. I came, mysister was reading, she had brought. 10. Mother came, the children were eating, she had cooked. 11.I rang, he was still learning, he had begun. 12. I looked, the children were playing, Pete had brought.13. The children had settled, they were watching.
  236Упражнение 236
We went, we took, the bus was, many people wanted, we got, went, we were crossing, I saw, he wasstanding, he was waiting, who had come, wished, a man came, I had, two boys had just asked, hehad, we entered, the Football players were coming, we met, he showed and asked, I had played, weagreed.
  237Упражнение 237
1. There were, one oF them was writing, the other was reading. 2. He did not tell, he had received. 3.I asked, he knew, she lived, I said, I did not know. 4. He asked, I could. 5. She said, he had given. 6. Iasked, he had put. 7. He told, they had spent. 8. I was sitting, thinking, the door suddenly opened, Ihad not seen, entered. 9. She came, we were having, it was, I saw. 10. I saw, he was leaving. 11. Ihad not seen, we met. 12. He had leFt, I had. 13. He Felt, wanted. 14. I thought, he had already gone.15. I Found, he was talking, who were standing. 16. He spoke (was speaking), we had never heard.17. He told, he had learnt. 18. He entered, took, went.
  238Упражнение 238
1. I returned, I had lost, I came, I saw, who was standing, he was waiting, he had lost. 2. I woke, itwas, I called, nobody answered, he had already leFt. 3. I went, the rain had stopped, the sun wasshining, the birds were singing, the morning was. 4. The rain had stopped, I looked, saw, who wasstanding. 5. They told, he had leFt. 6. I didn't Find, I was, the train had leFt. 7. He wanted, he hadlived. 8. The telegram came, he had leFt. 9. She looked, she had worked. 10. When did she Finish.
  239Упражнение 239
1. He came. 2. She has Finished. 3. He had translated. 4. I have never been. 5. We worked. 6. I hadhad. 7. I have not seen. 8. When did you see. 9. My sister has already graduated. 10. His brother hadbroken. 11, I have seen. 12. Have you ever been. 13. They were cooking. 14. I have just seen. 15.She was washing. 16. She has drawn. 17. I was talking. 18. My Favourite TV programme had begun, Icame. 19. I have not eaten. 20. She had not read. 21. She was doing, I came. 22. She has Found. 23. Ihave answered. 24. He has just spent.
240Упражнение 240
1. We lived, went. 2. My sister spent. 3. She has lost. 4. All the children had returned. 5. Columbusdiscovered. 6. Columbus did not know, he had discovered. 7. I have already read. 8. He haddiscussed, he took. 9. Mother has baked. 10. She was reading. 11. I have never been. 12. They told,you had got. 13. When did you receive. 14. Our grandmother was cooking. 15. She has bought. 16.They travelled. 17. We have not seen. 18, They ate, I had brought. 19. The children had had, theywent. 20. Have you ever been. 21. They were sitting, listening, who was telling. 22. My Friend hasjust rung. 23. I was standing, it began. 24. We have not skated. 25. I had promised.
  241Упражнение 241
1. Her son has Finished. 2. My brother was training. 3. My sister has bought. 4. I have not danced. 5.Nick came, his Friends were playing. 6. When did your sister go. 7. My Friend has just recovered. 8. Ihave never been. 9. We were talking. 10. I spoke. 11. Kate has washed. 12. Has your motherreturned. 13. She was doing. 14. The cat drank, I had given. 15. Have you ever been. 16. He has notread. 17. They had reached. 18. I have not yet received. 19. She had Forgotten. 20.We have alreadystudied. 21. He spent. 22. I have bought. 23. He had learnt, he went. 24. She had spent, she went.
  242Упражнение 242
1. My Friend likes, he eats, I met, he was eating, he told, he had bought, he is eating. 2. I alwayscome. 3. I came. 4. Nick will not go, he went, he has already been, he will stay and play. 5. What isyour brother doing. 6. My Father works, it is, he isn't working, he is reading. 7. I haven't seen, haveyou been, I've had, you know. 8. What was he doing, he wasn't doing, he was just looking. 9. We arehaving, I am. 10. Something awFul has happened, her little daughter has swallowed. 11. She asked, Ihad seen. 12. The boys had done, they went.
  243Упражнение 243
1. We have brought. 2. Jane is swimming. 3. What were you doing. 4. Have you ever seen. 5. I went.6. We go. 7. Nick had done. 8. Will you help. 9. Nick came, his mother had returned, was cooking. 10.I was going, I suddenly remembered, I had Forgotten. 11. GrandFather told, he had worked. 12. Mrand Mrs Smith arrived, they discovered, someone had broken, their video recorder and televisionhad disappeared, they don't know, they have done. 13. The man got, the conductor was collecting.
  244Упражнение 244
1. He is working, he will Finish, you come, he will be. 2. Has Pete gone, I think, he usually plays, he isnot. 3. He was reading. 4. Will you go, I am, I am doing, I have not yet written, you wait, I shall go, Iwant, I did not go. 5. The children had done, mother came, she came, they were playing. 6. I lost, Iwas playing. 7. You come. 8. Where do you usually get.
  245Упражнение 245
1. Mike eats, he is eating, I saw, he was eating, he said, he had eaten, he will Fall, he eats. 2. Theywere walking, talking, Nick stopped, said, I have lost, you do not Find, we shall have. 3. I came, Ilearnt, my train had already leFt. 4. What was he doing, you saw. 5. I shall give, I Finish. 6. The shipwas crossing, a great storm broke. 7. I've never heard. 8. Have you just written.
  246Упражнение 246
1. The rain has stopped, the sun is shining. 2. You help, I shall do. 3. I always get, I shall get. 4. Whatare you reading, I am reading, I am, Tom will soon come, I want, he comes. 5. You see, I want. 6. Icame, my brother was sleeping. 7. When will you come, I shall come, I am not. 8. I don't like. 9. Hecame. 10. I shall ring, I come. 11. I shall show, you like. 12. He had come. 13. Pete will certainly help,you ask. 14. This little boy has never seen. 15. You arrive. 16. He had known, we met.
  247Упражнение 247
1. I put, where are they, I have eaten, will you bring, you do not make, granny is sleeping. 2. Haveyou ever been. 3. What was Nick doing, you rang, he was playing, he told, he had already written. 4.Why is she sleeping, it is, she never sleeps. 5 . Will you go, I have already been, I was, I go, I did notgo, I had (have) not read, I am reading, I shall go, I Finish. 6. I receive. 7. We had already made.
  248Упражнение 248
1. Autumn has come, it is, it is getting, the days are~ getting, it oFten rains, it will be. 2. I had done, Iquickly ran, my Friends were waiting. 3. We had. 4. What have you learnt, I am, I have not prepared, Iwas, did not know, I shall prepare, you don't prepare, you will get. 5. What were you doing. 6. Mikealways does, he will begin, his Father has promised. 7. Mary came, her brother was reading, she hadbrought.
  249Упражнение 249
1. Where are you going, I am just taking. 2. Our students have done, they are, they know, they hope,they will make. 3. The expedition has covered, they are still. 4. Will you go. 5. Nick said, he had read.6. My Father combined. 7. A great number oF students were studying, I entered. 8. The storm wasraging, the sailors were trying. 9. He had changed. 10. I entered, the students were listening.
  250Упражнение 250
I looked, it was raining, you will get, you go, I won't, I shall take, we have, I wanted, I Found, therewas, they all were, I took, carried, I went, it was still raining, I went, sat, a young woman came, sat, Ihad Finished, was, I absent-mindedly took, started, she stopped, I had taken, I returned, I went, took,got, I had met, was riding, she saw, she said, you have had, haven't you.
  251Упражнение 251
1. I shall do. 2. I shall be doing. 3. I shall have done. 4. I shall begin, I shall be doing, my Father willcome, I shall have done, we shall go. 5. My Family will be having. 6. I shall be reading, I shall havedone. 7. I shall be writing. 8. I shall not go, I shall be watching. 9. What will you do. 10. What will yoube doing. 11. Will you play. 12. Will you have done. 13. When will you go. 14. How many pages willyou have read.
  252Упражнение 252
1. a) My Father works at an institute. b) My Father has been working at the institute since 1995. 2. a)My grandmother is cooking dinner. b) My grandmother has been cooking dinner since two o'clock. 3.a) My sister is sleeping. b) My sister has been sleeping since Five o'clock. 4. a) Mother is doing theFlat. b) Mother has been doing the Flat since morning. 5. a) GrandFather is watching TV. b)GrandFather has been watching TV since six o'clock. 6. a) My uncle writes poems. b) My uncle hasbeen writing poems since childhood. 7. a) She is reading. b) She has been reading since morning. 8.a) They are playing volleyball. b) They have been playing volleyball since three o'clock. 9. a) Westudy English. b) We have been studying English since 2006.
  253Упражнение 253
1. a) She is still studying Spanish. b) She has already been studying Spanish For two years. 2. a) Theyare still living in the country. b) They have already been living in the country For Four months. 3. a)She is still speaking on the phone. b) She has already been speaking on the phone For twentyminutes. 4. a) My brother is still solving this diFFicult problem, b) He has already been solving thisproblem For halF an hour. 5. a) She is still writing a letter to her grand-mother. b) She has alreadybeen writing this letter For an hour. 6. a) They are still Fishing. b) They have been Fishing For Fivehours already. 7. a) My grandparents are still playing lotto. b) They have been playing lotto For twohours already. 8. a) They are still arguing. b) They have been arguing For two hours already. 9. a)She is still sleeping. b) She has already been sleeping For two hours. 10. a) He is still doing hishomework. b) He has been doing his homework For three hours already. 11. a) The boys are stillplaying Football. b) They have already been playing Football For Forty minutes. 12. a) The girls are stillchanging their clothes. b) They have already been changing their clothes For halF an hour. 13. a) Theactors and actresses are still rehearsing this scene. b) They have been rehearsing this scene Forthree hours already. 14. a) The children are still running in the yard. b) They have been running inthe yard For three hours already. 15. a) He is still writing his new book. b) He has already beenwriting his new book For two years. 16. a) He is still learning Hamlet's soliloquy by heart, b) He hasbeen learning Hamlet's soliloquy For two days already. 17. a) We are still redecorating our Flat. b) Wehave already been redecorating our Flat For halF a month.
  254Упражнение 254
1. This man is, he writes, he has been writing, he has already written. 2. What have you been doing.3. She always helps, she has been helping, they have already washed, dusted, they are cooking. 4.He is running, he has been running. 5. What are they doing, they are working, they have beenworking. 6. Where is he, he is, he is playing, they have been playing. 7. I live, I have been living. 8.My Father works, he has been working. 9. Have you Found, I am still looking, I have already beenlooking, have not yet Found. 10. You have been playing. 11. You have been sleeping. 12. I have beenwaiting, have not yet received. 13. She has already been doing, she has not yet done. 14. I havebeen waiting. 15. What are you doing, I am reading, I have been reading, I have already read. 16. Ihave not heard. 17. I have just received, I have not yet received. 18. The weather is, the sun hasbeen shining. 19. I wind 20. What are you doing, I have been waiting. 21. Where are your gloves, Ihave put. 22. I am staying, I've been staying, I am having, I am taking, I've already seen, I've justtaken, which rises, provides. 23. I am going, I am, it is starving, Jane has already Fed.
  255Упражнение 255
1. We have known each other For Four years. 2. I have always wanted to study English. 3. Where isNina? — She has been at home For two hours. 4. Where are the children? — They are still playing inthe yard. 5. My brother has been an engineer For three years. 6. My Friend has known English sincechildhood. 7. I have already been watching you For halF an hour. 8. Is your brother still ill? — No, hehas already recovered. He has already been studying physics For three days. He wants to get anexcellent mark For (in) the exam. 9. I have wanted to read this book For a long time. 10. I havealready been trying to Find my old exercise book For twenty minutes. 11. They have already beenliving in New York For ten years. 12. My aunt is an actress. She has always liked the theatre. 13. Hasyour Father returned From the North yet? — Yes, he has been at home For two weeks. 14. I have beenthinking oF it For three days already. 15. My sister drinks white coFFee. And I have always preFerredblack coFFee. 16. We are very glad to see you. We have been waiting For you (For) the whole month.17. Are you still reading this book? How long have you been reading it? 18. My sister has alreadybeen studying music For Five years. 19. I have been looking For you the whole evening. Where haveyou been all the time? 20. They have already been writing the composition For two hours.
  256Упражнение 256
1. I was aFraid I should be late. 2. Did you think we should pick all the apples in three days? 3. Hehoped you would oFten visit him. 4. They expected he would be at home in a Few days. 5. Were youaFraid we shouldn't be in time? 6. She promised that she would Finish the work in a week. 7. I thoughtHenry would help us. 8. I hoped we should enjoy the show. 9. She expected he would win the race.
  257Упражнение 257
1. We shall not be. 2. We should not be. 3. He will be. 4. He would be. 5. When will you be. 6. I shouldbe. 7. Bob will do, he will do. 8. He would see. 9. We shall have. 10. He would say, I shall be. 1
1. Hewould speak. 12. Your aunt would bake.
  258Упражнение 258
1. She imagined that he would solve the problem in no time. 2. I heard that the new Film would be onin many cinemas. 3. We were told that the teacher would have corrected our papers by thebeginning oF the lesson. 4. She imagined that she would not like this TV programme. 5. He believedthat the train would arrive on time. 6. She said that the children would be playing in the yard. 7. Shewas sure that all the newspapers would publish this inFormation. 8. I supposed that they would winthe game. 9. He believed that I should go to the south. 10. She was sure that my sister would notForget to ring me up. 1
1. I supposed that I should have done my work by nine o'clock. 12. We weretold that the tourists would not return by sunset. 13. The letter said that my Friends would be waitingFor me. 14. I supposed that my Friend would have returned by that time. 15. He understood that theywould be working the whole evening. 16. She was sure that he would return this book to the libraryimmediately.
  259Упражнение 259
1. I know that he will come soon. 2. I knew that he would come soon. 3. I think that she will besleeping at this time. 4. I thought that she would be sleeping at that time. 5. She thinks that she willhave done all the work by Five o'clock. 6. She thought that she would have done all the work by Fiveo'clock. 7. I was sure that by ten o'clock he would have learnt the poem. 8. I knew that by nineo'clock mother would have cooked supper and at nine o'clock the whole Family would be sitting atthe table. I was aFraid that I should come too late. 9. She was aFraid that her Friend would not come.10. They wrote that they would come soon. 1
1. I was sure that I should meet him at the station. 12. Ithink that Father will soon write a letter to us. 13. Have you been told that in December we shallwrite a paper? 14. He understood that he would never Forget her. 15. I believe that they willremember us. 16. He says he will buy a car. 17. He said he would buy a car.
260Упражнение 260
1. The storm had already stopped, the snow was still Falling. 2. He had Finished, I came, he wasreading. 3. I have been waiting, I have not received. 4. Everybody was, my Friend had not yet come. 5. We were drinking, the telephone rang. 6. Everybody was looking, he Felt. 7. Light travels. 8. Icame, he was reading, said, he would give, I have taken, I am reading, I shall have Finished, I shallgive, you come. 9. We have been waiting. 10. The students thanked, who had delivered. 1
1. We hadcovered, who had been looking.
  261Упражнение 261
1. He was, you were, he asked, he would come. 2. Have you read, I have not yet read it, I haveheard, it is, I shall read, I get. 3. We came, the train had already arrived, the passengers werehurrying. 4. The concert was, we had expected. 5. He told, no one came, I could, he had reserved. 6.Lanny returned, he had been studying, his people had sent, he had done, they had hoped, he woulddo, he would be.
  262Упражнение 262
1. It had been raining. 2. She has been teaching. 3.You come. 4. He began, he is still writing, he willhave Finished. 5. We have been helping, we have arranged. 6. What were you doing, I came. 7. Icame, they told, he had leFt. 8. He Found, he had made. 9. I leFt, the snow had already stopped, astrong wind was blowing. 10. Have you read, I have read, I think, it is. 1
1. What are the childrendoing, they are playing, I have just bought. 12. They have reached, are standing. 13. We had beenwalking. 14. That's, I'm complaining, will talk.
  263Упражнение 263
1. The librarian gave, I had been waiting, I went, began. 2. He is, he is doing. 3. I was, somethingwould happen. 4. My watch had stopped, I arrived, my train had leFt, I had, the next train wouldcome. 5. He had been waiting, he saw. 6. He had read. 7. The sun rose, the night had been. 8. Wherehave you put. 9. I had not yet Fallen, the telephone rang. 10. What were you doing. 1
1. The childrenwere playing, they have gone. 12. You arrive. 13. Do you always spend, I went, I did not Find. 14.They told, they had seen. 15. I leFt, it Was raining.
  264Упражнение 264
1. You come, we shall still be packing. 2. When did you see. 3. I met, he was walking. 4. Have youever acted, I have been doing. 5. The child is sleeping, he always wakes, somebody opens. 6. I haveleFt, I shall take, Nick comes. 7. I had been reading, he came. 8. The play had not yet begun, thepeople were talking. 9. A little swallow was Flying, his Friends had Flown, he had stayed. 10. Whathave you been doing. 1
1. I bought, I had lost. 12. We were walking, he had already told, that was, Ihad. 13. The moon had not risen, two stars were shining.
  265Упражнение 265
1. What are you reading, I am reading, how long have you been* reading, I have been reading. 2.She had been living, her sister came. 3. Our teacher has come, he is speaking. 4. They werespeaking, I looked. 5. What are you doing, I am preparing, how long have you been preparing, I havebeen working. 6. He had been teaching, the war broke. 7. She has been studying. 8. Have you everbeen, I was. 9. What is your Friend doing, she is having, she usually has. 10. I have bought, I shallshow, you come. 1
1. Who will take, you go. 12. Where are you going, I am going. 13. I had beenwalking, I saw. 14. He had read, he gave. 15. He leFt, he has been living. 16. We shall be discussing.17. She is reading, I gave. 18. I've always hated. 19. I haven't seen.
  266Упражнение 266
1. How long have you been waiting. 2. I met, I had not seen. 3. I shall not yet be sleeping. 4. You willbe, you do not take. 5. The sun had set, it was beginning. 6. I came, my sister had already returned,was sitting. 7. He had smoked, had looked, he heard. 8. Andrew saw, he entered, she was sitting, shehad greatly changed, looked. 9. She has just received. 10. He had just approached, she entered. 11.He has been writing, he says, he will soon Finish, he is thinking. 12. The nurse has put (is putting).13. He had been working. 14. Hardly had I gone, I remembered, I had Forgotten. 15. It is, haven't youFinished.
  267Упражнение 267
1. The students had written (will have written). 2. They had been sailing, they came. 3. I have notbeen. 4. The rain had stopped, we reached. 5. The message arrived, he had leFt. 6. It was, we began.7. The reply From my grandmother came, my mother told, she would come. 8. Here you are, I havebeen waiting, aren't you. 9. Peter was reading, the door opened, the maid entered, the cook wasFollowing. 10. The mother had satisFied, the children were sleeping, she took, put, which werehanging. 1
1. You ring, I shall tell. 12. The lesson had not yet begun, the children were talking. 13. Ihave been living. 14. The students had passed (will have passed). 15. I am waiting, he hasn't been.16. Have you heard.
  268Упражнение 268
1. He is not, he has gone, he will come. 2. I had gone, Fallen, my Father returned. 3. I have drunk. 4. Icame, he was living, I had First met, he told, he had been waiting. 5. The pupils had done, theylearnt. 6. They had stopped. 7. He Found, his two Friends had got, were waiting. 8. The sportsmenhave been training, they are going, they are not. 9. Five minutes had not passed, we were waiting,appeared. 10. Father will come, we shall have done, we shall be drinking, he comes. 1
1. Mrs Smithcame, she saw, her daughter had cooked, was waiting. 12. Has anyone seen. 13. Are you going.
  269Упражнение 269
1. He had been listening. 2. He had translated. 3. Have you ever been, I was. 4. She had not seen. 5.What did you do. 6. How many pages have you translated. 7. The day was, it was raining, I reached,my raincoat was, I took, shook, hung, went, my children were playing, they saw, they jumped, ran. 8.I have heard, I shall write, I hear. 9. Hardly had he opened, he Found, he thought, he had lost. 10.The room is, which are coming, mother does not like. 1
1. He Finished, he had begun. 12. I am, he willlose. 13. Who is making. 14. Sharks have been.
  270Упражнение 270
1. The train stopped, I looked, did not see, I had sent, they would meet, I discovered, they hadreceived. 2. Her sister had Forgotten, Ann had leFt, we came. 3. It had stopped, the sun was shining.4. The perFormance had already begun, they had, the First act was, Nina had never been, she liked.5. I did not recognize, I had not seen, she had greatly changed. 6. The boy burst, he did notremember, he had tried. 7. She is working, she has already gathered, she is writing. 8. We came, ourtrain had already leFt, we had, another one came. 9. I had spent. 10. He had missed. 1
1. John Grayvisited, has not been. 12. We had spent, we had learnt, we had experienced, we had come.
  271Упражнение 271
You have come, where did you spend, I was, is it raining, it is, the rain has stopped, the wind isblowing, I met, do you know, I do, I have known, we were, we oFten played, where did you meet, Ihave not seen, what does she look, she has not changed, she was going, I met, what did she tell, shetold, she had recently returned, she had travelled, seen, she wants, she will come, I think, that willbe, I am, what is the time, my watch has stopped, I do not know, it is, my mother will be waiting.
  272Упражнение 272
1. He was happy: he had written an excellent composition. 2. I have been looking For you the wholeevening. 3. I suddenly remembered that I had eaten nothing since morning. 4. Luckily, the rain hadstopped when we came out. 5. How many years have you been working at this school? 6. At eleveno'clock we were still working. 7. At eleven o'clock we had already been working For three hours. 8. Ihave already told you three times that the exercise should (must) be rewritten. 9. I had been readinga whole hour aFter dinner when Father came. 10. I shall not come. I shall be writing a composition thewhole evening. 1
1. Where have you been since last Friday? 12. I have been staying with my FriendsFor two weeks already. 13. I had been staying with my Friends For two weeks already when I receiveda (the) letter. 14. How many days have you been reading this book? 15. Only when she was on thetrain, she remembered that she had leFt the book at home. 16. They have been living in this houseFor Five years already. 17. My sister had already been ill For several days when I learnt about it. 18.Did you know that he had not written the composition? 19. We have not received letters From her Forseveral months already. 20. How many years have you been working in this Factory? 2
1. He had already gone when Lena turned on the radio. 22. I have been working at this problem For threemonths already. 23. You must (should) rest. You have worked too much today.
  273Упражнение 273
1. What does your brother do? — He works at an institute. — And what is he doing now? — He isreading a newspaper. I always bring him newspapers when he comes From work. 2. It was alreadydark when we approached the house: a strong wind was blowing and it was getting colder andcolder. 3. What will you be doing at eight o'clock in the evening tomorrow? — Tomorrow by eighto'clock I shall have Finished all my homework and at eight I shall be playing the piano. 4. They haveread Dickens in English and know many oF his works. 5. Winter has come, and now we shall oFten goto the skating rink again. 6. When Tom came out oF the house, all the children were playing Football,and Bill and John were counting round stones they had brought From the river. 7. She was surprised:she had never seen so many Flowers. 8. When I woke up, mother had already got up and was makingtea. 9. I have been trying to remember her name For halF an hour already, but haven't yetremembered it. 10. When he came home, we had already gone to the cinema. 1
1. She said that itwas raining and we had better stay at home. 12. She had been living in this house For Five yearsalready when her brother came. 13. She thought that the weather would be Fine. 14. Don't youunderstand that in spring I shall have been wearing this hat For three years? 15. Have they beenplaying chess since morning? 16. They had been walking along the road For two or three hours whenit suddenly began to rain. 17. I know that she has been working at this article For three weeksalready. 18. When I repeated my question, he said that he had not heard me the First time, but I sawclearly that he had heard me well both times. 19. Well, have you packed your things at last? The taxihas been waiting at the doors For ten minutes. 20. We have been sitting here For two hours already,and I haven't yet told you about my trip. 2
1. Where is Julia? — She is in the library, she is preparingFor her report. She has already been working For three hours. 22. He thought that his Friends workedtogether. 23. I haven't had breakFast today.
  274Упражнение 274
I told — I was told. I showed — I was shown. She brought — She was brought. We asked — We wereasked. We answered — We were answered. We sent — We were sent. They gave — They were given.He helped — He was helped. He advised — He was advised. He Forgot — He was Forgotten. Heremembered — He was remembered. We invited — We were invited. We corrected — We werecorrected. He cured — He was cured. He called — He was called.
  275Упражнение 275
I was told — I am told — I shall be told. I was shown — I am shown — I shall be shown. She wasbrought — She is brought — She will be brought. We were asked — We are asked — We shall beasked. We were answered — We are answered — We shall be answered. We were sent — We aresent — We shall be sent. They were given — They are given — They will be given. He was helped —He is helped — He will be helped. He was advised — He is advised — He will be advised. He wasForgotten — He is Forgotten — He will be Forgotten. He was remembered — He is remembered — Hewill be remembered. We were invited — We are invited — We shall be invited. We were corrected —We are corrected — We shall be corrected. He was called — He is called — He will be called.
  276Упражнение 276
1. is emptied. 2. are postmarked. 3. are sorted. 4. is loaded. 5. are unloaded. 6. are taken. 7. aresorted. 8. are delivered.
  277Упражнение 277
1. was emptied. 2. were postmarked. 3. were sorted. 4. was loaded. 5. were unloaded. 6. were taken.7. were sorted. 8. were delivered.
  278Упражнение 278
1. will be emptied. 2. will be postmarked. 3. will be sorted. 4. will be loaded. 5. will be unloaded. 6.will be taken. 7. will be sorted. 8. will be delivered.
  279Упражнение 279
1. was answered. 2. is played. 3. are gathered. 4. were burnt. 5. will be Finished. 6. are sold. 7. wasFounded. 8. is eaten. 9. was received. 10. will be sent. 1
1. was asked. 12. was given. 13. are built. 14.will be done. 15. was translated. 16. were planted. 17. are always played. 18. will be given. 19. wereinvited. 20. is never Found. 2
1. was not built.
280Упражнение 280
1. will be met. 2. will meet. 3. will bring. 4. will be brought. 5. may leave. 6. can leave. 7. will betaken. 8. will take.
  281Упражнение 281
1. I always praise my Friends. 2. I am always praised at home. 3. Every Saturday Father showsgrandFather my marks. 4. Every Saturday Father is shown my marks. 5. We oFten remember you. 6.We are oFten remembered in the village. 7. I am given juice every morning. 8. Every morning I givethe cat milk. 9. Every day he tells us something interesting. 10. Every day he is told somethinginteresting. 1
1. I oFten send letters to my Friends. 12. I am oFten sent to the south. 13. I am oFteninvited to the cinema. 14. My sister is oFten helped at school. 15. Sometimes I Forget to take mytravel card. 16. He writes many letters. 17. Books by A. Christie are read with interest. 18. Dogs likebones. 19. Dogs are liked in many Families. 20. When is tea drunk in your Family? 2
1. Where are oldletters kept? 22. Why are these rules always Forgotten? 23. Why do you always Forget these rules?24. Where do your Friends live? 25. Where is bread bought? 26. When are questions asked?
  282Упражнение 282
1. I advised my Friend to join a sports club (a health club). 2. I was advised to join a sports club (ahealth club). 3. I showed the doctor my teeth. 4. I was shown to the doctor. 5. I gave my dog a lumpoF sugar. 6. I was given soup For dinner. 7. Yesterday I asked the teacher to help me. 8. Yesterday Iwas asked to help my classmate. 9. Last summer I taught my sister to swim. 10. Last summer I wastaught to swim. 1
1. Yesterday we were asked a lot oF questions at the lesson. 12. I answered all thequestions. 13. The teacher gave me a good mark. 14. At home I was praised. 15. These letters werebrought in the morning. 16. My bicycle was bought last year. 17. These nuts were eaten yesterday.18. Where did you buy this book? 19. Where was this book bought? 20. When was the dinnercooked? 2
1. When was the cup broken? 22. When did you break the cup? 23. What was hepromised? 24. When was the car repaired? 25. When was the mistake corrected? 26. Where wereyou born? 27. Where did you study English?
  283Упражнение 283
1. Tomorrow I shall bring a new Film. 2. Tomorrow a new Film will be brought. 3. My Friend will helpme with mathematics. 4. My Friend will be helped with German. 5. We shall buy some ice cream. 6.The new skates will be bought tomorrow. 7. Mike will ask me to help him. 8. Mike will be asked to tellabout his journey. 9. The doctor will ask me to open my mouth. 10. The doctor will be asked to cureme. 1
1. The tickets will be brought tomorrow. 12. The dictation will be written next Tuesday. 13.Mother will be asked not to worry. 14. Mother will be given a cup oF coFFee. 15. Mother will thank thedoctor. 16. The telegram will be sent at once. 17. The carpet will be hung on the wall. 18. The bookswill be put on the shelF. 19. When will the letter be sent? 20. When will the paper be corrected? 21.How will this work be done?
  284Упражнение 284
1. The Freshman was laughed at. 2. The headmistress was spoken to yesterday. 3. The babies werelooked aFter with great care. 4. That old house was not lived in. 5. Jim was sent For and told toprepare a report on that subject. 6. Our Friend was thought about all the time. 7. He will be operatedon in a week. 8. The pupil's parents were sent For. 9. The newspaper was looked For everywhere. 10.The bed was not slept in. 1
1. The telegram was asked For. 12. The lecturer was listened to with greatattention. 13. The weather is oFten spoken about.
  285Упражнение 285
1. She is oFten sent to the post oFFice. 2. Last year she was sent to Cambridge. 3. He will be sent toHarvard. 4. She is always sent For. 5. She was sent For yesterday. 6. I shall be sent For tomorrow. 7.They are always invited to Ann's birthday. 8. In summer Nick will be taken to the country. 9. This Filmwas much spoken about. 10. We were shown many beautiFul paintings at the museum. 1
1. This bookis very oFten asked For. 12. My idea was misunderstood.
  286Упражнение 286
1. Irene was brought some beautiFul shells From the south by her husband. 2. The newspaperreporters were given a long interview. 3. You will be taught English by Mr Wilson. 4. I was ordered amonth's rest From studying. 5. Nick was given a book For his birthday. 6. We are told stories by ourmother every evening. 7. You will be shown a new book oF pictures. 8. She was shown the way. 9.We shall be sent a box oF Fruit. 10. They were Followed by Five or six small children. 1
1. In summerthe horses are oFten driven to the Fields. 12. The Poles were led into the thickest part oF the Forest.13. The little boat was carried out to sea. 14. The translation will be done in the evening. 15. Thehouseplants are watered regularly. 16. I was promised these books long ago. 17. Bessie was given acomplete set oF Walter Scott's works. 18. Their (The) heavy backpacks were dropped (by the twohikers). 19. The rooF oF the house will be painted. 20. The Fence was whitewashed. 2
1. She was giventhree beautiFul dishes as a birthday present.
  287Упражнение 287
1. She took a long time to write the composition, but at last it was written. 2. Don't put the cup there:it will be broken. 3. Why weren't you at the birthday party? — I wasn't invited. 4. We met manydiFFiculties, but all the same the work was Finished in time. 5. You will be leFt behind iF you are notquick. 6. All my money was spent on books last month. 7. I don't think all this work will be donetoday: there is too much oF it. 8. It's a very Funny thing that when I start doing this, I am alwaysstopped. 9. Don't leave these sweets on the table: they will be eaten. 10. Her mother's heart wasreally broken when she leFt home. 1
1. The bear was attacked by the bees when it tried to take theirhoney.
  288Упражнение 288
1. The box must be taken to the station. 2. The river can be crossed on a raFt. 3. The building oF thehouse can be Finished very soon. 4. Your debts must be paid the day aFter tomorrow. 5. Three oFthese exercises must be done tomorrow. 6. The book you need can be Found in any library. 7. Theseletters must be sent at once. 8. This mistake can be easily Forgiven. 9. Such berries can be Foundeverywhere. 10. This work must be done very careFully. 1
1. The doctor says she must be taken tohospital. 12. The work can be done in three days. 13. All the library books must be returned beForeeach summer vacation. 14. Even the tallest trees can be climbed by monkeys. 15. All you moneymustn't be spent at once.
  289Упражнение 289
1. Hands must be washed beFore each meal. 2. Rooms must be regularly aired. 3. A cat must be Fedwith Fish. 4. A dog can be Fed with meat and vegetables. 5. A child must be given Fruit. 6. The booksmust be put into the bookcase. 7. This picture can be hung over the Fireplace. 8. How can this wordbe translated? 9. Where can the suitcases be put? 10. May the cat be leFt in the yard? 1
1. What mustbe paid attention to? 12. Your telephone number must be written down. 13. Your blood pressuremust be checked. 14. He must be invited to my birthday party. 15. She can be oFFered a new job.
  290Упражнение 290
1. The rule was understood. 2. It was learnt. 3. The invitation will be accepted. 4. The letter will beposted. 5. Music is heard. 6. The First prize was won. 7. The question was settled. 8. Your report mustbe divided. 9. He will be sent. 10. The book will be discussed. 1
1. The composition must be handed.12. He was told. 13. The article was published. 14. The lecture was attended. 15. A taxi was called.16. The young man was introduced.
  291Упражнение 291
1. saw. 2. will be received. 3. will give. 4. be Found. 5. shall show. 6. Find. 7. is divided. 8. Founded. 9.was Founded. 10. call. 1
1. speaks.
  292Упражнение 292
1. Potatoes were bought yesterday. 2. The books will be brought tomorrow. 3. The clock is beingrepaired now. 4. Milk is sold in this shop. 5. The whole text has been translated. 6. A lot oF moneywas stolen From the shop. 7. By six o'clock the work had been Finished. 8. At twelve o'clock thetrucks were being loaded. 9. By three o'clock the trucks had been loaded. 10. Our daughter is sent torest in the south every year. 1
1. This Film will be shown on TV. 12. A new concert hall is being built inour street. 13. The window was broken last week. 14. When I came home, the sweets had beeneaten. 15. The work will be done in the evening. 16. This book was written in the 19th century. 17.Tennis was being played From Four till Five. 18. A number oF important experiments have been madein this laboratory. 19. Central AFrica was explored by Livingstone in the 19th century. 20. By themiddle oF autumn all the trees had been planted. 2
1. This play will be staged at the beginning oFnext season. 22. The story has been Forgotten. 23. Have the rules oF the game been explained toyou? 24. My skates haven't been brought back. 25. Corrections are usually made in red ink.
  293Упражнение 293
1. He was shown the way to the metro station. 2. I shall be introduced to his Friends. 3. A bridge isbeing built over the river. 4. The article hasn't yet been translated. 5. The man was being looked atwith great surprise. 6. The Film will be spoken about at the lesson. 7. The pupil's parents were sentFor. 8. Have the letters been typed yet? — No, they are being typed now. 9. He was asked about hisholidays. 10. The novel has already been discussed. 1
1. I was not given his address. 12. All my billshave just been paid.
  294Упражнение 294
1. Three Foreign languages are taught at this school. 2. This letter was received aFter his departure.3. Have you ever been attacked by dogs? 4. Honey is gathered From Flowers by bees. 5. The ship wasdriven against a rock. 6. Whom was the circulation oF blood discovered by? 7. Delicious Fruit icecream is being sold there now. 8. We were shown the way out oF the wood (by the old man). 9. Shewas oFFered some interesting work. 10. She was prescribed new medicine. 1
1. He is oFten spoken oF.12. This Funny animal was laughed at by everybody. 13. You have been looked For the wholemorning. 14. Strict discipline will be insisted on. 15. This computer program has just been written.
  295Упражнение 295
1. A lot oF things have been scattered about. 2. All the books have been put into the bookcase. 3.The Fields will be covered with snow in winter. 4. The homework will be handed in tomorrow. 5. Idon't think all the preparations will be Finished today. 6. I am always invited to her dinner parties. 7. Iwas shown the dress (which had been) made by her daughter. 8. She was not invited to the party. 9.The window was not leFt open. 10. The light was not turned oFF. 1
1. Some Friends have been invitedto tea. 12. I have been given an English book. 13. Has the letter been written yet? 14. We have beentold a lot oF interesting things. 15. The paper has been written without mistakes. 16. The matter wasdiscussed some days ago. 17. You are wanted on the phone. 18. My book was Found on thewindowsill. 19. Excellent shelters have been built For tourists in these mountains. 20. Have theexercises been given out to all the students? 2
1. The boy was angry because he was not allowed togo to the stadium. 22. Why have my books been put on this table? 23. His taxes have been paid.
  296Упражнение 296
1. I was taken to the cinema last week. 2. This work will be Finished in time. 3. This house was built in200
1. 4. New children's books were being sold in that shop when I entered it yesterday. 5. On ourway to the station we were joined by a large group oF young people. 6. A school was started in thisvillage by a young teacher. 7. This article is being translated now. 8. «The Forsyte Saga» was writtenby Galsworthy. 9. This meeting was attended by thousands oF people. 10. I have just beeninterrupted. 1
1. It has been explained to us (by the teacher). 12. The light is turned on when it isdark. 13. The students' translation was Finished some time ago. 14. The dishes were washed (by Helen). 15. Betty's younger brother was oFten taken For a walk. 16. Some coFFee has been made. 17.Has your dress been ironed yet? 18. This word was mispronounced. 19. She has been told the truth.20. We were promised an interesting entertainment. 2
1. Chalk is used For writing on the blackboard.22. My work will be Finished at about seven o'clock. 23. The door has been opened. 24. The coFFeewas brought in. 25. His credit card has been lost.
  297Упражнение 297
1. The girl was looked For everywhere. 2. The boy was not listened to. 3. The patients are lookedaFter well. 4. Our address was asked For. 5. These papers were looked through this morning. 6. Mybrother will be given English lessons. 7. I have been shown an interesting magazine. 8. He was toldeverything (by his Friend). 9. The Famous lecturer was warmly greeted by the students. 10. A hugeplant has recently been built in the town oF N. 1
1. The work must be Finished by tomorrow. 12. WhenI Fell ill, the doctor was sent For. 13. Helen was shown the nearest way to the theatre. 14. His patientwas given some good advice. 15. I have been told the news (by Mary). 16. The little boy was lookedat with interest. 17. The paper was examined attentively.
  298Упражнение 298
1. She cleaned and aired the room. 2. Have you read all these books? 3. Who wrote these letters? 4.The secretary has just typed the letter. 5. She showed me the picture which her husband hadpainted. 6. My parents will not allow me to go there. 7. We have told him everything so he knowswhat to do. 8. You must answer all the questions. 9. They have leFt the door open. 10. We met Bettyat the station. 1
1. The girl's mother did not allow her to go to the concert. 12. She said that they hadnot yet hung up the new timetable on the notice board. 13. We ate the roast chicken with pleasure.14. It was so dark that we could not see the houses. 15. They have not yet turned oFF the light. 16.She punished the boy For misbehaving. 17. By three o'clock we had prepared everything. 18. Wewrote the dictation without mistakes. 19. Who wrote the poem? 20. She washed and ironed herdress. 2
1. They did not blame me For the mistakes. 22. The teacher had looked through andcorrected the papers by the next lesson. 23. They built this house last year. 24. We have just sentthe letter. 25. We shall translate this article at the lesson on Tuesday. 26. When will you return thisbook to the library?
  299Упражнение 299
1. We have sent invitations to all the old pupils to be present at the school's thirtieth anniversary. 2.All the passengers in the bus were listening to the story oF the boy whom the driver had saved Fromdrowning. 3. We Finished the work in time. 4. She takes care oF the child. 5. Every student must readthis book. 6. You can see this Film at our cinema. 7. Spartan parents taught their children to endureall hardships. 8. Which article did your brother translate? 9. He was teaching them drawing at thatlesson. 10. He seldom mentioned this name in his novels. 1
1. People oFten tell me about it. 12. Wehave never spoken oF this man. 13. When did you do it? 14. What museums did you visit last year?15. Have you handed in your compositions? 16. What you have said is true. 17. AFter he hadthoroughly explained the Facts to her, she no longer Felt worried. 18. The policeman Fined him Forcrossing the street in the wrong place. 19. The Persians attacked the Greeks From the sea. 20. Peoplehave never climbed this mountain beFore (Nobody has ever climbed this mountain beFore). 2
1. Shetold me that she had careFully put those newspapers away where she would not lose them. 22. Whyhave you put these cups here in this cupboard? 23. Nick's mother told him to go home at once.
300Упражнение 300
1. shall be asked. 2. was always spoken. 3. was expected. 4. would be opened. 5. is (being) sold. 6.were looked, was Found. 7. were made. 8. had been received. 9. have just been introduced. 10. willbe taken, will be brought.
  301Упражнение 301
1. This book was borrowed From the library only yesterday. 2. These three students were asked twodays ago. 3. Were you examined in the morning? 4. This mouse was caught at night. 5. VerybeautiFul bags are made in this Factory. 6. Letters can be sent there only in summer, but telegramsall the year round. 7. My Friend is sent abroad every year. 8. She was sent to hospital two days ago.9. Yesterday we were sent to the laboratory. 10. This composition was written last week. 1
1. Thetelegram was sent late at night, and he will receive it only in the morning. 12. This article must be read by the whole group. 13. This exercise may be written in pencil. 14. All your compositions will bereturned next week. 15. This letter can be written on a piece oF paper.
  302Упражнение 302
1. We were shown a very strange picture. 2. You are being looked For. Go home. 3. All oF you will beinvited in the hall and told about all the changes in the school curriculum. 4. Why is he alwayslaughed at? 5. All oF us were given tickets to the exhibition. 6. The lectures oF this Famous proFessorare always listened to with great attention. 7. Am I being waited For? 8. They were asked threediFFicult questions. 9. The headmaster has already been sent For. Please wait a little. 10. Everybodywas invited to a big hall. 1
1. These letters have been looked through. They can be sent. 12. At thestation they were met and taken to the hotel by the guide. 13. These magazines must be returned tothe library next week. 14. During our lessons much attention is paid to pronunciation. 15. Ivanov wastold to explain why he missed classes. 16. Shall I be invited to your party? 17. The children were leFtalone at home.
  303Упражнение 303
1. This doctor is oFten sent For. 2. He is always met by his Friends at the railway station. 3. Are yougiven books For reading at school? 4. The prisoners were brought into a big hall. 5. What exerciseswere done in class? 6. Who was this novel written by? 7. Many schools will be built next year. 8. He islaughed at by everybody. 9. Will this work be Finished next week? 10. When were these apple treesplanted? 1
1. He was oFten remembered and spoken oF at the institute. 12. Shall we be met at thestation? 13. The answer will be sent in a Few days. 14. When were you asked? 15. This translation willbe Finished in a Few days. 16. Will this book be returned on time? 17. He will be met by his Father atthe railway station. 18. This picture was painted in the 16th century. 19. Are these books used Forwork? 20. In Italy we shall be shown many places oF interest. 2
1. This man was Followed by a greatcrowd. 22. When the new story was being read, somebody knocked at the door. 23. Have youalready been invited to the party? 24. When mother came, dinner had already been cooked.
  304Упражнение 304
1. The letters were leFt on the table. 2. The boy was not allowed to bathe in the river. 3. AFter dinnerthe dishes were washed. 4. The letter was written yesterday. 5. This article was written by an Englishjournalist. 6. This poem must be learnt by all the students oF our group. 7. We were shown manybeautiFul things. 8. The poem was learnt by heart. 9. They will be taught English. 10. When the applewas eaten (had been eaten), the girl took the doll and went into the room. 1
1. When will your bookbe written? 12. All these books have been borrowed From the library. 13. The dictation was handed into the teacher aFter the bell rang. 14. I thought that bread and butter would be bought by my sister.15. In spring this Field will be covered with green grass and Flowers. 16. The homework was prepared,the books and exercise books were put into the bag. 17. The work was done very well. 18. The articlemust be translated by Five o'clock. 19. The translation will be Finished on time. 20. When I camehome, soup had already been cooked. 2
1. The article was translated without mistakes. 22. The bookwas put into the bookcase.
  305Упражнение 305
1. Where is your brother now? — He has been sent to France. 2. You have just been spoken oF. 3. Athome she was laughed at. 4. «I have just been ordered to bring in the prisoners,» said the soldier. 5.Who was this letter written by? 6. These Flowers have just been picked. 7. Were you asked to come alittle earlier yesterday? 8. Next year his play will be staged at this theatre. 9. This proFessor is alwayssent For in diFFicult situations. 10. St Paul's Cathedral was built by the architect Wren. 1
1. When wasthe letter written? 12. Where have the books been put? 13. The doctor will be sent For tomorrow. 14.Many houses are built in St Petersburg. 15. Books by English and American writers are published allover the world. 16. By the time he came, the letter had already been received. 17. Our house isbeing repaired now. 18. Nick is just being asked. 19. Have the books been brought From the library?20. This cinema had been built beFore we came here. 2
1. Robert Burns'poems are known in manycountries oF the world. 22. When Charles Dickens was a little boy, his Father was put into a debtors'prison. 23. This opera was written a hundred years ago. 24. This novel has already been translatedinto Five languages. 25. Dinner was being cooked when I came home.
  306Упражнение 306
1. I was introduced to her Father yesterday. 2. When I return home, all my suitcases will be packed(will have been packed). 3. What textbook is reFerred to in your report? 4. Had this composition beenwritten beFore you made your report? 5. She was listened to very inattentively and everything shesaid was soon Forgotten. 6. This episode is much spoken about in our Family. 7. We were taken intothe hall and oFFered good seats. 8. Has the medicine been sent For? —Yes, it is being looked For. 9.He was brought up by his sister. 10. Don't worry, he will be helped with his work. 1
1. Three newschools are being built in our district. 12. This bridge is still being built. It was being built when I sawit For the First time. 13. When I began helping them, they had already been translating the article Fortwo hours, but it had not yet been translated. 14. When I come home, dinner will still be cooked. 15.This story was discussed at the literature lesson. 16. Don't speak until you are spoken to. 17. AgathaChristie's works were translated into more than 100 languages.
  307Упражнение 307
1. Мы не знали, куда ходят наши друзья каждый вечер. 2. Мы не знали, куда ушли нашидрузья. 3. Она сказала, что ее лучший друг — врач. 4. Она сказала, что ее лучший друг былврачом. 5. Я не знал, что вы работаете в Эрмитаже. 6. Я не знал, что вы работали в Эрмитаже.7. Я знал, что вы больны. 8. Я знал, что вы были больны. 9. Мы выяснили, что она выходит издому в восемь часов каждое утро. 10. Мы выяснили, что в то утро она вышла из дома в восемьчасов. 1
1. Когда он узнал, что его сын всегда получает отличные оценки по всем предметам вшколе, он был очень доволен. 12. Когда он узнал, что его сын получил отличную оценку вшколе, он был очень доволен.
  308Упражнение 308
1. My uncle said he had just come back From the Caucasus. 2. He said he had spent a Fortnight in theCaucasus. 3. He said it had done him a lot oF good. 4. He said he Felt better now. 5. He said his wiFeand he had spent most oF their time on the beach. 6. He said they had done a lot oF sightseeing. 7.He said he had a good camera. 8. He said he had taken many photographs while travelling in theCaucasus. 9. He said he would come to see us next Sunday. 10. He said he would bring and show usthe photographs he had taken during his stay in the Caucasus.
  309Упражнение 309
1. Mike said he was sure Ann and Kate would be excellent guides. 2. He said they had made goodprogress in English. 3. Oleg said that in a day or two several English students would come to pay avisit to their school and he would probably have to act as an interpreter. 4. Ann said she had just metBoris in the street. 5. She said Boris had told her a lot oF interesting things about his travels in thesouth. 6. Nick said he was going to the hotel to see his Friends who had just arrived in St PetersburgFrom the United States oF America. 7. He said they had not been in their beloved city For a long time.8. He said they had been Friends at school. 9. He said he would take them to the theatre on Sunday.10. They said they would write him a letter when they returned home.
  310Упражнение 310
1. was playing. 2. would come. 3. had posted. 4. will be, will not change. 5. was. 6. has bought. 7.had seen. 8. was staying. 9. had lost. 10. studied. 1
1. should Finish. 12. worked. 13. was.
  311Упражнение 311
1. were waiting. 2. had already wound. 3. would not be, went. 4. knows. 5. had not come. 6.remembered. 7. would arrest. 8. did not want. 9. will send. 10. would leave. 1
1. has already Found.12. was striking. 13. could, was. 14. had ever travelled. 15. was running. 16. had just gone, would be.
  312Упражнение 312
1. I was aFraid that you would Fall and break your leg. 2. I knew that my Friend had never been toWashington. 3. I was told that she never drank milk. 4. We were told that he was a very talentedsinger. 5. We knew that they lived a happy liFe. 6. She thought that the children were playing in the yard. 7. She hoped that her Friend would come to see her. 8. He thought that Father had repaired hisbicycle. 9. I supposed that she knew English very well. 10. We were sure that our sportsmen wouldwin the game. 1
1. I Found out that he did not know German at all. 12. She was glad that she hadmade no mistakes in her dictation. 13. I knew that he worked at his English hard. 14. I was told thatshe danced better than anybody else. 15. I learnt that my cousin had received a very interestingoFFer From his Firm. 16. My aunt wrote in her letter that she would come to stay with us. 17. We heardthat he was painting a new picture. 18. We were sure that his new picture would be a masterpiece.
  313Упражнение 313
1. were waiting. 2. had already wound. 3. would not be, went. 4. knows. 5. had not come. 6.remembered. 7. would arrest. 8. did not want. 9. will send. 10. would leave. 1
1. has already Found.12. was striking. 13. could, was. 14. had ever travelled. 15. was running. 16. had just gone, would be.gave her very good advice. 12. He said that he liked that play. 13. Last year they thought that theywould never read English well, but yesterday they saw that they read texts rather well. 14. He toldme yesterday that his Father was a proFessor and lived in Moscow.
  314Упражнение 314
1. I was aFraid that I should lose my way in the Forest. 2. She knew that we had never seen herpicture. 3. The scientist was sure that he would Find the solution oF the problem. 4. I knew that youhad come to St Petersburg and supposed that you would visit me. 5. We did not think that he wouldbe so angry. 6. We learnt yesterday that she was ill. 7. He thought that she would not come toschool. 8. I knew that my sister was studying French and thought that she would go to Paris. 9. I wastold that you had rung me up. 10. I thought that you were in Moscow. 1
1. I did not know that you hadalready returned to St Petersburg. 12. We hoped that we should go to London. 13. The teacher saidthat our Friends had sent a letter From London. 14. She said that her Friend had invited her to thetheatre. 15. We were aFraid that we should not buy (be able to buy) a ticket to the theatre. 16. Wesaw that the children were playing in the sand. 17. She said that she would not bathe any morebecause the water was cold. 18. My cousin said that she liked opera and would be glad to go to thetheatre with us, although she had already listened to La Traviata twice.
  315Упражнение 315
1. Everybody was sure that Boris would pass his exams well. 2. He said that Lev (Leo) Tolstoy was hisFavourite writer. 3. I knew that you lived in Moscow, but I did not know your address. 4. He said thathe would give up smoking. 5. Everybody knew that she would go to Rome. 6. We are sorry, we didnot think that you were waiting For us. 7. I did not know that you liked Football, too. 8. I was sure thathe would be an outstanding actor. 9. I was aFraid that you would not Follow my advice. 10. I did notknow that you would work in the reading room. 1
1. I thought that he would wait For me. 12. He wasaFraid that it would be diFFicult For him to make a report. 13. Andrew told us that when he hadentered the room, his Friend was already sitting on the soFa. He was reading a newspaper. 14. Wehoped that she would come soon. 15. He said that he did not know when the conFerence wouldbegin. 16. I was sure that iF we hurried, we should not miss the train. 17. He asked me what I shoulddo in the evening. I answered that I did not know iF I should be Free in the evening, but told him thatiF I was Free, I should ring him up about eight o'clock.
  316Упражнение 316
1. My Friend asked me to explain to him how to solve that problem. 2. The doctor told Nick to openhis mouth and show him his tongue. 3. The man told Kate not to be aFraid oF his dog. 4. The librariantold the boy to take that book and read it. 5. The doctor told Pete not to go For a walk that day. 6.Nick's mother told him not to eat too much ice cream. 7. The teacher told us to go home. 8. Mymother asked me to buy some meat in the shop. 9. My mother told me to sit down at the table anddo my homework. 10. Granny told Helen not to Forget to clean her teeth. 1
1. The doctor told Marynot to sit up late.
  317Упражнение 317
1. The teacher told me to hand that note to my parents. 2. Oleg told his sister to put the letter intoan envelope and give it to Kate. 3. Robert asked Henry to help him with that work. 4. He asked thewaitress to bring him some Fish soup. 5. She told me not to worry over such a small thing. 6. Maryasked her Friend not to mention it to anybody. 7. Jane asked Alice to promise to come and see her. 8. He told us to come there the next day. 9. I asked Mike to send me a telegram as soon as he arrived.10. Father told me not to stay there long. 1
1. Peter told them not to leave the room until he cameback. 12. He told the porter to take his luggage to Room 145. 13. He asked me to ring him up thenext day. 14. She asked the waiter to bring her a cup oF black coFFee. 15. Mother told us not to belate For dinner. 16. Jane asked us to tell her all we knew about it. 17. She asked Nick not to sayanything about it to his sister.
  318Упражнение 318
1. Oleg said that his room was on the second Floor. 2. He said that he was sure she would ring him upwhen she was back in St Petersburg. 3. Misha said that he had seen them at his parents' house theyear beFore. 4. He said that he had not seen his cousin that day. 5. She said that she did not go tothat shop very oFten. 6. Tom said that he had already had breakFast and so he was not hungry. 7. Hesaid that he had just received a letter From his uncle. 8. He told me that he was going to the theatrethat night. 9. Mike said that he had spoken to Mr Brown that morning. 10. He told her that he woulddo it that day iF he had time. 1
1. I told them that I could give them my uncle's address.
  319Упражнение 319
1. The woman told her son that she was glad she was there. 2. Mike said that they had bought thosebooks that day. 3. She told me that she could read my translation. 4. The woman said that that manhad spoken to her on the road. 5. My classmate told me that he could not explain that rule to me. 6.The teacher told the class that they would discuss that subject the next day. 7. Our teacher said thatThackeray's novels were very interesting. 8. She said that we should read that book in the 9th Form.9. Nellie said that she had read «Jane Eyre» the year beFore. 10. Alec said that his Friend lived inMoscow. 1
1. The teacher told me that I had not done my work well. 12. The poor man told the richman that his horse was wild and that it could kill the rich man's horse. 13. The rich man told thejudge that the poor man's horse had killed his horse.
320Упражнение 320
1. Masha said that she usually spent her holidays in the south. 2. She said that she had spent herholidays in the Crimea the year beFore. 3. Boris said that he went to the south every year. 4. He saidthat he was going to a health resort the next day. 5. Ann told us that they hadn't yet come. 6. Shetold us that they had arrived in St Petersburg the day beFore. 7. I said that I had been in London For aFortnight's holiday and added that my Friends in London sometimes invited me to spend my leisuretime with them. 8. Nick said that he had never been to London and added that he thought he wouldgo there the Following year. 9. He said that he would not stay with his Friends too long. 10. He toldme that they were staying at the Grand Hotel Europe. 1
1. He said that they were leaving theFollowing Monday. 12. The clerk told them that they could leave the key with the maid upstairs.
  321Упражнение 321
1. The mother told the doctor that the children were in the nursery. 2. The boy told his mother thathe had no time For lunch that day. 3. The woman told me that I spoke English very well. 4. Mybrother told me that he was going to become a doctor. 5. My uncle told us that he bought severalnewspapers every day. 6. The teacher told the pupils that the Following year they would have sixhours oF English a week. 7. He told me that he wanted to see me that day. 8. She said that she wasFree that night. 9. Mother told me that she Felt bad that day. 10. The pupil told the teacher that hecould do his homework aFter dinner. 1
1. The teacher told Jack that she knew that he worked hardand added that he was a good boy. 12. The old man told the girl that she could sing perFectly andadded that he thought that she would be a Famous singer. 13. My sister told me that I looked verywell, much better than I had looked the day beFore. She added that she thought I had recoveredaFter my illness. 14. My guest told me that I was an excellent cook and added that everything wasvery tasty. 15. The student said that he could not answer that question because he did notunderstand it.
  322Упражнение 322
1. My Friend told me that he would come as soon as he was ready. 2. My sister said that we shouldknow that she had gone to the concert iF she was not at home by eight. 3. My girlFriend said that shewould come to the Philharmonic with me iF I got tickets. 4. She told us that Five years beFore therehad been no people living there at all. 5. Fred said that he would go skiing on Sunday iF he had time. 6. He said that they had Finished building that house only the week beFore. 7. Mary said that it wouldbe very pleasant when Tom came home. 8. My Friend said that he would do it at once iF I liked. 9. Shesaid that her brother had been there early that day. 10. He said that it was a pity I hadn't comeearlier. 1
1. The teacher told the pupils that there would be an interesting lecture at their school thenext day. She added that one oF their teachers would speak about Charles Dickens. 12. Helen saidthat the year beFore she had spent her summer vacation in the Caucasus. 13. The man said that hehad come to live in that town several years beFore. 14. Grandmother told us that she would bereading us a story until it was time to go to bed. 15. My brother said that he had read all about it inthat day's newspaper.
  323Упражнение 323
1. I told my grandmother to listen very careFully, when her turn came, to what the doctor told her. 2.The laboratory assistant told me that iF I was in a hurry, we should only do the First experiment. 3.The writer told the correspondent that he would not start anything new until he had Finished thatnovel. 4. The boy's Father told him that when he got a job, he would buy him a warm coat. 5. Mymother told me that iF I spilled the milk, there would not be any For the cat. 6. She told me that shewould show me her new dress when I came to see her on Sunday. 7. Jane told Henry to bring Mary totheir house iF she arrived beFore seven. 8. The PT teacher told the pupils not to wait until he cameand to begin playing volleyball as soon as they Finished the exercises. 9. Mary told her mother to askRobert, as soon as he appeared, where he had put the dictionary.
  324Упражнение 324
1. I shall go to see the doctor tomorrow. 2. I am ill. 3. I have Fallen ill. 4. Tom did not come to schoolyesterday. 5. You may catch a cold. 6. I have caught a cold. 7. While crossing the English Channel,we stayed on deck all the time. 8. I Felt sick while crossing the Channel. 9. I am Feeling bad today. 10.I have pain in my right side. 1
1. I have just been examined by a good doctor. 12. I shall not come toschool until Monday. 13. I spent a month at a health resort. 14. My health has greatly improved sincethen.
  325Упражнение 325
1. I asked Nick where he was going. 2. I asked him how long he was going to stay there. 3. I wantedto know how long it would take him to get there. 4. He asked her where she usually spent hersummer holidays. 5. Ann wondered when Mike had leFt London. 6. She asked Boris when he would beback home. 7. Boris asked them how he could get to the railway station. 8. Mary was interested whattime Tom would come there the next day. 9. She asked me why I had not come there the day beFore.10. She wanted to know what I should do the next day iF I was not busy at my oFFice. 1
1. Pete askedhis Friends when they were leaving St Petersburg. 12. He asked them who they would see beForethey leFt there. 13. They asked him what time the train started. 14. I asked Mike what he would doaFter dinner. 15. I asked my uncle how long he had stayed in the Crimea. 16. Mother wanted to knowwho had brought that parcel. 17. Ada asked me where I had seen such trees. 18. I asked Becky whatkind oF book her Friend had brought her.
  326Упражнение 326
1. He didn't tell anybody where he was going. 2. Did you know where he had gone? 3. Did you knowwhere he was? 4. I wanted to know when he was leaving school. 5. Nobody knew where he lived. 6.She asked them when he would come back. 7. He wanted to know where she had bought that hat. 8.I had no idea how much she had paid For it. 9. I Forgot where I had put the book. 10. She wanted toknow who had given me that nice kitten. 1
1. He asked me where he could buy an English-Russiandictionary. 12. He wondered how long it would take my brother to get to Madrid.
  327Упражнение 327
1. I asked Boris iF his Friend lived in London. 2. They asked the man whether he was living in a hotel.3. He asked his Friend iF he would stay at the Hilton. 4. He asked me whether I oFten went to see myFriends. 5. He asked me iF I should see my Friends beFore I leFt St Petersburg. 6. Mike wondered iF Janewould come to the railway station to see him oFF. 7. She wanted to know whether I had sent them atelegram. 8. She asked me iF I had sent them a telegram the day beFore. 9. I asked Mike iF he hadpacked his suitcase. 10. I asked Kate iF somebody had met her at the station. 1
1. I asked her iF shecould give me their address. 12. I wanted to know iF Tom had had breakFast. 13. I wondered iF my sister would stay at home or go For a walk aFter dinner. 14. I asked my mother whether somebodyhad come to see me. 15. I asked my sister whether Nick would call For her on the way to school. 16.She asked the young man iF he could call a taxi For her. 17. Mary asked Peter iF he had shown hisphoto to Dick. 18. Oleg asked me iF I should come there the next day. 19. He asked us iF we had goneto the museum that morning.
  328Упражнение 328
1. I did not know iF they had sold the picture. 2. I wondered iF they knew something about it. 3. Sheasked me iF Jack had given me his telephone number. 4. I was not sure iF he was coming back thatday. 5. She asked me iF I had Found the book. 6. The man asked iF there were some more booksthere. 7. I wanted to know iF she had gone shopping the day beFore. 8. He did not ask her whethershe had bought the dictionary. 9. I doubted iF she knew the name oF the man. 10. I asked iF Boris hadseen the man that morning.
  329Упражнение 329
1. Kate wondered iF Mike liked her dress. 2. GrandFather wanted to know what mark Mary had got atschool. 3. My sister asked me whether I should take her to the theatre with me the next day. 4.Mother asked me iF I had played with my Friends the day beFore. 5. Kate's mother wondered whyKate didn't play with. her Friends. 6. My little sister asked me iF I liked chocolates. 7. Mr Brown askedLena iF she had seen her granny the day beFore. 8. The doctor asked Nick iF he washed his Face andhands every morning. 9. The teacher asked Mike iF his Father worked at a Factory. 10. Mother askedus what we were doing there. 1
1. Father asked Nick iF he had done his homework. 12. Tom askedAnn where her Friends were.
  330Упражнение 330
1. Have they taken the sick man to hospital? 2. Do you have a headache? 3. When did you Fall ill? 4.Have you taken your temperature? 5, Has the doctor given you any medicine? Are you Feeling betternow? 6. How long have you been in St Petersburg? 7. Are you going to a health resort? 8. Is yourFather still in Moscow? 9. What sort oF work does your Father do?
  331Упражнение 331
1. Ann's grandmother asked her iF she liked her pies. 2. Tom's mother told him to stop shouting anddo his homework. 3. John's Father was interested to know what they had done at school the daybeFore. 4. Helen's aunt asked her whether she would play the piano that day. 5. My uncle said thatthey would visit us the Following week. 6. The man told Nick not to cross the street when the lightswere red. 7. Mike told his Father that he had borrowed a very good book From their library the daybeFore. 8. Lena asked (invited) Jane to come to her house the next day. 9. Betsy's mother asked herdaughter where her books were.
  332Упражнение 332
1. My elder sister told me to lock the door when I leFt the house. 2. She asked Robert iF he hadreceived a telegram From his wiFe. 3. Mabel said that nothing would change her decision and shewould leave For Cape Town that night. 4. The old woman asked her nephew not to smoke in theroom. 5. The girl said that she was shivering with cold. 6. The boy said that he wanted to sit in thearmchair. 7. The secretary told me that the delegation had arrived in St Petersburg the day beFore.8. She asked me to open the window. 9. He said that he would light a Fire and make himselFbreakFast. 10. The mother told her little daughter not to run to the door when she heard the bell. 11.She asked me how long I was going to stay there. 12. Mary asked me iF I should spend my vacationin Moscow.
  333Упражнение 333
1. Father told Jane to show him her exercise book. 2. Kate's aunt asked the boys what game theywere playing there. 3. Tom's mother told him not to make noise. 4. Helen asked Pete iF he hadplayed chess with his Father the day beFore. 5. Kate asked her grandmother to help her (to) cook thesoup. 6. Mike told the teacher that his sister knew two Foreign languages. 7. Tom told his sister thathe had seen her Friend at the library the day beFore. 8. The teacher asked the children what they had prepared For that day. 9. The teacher told the pupils not to open their books. 10. Mother told me thatI should go to the cinema the next day.
  334Упражнение 334
1. Tom's mother told him to go to bed. 2. Nellie told Pete that she had never seen his toys. 3. Theteacher told Nick to give her his record book. 4. Ann asked Lena to look at her nice kitten. 5. Ourgrandmother said that we should go to the zoo the next day. 6. Mother told Pete not to Forget towash his hands. 7. Nick told his mother that he was doing his homework. 8. Mike told the teacherthat he had learnt a long poem. 9. The man told the boys not to play in the street. 10. My motherwanted to know why I did not drink my tea. 1
1. Johnny told his mother that he had seen his Friend atthe stadium the day beFore. 12. My Friend asked me when I had received that letter. 13. The boysasked Peter iF he would play Football with them.
  335Упражнение 335
1. Mike told Kate that he would buy some new stamps For her iF she gave him that one. 2. Maryasked Boris iF he would bring his sister to the party with him. 3. He asked me not to touch him. 4. MyFather said that he thought he would not go to the beach with us that day because he was very busy.5. Tom told Ann that he was very thirsty and asked her to give him some lemonade. 6. Aunt Pollytold Tom not to lie to her and added that she was tired oF his lies. 7. My Friend asked me iF I was FondoF going to the theatre. He wanted to know iF I had seen some plays by Shakespeare. 8. Nellie askedme iF I had seen «Hamlet» the night beFore. 9. I asked Nellie whether we should go to the theatretogether. 10. Nellie was interested to know whether Mike liked Shakespeare. She wanted to know iFhe was going to the theatre that night.
  336Упражнение 336
1. Prince John asked Locksley why he was shouting. He wanted to know what his name was. 2. Theteacher wanted to know who had read «Ivanhoe». He asked us whom it had been written by. 3. OneoF the pupils asked the teacher oF literature what novels they would read the Following year. 4. TheFrenchman wanted to know iF the river Volga was in Russia. 5. Ann asked the girls iF they wereplaying volleyball. She added that she had not known that they liked it. 6. Peter told us not to touchthose photographs and explained that they were still wet and we might spoil them. 7. Fred asked theboys iF their Friend oFten came there. He added that he wanted to speak to him. 8. My Friend askedme how I had managed to solve that diFFicult problem in such a short time. 9. The teacher told usthat we should write a paper the next day. 10. Kate told Nick that she had seen a new Film the daybeFore. Nick wondered whether she had liked it.
  337Упражнение 337
1. We asked a passerby whether he knew where the Browns lived. 2. Andrew told us that there werea lot oF trains to his station on Sunday and added that we should have no problems getting to hiscountry place. 3. He asked me iF I oFten met his sister at the library. 4. Nick wanted to know iF theteacher would return their exercise books that day. 5. The woman said that her nephew was a verycapable young man. She added that he had just graduated From college, but he was already a veryskilFul specialist. 6. The doctor told me to sit still and not to move my head. 7. Vera told Helen thatshe wanted to know how her cousin liked working at that hospital. 8. The teacher told us not toForget to bring our exercise books the next day and explained that we were going to write a veryimportant paper. 9. The girl wanted to know how she could get to the circus. The man told her totake tram number Five. 10, Mike told Kate that he was very sorry and added that he had Forgotten tobring her dictionary. 1
1. The neighbour wondered when my mother went shopping.
  338Упражнение 338
1. She said that she was busy that day and that she would be busier the next day. 2. Jane said thatshe would come to school early the next day. 3. They said that they would not go to school onSunday. 4. Mr Dickson said that he would have to pay a lot oF money For the car. 5. Peter told methat he would be waiting For me at the station. 6. Mary said that she would be back soon. 7. Sheasked me what I was going to do when I came home. 8. She said that she hoped she would soonspeak English well. 9. He said that he was sure it would rain the next day. 10. They said that theywould go to the river the next day iF it was hot. 1
1. He said that he was sure she would come ontime. 12. She said that she would be able to read English newspapers without a dictionary the Following year.
  339Упражнение 339
1. The teacher told us that we should have to work hard the next day. 2. My girlFriend told me thatshe would not be able to go For a walk with me that day because she was very busy. 3. She askedme how long I was going to stay in the country. 4. He told me that he liked to go to the canteenduring the break. 5. He wanted to know when I should go to the canteen. 6. John said that he hadmet them at the airport the day beFore. 7. He said that he would come to the party iF he was Free thenext day. 8. She said that she would go to the cinema in the evening iF she was not very tired. 9. Mymother told me that it would be diFFicult For me to get up the next day iF I did not go to bed at once.10. Nina said that she liked music and added that she listened to it every evening beFore going tobed. 1
1. My aunt said that she would not be thirsty iF she ate some grapes. 12. Mother told us not togo out beFore she returned. 13. My sister said that she would be neither hungry nor thirsty iF she hada cup oF tea with a sandwich. 14. Mary told Fred not to switch on the TV and explained that she wasworking.
340Упражнение 340
1. My aunt said that she would gladly go to the cinema with us because she had not seen that Filmand she wanted to see it very much. 2. The teacher asked the pupils which oF them could answer hisquestion. 3. She asked the doctor iF he thought that simple Food was better For children than richFood. 4. Vera wondered why their team had lost the game and added that it had always been verystrong. 5. Tom wanted to know where Mary had put his book and added that he could not Find it. 6.Fred said that he was very happy and explained that he had bought a very good bicycle. 7. The manasked the boys whom they were waiting For. 8. Mary said that she would not go to the party the nextday because she did not Feel well. 9. Walter said that they had seen a lot oF places oF interest whenthey were travelling around Europe the summer beFore. 10. Jane said that she supposed they wouldgo to the theatre the next day. 1
1. Lena asked me not to take the books From her table andexplained that she had specially prepared them For working on her report. 12. Nick's grandFather toldhim not to be aFraid and explained that that dog was very clever and (it) would not do him any harm.
  341Упражнение 341
1. He told me to come at nine o'clock and added that he would be Free at that time and we shouldhave a nice cup oF coFFee. 2. Nina asked her Friend what the proFessor had spoken about in hislecture. 3. Ann said that the man was one oF the best speakers she had ever heard. 4. He said thathe had not yet seen the Film I was talking about. 5. He said that he had seldom gone to see his Friendin May as he had been very busy. 6. She asked her brother whether he would manage to get ticketsto the Philharmonic on Sunday. 7. My Friend said that they had arrived in Kiev on Saturday and thenext day they had gone to look round the city. 8. She asked iF I had lived in St Petersburg ten yearsbeFore. 9. She asked me iF I was going to leave St Petersburg For the summer. 10. My Friend told methat the discussion would still be going on when I returned. 1
1. He said that he was proud oF hisbrother who had taken the First prize at the competition. 12. She wanted to know how long I hadbeen living in St Petersburg. 13. She said that he had just leFt. 14. He was interested to know whenmy parents would arrive in St Petersburg. 15. She wanted to know iF I had been present at themeeting the day beFore.
  342Упражнение 342
1. Will you be busy tomorrow? 2. Are you aFraid oF thunderstorm? 3. Have you ever walked in rainyweather? 4. I preFer sunny days. 5. Are you in a hurry? 6. Will you go to the country tomorrow? 7.What do you like to do on your days oFF? 8. May I speak to the headmistress? 9. Will you give meyour book? 10. Will you come to the Philharmonic with me? — At what time are you planning to go?— It will take us long to get there. — Where shall we meet?
  343Упражнение 343
1. A Friend oF yours called on you halF an hour ago. 2. I study at Moscow University. 3. My brother isplaying chess with my grandFather. 4. It is very diFFicult to play this role. 5. Why are there so Fewpeople in the street? 6. Do you know where you live? 7. Don't worry and go home quietly. 8. I shallsleep in the open air. 9. Are you going to leave St Petersburg tomorrow? 10. I bought this watchyesterday. 1
1. I have just had a telephone call From home. 12. Leave the key at your sister's, please. 13. I cannot understand the rule. 14. I bought a ticket yesterday.
  344Упражнение 344
1. I saw the Film several months ago. 2. I haven't seen it yet. 3. I want to build a radio set. 4. I havebuilt a radio set. 5. I oFten go to see Bob. 6. I have seen Mary today. 7. I like Dickens' novels verymuch. 8. I read «Dombey and Son» last year. 9. The pupils (You) will read the text tomorrow. 10. Buysome bread on your way home, please. 1
1. Don't be late For dinner. 12. Have you «Gulliver'sTravels»? 13. Have you read «Robinson Crusoe» by Daniel DeFoe? 14. Will you be at home at threeo'clock? 15. What did you see at the museum? 16. Who is absent? 17. Who is ill?
  345Упражнение 345
1. Are you going to your hometown For the holidays? 2. I couldn't ring you up in time. 3. Wait For me,please. 4. Does anyone else know about my arrival? 5. When will you take your last exam? 6. Did youtake part in the Football match? 7. Where do you live? 8. I have joined a sports club. 9. I saw yourbrother yesterday. 10. Hurry up as there is little time leFt beFore the beginning oF the meeting. 11.Has the rain stopped? 12. It is still raining. 13. I have Found the book you are looking For. 14. I don'tlike the main character oF the book, but I cannot explain why. 15. What will you do iF you don't Findthe book you need?
  346Упражнение 346
1. Have your passports ready. 2. Pass up the gangway. 3. You will Find your luggage on deck. 4. Willyou go down to your cabin or stay up on deck? 5. I am a bad sailor and cannot stay on deck. 6. Takeour luggage to cabin number eight. 7. Do you oFten go to England? 8. I don't cross the EnglishChannel very oFten For it is rough as a rule. 9. Do you know when the boat is due at Southampton?10. Do you think it will take us long to get through the customs?
  347Упражнение 347
1. Vera answered (Nina) that her Favourite books were «Gulliver's Travels» and «Robinson Crusoe»and added that she was reading a novel by Walter Scott. 2. Nina said that the year beFore they hadlearnt some poems by Byron and Shelly and added that they were very beautiFul. 3. Vera told Ninathat she knew many poems by those great poets and added that she had also read some booksabout Byron and Shelley. 4. Nina said that that year they would read a play by Shakespeare inEnglish.
  348Упражнение 348
1. My Friend said, «All the pupils oF our class like history lessons.» 2. I said to him, «We like Englishlessons.» 3. The teacher said, «Soon you will speak English well because you work much.» 4. Theteacher said, «I have already corrected your paper.» 5. Kate said, «Father is in the room. He isreading.» 6. Mother said, «Don't make noise! GrandFather is sleeping.» 7. Ann said, «We Found a lotoF mushrooms in the Forest.»
1. My Friend said that all the pupils oF their class liked history lessons.2. I told him that we liked English lessons. 3. The teacher said that soon we should speak English wellbecause we worked much. 4. The teacher said that he had already corrected our paper. 5. Kate saidthat Father was in the room and added that he was reading. 6. Mother told us not to make noisebecause GrandFather was sleeping. 7. Ann said that they had Found a lot oF mushrooms in the Forest.
  349Упражнение 349
1. Yesterday our teacher asked us, «Do you read much?» 2. When he saw «David CopperField» in myhands, he asked, «Where did you take this book?» 3. Then he asked, «Do you know anything aboutthe author oF this book?» 4. Mike asked me, «When will you go to buy books?»
1. Yesterday ourteacher asked us iF we read much. 2. When he saw «David CopperField» in my hands, he askedwhere I had taken that book. 3. Then he asked iF I knew something about the author oF that book. 4.Mike asked me when I should go to buy books.
  350Упражнение 350
1. Peter asked Ann iF they had run a race the day beFore. Ann answered that they had and addedthat Tamara had been the First to come to the Finish. 2. Tom asked his mother where his bag was. Hismother said that she had put it on the chair near the door and told Tom (him) not to Forget to put hisrecord book into it. 3. The children asked their mother why they could not play there. Their mothersaid that their Father was sleeping. She added that their Father had worked very much that day andtold the children to keep quiet. 4. Alec asked us why we helped her and added that she was lazy andcould do everything herselF. 5. Lena said that she did not want to go to the zoo and explained thatshe had been there the week beFore with her cousin and seen all the animals. 6. Nick asked hisFather to look at his stamps and wondered when his Father would buy some new ones For him. 7.Tanya said that she could not do that exercise and added that it was too diFFicult. Her brother wantedto know why she had not asked her teacher to explain it. 8. The lighthouse keeper asked hisassistant iF he could see the lights in the distance. The assistant answered that he could and addedthat a ship was giving signals.
  351Упражнение 351
1. Nina suggested playing badminton. Mike agreed and added that he liked to play badminton verymuch. 2. Bill suggested running a race. Jack reFused and explained that he had hurt his Foot threedays beFore and now he could not run. 3. Tom asked Becky iF she would show him their new Flat.Becky said that she would (Becky agreed) and invited Tom to come to their place the next day. 4.Kate said that she would go to see her Friend the next day and asked Pete iF he would come with her.Pete said that he would and added that he wanted to see her (Kate's) Friend. 5. Victor asked Mary iFher Friend always came to school so early. Mary said that she didn't and explained that her Friendhad come so early that morning because she was on duty that day. 6. Lena said that there was anew Film on at their cinema and suggested going and seeing it. Mike reFused. He said that he couldnot go because he would be busy. 7. Ann wondered what they would do with Nick and added that hehad got a bad mark again. Pete suggested helping him with his Russian and added that he was surethey could do it.
  352Упражнение 352
1. He said that they had Forgotten to take the ball. 2. She said that she would be very glad to seeme. 3. Walter suggested going to the Philharmonic and added that there was a good concert therethat night. Robert agreed and added that he had not been to the Philharmonic For a long time. 4.Alec asked me iF I had ever been to the National Gallery. I answered that I had and added that I hadvisited it the year beFore when we were staying in London. 5. He wanted to know who that man wasand added that he did not know him. 6. I thought that he was a very clever man and (that he) couldhelp me. 7. My brother said that in two hours he would have Finished his work and then he would goto the cinema. He suggested going to the cinema together. I agreed. 8. The teacher told us (thepupils) to open our (their) books and begin reading the new text. 9. The girl wanted to know theprice oF that dress. 10. I asked my Father to help me with that problem and added that I could notsolve it. My Father agreed and suggested trying to solve it together. 1
1. Kate suggested going toFinland For the winter holidays. Andrew reFused and added that they had already been to Finland. Hesuggested going to Greece and added that it would be very interesting to see the country they hadread about so much. Kate agreed. 12. Nellie said that she had gone to see Paul the day beFore but hehad not been at home. Nick suggested going to see him that day. He added that he thought Paulwould be at home. Nellie reFused and said that she could not go that day because she was very busy.
  353Упражнение 353
1. Tom's mother said that that was enough. She said that Tom would never go there again andadded that she would see to it. 2. Grandmother asked who would read the next story and added thatit was very interesting and that she was sure we all should like it. 3. Lena asked her Friend iF hewould come and see her on Friday. Her Friend agreed and added that he thought he would be Free onFriday. 4. He asked me whether I should need the book For a long time and added that he could giveit to me only For a Few days. 5. Mary said that soon she would know the whole poem perFectly andadded that she had already learnt more than halF oF it. 6. John asked me iF I should be able to Findtheir house without him and added that I had never been to those parts. 7. She begged me not toask her any more questions. She added that she was very tired and promised to answer all myquestions the next day. 8. He told me that he would Finish reading the book by Monday and addedthat I could have it then. 9. Lena said that she had not seen him since the year beFore and addedthat she thought he had grown. She suggested going and seeing him the next day. I agreed and added that it would be interesting to see him and talk to him. 10. I asked my Friend iF he thought itwas really correct and added that I was aFraid he had made a mistake in one or two words.
  354Упражнение 354
1. Don't call on me tomorrow as I shall not be at home. 2. Wait For me. 3. I have lived in StPetersburg For many years and know the city very well. 4. I am sorry you haven't kept your promise.5. I have just come From the United States and intend to stay in St Petersburg For about a month. 6. Iam not satisFied with my report and I am going to work on it For some more time. I am to make it onthe twelFth oF February and so I have a Few days leFt. 7. I am quite all right. The climate hasn't doneme any harm. 8. Where can I buy a video cassette? 9. Who rang you up in the morning?
  355Упражнение 355
1. The shop assistant said that the shoe department was downstairs. 2. The proFessor told hisassistant that he had made great progress. 3. The teacher told us that we must read that text athome. 4. Paul said that they would have to discuss that text the next day. 5. She asked me iF I knewwho had taken her book. 6. We asked him what had happened to him and added that he looked verypale. 7. She told me that she hoped I had not Forgotten to post the letter. 8. She asked me where Ihad put her gloves and added that she could not Find them. 9. They told me to try that coat onbeFore buying it and added that maybe I should not like it when I had put it on. 10. An unFamiliarvoice asked iF that was Dmitri speaking. The man said that his name was Pavlov and that he hadcome From Moscow that day. He told me that he had brought some books For me From my Friends. Headded that he was staying at the Grand Hotel Europe and wondered when and where he could seeme. I suggested meeting at the Pushkin monument in Arts Square at Five o'clock iF it was convenientFor him. He agreed and added that he would be there.
  356Упражнение 356
1. He asked me iF I had a Russian-English dictionary. He wondered iF I could let him have it For thatevening. He added that he must do some very diFFicult translation. I agreed and added that I shouldnot need the dictionary that night. 2. Nellie told Lydia that she had thought about her the nightbeFore. She wanted to know iF Lydia had decided to go to Omsk with her parents or whether shewould remain there with her aunt until she Finished school. 3. Mike asked Bob iF he had done hishomework or leFt it till the evening. He added that he had thought oF inviting Bob to go to the theatrewith him but had remembered that he nearly always did his homework in the evening. 4. Jack saidthat he was Fond oF Dickens. He said that he had been reading «The Old Curiosity Shop» the wholeweek. He added that he liked the novel very much and that he was reading it For the second time. 5.Tanya said that she thought her Friend had Finished reading «Jane Eyre». She added that she hopedher Friend would give it to her soon and explained that she was eager to read it.
  357Упражнение 357
It was morning. Nick's mother woke him up. She asked him iF he heard the alarm clock. Nick did notwant to get up. He said that he was very sleepy. His mother remarked (said) that Nick always said it.She told him to get out oF bed quickly. Nick moaned. His mother told him again to be quick. Sheadded that he would be late For school iF he was not quick. Nick told his mother that it was all rightand added that he had a lot oF time. Nick's mother reminded him that he had to brush his teeth andto wash his hands and Face. Nick answered that he remembered everything.
  358Упражнение 358
Kate was ill and Jane came to see her. She asked iF she might come in. Kate recognized Jane andasked her to come in. She was very glad and said that it was very good oF Jane to come and see her.Jane said that she had come beFore but Kate had been too ill to see anybody. She wanted to know iFKate had got the Flowers. Kate answered that oF course she had and added that it had been very niceoF Jane to send them to her. Jane asked Kate how she was now. Kate thanked her and said that shewas much better. She added that the doctor said that she would be allowed to go out in a Few days.Jane wanted to know iF Kate missed school. Kate answered that she missed school very much. Sheadded that she was aFraid she would be lagging behind the group in her lessons. Jane told her not tothink about it and added that they would help her. Kate thanked her.
  359Упражнение 359
Peter and John were classmates. One day they were going From school together. John asked Peterhow he was getting along. Peter said that he was all right. He asked John what he thought about thelast test in geometry. John said that he had Found it rather diFFicult and added that he was not verygood at solving problems. Peter wondered why John did not ask him to help him and added that hewould gladly do it. John thanked him and said that he would. Then he wanted to know iF Peter had alot oF homework For the next day. Peter answered that he had. He remarked (said) that John knewthe timetable and that Friday was always a bad day. He reminded John that they had six lessons thenext day and that all the subjects were diFFicult. He added that besides there would be questionsFrom his little sister because she was not very good at sums. John agreed and said that he wouldcome to Peter's place the next day in the evening, iF Peter did not mind. Peter agreed and suggestedmaking it the next day. He added that he would be waiting For John.
360Упражнение 360
Susan came to consult the doctor. The doctor greeted her and asked what the matter with her was.Susan complained oF Feeling bad. She said that she had a headache and added that she was aFraidshe was running a temperature. The doctor told her to open her mouth and show him her throat.Then he said that Susan had a bad cold and that she must stay in bed For two days until hertemperature was normal and she stopped coughing. Susan exclaimed that she hated being ill andstaying in bed. The doctor told her that iF she was not careFul, she might Fall ill with the Flu orpneumonia. He added that he would prescribe some medicine. Susan thanked the doctor and saidgoodbye.
  361Упражнение 361
Michael and Bill were Friends. Michael asked Bill to show him around a bit. He added that he had onlycome there two days beFore and had not been anywhere as yet. Bill answered that he would do itwith pleasure. He suggested going at once. And he also suggested inviting Alice to come with them.He added that Alice knew a lot about the places oF interest there. Michael said that it was a goodidea. Then Bill asked Alice iF she could come with them. He told her that they were going For a walkand that he wanted to show Michael some places oF interest. Alice reFused to go with the boys. Shesaid that she was sorry, but her mother had told her to buy some bread and she had Forgotten aboutit. She added that she would have to do it now. She told the boys to go without her and promised togo with them some other time. Bill said that it was a pity, and he and Michael went alone.
  362Упражнение 362
A man entered a caFe and sat down at a table. A waiter came up to him and asked what he wouldorder. The man wanted to see the menu. The waiter gave him the menu. Looking through the menu,the man said that he wanted chicken soup For the First course. As he was not sure what to order Forthe second course, the waiter recommended him to take Fried Fish and added that it was very good.The man agreed. Then the waiter asked him iF he wanted some vegetables, and the man asked Forsome potatoes. He also ordered cheese, coFFee and Fruit.
  363Упражнение 363
1. to. 2. to. 3. V 4. V 5. V 6. V 7. to. 8. to. 9. V 10. to. 1
1. V 12. to. 13. to. 14. to. 15. V 16. V 17. V 18.to. 19. to. 20. V 2
1. to, V 22. to. 23. V 24. to. 25. to. 26. to. 27. V 27. V 28. V.
  364Упражнение 364
1. to warm you up. 2. For you to clean your teeth with. 3. to prove that your theory is correct. 4. torub on your hands. 5. For you to Fasten the shelves to the wall. 6. to relieve your headache. 7. to betranslated For tomorrow. 8. to write with. 9. to read now. 10. to be considered (For us to consider). 11.to take care oF. 12. to read. 13. to help you with your spelling. 14. to take care oF. 15. to say on thissubject. 16. For him to do. 17. to explain these words to you. 18. to take soon. 19. to serve him.
  365Упражнение 365
1. The problem is too diFFicult to solve. 2. The box is too heavy to carry. 3. The baby is too little towalk. 4. He is too weak to liFt this weight. 5. She is too busy to talk with you. 6. She was tooinattentive to notice the mistake. 7. The rule was too diFFicult For them to understand. 8. He was toostupid to see the joke. 9. She is too Fat to wear this dress now. 10. The accident was too terrible totalk about. 1
1. They were too empty-headed to learn. 12. The window was too dirty to see through.13. She was too Foolish to understand my explanation. 14. I have too little wool to make a sweater.
  366Упражнение 366
1. To begin with, she opened all the windows. 2. My neighbour is diFFicult to deal with. 3. To tell youthe truth, I am very tired. 4. His behaviour leaves much to be desired. 5. To put it mildly, yousurprised me. 6. These children are pleasant to look at. 7. To cut a long story short, they got married.8. The most Famous book by Jerome is «Three Men in a Boat, to Say Nothing oF the Dog.» 9. You arehard to please. 10. To say the least oF it, we were surprised. 1
1. To put it mildly, she was impolite.12. Your work leaves much to be desired. 13. To tell you the truth, I don't like boxing. 14. Your sisteris hard to please. 15. To begin with, I am busy. 16. He was pleasant to look at. 17. To cut a long storyshort, he did not pass (he Failed) the exam. 18. We were all glad, to say nothing oF Mother: she said itwas the happiest day in her liFe. 19. Your composition leaves much to be desired. 20. It is verystrange, to say the least oF it.
  367Упражнение 367
1. To tell the truth, I don't like it. 2. They had nothing to eat. 3. Who is to blame? 4. To cut a longstory short, he hasn't done his homework. 5. Mother is always the First to get up in our Family. 6. Sheis pleasant to look at. 7. To translate this article, you must use a dictionary. 8. In summer I havenowhere to go to. 9. It was out oF the question to bathe in this river. 10. He had nobody to discussthis problem with. 1
1. Yesterday Kate was the last to come to school. 12. To get a good mark, youmust work hard. 13. She is diFFicult to deal with. 14. What is to be done? 15. To begin with, he is ill.16. To read Dickens in the original, you must know the language well. 17. To put it mildly, he iswrong (not right). 18. She was not to blame. 19. The child has nobody to play with. 20. To see is tobelieve. 2
1. To catch this train you should (must) hurry. 22. It is out oF the question to buy a car thisyear. 23. The book leaves much to be desired.
  368Упражнение 368
1. Играть в шахматы было его самым большим удовольствием. 2. Ребенок не любил, когда егомыли. 3. Не правда ли, это естественно, что мы любим, когда нас хвалят, и не любим, когданас ругают? 4. Что более приятно: делать подарки или получать их? 5. У природы есть многосекретов, которые предстоит открыть. 6. Чтобы улучшить ваше произношение, вам следуетзаписывать и анализировать вашу речь. 7. Это книга, которую надо прочитать во времялетних каникул. 8. Проходить обучение у такого хорошего специалиста было большимпреимуществом. 9. Он очень забывчив, но не любит, когда ему напоминают о егообязанностях.
  369Упражнение 369
1. Ребенок был счастлив, что его привели домой. 2. Джейн вспомнила, что ей многорассказывали о мистере Рочестере. 3. Дети были в восторге от того, что их привели в цирк. 4.Я сожалею, что испортил вам настроение. 5. Мэгги была очень обеспокоена тем, что забылапокормить кроликов. 6. Я ужасно рад, что встретил вас. 7. Простите, что поставил вас в такоенеприятное положение. 8. Я очень счастлив, что имел удовольствие познакомиться с вами. 9.Я сожалею, что заставил вас ждать. 10. Клайд был ужасно рад, что возобновил своезнакомство с Сонд-рой. 1
1. Извините, что я не заметил вас. 12. Я сожалею, что добавилнеприятностей тем, что рассказал вам. 13. Когда Клайд посмотрел на девушку внимательно,он вспомнил, что видел ее в компании Сонд-ры. 14. Я вспомнил, что был растроган сценой,которую наблюдал.
  370Упражнение 370
1. It is certain to rain iF you don't take your umbrella. 2. Don't promise to do it iF you are not sure that you can. 3. He was happy to be praised by everybody. 4. He was very proud to have helped his elderbrother. 5. She was sorry to have missed the beginning oF the concert. 6. I am glad to see all myFriends here. 7. I was aFraid to go past that place alone. 8. My sister will be thrilled to be wearing adress as lovely as that. 9. We must wait to hear the exam results. 10. She is happy to have Foundsuch a nice place to live in. 1
1. I should be delighted to join you. 12. He hopes to know everything bytomorrow.
  371Упражнение 371
1. to read. 2. to be reading. 3. to have been reading. 4. to have read. 5. to take. 6. to be taken. 7. tohelp. 8. to be helped. 9. to see. 10, to be. 1
1. to be helped. 12. to have been playing. 13. to havedone. 14. to have been working. 15. to have broken. 16. to be getting.
  372Упражнение 372
1. to be bothering, to be given. 2. to appear, to be talked. 3. to tell, to know. 4. to earn, to be read,not to be Forgotten. 5. to have been, to have seen. 6. to know, to have spent. 7. to have overthrown,to be advancing. 8. to be reading, not to have heard. 9. to be looking. 10. to have been snowing. 11.to be quarrelling. 12. to have been working. 13. to be heard. 14. to be lost, to Find, to have beendropped. 15. to have been waiting.
  373Упражнение 373
1. I am glad to have told you this story. 2. I am glad to have been told this story. 3. I want tointroduce you to this actress. 4. I want to be introduced to this actress. 5. I am glad to have met herat the station. 6. I am glad to have been met at the station. 7. We are happy to have invited him tothe party. 8. We are happy to have been invited to the party. 9. He will be happy to visit this Famousart gallery. 10. He was happy to have visited this Famous art gallery. 1
1. Children like to be told Fairytales. 12. I did not intend to stop at this station. 13. I did not expect to be stopped. 14. I am sorry tohave caused you so much trouble. 15. He hates (cannot stand) to be told lies. 16. I remembered tohave come across this word in some book. 17. I am very sorry to have missed this interestinglecture. 18. She is happy to have heard the concert oF the Famous Italian conductor. 19. She is gladto have been present at the lecture. 20. He is very glad to have Finished his book. 2
1. Our sportsmenare proud to have won the cup. 22. I only want to be allowed to help you. 23. I was grateFul to havebeen given a room with a large window. 24. He was happy to have returned home. 25. He was happyto be at home again. 26. I am sorry to have interrupted you. 27. I am sorry not to have Found you athome. 28. Jane was happy to be leaving Mrs Reed. 29. Rochester was glad to meet Jane. 30.Rochester was glad to have met Jane.
  374Упражнение 374
1. Все смотрели на танцующую девочку. 2. Маленькая полная женщина, стоящая у окна, —моя бабушка. 3. Мужчина, играющий на рояле, — Катин дядя. 4. Войдя в комнату, онавключила свет. 5. Придя в театр, она увидела, что спектакль уже начался. 6. Выглянув в окно,он увидел свою мать, поливающую цветы (...увидел, что его мать поливает цветы). 7. Услышавзвуки музыки, мы перестали разговаривать. 8. Она вошла в комнату, оставив дверь открытой.9. Работая за своим письменным столом, он слушал новый (компакт-)диск. 10. Выбежав надорогу, молодой человек остановил такси. 1
1. Просматривая газету, она заметилафотографию своего босса. 12. Применяя химические вещества, пожарные вскоре потушилипожар в лесу.
  375Упражнение 375
1. All the people living in this house are students. 2. The woman speaking now is our secretary. 3.The apparatus standing on the table in the corner oF the laboratory is quite new. 4. The young manhelping the proFessor in his experiments studies at our university. 5. People borrowing books Fromthe library must return them on time. 6. There are many pupils in our class taking part in all kinds oFextracurricular activities.
  376Упражнение 376
1. Feeling now more at ease, the man spoke in a louder voice. 2. Knowing who the man was, Robert was very pleased to have the chance oF talking to him. 3. Thinking that it was his brother at thewindow, Steve decided to open it. 4. Being aFraid oF Falling into a ditch in the darkness at anymoment, the people Felt their way about very careFully. 5. Needing a shelter For the night, Peterdecided to go to the neighbours' house.
  377Упражнение 377
1. You must have much practice when learning to speak a Foreign language. 2. When speakingEnglish, pay attention to the word order. 3. When copying English texts, pay attention to the articles.4. When beginning to work with the dictionary, don't Forget my instructions, 5. Be careFul whencrossing a street. 6. When leaving the room, don't Forget to switch oFF the light. 7. When travelling inCentral AFrica, the explorers met many wild animals.
  378Упражнение 378
1. Она поставила передо мной тарелку жареной рыбы. 2. Пальто, купленное в прошлом году,теперь мне слишком мало. 3. Никто не видел вещей, хранящихся в этом ящике. 4. Моя сестралюбит вареные яйца. 5. Мы остановились перед закрытой дверью. 6. Будучи привязана кдереву, коза не могла убежать. 7. Они увидели опрокинутые столы и стулья, осколкиразбитого стекла, валяющиеся по всей комнате. 8. Это церковь, построенная много лет назад.9. Книги, написаннные Диккенсом, дают нам реалистичную картину Англии XIX века. 10.Украденные деньги были возвращены в банк. 1
1. Бесполезно (что толку) говорить обубежавшем молоке. (Сделанного не воротишь. Слезами горю не поможешь.)
  379Упражнение 379
1. а) Письмо, посланное из Петербурга сегодня, будет в Москве завтра. b) На почте он увиделнесколько человек, посылающих телеграммы. c) Посылая телеграмму, она забыла написатьсвое имя. 2. а) Некоторые вопросы, заданные вчера лекто-ру, были очень важными. b)Девушка, ставящая книгу на полку, — наш новый библиотекарь. c) Укладывая яйца вкорзинку, она разбила одно из них. 3. а) Рыба, вытащенная из воды, не может жить. b)Человек, принимающий солнечную ванну, должен быть очень осторожен. c) Взяв словарь, онначал переводить текст. 4. а) Линия, видимая через этот кристалл, вы-глядит двойной. b)Учитель, видя (видящий) ошибку в диктанте студента, всегда исправляет ее. c) Увидев наддомом клубы дыма, девочка закричала: «Пожар! Пожар!» 5. а) Слово, произнесенноестудентом, было непра-вильным. b) Человек, стоящий у входа в вагон поезда и прощающийсясо своими друзьями, — известный музыкант. c) Стоя у окна, она махала рукой. 6. а) Слово,произнесенное (сказанное) вовремя, может дать очень важные результаты. b) Студенты,хорошо говорящие по-английски, должны помочь своим одноклассникам. c) Говорящая куклаочень заинтересовала ребенка. d) Разговаривая с Колей несколько дней назад, я забылспросить его о его сестре.
380Упражнение 380
1. a) writing b) written. 2. a) singing b) sung. 3. a) washing b) washed. 4. a) doing b) done. 5. a)surrounded b) surrounding. 6. translated. 7. visited. 8. lying. 9. bought. 10. organized. 1
1. taking. 12.lost. 13. painted. 14. received. 15. playing. 16. written. 17. written. 18. covered. 19. lost. 20. going.2
1. gathered. 22. blown, 23. turning. 24. coming. 25. standing.
  381Упражнение 381
1. doing. 2. having done. 3. selling. 4. having sold. 5. having eaten. 6. drinking. 7. running. 8.looking. 9. having written, having learnt. 10. living. 1
1. talking. 12. having read. 13. having bought.14. sitting.
  382Упражнение 382
1. Мальчик лежал и спал, когда пришел доктор. 2. Доктор осмотрел сломанную руку. 3.Мальчик не мог удержаться от слез, когда его осматривали. 4. Прописав лекарство, докторушел. 5. Лекарство, прописанное доктором, было горьким. 6. Платье, купленное в универмаге,было очень красивым. 7. Пользуясь иголкой, вы должны быть осторожны, чтобы не уколотьпалец. 8. Переходя улицу, нужно сначала посмотреть налево, а потом направо. 9. Люди, смотрящие спектакль, называются зрителями. 10. Будучи очень больна, она не могла ходить вшколу. 1
1. Первые лучи восходящего солнца осветили вершину холма. 12. Дерево,пораженное молнией, было черным, и на нем не было листьев. 13. Будучи занят, он отложилпоездку. 14. Дверь, запертую изнутри на засов, было не открыть. 15. Так какпутешественникам показали не то направление, они вскоре заблудились. 16. Комната,выходящая окнами в сад, гораздо более удобна, чем эта. 17. Спустившись с горы, ониуслышали человека, зовущего на помощь (...услышали, как какой-то человек зовет напомощь). 18. Раскрасневшийся и возбужденный, мальчик подбежал к своей матери. 19. Онстоял, наблюдая за людьми, которые шли по улице, крича и размахивая руками.
  383Упражнение 383
Bringing, brought, bringing, having brought, translating, translated, translating, having translated,giving, having written, reading, taking, given, having read, done, drinking, said, being lost, havingdrawn, WHO HAS (HAD) WRITTEN, doing, taken, having taken, drawing, drunk, having done, going,writing, read, having given, drawing, doing, drawn, having drunk, speaking, taking, written, reading,going, giving, having said, WHO WAS (HAD BEEN) SITTING, having looked, being Forgotten, building,being built, playing, having played, told, WHO HAS (HAD) TOLD, seeing, WHO HAS (HAD) BROUGHT,being (having been) brought, built, having sold.
  384Упражнение 384
1. When running across the yard, he Fell. 2. When going home yesterday, I kept thinking about myFriend. 3. Putting on his coat, he went out and looked at the cars passing by. 4. Closing the book, sheput it aside and looked at the children running about in the yard. 5. Being translated into Russian,the book could be read by everybody. 6. Being given dictionaries, we managed to translate thearticle easily. 7. Having done my homework, I shall go For a walk. 8. Having bought the book, I shallbegin reading it.
  385Упражнение 385
1. written. 2. writing. 3. having spent. 4. being. 5. having been given. 6. not wishing. 7. translated. 8.having been approved. 9. having waited. 10. waiting. 1
1. having walked. 12. lying. 13. leaving. 14.having phoned, saying.
  386Упражнение 386
1. Arriving at the railway station, he bought a ticket, walked to the platForm and boarded the train. 2.Being promised help, he Felt calmer. 3. Having been shown in, he was told to take oFF his coat andwait For a while. 4. Starting the building oF the house at once, Robinson Finished it beFore the seasonoF rains set in. 5. Pouring out a cup oF coFFee, he sat down in an armchair and looked at the womansitting opposite him. 6. Having leFt the house and crossing the street, he suddenly stoppedremembering that he had Forgotten to phone his Friend. 7. He looked at me and hesitated, notknowing what to say. 8. Having long lived in those parts and knowing the place very well, he easilyFound his way to the marketplace. 9. He had no language problems, having studied English For a longtime. 10. Having written this exercise, I began to doubt whether it was correct. 1
1. Take care whencrossing the street. 12. Students should always be attentive when listening to the lecturer. 13. Thereare many students studying music. 14. Don't you Feel tired having walked so much?
  387Упражнение 387
1. The actress telling children Fairy tales over the radio is Famous all over the country. 2. The childalways listens with interest to the Fairy tales told by the nurse. 3. Telling the child Fairy tales, shespeaks in diFFerent voices imitating the characters oF the tales. 4. Having told a Fairy tale to the child,she wished him good night. 5. The Fairy tale told by the nurse produced a great impression on thechild. 6. My granny, who has told me this Fairy tale, lives in a little house on the lake shore.
  388Упражнение 388
1. The boy running past the house suddenly stopped. 2. Being very busy, he did not hear me at once.3. Hearing the steps, he looked up. 4. Having drunk a cup oF tea, she Felt better. 5. Playing in thegarden, the children did not notice that it had become dark. 6. Going up to the door, he opened it. 7. Tom went up to the laughing girl. 8. He put a crumpled letter on the table. 9. The crying girl washungry. 10. The grandmother was looking at the children playing in the yard. 1
1. She likes to look atplaying children. 12. Having done their homework, the children went For a walk. 13. Lying on thesoFa, he was reading a book. 14. Having brought his toys into the room, the child began playing. 15.Having read many books by Dickens, he knew this writer well.
  389Упражнение 389
1. Так как погода была холодной, он надел пальто. 2. Так как погода переменилась, мырешили остаться там, где были. 3. Вы можете успокоиться, так как все хорошо. 4. Так как увора не было ни одного шанса бежать, его арестовали на месте. 5. Оливер негромко постучалв дверь и, так как силы оставили его, опустился на ступеньку около двери. 6. Так как мостснесло наводнением, поезд не пришел. 7. Так как оставалось мало времени, они наняли кэб,чтобы вовремя добраться до театра. 8. Так как было холодно и сыро, разожгли костер, укоторого усталые путешественники могли обогреться. 9. Так как было довольно поздно, онирешили отложить свой визит. 10. Так как час был поздний, она поспешила домой. 11.Становилось все темнее, так как солнце село час тому назад. 12. Так как погода была оченьтеплой, окно чулана было оставлено открытым. 13. И, так как ветер прекратился, ониотправились на прогулку. 14. Они почти не двигались, так как судно сидело довольно глубоков воде, а погода была безветренной. 15. На следующее утро, так как это было воскресенье,они все пошли в церковь. 16. В данный момент мастерская была пуста, так как механиквышел в заднюю комнату. 17. Так как на столе больше ничего не было, Оливер ответил, чтоон не голоден. 18. Так как миссис Мейли устала, они возвратились домой более медленнымшагом. 19. Так как их поиски ни к чему не привели, она и Клайд дошли до угла. 20. Так какдует попутный ветер, наша яхта достигнет острова в два счета (моментально). 2
1. МистерМэлл каждый день давал мне длинные задания, но я делал их, так как здесь не было мистераи мисс Мерд-стон. 22. Так как было уже довольно поздно, мы взяли свечи и пошли наверх. 23.Так как о нем больше ничего не было слышно, было естественным все забыть. 24. Онотправился около пяти часов, так как Риггз сказал ему, что путь займет три часа. 25. Так какнаши лошади утомились, было решено, что мы сделаем остановку. 26. Так как было решеноне выходить из-за непогоды, члены группы занялись своими заметками. 27. Так как ветершумел в деревьях и кустах, мы ничего не слышали. 28. Так как сопротивление было оченьвысоким, ток в цепи был очень слабым. 29. Так как этот материал является диэлектриком, понему не может идти ток.
  390Упражнение 390
1. Когда он закончил давать указания носильщику, он подошел к племяннице. 2. Когда обедбыл закончен, мы собрались в гостиной. 3. Когда наступило пятое июня, они уехали. 4. Когдаэто поняли, конференция закончилась. 5. Когда скованность, вызванная присутствиемстарика, немного рассеялась, разговор стал более оживленным. 6. Когда это было сделано иСайке утолил свой голод, оба мужчины улеглись на стульях вздремнуть. 7. Когда концертзакончился, началась лотерея. 8. Когда обед закончился, старая дама попросила Барбаруподойти к ней и сесть рядом на диван. 9. Затем, когда поиски в доме показали, что ее тамнет, Эйза вышел поискать ее на улице. 10. Когда все необходимые приготовления былипроделаны в обстановке крайней секретности, армия пошла в атаку. 1
1. Когда договор былподписан, торговля тотчас же была возобновлена. 12. Когда день стал яснее и немноготеплее, чем предыдущий, а снег растаял, он снова вышел на улицу где-то около одиннадцатичасов. 13. Когда катод нагревают, электроны покидают поверхность и переходят к аноду. 14.Когда по проводу двигаются электроны, вырабатывается электрическая энергия.
  391Упражнение 391
1. Потом они услышали шум самолета, и его тень пробежала по поляне. 2. Она вспомнила, какон говорил, и как его очки делали большими его круглые синие глаза. 3. Она сидела,неотрывно глядя на огонь, а забытый носок лежал у нее на коленях. 4. Он слышал, каккупальщики идут по песчаной дороге, а их звенящие голоса нарушают тишину. 5. Онипродолжали свой путь; мальчик тихо всхлипывал, мужчина чувствовал себя смущенным. 6.Они вместе пошли вниз по лестнице, причем Эйлин немного отставала. 7. Они оба стояли, онподнял крышку и держал ее в руке, пока она пила. 8. Она танцевала легко как перышко, ееглаза сияли, ноги летели, стан немного склонился вперед. 9. Мы очень медленно пошлидомой; Агнес и я любовались лунным светом, а мистер Уикфилд почти не поднимал глаз отземли. 10. Они быстро проходили улицу за улицей, причем Доджер шел впереди, указываяпуть, а Оливер следовал за ним по пятам. 1
1. Он стоял молча, но его губы кривились горькой усмешкой. 12. Пес сидел возле стола, его хвост то и дело постукивал по полу, а глаза были снадеждой устремлены на хозяина. 13. Электроны движутся с различными скоростями, причемих скорость зависит от температуры и от материала. 14. Любой движущийся предмет можетпроизводить работу, причем количество кинетической энергии зависит от его массы искорости. 15. Радио было изобретено в России, а его изобретателем был русский ученый А. С.Попов.
  392Упражнение 392
1. Она стояла с безразличным видом, опустив голову на грудь. 2. Она поднялась с кровати,сняла пальто и стояла не двигаясь, опустив голову и сжав руки. 3. С побледневшими губами исильно бьющимся сердцем Эндрю последовал за секретарем. 4. Джек сидел молча, вытянувдлинные ноги. 5. Оратор посмотрел на слушателей, подняв руку в ожидании тишины. 6. Онбыстро сел, закрыв лицо руками. 7. Клайд сел, устремив взгляд не на то, что было перед ним,а на далекий вид (ландшафт) перед озером. 8. Она шла быстро, и плотный снег скрипел подее каблуками.
  393Упражнение 393
1. Маленький Пол сидел, оперевшись подбородком на руку. 2. Он стоял, скрестив руки. 3.Лэнни стоял и смотрел на отъезжавший грузовик, щеки его горели, и кулаки были сжаты. 4.Она стояла там, причем ее брови были нахмурены, а голубые глаза смотрели вперед (Онастояла там, нахмурив брови, глядя перед собой своими голубыми глазами). 5. Он немногосклонился над столом, опираясь на него руками. 6. А затем наступил финал, и за ним пришлаохрана. 7. Он неторопливо и бережно расправил бумагу на столе, а Лоуэлл внимательнонаблюдал за ним. 8. Она стояла на скале, готовая прыгнуть, а зеленая вода внизу манила ее.9. Двадцать минут спустя он вышел из седьмого номера, бледный, губы его были плотносжаты, а на лице застыло странное выражение. 10. Маленький Оливер Твист лежал на земле,его рубашка была расстегнута, а голова запрокинута. 1
1. Девушка побрела прочь, и по еещекам катились слезы. 12. Залитая лунным светом дорога была пустынной, и в лицо им дулпрохладный ветерок. 13. Она сидела на ступеньках, сложив руки на коленях. 14. Потом, ссильно бьющимся сердцем, она подошла и позвонила.
  394Упражнение 394
1. Our work being Finished, we went home. 2. The letter being posted today, the news will reachthem tomorrow. 3. Mother permitting, we shall go to the theatre. 4. The working day being over, shewent straight home. 5. A storm arising, the ship entered the harbour. 6. The packing being done, thegirls leFt For the station. 7. The stop being a long one, the girls got oFF the train. 8. The weather beingperFect, Lydia played tennis every day. 9. The last month being a very busy one, she could notanswer her Friend's letter. 10. Time permitting, we shall come a Few days earlier. 1
1. The third bellhaving gone, the curtain slowly rose. 12. The underground station being not Far, we walked there.13. Bill could not sleep the whole night, there being something wrong with his eye. 14. The rulesbeing very strict, the doorkeeper did not permit Bill to enter. 15. The Front door being open, shecould see straight through the house. 16. Rip had no desire to work on his Farm, it being to his mindthe worst piece oF land in the neighbourhood. 17. They stood there, the night wind shaking thedrying whispering leaves. 18. The situation being urgent, we had to go ahead. 19. The greetingsbeing over, Old Jolyon seated himselF in a wicker chair. 20. The town oF Crewe is known to be one oFthe most busy junctions in England, many railway lines passing through it. 2
1. We set oFF, the rainstill coming down heavily. 22. A private sitting room being engaged, bedrooms (being) inspected anddinner (being) ordered, the party walked out to view the city. 23. Dinner was served on the terrace,it being very close in the room. 24. ThoughtFul, Andrew Finished his omelette, his eyes all the timeFixed upon the microscope. 25. There being in Fact nothing to wait For, we got down to work. 26. Thequestion being rather diFFicult to answer at once, I asked permission to think it over. 27. He stoodleaning against the wall, his arms Folded. 28. There being very little time leFt, we had to hurry. 29. OFan evening he read aloud, his small son sitting by his side. 30. The new engines were saFelydelivered, all oF them being in good order. 3
1. Our eFForts to start the car having Failed, we spent thenight in a nearby village.
  395Упражнение 395
1. Weather permitting, we shall go to the skating rink. 2. Everything being ready, she decided torest. 3. It being already very late, they did not go anywhere. 4. The weather being cold, Jack put his hands into his pockets. 5. It getting dark quickly, she hurried home. 6. The sun having set, it becamedark at once. 7. Our conversation being over, I went home. 8. The letter written (being written), shequickly ran to the post oFFice to send it. 9. There still being halF an hour leFt beFore the train'sdeparture, we decided to have supper at the railway station. 10. The weather being Favourable, thesportsmen may show good results. 1
1. For a long time we were talking, he asking me questions and Ireadily answering them. 12. Circumstances permitting, I shall come to your place For the summer.13. It being very warm, the children slept (were sleeping) in the open. 14. All the preparations beingover, we went on a hike. 15. The ship was slowly sailing along the shores oF the White Sea, hundredsoF birds circling over it. 16. It was very dark, there being not a single star in the sky. 17. The sunhaving set, the tourists made a Fire. 18. It being very late, the meeting was closed.
  396Упражнение 396
1. Он занимается ремонтом автомашин (Его бизнесом является ремонт автомашин). 2. Самособой разумеется. 3. Вы закончили писать? 4. Принимать холодный душ утром очень полезно.5. Я люблю ходить на лыжах, но моя сестра предпочитает кататься на коньках. 6. Она любитсидеть на солнце. 7. Похоже, что будет дождь. 8. Мои часы нуждаются в починке. 9. Спасибо,что вы пришли. 10. Я не надеялся получить ответ до конца месяца. 1
1. Я имел удовольствиетанцевать с ней весь вечер. 12. Давай покатаемся на лодке. 13. Он говорил, неостанавливаясь. 14. Некоторые люди могут ходить весь день, не уставая. 15. Жить вмаленьких душных комнатах значит дышать отравленным воздухом. 16. Железо добывают изземли. 17. Есть два способа получения сахара: один — из свеклы, а другой — из сахарноготростника. 18. Джейн Эйр любила читать. 19. Мисс Тротвуд имела обыкновение спрашиватьсовета у мистера Дика. 20. Его отец не любил тратить время по пустякам. 2
1. Если можешь,избегай делать ошибки. 22. Соседи спасли нашу жизнь тем, что одолжили нам те деньги. 23.Бетховен продолжал писать музыку и после того, как потерял слух. 24. Не поднимай столькошума из-за потери денег. 25. Жаловаться бесполезно.
  397Упражнение 397
А: Я действительно с нетерпением жду поездки в Нью-Йорк. В: Да? А я нет. Я не выношубывать в шумных городах. А: Но Нью-Йорк — замечательный город. Я обожаю смотреть на егонебоскребы, посещать музеи, люблю его исторические памятники, статую Свободы....В: А я нелюблю ходить по музеям. Я вовсе не жду, что поеду туда. А: Но это так интересно! Мненравится слушать звуки Нью-Йорка: его движение, речь на разных языках...В: Этот шум!Поверь мне, терпеть не могу посещать шумные города. А: Ну, это же будет такоеудовольствие! Ведь Нью-Йорк — это огромный город, в котором бьет ключом жизнь людей совсего света. А столицу мира стоит посмотреть. Я хочу поехать в Большое Яблоко. Это такинтересно!
  398Упражнение 398
1. I thought oF coming and seeing you tomorrow. 2. I am thinking oF going out to the country. 3. Whatdo you think you will do tomorrow? — I don't know yet; I thought oF going to the zoo, but the weatheris so bad that probably I shan't go. 4. I hear there are some English books at our university bookstallnow. — So you are thinking oF buying some, aren't you? 5. I thought oF working in the library thisevening, but as you have come, I won't go to the library. 6. We were thinking oF planting roses thisyear.
  399Упражнение 399
1. AFter taking the child to the kindergarten, she went to the library to study For her exam. 2. AFtermaking a thorough study oF the subject, he Found that it was a great deal more important than hehad thought at First. 3. AFter hesitating some minutes whether to buy the hat or not, I Finally decidedthat I might Find one I liked better in another shop. 4. AFter graduating From the university, she leFt StPetersburg and went to teach in her hometown. 5. AFter proving that his theory was correct, hestarted studying ways and means oF improving the conditions oF work in very deep coalmines.
400Упражнение 400
1. Она всегда мечтала жить в маленьком домике у моря. 2. Ей не нравилось жить в своемстаром доме. 3. Она думала о том, чтобы купить новый дом. 4. И вот она получает огромноеудовольствие от того, что живет в красивом новом доме. 5. Конечно же, она скучает по общению с соседями. 6. Она обычно любила поболтать с ними и была не прочь помочь им. 7.Ей очень нравится готовить, и она прекрасно справляется с этим. 8. Но она не любит стиратьи гладить. 9. Она ненавидит рано вставать, но ей приходится это делать. 10. Вы знаете, онаничего не имеет против того, чтобы много работать. 1
1. Ей доставляет удовольствие водитьдорогую машину. 12. Она всегда мечтала о путешествии вокруг света (о том, чтобысовершить путешествие вокруг света). 13. Но она терпеть не может летать на самолете, ипоэтому она никогда не была за морем (за границей). 14. Она возглавила коммерческуюфирму, несмотря на то, что она женщина в мире мужчин (в мире бизнеса). 15. Она любитвстречаться с людьми, потому что она не выносит одиночества. 16. Она обожает беседовать спредставителями прессы и появляться в телепередачах. 17. Ей доставляет большоеудовольствие фотографироваться, так как она считает, что она красива. 18. Она ненавидит,когда над ней смеются. 19. Ей нравится, когда на нее пристально смотрят, поскольку онадумает, что она привлекательна. 20. Но она терпеть не может, когда ее игнорируют (когда нанее не обращают внимание).
  401Упражнение 401
1. Это место стоит посетить. 2. Смотреть футбольные матчи может быть достаточноинтересно, но, конечно, гораздо интереснее играть в футбол. 3. Она перестала приходить кнам, и я недоумевала, что с ней случилось. 4. Вы не помните, вы раньше видели этогочеловека? 5. Она приходила в ужас от необходимости говорить с кем-нибудь, и в ещебольший ужас, когда с ней говорили. 6. Он был готов выйти из клуба, когда портье остановилего. 7. После того, как преподаватель проверил работы, они были возвращены студентам. 8. Янедоумевал, как это мама разрешила эту поездку. 9. Я прекрасно понимаю ваше желаниеначать работу сейчас же. 10. Все будут обсуждать это событие: этого не избежать. 11.Наконец, он прервал молчание, пригласив всех пройти в столовую. 12. Когда ей сообщилиновость, она побледнела.
  402Упражнение 402
1. Я избегал говорить с ними об этом деле. 2. Она расплакалась. 3. Они рассмеялись. 4. Онаотрицала, что была дома в тот вечер. 5. Он очень любил говорить об удовольствии, котороедоставляют ему путешествия. 6. Извините меня за то, что я покидаю вас в такой момент. 7.Пожалуйста, простите меня за то, что я вмешиваюсь. 8. Он бросил курить несколько летназад. 9. Они продолжали разговаривать. 10. Он продолжает настаивать на том, чтобы япоехала на юг. 11.0, пожалуйста, перестаньте смеяться над ним. 12. Вы не возражаете, если язадам вам трудный вопрос? 13. Вы не возражали бы против того, чтобы прийти снова черездень или два? 14. Я не возражаю против того, чтобы носить это платье. 15. Она не могла неулыбнуться. 16. Я не могу отложить выполнение этого перевода. 17. Хотя Дэвид устал, онпродолжал идти по направлению к Дувру. 18. Ее муж имел обыкновение курить, но два годаназад он прекратил курение. Да было уже поздно. 19. Ты еще не закончила мыть посуду? 20.Не нервничай! Прекрати кусать ногти! 2
1. Он отложил поездку в Нью-Йорк, посколькузаболел.
  403Упражнение 403
1. Stop talking. 2. We have already Finished reading this book. 3. Go on singing. 4. Do you mindopening the window? 5. He denied having committed the crime. 6. I enjoy painting. 7. We enjoyedswimming. 8. I could not help agreeing with him. 9. He burst out laughing. 10. She has given upsmoking. 1
1. She avoided meeting him. 12. We shall put oFF discussing the report. 13. At last theystopped laughing. 14. She denied having stolen the money. 15. We've had to postpone going to thecountry until next Saturday. 16. Excuse my having lost your pen. 17. When will she Finish writing thecomposition? 18. I don't mind staying at home and working on my new book. 19. Stop trembling.Avoid showing these people that you are aFraid oF them. 20. I can't help worrying about them: theyhave stopped writing. 2
1. I don't deny having seen them that evening. 22. He did not mind beingexamined: he had stopped pretending that he was healthy (that he was in good health; that he waswell). 23. He cannot Forgive my having torn his bag. 24. She denied having taken my watch. 25. Theboy enjoys giving orders to his little sister. 26. It's better to postpone making a decision. 27. Could(can) I borrow that book when you have Finished reading it? 28. Her son tried to avoid answering herquestions because he was ashamed (oF having lied to her) that he had lied beFore. 29. He couldn'thelp thinking that his son had made a big mistake. 30. Please excuse me For opening your letter bymistake. 3
1. I've given up eating meat and every day I enjoy eating healthier Food.
  404Упражнение 404
1. Он боялся разбудить ее. 2. Я с нетерпением жду отпуска (каникул). 3. Она поздравила себяс тем, что придумала такую отличную идею (что ей в голову пришла такая отличная идея). 4.Моему другу удалось перевести этот трудный текст. 5. Она подозревала, что он обманываетее. 6. Бедный крестьянин сердечно поблагодарил Робина Гуда за то, что тот помог ему. 7. Оноставил мысль когда-либо получить известие от нее. 8. Мы с нетерпением ждем новойвстречи с вами. 9. Он всегда мечтал о том, чтобы побывать в других странах. 10. Онупорствовал в попытках решить эту трудную проблему (задачу). 1
1. Холодная погода мешала(не давала) девушкам ходить на длинные прогулки. 12. Джейн подумывала о том, чтобыуехать из Лоувуда после того, как мисс Темпл вышла замуж. 13. Они обвиняют его вограблении дома. 14. Он никогда не соглашался на то, чтобы они отправились в это опасноепутешествие. 15. Он не одобрял того, что она пьет так много кофе. 16. Учителю математикине нравилось, когда его ученики предавались мечтаниям. 17. Все счастье моей жизни зависитот вашей любви ко мне. 18. Мне не хочется (Я не расположен) видеть его. 19. Я настаиваю натом, чтобы мне сказали правду. 20. Я возражаю против того, чтобы он занимал у тебя деньги.2
1. Я протянул руку, чтобы не дать ей упасть.
  405Упражнение 405
1. The noise in the next room prevented me From thinking. 2. I think oF going to the south in summer.3. The boy denied being constantly scolded and punished. 4. I insist on speaking to him. 5. I waslooking Forward to seeing my brother. 6. I don't Feel like playing lotto today. 7. She succeeded inmaking a very good translation oF this diFFicult text. 8. Thank you For having sent me such beautiFulFlowers. 9. He was accused oF having sold important state secrets. 10. He denied having sold them.1
1. He insisted on being innocent. 12. He was aFraid oF being put into prison.
  406Упражнение 406
1. Why do you avoid speaking to me? 2. She tried to avoid being spoken to. 3. The doctor insisted onsending the sick man to hospital. 4. The child insisted on being sent home at once. 5. Do you mindhim being examined by a heart specialist? 6. He showed no sign oF recognizing me. 7. She showedno sign oF being surprised. 8. He had a strange habit oF interFering in other people's business. 9. Iwas angry at being interrupted every other moment. 10. He is good at repairing cars. 1
1. He wasvery glad oF being helped in his diFFiculty. 12. On being allowed to leave the room, the childrenimmediately ran out into the yard and began playing. 13. In making this experiment, they cameacross some very interesting phenomena. 14. The results oF the experiment must be checked andrechecked beFore being published. 15. David was tired oF being scolded all the time. 16. The watchrequires repairing. 17. The problem is not worth discussing. 18. Jane Eyre remembered having been(being) locked up in the red room For having contradicted Mrs Reed.
  407Упражнение 407
1. The machine needs cleaning. 2. I am quite serious in saying that I don't want to go abroad. 3. Heseemed sorry For having been inattentive to his child. 4. She conFessed to having Forgotten to sendthe letter. 5. The old man could not stand being told what he should do. 6. Going to the party was nouse: he had no talent For dancing. 7. The Bronze Horseman is worth seeing. 8. AFter thoroughlyexamining the student, the proFessor gave him a satisFactory mark. 9. AFter being thoroughlyexamined by the examination commission, the student was given a satisFactory mark. 10. Sheaccused him oF having stolen her purse. 1
1. She reproached me For not writing (having written) toher. 12. This job is not worth taking. 13. AFter looking through and marking the students' papers, theteacher handed them back. 14. AFter being looked through and marked, the papers were handedback to the students. 15. These clothes want washing. 16. David was very glad oF having Found hisaunt. 17. Excuse me For having broken (breaking) your beautiFul vase. 18. You never mentionedhaving been to Greece. 19. She was proud oF being awarded the champion's cup. 20. I don'tremember ever meeting (having met) your sister. 2
1. I don't remember being asked this question byanybody. 22. The cat was punished For having broken the cup. 23. The cat was aFraid oF beingpunished and hid itselF under the soFa.
  408Упражнение 408
1. The girls were busy packing when one oF them suddenly remembered having leFt the milk on thestove which was probably boiling over. 2. Little David couldn't bear reciting his lessons in the presence oF his stepFather and Miss Murdstone. They Frightened him so that he couldn't help makingmistakes though he tried hard to avoid displeasing them and being scolded. 3. I landed in London onan autumn evening. My Friends expected me home For the holidays, but had no idea oF my returningso soon. I had purposely not inFormed them oF my coming that I might have the pleasure oF takingthem by surprise. And yet I had a Feeling oF disappointment in receiving (having received) nowelcome. I even Felt like crying. 4. The girl was proud oF being chosen to represent the sportsmen oFthe school at the coming competition. She thanked her classmates For having chosen her andpromised to do her best to win.
  409Упражнение 409
1. Я не имел представления о том, что он уезжает из Санкт-Петербурга так скоро. 2. Приездтетушки доставляет мне большое удовольствие. 3. Библиотекарь не возражал против того,чтобы читатель задержал книгу еще на один день. 4. Она сказала, что ничего не знает о том,что дверь оставили открытой. 5. Я была удивлена тем, что ее сын так быстро убрал комнату.6. Мои попытки убедить его бесполезны. 7. Когда ее спросили, почему она опоздала на поезд,она сказала что-то о том, что ее часы отстают. 8. Я не заметил, как она подошла. 9. Онапробыла в городе все лето, потому что ее дочь была больна.
  410Упражнение 410
1. On entering the house, they heard the last bell ringing. 2. Thank you For having invited (inviting)me to the theatre. 3. The woman insisted on her husband consulting the doctor at once. 4. She couldnot even think oF the operation being postponed. 5. There was little hope oF James returning on thesame day. 6. The thought oF his having been turned away by the doorkeeper made him Feelmiserable. 7. The pleasant-Faced middle-aged woman insisted on Olga coming to her town to teach.8. Helen suggested their going on a trip. 9. There is a possibility oF my Father joining us For the trip.10. The girls knew oF the sportsman's having been awarded a prize. 1
1. I don't mind your walking tothe underground station with me.
  411Упражнение 411
1. Nobody seeing them was a mere chance. 2. The woman insisted on her husband seeing his lawyerimmediately. 3. The place looked so picturesque and cheerFul that he rejoiced at the thought oFcoming to live there. 4. When he entered, she stood up and leFt the room without even looking athim. 5. On coming home From the college, aFter he had passed (aFter passing) his exam, Robert Feltvery happy. 6. In the darkness they were aFraid oF losing their way. 7. On reaching his destination, hesent a telegram home to say that he had arrived saFely. 8. Thank you For having helped (helping) me.9. The new medicine may be recommended only aFter being approved by the ScientiFic Board. 10.You will never learn From your mistakes without writing them down. 1
1. On entering the room, theboy glanced curiously around. 12. The patient Felt much better aFter being given proper treatment.13. Just beFore leaving the classroom, I was approached by a Fellow student who asked me to helphim. 14. Looking at the man attentively, she remembered seeing him and speaking to him (havingseen him and spoken to him) on several occasions.
  412Упражнение 412
1. Do you mind my (me) smoking here? 2. Will you object to my closing the door? 3. Thank you Forhaving done (doing) it. 4. My teacher insists on my reading aloud every day. 5. Will Mary haveanything against my taking her umbrella For some time? 6. I remember seeing this picturesomewhere. 7. Your being against John's proposal does not mean that I must decline it. 8. Yourhaving taken English lessons some years ago helps you in your studies now. 9. I am told oF you beingvery busy.
  413Упражнение 413
1. Tom was aFraid oF being late. 2. Bill remembered walking about the Factory gate For months. 3.AFter graduating From Harvard, the young man returned to Russia. 4. Mary asked John to Forgive her(For) not having answered his letter sooner. 5. AFter passing our exams, we had a very entertainingevening. 6. Michael remembered enjoying the trip to the Bahamas. 7. They gave up the idea oFFinding a good job. 8. The girls were aFraid oF missing the train. 9. I am thankFul For having beengiven a chance to hear this outstanding singer. 10. Helen insisted on being given that money. 1
1. Idon't remember ever seeing anyone dance like Plisetskaya.
  414Упражнение 414
1. I insist on helping her. 2. He denied having broken the vase. 3. She is aFraid oF losing her purse. 4.I don't approve oF your wasting so much time (I disapprove oF you (your) wasting so much time). 5.My neighbours are thinking oF going to Italy For their holidays, but they havent decided yet. 6. SheForgave him For not writing to her. 7. Stop crying. 8. My little brother prevented me From doing myhomework. 9. Do you mind my (me) coming a little later? (Would you mind my coming a little later?)10. Go on writing. 1
1. Father objects to my going to the theatre with her. 12. I cannot help laughinglooking (when I look) at you. 13. He looks Forward to receiving a visa to go to the USA. 14. She kepton taking the same tablets on her doctor's advice. 15. We try to avoid going shopping at weekends.16. We enjoy being visited by our Friends.
  415Упражнение 415
1. We gave up the idea oF buying new Furniture. 2. She was aFraid oF being punished. 3. Stop talking.4. I don't deny having been there yesterday. 5. I approve oF you (your) wishing to study German. 6.Do you mind my (me) going For a walk? (Would you mind my going For a walk?) 7. I can't help beingaFraid. 8.They suspect the woman oF giving False evidence. 9. Go on working. 10. I insist on seeingmy Friend. 1
1. Mother objects to my playing Football too much. 12. He accuses me oF not havinghelped him. 13. He never dreamt oF doing so. 14. She couldn't help Feeling (that) he had told her lies.15. The boys Finally succeeded in solving the mystery. 16. I've got a terrible toothache that I can'tput oFF going to the dentist any longer.
  416Упражнение 416
1. I cannot help thinking oF it all the time. 2. I insist on going there. 3. Mother objects to my sitting upso late. 4. He has been arrested because the police suspect him oF being a terrorist. 5. Do you mindmy (me) smoking in this room? 6. I approve oF your (you) helping grandmother. 7. I thought oF goingto Australia. 8. He has given up playing Football since his illness. 9. He was aFraid oF being Forgotten.10. Go on reading. 1
1. Nobody approves oF gambling. Anyone who enjoys gambling has to beprepared to lose money. 12. Bad weather prevented us From going to the country. 13. Prices keep onincreasing. 14. I'll look Forward to hearing From my son. 15. You're depending on her helping in thisdiFFicult situation. 16. It has just stopped raining.
  417Упражнение 417
1. He burst out crying. 2. I cannot help admiring this wonderFul painting. 3. Your mother objects toyour coming home late. 4. I approve oF your (you) working hard. 5. She denied having helped them.6. Stop teasing the cat. 7. I am aFraid oF catching (a) cold. 8. IF he persists in causing trouble, he willbe Fired (he'll be dismissed) (From his job). 9. I insist on staying in St Petersburg. 10. He gave upsmoking a year ago. 1
1. Do you mind my (me) going to bed? 12. Go on doing your homework. 13.She won't thank you For having lost your job. 14. Are you thinking oF winning a million withoutworking hard? 15. They are looking Forward to seeing their Friends From Switzerland. 16. Do you Feellike playing tennis tonight?
  418Упражнение 418
1. He is thinking oF buying a new car. 2. Stop being angry. Forgive him For ruining your birthdayparty. 3. I cannot help Feeling ashamed. 4. I congratulated my Friend on passing (having passed) hisdriving test. 5. Go on talking. 6. I insist on telling him the truth. 7. They were aFraid oF missing thetrain. 8. I disapprove oF you (your) playing computer games. 9. We gave up the idea oF going to thecountry. 10. She gave up dancing last year. 1
1. Mother objects to my bringing too many Friends toour home. 12. Do you mind my calling you? 13. Are you accusing me oF cheating? 14. The studentsoF our group are looking Forward to touring Europe For their holidays this year. 15. His mother kept onhoping that he would phone or write soon. 16. What prevented her From coming to his birthdayparty?
  419Упражнение 419
1. Stop running. 2. He denied having taken the money. 3. He was aFraid oF losing his Friends. 4. Shedisapproved oF his having gone to the evening parties too oFten. 5. I'm thinking oF accepting thatoFFer because I've had experience working with computers and know how to use them to do this project. 6. His mother objects to his going to the cinema very oFten. 7. We congratulated them onwinning (having won) the match. 8. I cannot help being angry with him. 9. He burst out laughing. 10.Do you mind me bringing my Friend? 1
1. I insist on asking his advice. 12. Go on writing to him. 13. IFyou persist in asking silly guestions, I will not tell you anything at all. 14. She never stops talking. 15.People really can't go on living like this. 16. He accused us oF not visiting (having visited) him.
420Упражнение 420
1. We wouldn't think oF letting her walk home on a night like this. 2. I cannot help being late For theFirst lesson. 3. Do you mind my taking your pen? 4. I don't approve oF your playing cards. 5. He wasaccused oF having robbed the house. 6. I enjoy listening to classical music. 7. She used to avoidspeaking to the headmaster. 8. We gave up the idea oF seeing him some day. 9. He wasn't aFraid oFgoing grey, but he would hate to go bald. 10. His mother objects to his reading in bed. 1
1. I insist oninviting them. 12. Go on discussing this question. 13. People in Britain and the USA give up smokingbecause they realize it damages their health. 14. They had to put oFF their going to Thailand becauseoF the most dangerous tsunami. 15. He's only got himselF to thank For being a loser. 16. The noiseoutside her window prevented her From sleeping.
  421Упражнение 421
1. Mother objects to my making noise in the house. 2. I cannot help telling you about it. 3. He wasaccused oF having stolen the money. 4. She did not approve oF his smoking. 5. He gave up playingchess. 6. The children were aFraid oF losing the way in the Forest. 7. I insist on writing to him. 8. Avoiddrinking beer, it damages your health. 9. Do you mind my opening the window? 10. The noise in thenext room prevented me From Falling asleep. 1
1. I'm thinking oF walking to work and back every day.12. Go on playing. 13. My Friend will have to put oFF his going to America until next summer. 14. Ourmother has stopped worrying about it. 15. My cousin has lost all his money and doesh't Feel likegoing out tonight. 16. The burglar denied stealing (having stolen) her priceless diamond ring.
  422Упражнение 422
1. I'm looking Forward to her coming to Russia again. 2. He used to smoke twenty cigarettes a dayand this year he has given up smoking because oF lung cancer. 3. She couldn't help admiring themost Famous Russian church in Novgorod. 4. The shopassistant was accused oF being rude andhaving neglected her duties. 5. His Father disapproved oF using dirty language on radio andtelevision. 6. Their son didn't want to go on being a manager all his liFe, and thereFore he went backto St Petersburg University. 7. She insisted on ringing the police. 8. When I've got a cold I don't Feellike eating. 9. He enjoyed teaching English, but he was never making (earning) much money. 10.Who prevents us From doing our duties properly? 1
1. Mike's uncle approves his learning Foreignlanguages. 12. The price oF the painting was so high that he couldn't think oF buying it. 13. He deniedcommitting (having committed) several crimes including stealing money and two murders. 14. TheEnglish teacher couldn't help asking me about it. 15. The driver was aFraid oF making things worse.16. I couldn't agree to helping him this time. 17. They can't help hoping that he is still alive. 18.John's parents agreed to his marrying the girl. 19. Please excuse me For not eating all my dinner. 20.He was suspected oF breaking the law and taking bribes. 2
1. It is very diFFicult to give up drinking,gambling and taking drugs. 22. Mother Forgave me For lying (telling a lie to her; not telling the truth).23. The manager objects to hiring her as a public relations consultant. 24. Excuse me For my callingyou so late. 25. He thought oF entering the university.
  423Упражнение 423
1. We all listened with great interest to the speaker criticizing the new book. 2. Criticizing the workoF our sports club, he said that it was not satisFactory. 3. They were criticizing the government For itsFailure to limit air pollution at that moment. 4. When we entered the classroom, we saw our studentswriting at the desks. 5. He was writing a letter when I entered the room. 6. Everybody ran to meetthe people returning From the city. 7. They went home quickly protecting themselves From the rainby walking under the trees. 8. In this picture you can see a young man giving Flowers to a girl. 9.Never jump oFF a moving train. 10. Running water is always better than standing water. 1
1. Theremaining cakes were given to the children. 12. The cakes remaining From the evening were given tothe children. 13. They went out to meet the returning women. 14. Returning home aFter a goodholiday, he looked a picture oF health.
1. I have no objection to your criticizing me. 2. Do you mindmy writing with your pen? 3. Lydia could retell the English story she had read without looking intothe book. 4. They went home quickly protecting themselves From the rain by walking under the trees. 5. In this Factory much attention is paid to protecting the health oF the workers. 6. He stoppedwriting and looked around. 7. Playing volleyball is a popular sport For young people. 8. She leFt theroom without saying a word. 9. We had the pleasure oF seeing the perFormance. 10. John likesstudying history. 11. Reading books out oF doors is his Favourite way oF spending the summerholidays, but he likes swimming and going on excursions as well. 12. You can learn what the newwords mean by looking them up in the dictionary. 13. BeFore going to meet his Friend, he went hometo change his clothes. 14. Returning home aFter a good holiday is always pleasant.
  424Упражнение 424
1. He was looking at the plane Flying overhead. 2. Wishing to learn to skate, she bought herselF apair oF skates. 3. Being Frightened by the dog, the cat climbed a high Fence. 4. Coming out oF thewood, the travellers saw a ruined castle in the distance. 5. Growing tomatoes need a lot oF sunshine.6. Growing corn on his desert island, Robinson Crusoe hoped to eat bread one day. 7. Havingprepared all the necessary equipment, they began the experiment. 8. While translating the text, Ilooked up many words in the dictionary. 9. Entering the room, I saw my Friends smiling at me. 10.Watching the playing kittens was great Fun For the children.
1. Just imagine his coming First in therace! 2. The children were tired oF running. 3. It is no use going there now. 4. My greatest pleasure istravelling. 5. Growing roses takes a lot oF care and attention. 6. Mary will stop For a Few days at theseaside beFore going back home. 7. I usualy help mother by washing the dishes and doing therooms. 8. Instead oF phoning his Friend, he went to see him. 9. The boys continued playing Football.10. Watching the playing kittens was great Fun For the children.
  425Упражнение 425
1. Your having written is really no excuse For your not coming on the day Fixed. 2. The motor wascareFully examined beFore starting. 3. I am very pleased to meet you aFter hearing so much aboutyou. 4. Your hair wants cutting. 5. I shall look Forward to seeing you again. 6. Sleeping is necessary.7. We Felt so disappointed at your having missed nearly halF the programme. 8. It was no use talkingabout it any longer. 9. Are you dressed For going out? 10. I hate the idea oF doing it once more. 11.But you don't mind being asked to help us, do you? 12. She blamed herselF For having been a dullcompanion.
1. The singing oF those beautiFul Folk songs impressed me greatly. 2. Such doings canhardly be explained. 3. The building oF this house will cost much money. 4. Then came a generallighting oF pipes and cigars. 5. The Forest resounded with the hooting oF owls and the howling oFwolves.
  426Упражнение 426
1. The driving wheel oF the machine is broken. 2. Driving in a motor car, we passed many villages.3. Having been knocked down by a passing car, the poor man was at once taken to hospital. 4. Youdon't know what you miss, not having the desire to listen to good music. 5. I was told oF a greatFriendship existing between the two captains. 6. There are many discoveries being made all over theworld. 7. Seeing this man, I recollected perFectly having met him many years beFore.
1. We haveevery chance oF passing our exams well. 2. Travelling is a pleasant way oF improving one'seducation. 3. Happily we escaped being delayed on our way. 4. It is no use crying over spilt milk. 5.Asking him For help is useless. 6. Seeing this man, I recollected perFectly having met him many yearsbeFore.
1. These happenings are remarkable. 2. Every trust arranges For the marketing oF itsproducts.
  427Упражнение 427
1. Sitting by her sleeping child, the worried mother at last began to realize by its peaceFulbreathing that all danger was over. 2. I stopped knocking at the door and, sitting down at the top oFthe stairs, began waiting For my Father to come. 3. With a sudden tightening oF the muscles hebecame aware oF a Figure walking noiselessly beside him. 4. Having stopped crying, the child quieteddown to hard thinking. 5. The old clock kept ticking on the mantelpiece, as iF counting the secondsleFt beFore the coming oF daylight. 6. Looking back upon that time, he realized how happy he hadbeen then. 7. Tom lived there like a paving guest, attracting very little attention oF the others.
1.Sitting by her sleeping child, the worried mother at last began to realize by its peaceFul breathingthat all danger was over. 2. I stopped knocking at the door and, sitting down at the top oF the stairs,began waiting For my Father to come. 3. She praised herselF For having come. 4. Having stoppedcrying, the child quieted down to hard thinking. 5. The old clock kept ticking on the mantelpiece, as iFcounting the seconds leFt beFore the coming oF daylight. 6. Remembering that time was like going back to his childhood and reliving those happy days.
1. With a sudden tightening oF the muscleshe became aware oF a Figure walking noiselessly beside him. 2. The old clock kept ticking on themantelpiece, as iF counting the seconds leFt beFore the coming oF daylight.
  428Упражнение 428
1. We sat by the riverside listening to the running oF the water. 2. Going home From the theatre,they were discussing the play they had seen.
1. Working in the garden is very good For the healthoF people. 2. You should think beFore speaking. 3. AFter Finding the new word in the dictionary, Iwrote it down and went on reading. 4. What do you mean by saving that? 5. Instead oF going homeaFter school, the girls went For a walk. 6. Chalk is used For writing on the blackboard. 7. Stop makingexcuses!
1. We sat by the riverside listening to the running oF the water. 2. The cleaning oF theroom was done by the girls. 3. He spent much time on the copying oF his literature lectures. 4. Thestudents Found the reading oF English newspapers rather diFFicult at First.
  429Упражнение 429
1. The teacher wanted the pupils to learn the rule. 2. My mother did not want me to spill the milk. 3.The woman wanted her daughter to go to a ballet school. 4. The man wanted his son to studymathematics. 5. The little boy wanted his Father to buy him that toy. 6. Ann wanted me to wait Forher aFter school. 7. My Father wanted me to Fix the shelF in the kitchen. 8. My mother wanted me tostudy English. 9. Our grandmother wanted us to bring her some water From the river. 10. Katewanted her classmates to come to her birthday party. 1
1. The biology teacher wanted us to collectsome insects in summer. 12. Our mother did not want us to eat ice cream beFore dinner.
  430Упражнение 430
1. I want all children to laugh. 2. I want everybody to read it. 3. I should like the doctor to examinehim. 4. The children wanted me to tell them a Fairy tale. 5. I don't want her to know about it. 6. Hewanted his Friend to go with him. 7. My brother wants me to study Spanish. 8. I should like my pupilsto know English well. 9. I don't want you to get a bad mark. 10. I should not like them to be late. 1
1. Idid not want you to wait For me. 12. She would like her brother to get the First prize. 13. I want you toread this book. 14. I would like you to come to our place. 15. She wanted her son to Finish schoolwell. 16. They would like us to lose the game. 17. She did not want me to go to Moscow. 18. I wouldnot like you to lose my book. 19. Father wants me to be a pianist. 20. We want this actor to come toour school. 2
1. Would you like me to tell you this story? 22. Do you want me to give you mydictionary?
  431Упражнение 431
1. I know my Friend to be a just man. 2. I expect him to understand your problem and help you tosolve it. 3. I expected her to behave quite diFFerently. 4. I did not expect my brother to Forget to sendher Flowers. 5. He knows my mother to be a very kind woman. 6. She expected her brother to bringher the book. 7. I know your uncle to be an excellent mathematician. 8. People expect the 21stcentury to bring peace on the Earth. 9. We know it to be true.
  432Упражнение 432
1. I expect the letter to come tomorrow. 2. He expected the teacher to praise him. 3. She did notexpect them to return so late. 4. I know her to be a talented singer. 5. I knew him to be a greatscientist. 6. We did not expect you to do so much. 7. The teacher expected the pupils to understandthe rule. 8. I did not expect him to write such wonderFul poetry. 9. She knew him to be a very kindman. 10. Everybody knew her to be a progressive scientist. 1
1. I know your sister to be a very brightstudent. 12. Everybody knows Byron to be a great poet. 13. I did not expect it to happen so soon. 14.We expect you to help us. 15. He expected the minister to answer at once. 16. We expected theweather to change.
  433Упражнение 433
1. I like children to laugh. 2. She does not like me to argue with her. 3. She did not like us to comelate. 4. He hates me to be late. 5. Our teacher likes us to ask questions. 6. I hate you to Forget yourduties. 7. Our grandmother likes Lena to play the piano. 8. Father likes me to speak English. 9. My grandFather did not like children to talk at table. 10. He hated us to break our toys. 1
1. He liked us toplay quiet games.
  434Упражнение 434
1. The teacher made her rewrite the exercise. 2. She made the dog jump over the Fence. 3. He madehis brother jump into the water. 4. The rain made us return home. 5. Make her put on her coat: it isvery cold today. 6. Why didn't you make your son learn the poem? 7. I can't make my cat catchmice. 8. When will you make your Friend do his morning exercises? 9. Please don't make me drinkmilk. 10. She could not make him go to bed early. 1
1. The dog made the cat climb the tree.
  435Упражнение 435
1. We noticed a man cleaning his shoes. 2. He saw two girls dancing on the stage. 3. She watchedthe children running and playing in the garden. 4. I saw her arranging her hair. 5. We saw ourneighbour listening to the latest news on the radio. 6. I Felt the cat rubbing itselF on my leg. 7. Wesaw them Fishing. 8. The teacher watched the pupils writing a paper. 9. I Felt a caterpillar crawling onmy arm. 10. Last night we heard I. Arkhipova singing a Russian Folk song. 1
1. I watched the sunrising. 12. I heard him singing an English song. 13. John heard his sister talking loudly on theveranda. 14. We saw Ben crossing the square. 15. They heard their Father playing the piano in thedrawing room. 16. I can see the train coming. 17. I watched the rain beating down the Flowers in thegarden. 18. I saw a group oF boys eating ice cream. 19. We noticed a group oF people diggingpotatoes in the Field.20. Didn't you see her smiling at you? 2
1. I heard the girl singing. 22. He heardthem talking about computers. 23. I saw you and your Friend walking along the street yesterday. 24.We watched the little girls playing on the grass. 25. He stood and looked at the ship leaving the port.26. Mother watched her sleeping peaceFully in her bed.
  436Упражнение 436
1. The boy noticed a bird Fly on to the bush near the window. 2. Jane saw her neighbour open thedoor oF his Flat and go in. 3. I saw him point to a picture on the wall. 4. I heard him shut the door oFthe study. 5. We saw the children climb to the tops oF the trees. 6. I noticed Henry go up and speakto the stranger. 7. I saw him slip and Fall. 8. I heard her suddenly cry out. 9. The policeman saw herbend and pick up something From the Floor. 10. I saw him open the door and leave the room. 1
1. Isaw her drop the cup on the Floor and break it. 12. We watched them turn the corner and disappear.13. The boy Felt the doctor touch his leg. 14. Pete's Friends saw him buy some Flowers. 15. Thewounded hunter Felt the bear touch him, but he did not move. 16. Shall we hear the telephone ring?17. Tamara saw the boat driFt down the river. 18. They saw the ship sail away From the shore. 19.Have you heard him sing the part oF Hermann in Tchaikovsky's «Queen oF Spades»?
  437Упражнение 437
1. Он почувствовал, что ее рука скользит под его рукой. 2. Она почувствовала, что у неезадрожали руки. 3. Он то и дело слышал, как проходит машина. 4. Он почувствовал, как егосердце забилось от радости. 5. Он почувствовал, что его сердце бьется от радости. 6. Онаслышала, как ее отец ходит взад-вперед по картинной галерее. 7. Мы видели, как он,посмотрев налево и направо, пересек улицу. 8. Я чувствовал, как ветер дует сквозь щель встене. 9. Мы стояли на палубе и смотрели, как садится солнце. 10. Я слышал, как он играет вдоме на рояле. 1
1. Приятно видеть, как люди развлекаются. 12. Мы видели, как самолетыкружатся над нами. 13. Никто не заметил, как он вошел и сел. 14. Я почувствовал, что Никположил мне руку на плечо. 15. Она почувствовала, что по ее щекам покатились слезы. 16. Ябыл так слаб, что почувствовал, как у меня дрожат колени. 17. Мы видели, что они прыгнули спарашютом. 18. Он услышал, как навстречу ему движется машина. 19. В комнате мы увиделичеловека, сидящего в старом кресле. 20. Я услышал, как дверь вестибюля открылась итихонько закрылась. 2
1. Он увидел, что в маленькой беседке у поворота садовой дорожкикто-то сидит. 22. Он вернулся к окну и, взглянув в него, вдруг увидел, что она идет подорожке. 23. Они все собрались на холме посмотреть, как взойдет солнце. 24. Она наблюдалаза своей матерью, склонившейся над чайной посудой. 25. Люди, живущие на севере,месяцами не видят солнца (как выходит солнце). 26. Дверь скрипнула. Он увидел, как вошлаИрэн, взяла телеграмму и прочитала ее. 27. На остановке она увидела еще одну девушку,ожидающую автобуса. 28. Я слышал, как он сказал учителю об этом. 29. Я слышал, как онговорил учителю об этом. 30. Она слышала, как в коридоре ходят люди. 3
1. Она услышала,как кто-то подошел к ее двери. 32. Мы увидели людей, стирающих белье в ручье (как люди стирают белье в ручье).
  438Упражнение 438
1. I heard him opening the door. 2. I heard him open the door. 3. I Felt him touch my hand. 4. I Felthim touching my hand. 5. I saw the birds Flying towards the wood. 6. I saw the birds Fly to the wood.7. We saw her swimming across the river. 8. We saw her swim across the river. 9. I did not noticehim put the letter on the table. 10. I saw him put his suitcase by the door. 1
1. We saw her get oFF thetrain and walk towards the booking oFFice. 12. We watched him walk up to the window, stop, openthe magazine and begin reading. 13. I Felt somebody looking at me From the right. 14. We saw herleaving the house. 15. He heard the chairman call his name. 16. He Felt his hands trembling. 17. Weheard them laughing merrily in the next room. 18. I noticed her turn pale. 19. I saw him stand upFrom the chair and walk towards the window. 20. The boy's mother watched her little son brushinghis teeth. 2
1. He watched his mother washing the dishes. 22. We saw them approaching slowly. 23.We saw them sleeping. 24. He noticed her shudder. 25. I heard him playing the violin. 26. We heardhim speak French to her.
  439Упражнение 439
1. She saw Nina trying on a hat. 2. Alice saw her sister take the book. 3. He saw his pupils standingnear the school. 4. Tom saw her leave the room. 5. She saw her children doing their homework. 6.Olga saw Andrew sitting on the soFa. 7. Nicholas saw Ann writing something. 8. She did not hear meenter the room. 9. I did not hear them talking. 10. Have you ever heard her singing? 1
1. Have youever heard him speaking Spanish? 12. I saw Nick come. 13. I saw George walk down the street. 14. Isaw Nellie reading. 15. We saw the students dancing. 16. We saw their parents talking. 17. Theteacher noticed the pupils talking. 18. She noticed her Father leave the room. 19. Did you noticethem laughing? 20. Did you notice him go away? 2
1. We watched the children playing. 22. At the zoowe oFten watched the monkeys playing in the cage. 23. I oFten hear him playing in his room. 24. Didyou see these two boys running? 25. He heard a child crying in the street. 26. The children stood andwatched the bears swimming. 27. The boy watched the cat trying to open the door. 28. He noticedthem crossing the street with two big suitcases in their hands.
440Упражнение 440
1. Он хотел, чтобы его письма отправили сейчас же. 2. Я не хочу, чтобы рылись в моихбумагах. 3. Она не хотела, чтобы ее ребенка отправляли в больницу. 4. Она дала ему бумаги исказала, что клиент хочет, чтобы их подписали. 5. Учитель хочет, чтобы наша домашняяработа была приготовлена хорошо. 6. Вам угодно, чтобы ваш багаж отнесли наверх? 7. Я хочу,чтобы для моего гостя приготовили спальню. 8. Если вы хотите, чтобы дело было сделанохорошо, делайте его сами. 9. Я бы очень хотел, чтобы мне это объяснили (сделали это яснымдля меня). 10. Путешественник вошел на постоялый двор и заказал обед (приказалприготовить обед).
  441Упражнение 441
1. I want this article (to be) published in tomorrow's newspaper. 2. She wants this song (to be) sungas oFten as possible. 3. He wanted his pictures (to be) seen in all countries. 4. The child wanted histeddy (bear) (to be) put in his bed. 5. She wanted her composition (to be) marked at once. 6. I don'twant this dress (to be) torn. 7. He didn't want his hair (to be) cut. 8. I want my bicycle (to be)brought From the country. 9. I want this carpet (to be) spread on the Floor in the drawing room. 10.He didn't want his things (to be) touched. 1
1. Do you want this picture (to be) hung over theFireplace? 12. He wanted the grass (the lawn) (to be) mowed (mown).
  442Упражнение 442
I must have my hair cut. I must have my watch repaired. I must have my photo taken. I must have anew dress made. I want to have my hair cut. I want to have my watch repaired. I want to have myphoto taken. I want to have a new dress made. I am going to have my hair cut. I am going to havemy watch repaired. I am going to have my photo taken. I am going to have a new dress made. Haveyou had your hair cut? Have you had your watch repaired? Have you had your photo taken? Haveyou had a new dress made? When did you have your hair cut? When did you have your watchrepaired? When did you have your photo taken? When did you have a new dress made? Why did youhave your hair cut? Why did you have your watch repaired? Why did you have your photo taken? Why did you have a new dress made? Where do you usually have your hair cut? Where do youusually have your watch repaired? Where do you usually have your photo taken? Where do youusually have your dresses made?
  443Упражнение 443
1. Мне надо завтра подстричься. 2. Я только что сфотографировался и подумал, что вы,возможно, захотите получить снимок. 3. Им принесли пообедать (Они сами об этомпозаботились). 4. Она приняла меры, чтобы за ее детьми присматривали по вечерам, когдаона уходила. 5. Кто-нибудь другой продевал для Эллен нитку в иголку, так как ее зрениестановилось хуже и хуже. 6. Мне надо починить эти туфли. 7. Я буду учить своего сынамузыке (отдам в школу или приглашу учителя). 8. Плантаторы срубили в джунглях деревья(не сами: наняли людей). 9. Я позабочусь о том, чтобы ваше такси оставалось у двери. 10. Япозабочусь о том, чтобы ваши вещи принесли наверх и сейчас же распаковали. 1
1. Ясобиралась перелицевать это платье, но так и не собралась. 12. Она не фотографировалась ссамого детства. 13. Пусть этот ковер расстелят на полу.
  444Упражнение 444
1. I Felt somebody touch me lightly on the shoulder. 2. He heard someone call his name. 3. I saw thetelegraph boy hand the cable to the man. 4. They heard the woman utter a little exclamation. 5. Ishould like to see him say it to my Face. 6. I expect you to join our excursion. 7. We had not expectedher to reply, but she did. 8. We knew him to be a clever man. 9. I don't like you to repeat thisnonsense. 10. I hate people to speak so cynically. 1
1. We expect everybody to be ready by seven.12. They showed themselves even more narrow-minded than we had expected them to be. 13. Wedid not expect him to return so soon. 14. He hated people to argue about triFles.
  445Упражнение 445
1. He heard someone calling his name. 2. Mother wanted me to water the houseplants. 3. I saw herget oFF the tram and cross the street. 4. I didn't expect my sister to get a «three». 5. I know yourFriend to be a proFessional Football player. 6. I want this rule to be learnt. 7. I heard somebody knockat the door. 8. When will you have your watch repaired? 9. I know your brother to be ill. 10. Mothermade me go to the country. 1
1. His parents didn't expect him to go to university aFter school. 12. Ishall make him bring the book tomorrow. 13. I expect him to ring me up. 14. We wanted them toachieve success. 15. We wouldn't like our teacher to think we were late on purpose. 16. He hatedpeople to laugh loudly.
  446Упражнение 446
1. I want you to be more attentive. 2. I made her learn this poem by heart. 3. They didn't expect usto take part in the discussion. 4. She hates people to treat animals cruelly. 5. The noise oF the planeFlying high in the sky made him look up. 6. We had better enter the house: I don't want you to catcha cold. 7. I want this play to be staged at our school theatre. 8. Where do you have your hair cut? 9. Isaw the children running towards the river. 10. I know her to be the best pupil. 1
1. She heardsomebody enter the room. 12. I should like you to spend the summer with us. 13. This movie (Film)star had her Mercedes stolen a Few days ago. 14. We expected the delegation to come at the end oFthe week. 15. We noticed two men acting suspiciously. 16. I heard my crystal vase smash.
  447Упражнение 447
1. I did not expect you to be angry. 2. I don't like the children to stay alone. 3. I expect the letter tocome tomorrow. 4. The doctor made me take the medicine. 5. Has your mother had a new dressmade? 6. I hate keys to be lost. 7. I want the dictation to be written well. 8. When did you have yourphoto taken? 9. Vera heard something heavy Fall on the Floor. 10. We know him to be a greatmusician. 1
1. He watched us playing chess. 12. Bad weather made us return home. 13. Did you seeanybody Fighting with him? 14. I did not want you to stay in the yard. 15. We want our children togrow active and energetic. 16. She would like him to come.
  448Упражнение 448
1. I want your morning exercises done every day. 2.Would you like me to dance For you? 3. Grandmother does not like the cat to sit on the bed. 4. He Felt something heavy pressing him to theFloor. 5. I want you to translate this poster. 6. She expected him to invite her to the theatre. 7. Theteacher did not want us to stay in the classroom. 8. The boy watched his Father unharnessing thehorse. 9. When did she have this dress made? 10. The storm made the ship return to the port. 11.Did you see anybody take this hammer? 12. I expect you to stay at home. 13. Yesterday I had myphoto taken. 14. I hate dogs to be kept on a chain. 15. She didn't hear the baby cry. 16. I know yourbrother to be the best pupil oF the school.
  449Упражнение 449
1. I want to have a new dress made. 2. I want these words to be remembered. 3. The rain made usstay at home. 4. We watched the ship sailing oFF. 5. I hate animals to be beaten. 6. Did you seeanybody Fall? 7. Everybody knows him to be a coward. 8. Where do you have your photos taken? 9. Iexpected you to come in the evening. 10. I don't like you to get bad marks. 1
1. I expected my Fatherto bring me the books. 12. Mother did not want me to go to the cinema. 13. I Felt something touchmy hair. 14. We oFten heard them arguing. 15. She wanted him to understand it. 16. He wanted toleave early, but his boss made him stay.
  450Упражнение 450
1. He expects me to write to him. 2. I want you to write a letter to your grandmother. 3. When willyou have your hair cut? 4. He knows me to be a great theatregoer. 5. We expected the weather tochange. 6. The teacher wanted the dictation to be rewritten. 7. I heard something heavy Fall on theFloor. 8. I saw the boy slip and Fall. 9. The cold wind made him put on his coat. 10. I want you tounderstand your mistake. 1
1. I know her to be clever. 12. His Father made him rewrite the exercise.13. We saw her swim across the river. 14. You must have your hair cut. 15. His Family didn't expect itto happen so soon. 16. We watched the sunlight dancing on the water's surFace.
  451Упражнение 451
1. The teacher made him repeat the rule. 2. I know your Father to be an outstanding sportsman. 3.My Friend did not want me to write this letter. 4. I must have my photo taken tomorrow. 5. I want mybooks returned. 6. I hate birds to be kept in cages. 7. He watched the workers unloading the lorry. 8.She saw people running along the street. 9. I expect the teacher to give me a good mark. 10. I don'tlike you to stay at school aFter classes. 1
1. When did she have her hair cut? 12. I want this music tobe played every day. 13. The illness made him stay at home. 14. Did you see anybody leave theroom? 15. Did Mother hear the boys say so? 16. Children love to have stories read to them. 17. Shesaw him leaving the house.
  452Упражнение 452
1. I know your sister to be an excellent singer. 2. We expect the ship to come tomorrow. 3. I saw theship disappear behind the horizon. 4. He heard the town clock strike tvelve. 5. Mother wants us to goto the country. 6. The children wanted the Firtree to be put in the largest room. 7. We expected himto return on the same day. 8. I want you to come with me. 9. I want you to help me. 10. Mothermade me go to the country on Sunday. 1
1. I saw him pass. 12. They heard the door open. 13. Whenwill you have a new dress made? 14. You can't expect him to come and help you. 15. The policeknow him to be a drug dealer, but they haven't caught him yet. 16. I'd like this work Finished bySunday.
  453Упражнение 453
1. Father did not want me to read this magazine. 2. I hate things to be broken. 3. She wants to haveher hair cut. 4. I don't like Kate to sing this song. 5. Everybody knows her to be very brave. 6. Iexpected you to do your homework. 7. Did you see anybody speaking to him? 8. She watched thechildren playing lotto. 9. His mother made him go to bed. 10. Have you had your photo taken? 1
1. Iwant the dinner cooked in time. 12. Did she want him to give her a liFt? 13. I know him to be (the)captain oF the school Football team. 14. She Felt tears rolling down her cheeks. 15. My Friendswouldn't like her to think they didn't appreciate what she had done For them. 16. The teacher can'texpect the children to be quiet all the time. 17. I saw a man get into the car.
  454Упражнение 454
1. Mary made Tom wash his hands and Face again. «I want you to be clean,» she said. 2. «I want theFloor washed by the evening,» said my mother. 3. He heard her sighing in her sleep. 4. She was sobusy thinking she did not notice me enter. 5. We wanted them to tell us something aboutthemselves. 6. I had a new dress made last week. 7. When I was a child, I liked mother to sing songsto me. 8. She Felt somebody come up to her, but did not turn. 9. The boy watched the mechanicrepairing the reFrigerator. 10. David heard the doctor leave his mother's room and go downstairs. 11.Nobody saw Jim enter the house. Nobody expected him to come so early. 12. «I want everybody tobe happy,» she said. 13. «You cannot make me give you the child,» said Miss Betsy. 14. Sid saw Tomjump out oF the window. 15. I know your Father to be very tall. 16. Have you ever seen him dancing awaltz?
  455Упражнение 455
1. The soldier expected the letter to arrive in a week. 2. We expect you to visit us on Saturday. 3.She heard her brother enter the room. 4. I shall make you study well. 5. Nina wants me to come, too.6. She Felt her hands trembling. 7. I expected you to come in time. 8. My Father wants me to studytwo Foreign languages. 9. She did not want me to go to England. 10. I expect you to help me. 1
1. Thepatient Felt his heart beating strongly. 12. I want the work to be done (done). 13. We saw him crossthe street. 14. We know him to be (the) captain oF a big ship. 15. I didn't want you to learn this textby heart. 16. You'll never guess where I had the dress made. 17. I watched him cleaning (washing)the car.
  456Упражнение 456
1. We liked to come to this garden and watch children playing. 2. When Robert went out into thecorridor, he Felt somebody touch his arm. 3. She wanted the children brought into the hall. 4. Tomwas a very diligent pupil and soon made everybody respect him. 5. I don't want to make you do it atonce. 6. I want you to do it yourselF. 7. Have you ever heard him playing (singing) this piece? 8. Iwant you to introduce me to your brother. 9. I like my sister to speak English with her Friends. 10.Ann did not expect the book to be so interesting. 1
1. I oFten heard him tell the students about hisnative land. 12. We oFten saw them working in the reading room. 13. When did you have your carrepaired? 14. IF I see Nina in the library, I shall make her tell me about everything. 15. I know thesepeople to be Foreign tourists. 16. Mother wants you to mind your own business. 17. She saw himleave the house.
  457Упражнение 457
1. He wants the letters brought into his room. 2. We know them to be very busy. 3. I want to havemy photo taken. 4. I know him to be a great theatregoer. 5. I expect you to write me a letter. 6. Heheard somebody entering the room. 7. I don't like the child to play with the dog. 8. I hate books to betorn. 9. Harris did not want his wiFe to jump oFF the bicycle. 10. Where do you have your dressesmade? 1
1. His mother made him put on his coat. 12. The mother watched the child walking acrossthe room. 13. Did you see anybody enter the classroom? 14. He had his hair cut yesterday. 15. IF youwant me to help you, let me know. 16. Children love to have Fairy tales told to them.
  458Упражнение 458
1. Did you see the cat seize the mouse? 2. I should like you to call on me tonight. 3. I was notsleeping and heard somebody enter our compartment. 4. I saw them walking down the streettogether. 5. Nobody has ever heard her recite poetry. 6. It made me think how to correct themistake. 7. I wonder what made him give up the trip to the Crimea. 8. The librarian expected thestudents to return books on time. 9. I want the letters written today. 10. The proFessor wants me towork more (to do some more work) at my report. 1
1. We expect you to go to the south this summer.12. They don't want us to do it. 13. The painter watched the yellow leaves Falling to the ground. 14.Come in: I expect my brother to return soon. 15. Have you had your video recorder repaired? 16.What made my uncle change his mind? 17. I know him to be a liar.
  459Упражнение 459
1. Our microwave oven has broken. Г11 have to have it repaired. 2. The rain made us turn back. 3. She Felt somebody touch her hand. 4. We heard the bell ring. 5. Her brother's illness made her go toKiev. 6. We saw this man (person) to enter the oFFice. 7. My Friend wants me to come to his place(home). 8. I know your Friend to be a skilFul photographer. 9. We expect you to take part in theconcert. 10. I know you to be my Friend. 1
1. Mother wanted potatoes to be bought at the market. 12.I want these books to be returned. 13. She expects the teacher to ask her. 14. I want you to go toFrance. 15. We made him to study English. 16. We saw him entering the oFFice.
460Упражнение 460
1. Говорят, что он все знает об этом. 2. Говорили, что он знал об этом всю правду. 3. Известно,что Юрий Гагарин — первый человек в мире, совершивший полет в космос 12 апреля 1961года. 4. Полагают, что он очень хороший киноактер. 5. Полагают, что он невиновен впреступлении. 6. Объявили, что невинные люди были убиты террористами. 7. Объявили, чтотеррорист был убит своей собственной бомбой. 8. Ожидают, что выставка французскойживописи 19 века откроется к концу следующей недели. 9. Сообщают, что картина Монебудет на выставке до конца месяца. 10. Сообщили, что президент России обратится с речью кнароду по телевидению сегодня вечером. 1
1. Известно, что американский астронавт(космонавт) Нейл Армстронг является первым человеком, который ступил на Луну в 1969году. 12. Считают, что он самый богатый человек в мире. 13. Говорят, что она берет деньги вдолг, но не беспокоится о том, чтобы их возвратить. 14. Считают, что ты послушный и умныймальчик. 15. Предполагали, что студенты придут вовремя и примут участие в марафоне. 16.Вы должны проверить сдачу (Предполагают, что вы проверите сдачу), прежде чем уйдете откассира. 17. Рассчитывали, что он сдаст экзамен по математике. 18. Говорят, что мама знает,как правильно поступать. 19. Думают, что у Сергея есть способности к языкам. Известно, чтоего английский язык отличный. 20. Полагают, что Анна Муттер — одна из самыхзамечательных скрипачей в мире. 2
1. Известно, что Леонардо да Винчи — великийитальянский художник эпохи Возрождения. Считают, что портрет Моны Лизы — одно из егосамых знаменитых произведений. 22. Известно, что верные друзья, как бриллианты,драгоценны, но редки. Говорят, что ложные друзья похожи на осенние листья, встречаемыеповсюду (которые можно найти везде).
  461Упражнение 461
1. Известно, что в нашей стране каждый год выпускают много книг. 2. Предполагают, что выокончите институт через четыре года. 3. Говорят, что радий очень радиоактивен. 4. Былоизвестно, что этот прибор спроектировали в той лаборатории. 5. Его изобретение считаетсяочень важным. 6. Известно, что солнце представляет собой массу сжатых газов. 7. Сообщают,что новая ракета будет запущена (в производство) в следующем году. 8. Полагают, что уэтого типа ракет имеется много преимуществ. 9. Долгое время полагали, что атом неделим.10. Обнаружили, что атом гелия имеет два электрона. 1
1. Я не знал, чего от меня ждали,поэтому не сказал ничего. 12. Говорили, что он один из самых многообещающих ядерныхфизиков. 13. Говорят, что он хороший переводчик. 14. Было известно, что Роберта — честнаяи трудолюбивая девушка. 15. Ожидали, что Клайд приедет в конце недели. 16. Предполагали,что Бекки и Том остались у вдовы Дуглас. 17. Сообщают, что число безработныхувеличивается с каждым годом. 18. Ожидают, что скоро выпустят много новых учебников. 19.Говорят, что Московское метро самое красивое в мире. 20. Известно, что заяц бегает оченьбыстро. 2
1. Видели, что мужчина снял пальто. 22. Говорят, что алмазные прииски в ЗападнойЯкутии нисколько не уступают по богатству всемирно известным Южноафриканскимприискам. 23. Известно, что мой близкий друг выучил «Евгения Онегина» наизусть. 24.Считается, что эти приборы очень эффективны.
  462Упражнение 462
1. The climate there is considered to be very healthy. 2. The Chinese dancers were announced toarrive next week. 3. The perFormance is expected to be a success. 4. The book is said to be popularwith both old and young. 5. The poem is believed to have been written by an unknown soldier. 6. Theplaywright is supposed to be working at a new comedy. 7. The Flood is reported to have causedmuch damage to the crops. 8. The crops were supposed to be rich that year. 9. This mineral waterhas been Found to be very good For the liver. 10. Electricity is considered to exist throughout space.1
1. The weather in Europe is said to have been exceedingly hot last summer. 12. Five ships werereported to be missing aFter the battle.
  463Упражнение 463
1. Кажется, эта работа займет много времени. 2. Операция казалась сложной. 3. Так ужслучилось, что деньги меня не интересуют. 4. Так случилось, что в середине лекции докторСоммервилл остановился и взглянул в окно. 5. С первого упоминания о Длинном Джоне ябоялся, что он может оказаться тем самым одноногим моряком, за которым я так долгонаблюдал на постоялом дворе. 6. Казалось, что со времени их последней встречи Клайд недумал ни о ком другом, кроме Сондры. 7. По всему было видно, что Клайд забыл о своемобещании проводить свободные вечера с Робертой. 8. Оказалось, что она отличная артистка.9. Однажды случилось так, что Заяц встретился с Черепахой. 10. Казалось, что Черепахаползет очень медленно. 1
1. Оказалось, что Заяц проиграл состязание в беге. 12. Казалось, чтоаппарат в отличном состоянии. 13. Похоже, что вы нашли в нем нечто, чего я не заметил. 14.Похоже, что новые методы работы очень эффективны. 15. Процентное содержание угля вэтой стали оказалось очень низким. 16. Оказалось, что Ирвинг высокий бледнолицый парень.17. Оказалось, что его контора расположена на одной из отдаленных (от центра) улиц. 18. Оноказался идеальным человеком. 19. Кажется, она не хочет делать ничего, что я предлагаю.20. Оказалось, что он не испытывает никаких родственных чувств к своему племяннику. 21.Казалось, это забавляет полисмена. 22. Вы можете легко проникнуть внутрь через окно, еслидверь случайно окажется запертой. 23. Казалось, что крестьяне не видят ее. 24. Казалось,Овод невзлюбил сеньору Грассини со времени их первой встречи. 25. Кажется, вы не сделалидля себя ничего хорошо тем, что уехали. 26. «Джим,» — сказал он, наконец, голосом, который,казалось, не принадлежал ему.
  464Упражнение 464
1. They seem to know all about it. 2. They seem to have heard all about it. 3. The discussion seemedto be coming to an end. 4. You don't seem to approve oF the idea. 5. The house seemed not to havebeen lived in For a long time. 6. He appeared to be losing patience. 7. He appeared not to have heardwhat had been said. 8. I happened to be present at the opening session. 9. I happened to overheartheir conversation. 10. My prediction turned out to be correct. 1
1. The language oF the article turnedout to be quite easy.
  465Упражнение 465
1. Мы, большинство из нас, хотим очень многого, чего мы, похоже, не получим. 2. Онобязательно расскажет мне все об этом событии, даже если я не попрошу его. 3. КогдаСондра сказала, что они обязательно встретятся снова, она увидела, что лицо Клайда вдругпросияло. 4. Если мы будем продолжать спорить, мы обязательно поссоримся. 5. Ониобязательно оценят (признают) ваш талант. 6. Он обязательно сообщит вам кое-какиеполезные сведения. 7. Похоже, что эта статья появится в следующем номере журнала. 8.Мистер Уординг обязательно скоро вернется. 9. Эти двое молодых людей обязательно будуточень хорошими друзьями. 10. Вы обязательно будете там завтра вечером, не правда ли? 11.Непохоже, что она переменит свое мнение. 12. Они обязательно должны были достичьвзаимопонимания. 13. Не беспокойтесь: все обязательно устроится. 14. Этот новый курслечения обязательно поможет вашей бабушке.
  466Упражнение 466
1. This building is said to have been erected in the 17th century. 2. The meeting is supposed to beover at ten o'clock. 3. Cold weather was never expected to set in so early. 4. We turned out to havemet. 5. You seem to be tired. 6. The working conditions turned out to be more diFFicult than it hadbeen supposed (than they had been supposed to be). 7. Do you happen to know this man? 8. Thebook you gave me has turned out to be dull. 9. The new buses turned out to be very comFortable. 10.OF the three Bronte sisters Charlotte is considered to be the most talented one. 1
1. The Englishwoman-writer Voinich is known to have lived in St Petersburg For a number oF years and (to have)studied Russian literature. Russian literature is considered to have inFluenced her creative activity.12. Your Friend seems to be very interested in ancient history. 13. The Romans are known to havebuilt good roads on the British Isles. 14. The poem «BeowulF» is supposed to have been written in the8th century. 15. Walter Scott is considered to be the creator oF the historical novel. 16. Theexpedition is reported to have reached its destination. 17. I happen to know his telephone number.18. He turned out to be a good sportsman. 19. He seems to be writing a new article; he seems tohave been working at it For two weeks already. 20. I happened to meet him in Moscow. 2
1. They aresupposed to know about it more than they want to show. 22. Jim turned out to be a brave boy. 23.Rochester happened to meet Jane on his way home. 24. He is said to have been working at his invention For several years. 25. This article is said to have been translated into all the languages oFthe world. 26. You seem to have read a lot beFore entering the university. 27. They are expected towin the match.
  467Упражнение 467
1. IF you are busy, I shall leave you alone. 2. IF you were busy, I should leave you alone. 3. IF youhad been busy, I should have leFt you alone. 2.
1. IF my Friend comes to see me, I shall be very glad.2. IF my Friend came to see me, I should be very glad. 3. IF my Friend had come to see me, I shouldhave been very glad. 3.
1. IF mother buys a cake, we shall have a very nice tea party. 2. IF motherbought a cake, we should have a very nice tea party. 3. IF mother had bought a cake, we should havehad a very nice tea party. 4.
1. IF we receive a telegram From him, we shall not worry. 2. IF wereceived a telegram From him, we should not worry. 3. IF we had received a telegram From him, weshould not have worried. 5.
1. IF you don't work systematically, you will Fail the exam. 2. IF you didnot work systematically, you would Fail the exam. 3. IF you had not worked systematically, you wouldhave Failed the exam. 6.
1. IF I live in Moscow, I shall visit the Tretyakov Art Gallery every year. 2. IF Ilived in Moscow, I should visit the Tretyakov Art Gallery every year. 3. IF I had lived in Moscow, Ishould have visited the Tretyakov Art Gallery every year. 7.
1. IF I get a ticket, I shall go to thePhilharmonic. 2. IF I got a ticket, I should go to the Philharmonic. 3. IF I had got a ticket, I should havegone to the Philharmonic. 8.
1. IF I live near a wood, I shall gather a lot oF mushrooms. 2. IF I livednear a wood, I should gather a lot oF mushrooms. 3. IF I had lived near a wood, I should havegathered a lot oF mushrooms. 9.
1. IF my Father returns early, we shall watch TV together. 2. IF myFather returned early, we should watch TV together. 3. IF my Father had returned early, we shouldhave watched TV together. 10.
1. IF she knows English, she will try to enter the university. 2. IF sheknew English, she would try to enter the university. 3. IF she had known English, she would have triedto enter the university.
  468Упражнение 468
1. IF I were not too busy, I should go to the concert. 2. IF I had not been too busy, I should havegone to the concert. 2.
1. They would all be surprised iF I made such a mistake. 2. They would allhave been very surprised iF I had made such a mistake. 3.
1. IF he didn't come on time, should wehave to wait For him? 2. IF he hadn't come on time, should we have had to wait For him? 4.
1. IF noone came to help, we should be obliged to do the work ourselves. 2. IF no one had come to help, weshould have been obliged to do the work ourselves. 5.
1. IF you put on your glasses, you would seebetter. 2. IF you had put on your glasses, you would have seen better. 6.
1. What should we do iF theywere late? 2. What should we have done iF they had been late? 7.
1. Would you be very angry iF wedidn't come? 2. Would you have been very angry iF we hadn't come? 8.
1. Would he be verydispleased iF I didn't ring him up? 2. Would he have been very displeased iF I hadn't rung him up?
  469Упражнение 469
IF I live in the south, I shall bathe every day. IF I live in the south, I shall be very happy. IF I live in thesouth, I shall be very glad. IF I come home late, I shall go to bed at once. IF I live in the country, I shalloFten go to the wood. IF I live in the country, I shall bathe every day. IF I live in the country, I shallgather many mushrooms. IF I live in the country, I shall be very happy. IF I live in the country, I shallbe very glad. IF I go to the wood, I shall gather many mushrooms. IF I go to the wood, I shall be veryhappy. IF I go to the wood, I shall be very glad. IF I receive his letter, I shall be very happy. IF I receivehis letter, I shall be very glad. IF I Fall ill, I shall go to the doctor. IF I Fall ill, I shall go to bed at once. IF IFind my book, I shall be very glad. IF I Find my book, I shall be very happy. IF I lose my money, I shallbe very sorry. IF I see my Friend, I shall ask his advice. IF I see my Friend, I shall be very happy. IF I seemy Friend, I shall be very glad.
  470Упражнение 470
I wish I were in the south. IF I were in the south, I should bathe every day. I wish I were at home. IF Iwere at home, I should go to bed. I wish I were in the country. IF I were in the country, I should go tothe wood. I wish I were in the wood. IF I were in the wood, I should gather many mushrooms. I wish Iwere at the camp. IF I were at the camp, I should have a very good time. I wish I were a scientist. IF Iwere a scientist, I should invent a time machine. I wish I were a composer. IF I were a composer, Ishould write beautiFul music. I wish I were a poet. IF I were a poet, I should write beautiFul poetry. Iwish I were a writer. IF I were a writer, I should write interesting novels. I wish I were a spaceman. IF Iwere a spaceman, I should Fly to other planets. I wish I were a sailor. IF I were a sailor, I should sail to AFrica.
  471Упражнение 471
I wish I had translated the article yesterday. IF I had translated the article yesterday, I should haveFound out all about this discovery. I wish I had met you yesterday. IF I had met you yesterday, Ishould have told you something. I wish I had read this new book. IF I had read this new book, I shouldhave told you about it. I wish I had seen your brother yesterday. IF I had seen your brother yesterday,I should have asked him to come to our place. I wish I had bought a dictionary. IF I had bought adictionary, I should have translated the text. I wish I had learned my lesson. IF I had learned mylesson, I should have got a good mark. I wish I had rung him up yesterday. IF I had rung him upyesterday, I should have Found out all about his illness. I wish I had gone to the library. IF I had goneto the library, I should have got that book. I wish I had had more practice in chess. IF I had had morepractice in chess, I should have won the game yesterday. I wish I had joined you in Fishing. IF I hadjoined you in Fishing, I should have caught a lot oF Fish. I wish I had had a ticket yesterday. IF I hadhad a ticket yesterday, I should have gone to the theatre with you. I wish I had asked you to help me.IF I had asked you to help me, I should have done the work well. I wish I had called at that shop. IF Ihad called at that shop, I should have bought the book. I wish I had called on my Friend yesterday. IF Ihad called on my Friend yesterday, I should have met interesting people. I wish I had won thechampionship. IF I had won the championship, I should have been sent abroad. I wish I had heardabout it yesterday. IF I had heard about it yesterday, I should have been pleased.
  472Упражнение 472
1. He would not have. 2. You give. 3. She were not. 4. We shall spend. 5. They had not gone. 6. Youdon't get. 7. You would consult. 8. I had. 9. It rains. 10. He had worked. 1
1. I shall not put. 12. Ishould have written. 13. He did not read. 14. My Friend is.
  473Упражнение 473
1. You don't buy. 2. He will certainly come. 3. He had not hurt. 4. My Friend worked. 5. You wouldimprove. 6. Your mother will be. 7. She had returned. 8. I should buy. 9. You ring. 10. You were. 11.He would not know. 12. He had come. 13. He does not pass. 14. She had not helped. 15. He did notread. 16. I should have gone. 17. I should get.
  474Упражнение 474
1. My brother is. 2. I shall stay. 3. She would not be. 4. You did not smoke. 5. He had learnt. 6. Ishould translate. 7. I were. 8. Barbara had got. 9. It would not have got. 10. He came. 1
1. He lived.12. You had gone. 13. You don't listen. 14. He would not spend. 15. My Friend had not lent. 16. Weshould not meet. 17. I should have done.
  475Упражнение 475
1. It snows. 2. I did not know. 3. I should not do it. 4. Men had. 5. You waste. 6. I had. 7. I had. 8. Shehad been. 9. He would never have phoned. 10. Your brother would become. 1
1. He were. 12. Hewould not have caught. 13. You had put. 14. I knew. 15. I should have brought.
  476Упражнение 476
1. She had asked. 2. You did. 3. He will agree. 4. I had not been. 5. His vocabulary will increase. 6.They had known. 7. I get. 8. You would go. 9. You would not have missed. 10. You had not missed.1
1. You would not have missed. 12. You had not missed. 13. You had understood. 14. You would nothave got. 15. Your mother would not have scolded. 16. Your mother had not scolded.
  477Упражнение 477
1. It rains. 2. A dog bit. 3. He would have taken. 4. I had. 5. She wouldn't have been. 6. I had lived. 7.She would get. 8. His Friend had been. 9. My cactus plant hadn't had. 10. They would have sent. 11.He would telephone...and help. 12. You will have. 13. She hadn't been. 14. They would have enjoyed.15. A robber attacked. 16. He wouldn't have Fallen. 17. You didn't smoke. 18. Her alarm clock had rung.
  478Упражнение 478
1. Would you attack. 2. They would stay...and would probably survive. 3. He would have succeeded.4. I had lived. 5. She smelt. 6. He had been invited. 7. The accident wouldn't have happened. 8. Youdon't know. 9. They would have given. 10. I should (would) read. 1
1. They would have watched. 12. Itwouldn't have shrunk. 13. You get, you are. 14. They had gone. 15. I were. 16. He had brought. 17.My mother won. 18. You would have been.
  479Упражнение 479
1. You read, I should lend. 2. You had read, you would have seen. 3. He were, he would not play. 4.He had been, would not have taken. 5. It were not raining, would not be. 6. Would you have been, Ihad not come. 7. We did not have, we should walk. 8. The evening were not, we should continue. 9.You were, you would study.
480Упражнение 480
1. IF he were not busy, he would come to see us. 2. IF the girl had studied well last year, she wouldnot have received bad marks. 3. IF he had not broken his bicycle, he would have gone to the country.4. IF he had (more) practice, he would speak English better. 5. IF I had not had a bad headacheyesterday, I should have come to see you. 6. IF the ship had not sailed near the coast, it would nothave struck a rock. 7. IF he had been in town, he would have been present at our meeting. 8. IF thepavement had not been so slippery, I should not have Fallen and hurt my leg. 9. IF the sea were not(so) rough, we should (could) sail to the island. 10. IF they had not made a Fire, the wolves would nothave run away. 1
1. IF it were not late, I should not have to go home. 12. IF I had not expected myFriend to come, I should (could) have gone to the cinema with you. 13. IF mathematics were not hisFavourite subject and he did not work a lot at it, he would not always get top marks. 14. IF I had had adictionary, I should have translated the article yesterday. 15. IF the night had not been pitch-dark, weshould not have lost our way. 16. IF the box had not been so heavy, (I could have carried it and) Ishould not have taken a taxi.
  481Упражнение 481
1. IF the travellers had had a camera with them, ч they would (could) have taken photos oF thebeautiFul scenery. 2. IF there had been any sugar leFt, we should not have had to go to the shop latein the evening. 3. IF this house were not situated close to a chemical plant, the air around would notbe bad and the house would be very good For living. 4. IF I were acquainted with him, I should ask hisadvice. 5. IF you did not have a toothache, you would (could) enjoy this merry evening party. 6. IF youwere not so absent-minded, you would not make so many mistakes. 7. IF you had rung me up, Ishould have known you were in trouble. 8. IF you had not leFt the child alone, he would not have hurthimselF. 9. IF they had not spent a year in the tropics, they would not have got so sun-tanned. 10. IF ithad not rained so heavily, we should not have got drenched to the skin. 1
1. IF you had watched thecat, it would not have eaten the Fish. 12. IF a huge black cloud had not appeared From behind theForest, we should not have turned back and hurried home. 13. IF it were not so late, we should go tosee them. 14. IF you had not been in her way, she would not have been angry.
  482Упражнение 482
1. I had. 2. I had consulted. 3. It were. 4. I had not lent. 5. You sent. 6. I did not have. 7. You hadgone. 8. I knew. 9. I had not drunk. 10. You read. 1
1. I had never suggested. 12. I had been. 13. Wemet. 14. You had seen. 15. They did not see. 16. He had not Forgotten.
  483Упражнение 483
1. I could. 2. She had seen. 3. I had passed. 4. I hadn't Forgotten. 5. He hadn't broken. 6. She hadstayed. 7. He knew. 8. It were. 9. It had been. 10. She lived. 1
1. He hadn't done. 12. I had brought.13. I could. 14. You were. 15. They could. 16. Things were.
  484Упражнение 484
1. I wish they returned beFore Christmas. 2. The student wished he had studied the material betterand shown better knowledge at the exam. 3. I wish you had sent For us last night. 4. I wish you werewith us these days. 5. I wish you knew enough physics. 6. He wished he had had enough time toFinish his paper. 7. I wish we were able to reach home beFore teatime. 8. I wish I had not made youupset by telling you this news. 9. My Friend wishes he had gone to university. 10. My Friend wishes hehad entered the university.
  485Упражнение 485
1. a) I wish he were not so light-minded. 6) I wish he were more serious. 2. a) Now I wish I hadlistened to his advice (had Followed his advice). 6) Now I wish I had not Followed his advice. 3. a) Iwish you had not come so late. 6) I wish you had come earlier. 4. a) I wish we had not gone beFore hecame. 6) I wish we had waited till he came. 5. a) I wish they knew it already. 6) I wish they did notknow about it.
  486Упражнение 486
1. Oh, how I wish you had told her about it last Sunday! 2. I wish we had holidays now. 3. Oh, I wishhe came tonight! 4. We wished we had asked his advice. 5. I wish you had not reFused to take part inthe picnic. 6. I wish you were interested in this subject. 7. We wish you mentioned these Facts. 8. Iwish we had not missed the train. 9. I wish you had turned on the TV earlier. 10. I wish I were Freenow! 1
1. I wish I had had more time yesterday. 12. I wish you wrote her about it yourselF. 13. I wishyou had paid attention to his warning. 14. He wished he had not quitted (quit) the university. 15. Iwish it were not too late to go there. 16. Oh, how I wish I had come to the railway station in time! 17.I wish you had read this wonderFul book. 18. I wish she did not make so many mistakes in herspeech. 19. I wish you had visited the exhibition. 20. I wish I had learned about it earlier. 2
1. I wishwe had Found Nick at home. 22. She wished she had told us this story beFore.
  487Упражнение 487
1. IF I did not have a toothache, I should not go to the dentist. 2. IF he had gone to the dentist to havehis tooth Filled, he would not be groaning with pain now. 3. IF she needed some treatment, she wouldgo to the poly clinic. 4. IF he had not been present at the dress rehearsal, he would go to see theplay. 5. IF he were not Fond oF this Famous singer, he would not have gone to Moscow specially tohear him. 6. IF we had been thirsty, we should have gone to the caFeteria to have a glass oFlemonade. 7. IF she had had a needle, she would (could) have mended her dress herselF. 8. IF he hadtrained enough last year, he would be a First-class sportsman now. 9. IF the pupils had not wanted tounderstand this diFFicult material, they would not have been so active. 10. IF the pupils had beenmore attentive, they would have understood the homework. 1
1. IF the pupils had not worked hard,they would not have done well in their exams. 12. IF she were good at Foreign languages, she wouldtry to enter the Foreign languages department.
  488Упражнение 488
1. He has changed so much! IF you met him, you would not recognize him. 2. IF I were you, I shouldconsult my parents. 3. IF a tram came now, we should not be late. 4. IF he had known that this wouldupset you, he would have been more careFul. 5. IF you helped me to solve this problem, I should bevery grateFul to you. 6. I wish it had occurred to us beFore to look For the book in the library. Weshould have done the work on time and now we should be Free. 7. I wish we had had more lessons. IFwe had worked more, we should know the language better. 8. IF he had not gone into trainingregularly, he would not have achieved such success in the competitions. 9. IF you had warned mebeFore, I should already be in Moscow. 10. I wish she had not gone. IF you had called beFore, shewould be here now. 1
1. IF he were cleverer, he would not have gone to the wood yesterday. 12. IF shehad not sent this letter yesterday, my brother would be at home now. 13. What should we be doingnow iF mother had not baked a pie yesterday? 14. I wish you had heard Rakh-maninov's music. IF youhad heard it, you would know what a wonderFul composer he was. 15. I am sure that everybodywould be glad iF the party took place.
  489Упражнение 489
1. IF I knew French, I should have spoken to her long ago. 2. IF I knew German, I should read Goethein the original. 3. IF I lived near, I should call on you more oFten. 4. IF you had not interrupted usyesterday, we should have Finished the work on time. 5. IF he had not Followed the doctor's advice,he would not have recovered so soon. 6. IF he were not a talented painter, his picture would not havebeen taken to the exhibition. 7. IF you had listened to my advice then (had Followed my advice then),you would not be in such a diFFicult situation now. 8. IF I were not so busy these days, I should havehelped you yesterday. 9. IF he were not so near-sighted, he would have recognized me in the theatreyesterday. 10. She is well. IF she were ill, her brother would have told me about it yesterday. 1
1. Youwould know much iF you read this magazine regularly. 12. IF I had learnt about it beFore, I should notbe staying at home now. 13. IF my parents were rich, they would have bought me a car long ago. 14.She is very talented. I wish her parents bought her a piano. IF she begins to play the piano now, shewill become an outstanding musician.
  490Упражнение 490
1. Майк умеет очень быстро бегать. 2. Они понимают (могут понимать) французский язык. 3.Катя умеет хорошо говорить по-английски. 4. Мой брат может прийти и помочь вам работать всаду. 5. Вы умеете говорить по-испански? 6. Ваш брат может помочь мне с математикой? 7.Его маленькая сестра уже умеет ходить. 8. Дети не могут нести этот ящик: он слишкомтяжелый. 9. Мой друг не может прийти вовремя. 10. Эта старушка не может спать ночью. 11.Его сестра умеет очень хорошо готовить. 12. Я умею петь, но не умею танцевать. 13. Вы неможете подождать до (завтрашнего) утра? — Я-то могу, да моя зубная боль не может. 14.Можно мне взять ваш карандаш на минутку? 15. Ее бабушка умеет хорошо вязать. 16. Я могуответить на вопросы. Они очень легкие. 17. Эта поездка для меня слишком дорогая. Я не могупозволить ее себе (Это мне не по карману). 18. Она умеет печатать на машинке. Она умеетпрекрасно вести разговор по телефону. Она надеется,что сможет найти работу, которуюищет. 19. Вы могли бы зайти ко мне в следующую пятницу? — Извините, не могу.
  491Упражнение 491
1. I can speak English. 2. My Father cannot speak German. 3. Can you speak French? 4. My sistercannot skate. 5. Can you swim across this river? 6. I cannot drink this milk. 7. She cannot understandyou. 8. Could you swim last year? 9. Last year I could not ski, but now I can. 10. Can (Could) you tellme how to get to the railway station? 1
1. Could you help me? 12. I cannot translate this sentence.13. Nobody could help me. 14. Where can I buy bread here? 15. Could your grandmother dancewhen she was young? — Yes, and she can dance now. 16. I can use a computer.
  492Упражнение 492
1. She won't be able to get to the airport in time. 2. Will you be able to send him e-mail tonight? 3.They won't be able to watch TV For a while because there is something wrong with the television. 4.I'm aFraid he won't be able to help me move to my new house next week. 5. Will you be able to dothis work tomorrow? 6. I think she won't be able to solve this problem. 7. Tomorrow I shall be Freeand I shall be able to help you. 8. Shall we be able to go to New York next year? 9. Will you be able torepair my tape recorder? 10. Yesterday I could not see the headmaster as he was at a conFerence,but today aFter work I shall be able to do it.
  493Упражнение 493
1. They will never be able to appreciate your kindness. 2. I was sure you would be able to (could)translate that article aFter you had translated so many texts on physics. 3. You will be able to go tothe country when you have passed your last exam. 4. We can (shall be able to) pass to the nextexercise when we have done this one. 5. I shall be able to give you my book For a couple oF daysaFter I have read it. 6. He has been able to ski For ten years. 7. We knew that she had been able toswim since childhood. 8. You won't be able to take part in this serious swimming competition untilyou have mastered good skills. 9. I had not been able to solve the problem beFore he explained it tome.
  494Упражнение 494
1. Можно я позову Колю к нам? 2. Теперь вы можете идти. 3. Если ты сделал домашнеезадание, можешь идти гулять. 4. Не ходи в лес один: ты можешь заблудиться. 5. Можно мнепойти на почту с Майком? 6. Можно, я возьму Петину сумку? 7. Не давайте вазу ребенку: онможет разбить ее. 8. Можно делать записи карандашом? 9. Нельзя переходить улицу покрасному сигналу. 10. Можно закрыть дверь? 1
1. Дождь перестал, и мама сказала, что мыможем выйти на улицу. 12. Можно детям играть с ножницами? 13. Они могут совершитьпутешествие и морем. Это, может быть, и дешевле, но на это потребуется много времени (ноэто займет много времени). 14. Возможно (Может быть), это и правда. 15. Можно мне к вамзайти? 16. Могу я узнать, где вы пропадали?
  495Упражнение 495
1. May I come in? 2. May I go For a walk? 3. IF your work is ready, you may go home. 4. The teachersaid that we might go home. 5. The doctor says that I may bathe already. 6. Father said that wemight go to the cinema alone. 7. I thought that I might watch TV. 8. IF you don't put on your coat,you may Fall ill. 9. Don't leave home: mother may come soon, and she has no key. 10. Be careFul:you may Fall. 1
1. Don't touch the dog: it may bite you. 12. We may go to the country on Sunday. 13.He may Forget about it. 14. It may start raining soon. 15. There is nothing to do here. We may leaveearly today. 16. You said I might borrow your bike. 17. You may leave now iF you wish (want). 18.They may order tickets by the phone. 19. My elder brother may (might) go to university aFter school.20. She may have musical talent.
  496Упражнение 496
1. Smoking is not allowed. 2. He wasn't allowed to smoke in their house. 3. In Britain you will beallowed to drive a car iF you are seventeen years old. 4. In the USA you are allowed to go on drivingeven at the age oF 90. 5. I am allowed to use Father's tape recorder. 6. The children are already big.They are allowed to go to school alone. 7. He is not allowed to bathe in this river. 8. Yesterday shewas allowed to come home at ten o'clock. 9. We are not allowed to talk in class. 10. Were youallowed to take this book? 1
1. I think I shall not be allowed to go to the country with you. 12. You willbe allowed to go For a walk when you have done your homework. 13. Were you allowed to go to thelake when you were little? 14. When shall I be allowed to eat ice cream? 15. You are not allowed totalk during the exam.
  497Упражнение 497
1. may. 2. was allowed to. 3. may. 4. may. 5. might. 6. were allowed to. 7. will be allowed to. 8.might. 9. will be allowed to. 10. may. 1
1. might. 12. may. 13. may.
  498Упражнение 498
1. can. 2. may. 3. may. 4. can, can, can. 5. may. 6. may. 7. can. 8. can, may.
  499Упражнение 499
1. may. 2. may. 3. can, may. 4. can. 5. may. 6. may. 7. can. 8. may. 9. may (can). 10. may. 1
1. can.
500Упражнение 500
1. can. 2. could. 3. could. 4. can, may. 5. might. 6. may (can). 7. can. 8. can. 9. may. 10. can. 11.may. 12. could. 13. may. 14. can (could). 15. may. 16. could. 17. can. 18. can.
  501Упражнение 501
1. Вы должны упорно работать над вашим английским. 2. Вы должны выучить эти слова. 3. Мыдолжны выучить это стихотворение сегодня? 4. Должно быть, очень трудно учить китайскийязык. 5. Вы не должны разговаривать на уроках. 6. Все должны приходить в школу вовремя. 7.Не звоните ему: он, должно быть, очень занят. 8. Вы не должны делать заметки в книгах. 9.Сегодня я должна помогать маме. 10. Не беспокойся (Не волнуйся)! Это неважно. — Неважно? Ты, должно быть, шутишь! 1
1. Он никогда не опаздывает на работу. Он, должно быть,проспал сегодня. 12. Вы не должны (Вам нельзя) спорить с боссом. 13. Она должнапрекратить столько есть, и ей надо похудеть. 14. Вы должны прекратить курить! Если выэтого не сделаете, то когда-нибудь у вас будут серьезные проблемы с легкими.
  502Упражнение 502
1. I must work hard at my English. 2. You must listen to the teacher attentively at the lesson. 3. Youmust do your homework every day. 4. You must not Forget about your duties. 5. You must be careFulin the street. 6. She must be at home now. 7. My Friends must be in the park. 8. You must be veryhungry. 9. It must be very diFFicult to solve such problems. 10. I must see my Friend today. 1
1. Hemust be very tired. 12. They even have a yacht. They must be very rich. 13. Must you leavetomorrow morning? 14. You mustn't be late. 15. I mustn't Forget about my mother. I haven't writtento her For ages. I must write her a letter tonight. 16. This book is very valuable. You mustn't lose it.17. Must you go so soon? 18. I must admit (that) I am wrong.
   503Упражнение 503
1. Вчера мне пришлось сделать очень много домашних заданий. 2. Ей пришлось остатьсядома, потому что она себя неважно чувствовала. 3. Пете пришлось остаться дома, потому чтобыло очень холодно. 4. Майку пришлось писать это упражнение в школе, потому что он несделал этого дома. 5. Им пришлось вызвать врача, потому что бабушка была больна. 6.Почему тебе пришлось остаться дома вчера? — Потому что родителей не было дома, и мнепришлось присматривать за маленькой сестрой. 7. Вчера было воскресенье, поэтому емунезачем было быть на работе, но по дому ему пришлось много потрудиться. 8. Извините, я несмог прийти вчера. Мне пришлось работать допоздна. 9. Я не написал сочинение. Мнепридется писать его в воскресенье. 10. Нам не пришлось покупать печенье, потому что нашабабушка испекла прекрасный пирог. 1
1. Тебе придется завтра рано вставать? 12. Почему тебезавтра надо рано вставать? 13. Мне надо было идти в больницу навестить тетю. 14. Что тебеприходилось учить наизусть? — В школе я должен был выучить прекрасное стихотворение«Досуг» Вильяма Генри Дейвиса. 15. Мне надо повидать его.
   504Упражнение 504
1. It was quite clear to everybody in the Family that he had to start getting ready For his examinstead oF wasting time. 2. It was impossible to do anything in such a short time. I had to ask thechieF to put oFF my report. 3. I did not mean that you hud to do everything they told you. 4. It wasalready twenty minutes past eight. You had to go or you would have been late For the First lesson. 5. Iwas very tired. I Felt I had to go to bed at once, or I should have Fallen asleep where I was sitting. 6.We could not wait For them any longer, we had to ring them up and Find out what had happened. 7. Iwas thinking hard, trying to Find a solution oF the problem. There had to be a way out. 8. I doubted iFI could Finish the work in time, but I had to do it.
  505Упражнение 505
1. a) You had to listen to the tape recording oF this text several times. b) You will have to listen to thetape recording oF this text several times. 2. a) You had to take your exam in English. b) You will haveto take your exam in English. 3. a) She could translate this article without a dic- tionary. b) She willbe able to translate this article without a dictionary. 4. a) We could not meet them at the station. b)We won't be able to meet them at the station. 5. a) The doctor had to examine the child. b) Thedoctor will have to examine the child. 6. a) He had to work systematically iF he wanted to knowFrench well. b) He will have to work systematically iF he wants to know French well. 7. a) This childhad to spend more time in the open air. b) This child will have to spend more time in the open air. 8.a) I could not recite this poem. b) I shan't be able to recite this poem. 9. a) You had to take part inthis work. b) You will have to take part in this work. 10. a) He could not join the party because hewas busy. b) He won't be able to join the party because he will be busy. 1
1. a) I could settle my ownproblems. b) I shall be able to settle my own problems.
  506Упражнение 506
1. I must 2. I shall have to 3. I had to go to the shop today. cook dinner. do my homework. go toschool. write a letter to my brother. go to the shop tomorrow. cook dinner. do my homework. go toschool. write a letter to my brother. go to the shop yesterday. cook dinner. do my homework. go to school. write a letter to my brother.
  507Упражнение 507
1. What must you do today? 2. What will you have to do tomorrow? 3. What did you have to doyesterday?
  508Упражнение 508
1. can. 2. can, can't. 3. must. 4. may. 5. must (may, can). 6. may. 7. can. 8. must. 9. can. 10. can. 11.may. 12. must. 13. must. 14. My Friend Danielle isn't a Fa- mous artist. But she can even paintRussian icons. I can only admire her beautiFul pictures. She must be a woman oF great talents. Shecan speak German, French and English. She can translate a lot oF articles For the Museum oF hernative town in Switzerland. She can also teach these languages at school. She is Fantastic. I amFascinated by everything that she does.
  509Упражнение 509
1. May I take your dictionary? 2. At the English lesson you must speak only English. 3. Must we handin our exercise books today? 4. May I ask you a question? — Yes, you are welcome (Yes, you may). 5.I cannot go to the cinema with you because I am very busy. 6. May I stay here? — Yes, you arewelcome (Yes, you may). 7. He must be in his oFFice now. You can speak to him. 8. May I come in? —You are welcome. (Yes, you may). 9. You must read this text. 10. Can he do this task? 1
1. I mustspeak to my Friend today. 12. We must pay this electricity bill by the end oF the month. 13. Thiswoman is an excellent driver. She can even drive a bus. 14. May I have a tuna sandwich and a cup oFcoFFee?
  510Упражнение 510
1. Мне предстояло ждать ее на вокзале. 2. Мы собирались пойти в кино в тот день. 3. Намнадо было добраться туда раньше остальных. 4. Он должен был сказать ей, где нас найти. 5.В том году она должна была (ей предстояло) закончить Оксфордский университет. 6. Онадолжна была быть в этом платье на выпускном вечере. 7. Он должен прийти сюда в пятьчасов. 8. Поезд отправлялся в пять утра. 9. Они должны были отправиться в путь впонедельник. 10. Они договорились, что он будет звонить, как только она будет внеопасности. 1
1. Вокруг пруда надо было посадить розы. 12. Позже должно было состоятьсяобсуждение.
  511Упражнение 511
1. What am I to do iF they come too early? 2. The youngest children were to play on the beach. 3.You are to show the place to her. 4. I am to leave tomorrow at the latest. 5. Where am I to be taken?6. This is Dora. She is to share the room with you. 7. And who is to do the cooking? 8. Two moreapartment houses are to be built here. 9. The cup Final was to be played that aFternoon. 10. Who isto meet you at the station?
  512Упражнение 512
1. is. 2. am, are, are. 3. are. 4. have. 5. had. 6. shall have. 7. was. 8. are. 9. were, had. 10. is. 1
1. is.12. do I have.
  513Упражнение 513
1. had. 2. was. 3. are. 4. is. 5. was, had. 6. will have. 7. is. 8. had. 9. was. 10. was. 1
1. are. 12. had.13. have. 14. had. 15. have.
  514Упражнение 514
1. You are to learn this poem by Wednesday. 2. I was to learn this poem by Wednesday. 3. I had tolearn this poem by Wednesday. 4. I shall have to learn this poem by Wednesday. 5. He has to learn this poem today as he did not learn it yesterday. 6. You won't have to learn this poem. 7. I did nothave to learn this poem. 8. As he learnt this poem yesterday, he does not have to learn it now. 9.This week we are to meet with an outstanding scientist. 10. There was no way out, and he had topay a Fine. 1
1. I was to write a composition on Pushkin's creative activity, and For this I had to rereadsome oF his works which I remembered badly. 12. I shall have to stay at home these days. The doctorsays I am not to go out till my temperature is normal. 13. Stay here while he is busy. I don't thinkyou will have to wait long. 14. The perFormance was to begin at seven o'clock. 15. We had to put oFFthe trip as the weather had got worse. 16. IF you want to master a language, you have to read a lot.17. According to the new timetable we are to have Five English lessons a week. 18. We decided thatthe school orchestra was to play in the concert. 19. Sooner or later you will have to see the doctor.20. Next year we are to begin studying astronomy. 2
1. To work out a new theory the scientists hadto do numerous experiments.
  515Упражнение 515
1. Вы не можете прочесть так много книг. 2. Вы можете не читать так много книг. 3. Коля неможет пойти в школу сегодня. 4. Коля может не ходить в школу сегодня. 5. Они не могутперевести эту трудную статью. 6. Они могут не переводить эту трудную статью. 7. Моя сестране может написать это письмо: она очень занята. 8. Моя сестра может не писать это письмо: япозвоню им. 9. Она не может купить хлеб. 10. Она может не покупать хлеб. 1
1. Он не могостаться там на ночь. 12. Он мог и не оставаться там на ночь. 13. Мы не могли сделать всюэту работу. 14. Мы могли и не делать всю эту работу. 15. Она не могла приготовить такойбольшой обед. 16. Она могла и не готовить такой большой обед. 17. Они не могли написатьсочинение. 18. Они могли и не писать сочинение. (Им не нужно было писать сочинение.) 19. Яне мог пойти в библиотеку. 20. Я мог и не ходить в библиотеку.
  516Упражнение 516
1. We need not take the 8 pm (train) to London. 2. She need not have done it herselF. 3. You neednot worry. 4. You need not be present. 5. Need we go into all that now? 6. Need you have mentionedall these Figures? 7. Need you press the skirt? (You need not press the skirt.) 8. You need not havereminded me about her birthday. 9. Need you do it all today? 10. Mother need not have cooked thisenormous dinner.
  517Упражнение 517
1. Need I help you? — No, thank you, I shall do everything myselF. 2. You need not go there. 3. Heneed not worry about her. 4. I need not ask him: he will tell me everything himselF. 5. You need notring me up: I won't Forget about my promise. 6. Need she buy such a lot oF FoodstuFFs? 7. She neednot go to the library: I shall give her the book. 8. You need not have taken the umbrella: I am sure itwon't rain. 9. We have got plenty oF time to spare, and we needn't hurry. 10. You needn't do it now.You can do it tomorrow. 1
1. She needn't help. Everything has been already done. 12. He needn'thave sold his piano. 13. You needn't have shouted at the child like that. 14. Now they can't sleep. —They needn't have watched this horror Film.
  518Упражнение 518
1. may, must. 2. must, need. 3. may, need. 4. may (must), may (must). 5. must, need, may. 6. must,need, may. 7. must, may. 8. may. 9. must. 10. must.
  519Упражнение 519
1. must. 2. can. 3. must, must. 4. can. 5. need. 6. can. 7. may. 8. can. 9. need. 10. can, can. 11.need. 12. can. 13. need. 14. must. 15. can. 16. may. 17. need.
520Упражнение 520
I He must know your sister. Он, должно быть, знает вашу сестру. Не must be busy. Он, должнобыть, занят. Не must be ill. Он, должно быть, болен. Не must be tired. Он, должно быть, устал.Не must be hungry. Он, должно быть, голоден. Не may know your sister. Он, может быть, знаетвашу сестру. Не may be busy. Он, может быть, занят. Не may be ill. Он, может быть, болен. Неmay be tired. Он, может быть, устал. Не may be hungry. Он, может быть, голоден. Не might know your sister. Он, может быть, и знает вашу сестру (хотя вряд ли). He might be busy. Он,может быть, и занят (хотя вряд ли). Не might be ill. Он, может быть, и болен (хотя вряд ли). Неmight be tired. Он, может быть, и устал (хотя вряд ли). Не might be hungry. Он, может быть, иголоден (хотя вряд ли). Не can't know your sister. He может быть, что он знает вашу сестру. Неcan't be busy. Не может быть, что он занят. Не can't be ill. Не может быть, что он болен. Неcan't be tired. Не может быть, что он устал. Не can't be hungry. Не может быть, что он голоден.II Не must be sleeping. Он, должно быть, сейчас спит. Не must be working hard. Он, должнобыть, сейчас упорно работает. Не must be watching TV. Он, должно быть, сейчас смотриттелевизор. Не must be having dinner. Он, должно быть, сейчас обедает. Не must be playingFootball. Он, должно быть, сейчас играет в футбол. Не may be sleeping. Он, может быть, сейчасспит. Не may be working hard. Он, может быть, сейчас упорно работает. Не may be watching TV.Он, может быть, сейчас смотрит телевизор. Не may be having dinner. Он, может быть, сейчасобедает. Не may be playing Football. Он, может быть, сейчас играет в футбол. Не might besleeping. Он, может быть, и спит (хотя вряд ли). Не might be working hard. Он, может быть, иработает упорно (хотя вряд ли). Не might be watching TV. Он, может быть, и смотрит телевизор(хотя едва ли). Не might be having dinner. Он, может быть, и обедает (хотя вряд ли). Не mightbe playing Football. Он, может быть, и играет в футбол (хотя вряд ли). Не can't be sleeping. Неможет быть, что он спит. Не can't be working hard. He может быть, что он работает упорно. Неcan't be watching TV. He может быть, что он смотрит телевизор. Не can't be having dinner. Heможет быть, что он обедает. Не can't be playing Football. He может быть, что он играет вфутбол. III Не must have Forgotten your address. Он, должно быть, забыл ваш адрес. Не musthave lost your book. Он, должно быть, потерял вашу книгу. Не must have missed the train. Он,должно быть, опоздал на поезд. Не must have caught a cold. Он, должно быть, простудился. Неmust have Fallen ill. Он, должно быть, заболел. Не must have leFt the country. Он, должно быть,уехал из страны. Не must have sold his piano. Он, должно быть, продал свое пианино. Не musthave bought a car. Он, должно быть, купил машину. Не may have Forgotten your address. Он,может быть, забыл ваш адрес. Не may have lost your book. Он, может быть, потерял вашукнигу. Не may have missed the train. Он, может быть, опоздал на поезд. Не may have caught acold. Он, может быть, простудился. Не may have Fallen ill. Он, может быть, заболел. Не mayhave leFt the country. Он, может быть, уехал из страны. Не may have sold his piano. Он, можетбыть, продал свое пианино. Не may have bought a car. Он, может быть, купил машину. Неmight have Forgotten your address. Может быть, он и забыл ваш адрес (хотя вряд ли). Не mighthave lost your book. Может быть, он и потерял вашу книгу (хотя вряд ли). Не might have missedthe train. Может быть, он и опоздал на поезд (хотя вряд ли). Не might have caught a cold.Может быть, он и простудился (хотя вряд ли). Не might have Fallen ill. Может быть, он изаболел (хотя вряд ли). Не might have leFt the country. Может быть, он и уехал из страны (хотявряд ли). Не might have sold his piano. Может быть, он и продал свое пианино (хотя вряд ли).Не might have bought a car. Может быть, он и купил машину (хотя вряд ли). Не can't haveForgotten your address. He может быть, что он забыл ваш адрес. Не can't have lost your book. Heможет быть, что он потерял вашу книгу. Не can't have missed the train. He может быть, что онопоздал на поезд. Не can't have caught a cold. Не может быть, что он простудился. Не can'thave Fallen ill. He может быть, что он заболел. Не can't have leFt the country. He может быть, чтоон уехал из страны. Не can't have sold his piano. He может быть, что он продал свое пианино.Не can't have bought a car. Не может быть, что он купил машину.
  521Упражнение 521
1. They must be working abroad. 2. They may be working abroad. 3. They might be working abroad.4. They can't be working abroad. 5. They must have worked abroad. 6. They may have workedabroad. 7. They might have worked abroad. 8. They can't have worked abroad. 9. He must be atwork. 10. He must have been at work. 1
1. He may be at work. 12. He may have been at work. 13. Hemight be at work. 14. He might have been at work. 15. He can't be at work. 16. He can't have beenat work.
  522Упражнение 522
1. May I come and see you some day? 2. We asked the teacher iF we might use dictionaries. 3.Children may borrow books From the school library. 4. Your hair is getting rather thin, sir, may Iadvise to change your parting? 5. Mother, may I have a glass oF light beer?
1. He may havewritten the letter, but the signature is certainly not his. 2. It might have been worse. 3. I may showhim your reports later. I don't know. 4. I may have wrecked my own liFe, but I will not let you wreckyours. 5. Justice may be slow, mother, but it comes in the end.
1. Можно к вам как-нибудь зайти? 2. Мы спросили у учителя, можно ли пользоваться словарями. 3. Дети могутбрать книги в школьной библиотеке. 4. Ваши волосы становятся довольно редкими, сэр,разрешите посоветовать вам делать пробор в другом месте. 5. Мама, можно мне выпить стакан легкого пива?
1. Он, возможно, написал письмо, но подпись, конечно, не его. 2.Могло быть и хуже. 3. Может быть, я покажу ему ваши доклады (отчеты) позже. Я не знаю. 4.Может быть, я исковеркал собственную жизнь, однако, я не позволю вам исковеркать вашу. 5.Справедливость может быть не скорой, мама, но она приходит (наступает) в конце концов.
  523Упражнение 523
1. You may have leFt your umbrella in the bus. 2. He may have gone to the caFe to wait For us. 3. Itmay have been Helen who rang you up. 4. They may have come by plane. 5. She may have had avery good English teacher. 6. It may have been too cold For the children to go out. 7. He may havetaken his children to the zoo. 8. They may not have seen us in the crowd. 9. Robert may have used adictionary. 10. Mary may have misunderstood you. 1
1. Henry may have waited For us there. 12. Annmay have returned very late last night. 13. They may have seen the new play. 14. Nick may haveleFt his exercise book at home.
  524Упражнение 524
1. He may be at home, but I am not sure he is. 2. We may have studied at the same school, but Idon't remember her. 3. She may have been proud oF her knowledge, but she never showed it to herclassmates. 4. There may have been a chance For him to win the match. 5. Peter may have been ascapable as the old workers, but he was given no chance to show his skill. 6. They may come homevery soon: be ready. 7. The question may have been too diFFicult For her. 8. Try this delicious drink:you may like it. 9. Why didn't Nick ring us up? — He may have Forgotten about it. 10. Your brothermay never have heard about this singer. 1
1. She may have tried to enter the university, but sheFailed. 12. You may have asked the wrong people. 13. Our Friends may arrive here tomorrow.
  525Упражнение 525
1. may I ask. 2. might turn. 3. may not stop. 4. may have been. 5. may arrive. 6. may have missed.7. may have done. 8. might want. 9. may I borrow. 10. might have leFt. 1
1. might have been stolen.
  526Упражнение 526
1. It may (might) not be true. 2. He may (might) be busy. 3. They may (might) know. 4. He may(might) still be abroad. 5. She may be late. 6. He may pass the exam. 7. We may go to the Volga. 8.She may come tomorrow. 9. I may buy this book in Moscow. 10. She may send us a telegram. 11.They may Forget to bring the newspaper. 12. He may have already done his homework. 13. My sistermay have already spoken to them. 14. They may have gone abroad. 15. My brother may haveForgotten to ring you up. 16. She may have bought the tickets. 17. Grandmother may be sleeping.18. The children may be playing at the river. 19. They may be discussing the question at themoment. 20. They may be having dinner at the moment. 2
1. He may be lying on the grass andlooking at the clouds now.
  527Упражнение 527
1. You must take a taxi iF you want to catch that train. 2. You must tell your mother about it. 3.«Oh, Auntie,» he answered, «you mustn't talk like that.» 4. And remember, you must come and seethe baby as soon as you can. 5. You must go home now, Georgie. 6. The question must be solvedbeFore we begin doing anything. 7. Mind, you mustn't spend all the money.
1. But she must haveseen him! 2. Oh, John, think how she must be suFFering! 3. Is she waiting? She must have beenwaiting For an hour. 4. You must be a Fool to think so. 5. The work must have been carried out insecret For quite a long time. Перевод
1. Вы должны взять такси, если хотите успеть на этотпоезд. 2. Вы должны сказать вашей маме об этом. 3. "О, тетушка, — ответил он, — вы недолжны так говорить». 4. И помни: ты должна прийти и повидать ребенка, как толькосможешь. 5. Теперь ты должен идти домой, Джордж. 6. Вопрос должен быть решен прежде,чем мы начнем что-нибудь делать. 7. Имей в виду, ты не должна тратить все деньги.
1. Ноона, наверняка (несомненно), видела его! 2. О, Джон, как она, должно быть, страдает! 3. Онаждет? Она, должно быть, ждет уже целый час. 4. Ты, должно быть, дурак, если думаешь так.5. Эта работа, очевидно, долгое время проводилась в тайне.
  528Упражнение 528
1. You must have leFt your exercise book at school. 2. She must have leFt the town. 3. Mike musthave gone to the teachers' room. 4. Tom and Nick must be playing Football. 5. Helen must have got abad mark. 6. They must have solved the problem. 7. The pupils must have Finished writing theircomposition. 8. He must have Forgotten to warn them. 9. The meeting must have been cancelled. 10.He must have Forgotten to send her a birthday card. 1
1. There must have been something wrongwith the tape recorder. 12. I must have leFt my bag in the canteen. 13. You must have leFt yourumbrella in the bus. 14. Mary must have Forgotten to call me. 15. Mother must have taken myumbrella. 16. I must have seen you beFore: your Face is Familiar to me.
  529Упражнение 529
1. It must be time For the bell to ring. 2. They must have this book in the library. 3. He must haverecognized you by your photo in the papers. 4. He must be in at this time. 5. She must be trying tohelp you. 6. She must be waiting For you at home. 7. He must have already been ill. 8. The Firstexperiment must have Failed. 9. She must have known what she was going to do. 10. She must beFond oF the child. 1
1. They must have taken the wrong turning. 12. He must have been taken thereby car.
  530Упражнение 530
1. He is very old. He must be nearly eighty. 2. It must be time to go now. 3. They must have changedthe school curriculum. My granddaughter knows a great deal more than I did when I was her age. 4.It must be a very diFFicult rule. 5. It must be pleasant to spend summer in such a picturesque place.6. You must have read books by this author beFore. 7. They must be preparing a surprise For us. 8.These old legends must have been composed about a thousand years ago. 9. It must be nine o'clocknow. 10. You have been absent very long. You must Feel hungry. 1
1. Where are the children? — Theyare at the river with Nick. They must be having a very good time. 12. He must have worked veryhard to Finish his book. 13. She is a very experienced doctor. She must have been working at thishospital For at least FiFteen years. 14. Look! Helen's windows are open. She must be at home. 15. TheSmiths have always been great Football Fans. They must be at the stadium watching the Footballmatch.
  531Упражнение 531
1. must be. 2. must have been. 3. must come and visit. 4. must really enjoy. 5. must have snowed. 6.must be snowing. 7. must have been snowing. 8. must have had. 9. must have. 10. must haveworked. 1
1. must work. 12. must be reading. 13. must have been studying.
  532Упражнение 532
1. He must know several Foreign languages. 2. He must be working on his new novel now. 3. Theymust be enjoying Fine weather now. 4. She must be trying to Find the old letters. 5. They must beadmiring the beauty oF the southern nature. 6. He must have returned From the south. 7. She musthave lost my address. 8. They must have Finished their work. 9. He must have told everything at thetrial. 10. She must have prepared everything beForehand. 1
1. He must be still here. 12. They musthave just come. 13. He must have carried the papers away. 14. Somebody must have already beenhere. 15. They must be laughing at him. 16. They must have lived here then. 17. It must be raining.18. It must be here.
  533Упражнение 533
1. Он, должно быть, пытается найти потерянную марку. 2. Вы должны попытаться найтипотерянную марку. 3. Он, должно быть, взял ее. 4. Ему пришлось взять ее. 5. Она, должнобыть, самая младшая в группе. 6. Если хотите стать хорошим футболистом, вы Can he haveНеужели он Can he have Неужели он Can he have Неужели он Can he have Неужели он Can hehave Неужели он caught a cold? простудился? Fallen ill? заболел? leFt the country? уехал изстраны? sold his piano? продал свое пианино? bought a car? купил машину?
  534Упражнение 534
1. I must read this book. 2. She must be reading this book. 3. Mother was ill, and I had to take mysister to school. 4. They must be playing in the yard. 5. I had to go to the chemist's to buy medicines.6. She must have gone to the chemist's. 7. You must speak to her. 8. They must be speaking about itnow. 9. I had to write to my sister about it. 10. She must have written to her sister. 1
1. He's Feelingreally unFit. He must take more exercise. 12. You must be Ann's Friend. 13. The children aren't homeyet. — They must have been held up at school. 14. I had to solve my problems by myselF. 15. Wehad to leave our home. 16. He must be joking!
  535Упражнение 535
1. He must be very clever. 2. He must have recognized you. 3. He was to go to the headmaster andexplain his behaviour. 4. You will have to speak to her. 5. They had to walk For a long time. 6. Hewon't have to rewrite the composition. 7. He must be painting her portrait. 8. They must havealready gone. 9. He was to make a wonderFul discovery. 10. I am to do a lot oF work today. 1
1. I hadto go there myselF. 12. You will have to wait a little. 13. When is he to come? 14. The train was toarrive in a Few minutes. 15. UnFortunately, they weren't able to go to the party. Their mother had towait For the plumber. Their Father had to work
  536Упражнение 536
Can he know your sister? Неужели он знает вашу сестру? Can he be busy? Неужели он занят?Can he be ill? Неужели он болен? Can he be tired? Неужели он устал? Can he be hungry?Неужели он голоден? II Can he be sleeping? Неужели он сейчас спит? Can he be working hard?Неужели он сейчас упорно работает? Can he be watching TV? Неужели он сейчас смотриттелевизор? Can he be having dinner? Неужели он сейчас обедает? Can he be playing Football?Неужели он сейчас играет в футбол? III Can he have Forgotten your address? Неужели он забылваш адрес? Can he have lost your book? Неужели он потерял вашу книгу? Can he have missedthe train? Неужели он опоздал на поезд? Can he have Неужели он Can he have Неужели он Canhe have Неужели он Can he have Неужели он Can he have Неужели он caught a cold?простудился? Fallen ill? заболел? leFt the country? уехал из страны? sold his piano? продал своепианино? bought a car? купил машину?
  537Упражнение 537
1. Could you help me with the translation oF this article? I am aFraid I cannot do it alone. 2. He shuthimselF up in the study For the whole day, and I could see through the window that he was writingbusily. 3. She can't come tomorrow because they will be working the whole day. 4. I simply could notreFuse: they would have been hurt. 5. The island can be reached by boat or even on Foot when thetide is low.
1. Can you tell me the way to the nearest post oFFice? 2. Could you help me with thetranslation oF this article? 3. Could you leave the boy here For halF an hour? I want him to help me.
1. «But they can't be as bad as he!» 2. A little bit oF boiled Fish can't hurt you, you know. 3. Can shehave been waiting For us all this time? 4. He was not old. He couldn't have been more than Forty. 5.«Oh!» she cried in surprise, «it's impossible! You can't have done it!» Перевод
1. Вы не могли быпомочь мне с переводом этой статьи? Боюсь, что я не смогу сделать его один. 2. Он заперся вкабинете на целый день, и я видел в окно, что он пишет, не отрываясь. 3. Она не можетприйти завтра, потому что они будут работать весь день. 4. Я просто не мог отказать: они быочень обиделись. 5. До острова можно добраться на лодке или даже пешком во время отлива.
1. Вы не могли бы сказать, как пройти к ближайшей почте? 2. Вы не могли бы помочь мне спереводом этой статьи? 3. Вы не могли бы оставить здесь мальчика на полчаса? Я хочу, чтобыон мне помог.
1. «Но, не может быть, чтобы они были такими же плохими, как он!» 2.Кусочек вареной рыбы, знаете ли, не может вам повредить. 3. Неужели она ждет нас все этовремя? 4. Он был не стар. Ему не могло быть больше сорока лет. 5. «О! — вскричала онаудивленно, — это невозможно! Не может быть, что вы это сделали!»
  538Упражнение 538
1. The teacher can't have permitted you to use the dictionary. 2. Nick can't have got up at seven anddone his morning exercises. 3. It can't have been Kate who aired the room. 4. There can't have beena lot oF pupils in the library yesterday. 5. It can't have been John who broke the CD player. 6. Youcan't have seen Ann in the library yesterday. 7. Boris can't have been in the canteen Five minutesago. 8. Robert can't have taken two bags with him. 9. That can't have been Ann who plugged in the tape recorder. 10. Nick can't have been doing the recording For two hours. 1
1. It can't have beenMary who rewound the tape. 12. The teacher can't have let you take the tape home.
  539Упражнение 539
1. This car can't have been produced twenty years ago. 2. These photographs can't have been takenin the north. 3. This tape recording can't have been done last week. 4. James can't have been givenan excellent mark in history. 5. Ann can't have been given an excellent mark For her geometry test.6. This house can't have been built at the beginning oF this century. 7. This tower can't have beenbuilt in the 9th century. 8. This book can't have been written by a good writer. 9. This Film can't havebeen made by a good director. 10. This play can't have been written by a clever playwright. 1
1. ThisFilm can't have been shot in a Fortnight. 12. This book can't have been translated into Russian in the19th century. 13. This castle can't have been built in the 15th century. 14. This picture can't havebeen painted by an Italian artist. 15. This computer can't have been built ten years ago.
540Упражнение 540
1. You can't be serious. 2. She can't be a traitor. 3. He can't have made such an important discovery.4. The teacher can't have Forgotten to correct our homework. 5. The work can't be too diFFicult For myFriend. 6. Jane can't have made such a mistake. 7. The cat can't have eaten all the Fish. 8. Our paperscan't have been so poor. 9. You can't have believed, such a silly lie. 10. He can't have stolen themoney. 1
1. They can't have heard the story beFore. 12. She can't be good at physics.
  541Упражнение 541
1. They can't be at home now. 2. He can't know so much. 3. They can't be playing in the yard now. Itis late. 4. She can't be still sleeping. It is already ten o'clock. 5. He can't have missed the train. 6.She can't have deceived me. 7. You can't have made such a mistake. 8. She can't have Failed theexam. 9. She can't have betrayed me. 10. He can't have given up smoking (have stopped smoking).1
1. He can't have done it. 12. He can't have become a doctor. 13. He can't have translated this book.
  542Упражнение 542
1. Can he be a good runner? He is so small. 2. She can't have Finished school. 3. He can't be ascientist. 4. He can't have been a scientist. 5. Can she be still sleeping? 6. Can they have lost thegame? 7. He can't have said it! 8. A grown-up man can't like such books! 9. She can't have told youthis. 10. Can it have been so cold? 1
1. She can't have been late For the lesson: she has never beenlate beFore. 12. She can't have mixed up the streets. 13. It can't be true. 14. Can you have torn mynote? 15. He can't be in the park now: it is late. 16. She can't have written it. I am sure thatsomebody else has written it.
  543Упражнение 543
1. can you ask. 2. can it be. 3. can (could) not have seen. 4. cannot Forget. 5. could visit. 6. cannot(could not) have Forgotten. 7. could Finish. 8. can't be (cannot be). 9. could use. 10. could have slept.1
1. cannot have (can't have). 12. could speak. 13. can I call. 14. could I have. 15. cannot reallydecide, could see.
  544Упражнение 544
1. Не can't have leFt. 2. Can (Could) he have translated the whole book? 3. It can't be cold outside:the thermometer says (reads) FiFteen degrees. 4. He could not get the book because the library wasclosed. 5. He can't (could not) have got the book: the library was closed.6. Could you show us theway to the stadium? 7. She can't have broken her leg. 8. I won't go For a walk: she may ring me up.9. Where are my books? — I don't know. Mother may have put them into the bookcase. 10. She can't(could not) have broken the glass: she is so careFul. 1
1. It is very cold today: it may snow. 12. Mikemay come later. 13. I have been looking For my literature exercise book For an hour. I can't (couldnot) have leFt it at school. — You may have given it to Kate. 14. They may have been studyingFrench For along time. 15. My brother may come today. 16. She may have gone to the country. 17.We might have met with him in Novgorod, but I don't remember it. 18. She may be trying to call usnow but she can't get through to us: our telephone is broken (out oF order). 19. She can't (could not)have Finished this work so soon. She may have done only halF oF it. 20. You can't (could not) have lost the money. You may have put it into your bag. — No, it is not in the bag. I may have dropped itin the shop.
  545Упражнение 545
1. You must be tired: you have been working For hours. 2. He may have visited the Hermitage whenhe was in St Petersburg last year. 3. It must be a very deep lake. 4. That building in the distancemust be the station. 5. You can't have lost your passport: you must have put it into another bag. 6.The girl may have been Frightened. 7. You must have leFt your textbook in the canteen. 8. They can'tgive up such a brilliant idea. 9. You look pale: you must be tired. 10. This boy can't be a good Friend.
  546Упражнение 546
1. Hurry up: you may miss the train. 2. He may have Fallen ill. 3. He may be ill. 4. He can't haveForgotten to buy Flowers. 5. He can't have quarrelled with her. 6. She must have learnt about it FromMasha. 7. It must have been a very diFFicult problem. 8. It must be very cold outside. 9. He musthave met them on the way home. 10. They can't have sold their house. 1
1. They may cometomorrow. 12. My sister must be in the library now. 13. He can't have taken the First place. 14. Hemight have heard about it. 15. Mother must have bought sweets. 16. She may have rung me upyesterday, but I was out. 17. He might be at school now. 18. She can't be so young. She must be atleast Forty. 19. There must be thick woods growing around your village. 20. He can't have written theletter so soon. 2
1. We may go to the beach: the weather is wonderFul. 22. It must be a very ancientmanuscript. 23. Let's ring up Robert: we may need his advice.
  547Упражнение 547
1. You should smoke less. 2. You should not give her sweets beFore dinner. 3. She should copypassages out oF a book. 4. He should not shout at the dog. 5. You should not speak so Fast. 6. Theboy should play out oF doors. 7. You should take a taxi. 8. You should try the room next door.
  548Упражнение 548
1. You should not have taken the child to the cinema. 2. You should not have Forgotten to leave amessage For her. 3. You should have waited For them. 4. You should have put down her address. 5.You should have explained to her how to get here. 6. You should not have bought these shoes. 7.You should not have told her what you thought about her idea. 8. You should have seen the Film. 9.You should not have written with a pencil. 10. You should not have eaten too much cake with yourtea.
  549Упражнение 549
1. Вы должны знать (Вам следует знать), как вырастить детей, чтобы они не былинеудачниками. 2. Вы не должны давать ребенку все, что он захочет. Вам не следуетудовлетворять любую его прихоть, будь то еда, питье, удобства. В противном случае онвырастет с верой в то, что общество обязано содержать его. 3. Вам не следует смеяться надребенком, когда он подхватывает плохие слова. Это заставит его подумать, что он не такойсообразительный (умный). Это также не будет поощрять его в том, чтобы схватывать «болеесимпатичные» фразы. 4. Вам лучше не избегать употребления слова «Плохо» («Ты не прав»).Это не приучит его к мысли, что общество против него, если вдруг позднее он будетарестован за кражу машины. 5. Вам не надо подбирать книги, ботинки, одежду — все то, чторебенок разбрасывает где попало. Вы не должны делать все за него, иначе он научитсяперекладывать свою ответственность на других. Вашему ребенку нужно знать и выполнятьсвои обязанности в указанное время. У него должно быть чувство ответственности. Ондолжен быть благородным (порядочным) человеком. 6. Вам лучше не ссориться часто вприсутствии своего ребенка. В противном случае он не будет слишком шокирован, если позжеразвалится семья. 7. Вам не нужно становиться на его сторону против соседей, учителей иполицейских. Они не все с предубеждением относятся к вашему ребенку. 8. Если он попадет вбеду (в непри- ятную историю), вы не должны оправдывать себя, говоря: «Я никогда ничегоне мог сделать с ним».
  550Упражнение 550
1. You should tell her about it. 2. You should not stay there so late. 3. She should go to the doctorat once. 4. You should put on woollen socks. 5. They should begin earlier. 6. You should not speakEnglish to her. 7. You should turn right. 8. You should tell somebody about it.
1. You should havetold her about it. 2. You should not have stayed there so late. 3. She should have gone to the doctorat once. 4. You should have put on woollen socks. 5. They should have begun earlier. 6. You shouldnot have spoken English to her. 7. You should have turned right. 8. You should have told somebodyabout it.
  551Упражнение 551
1. You should work more. 2. She should listen to the teacher's advice. 3. You should apologize: youare wrong. 4. You should not miss English lessons. 5. Children should be more attentive to theirparents. 6. He should consult the doctor. 7. He should have consulted the doctor long ago. 8. Youshould not give the child so many sweets. 9. He should read this book. 10. He should have read thisbook. 1
1. You should go there and speak to them. 12. You should have gone there and spoken tothem. 13. He should not have spoken so rudely. 14. He should not have Forgotten about my request.15. She should have returned long ago. 16. You shouldn't go there. 17. You should have read thisbook last year. 18. You should speak to your uncle when he comes. 19. She should not have carriedsuch heavy things. 20. He should have remembered about it. 2
1. You should have asked permission.22. You should not have worried.
  552Упражнение 552
1. You should not have crossed the street when the lights are red. 2. You should cross the streetwhen the lights are green. 3. You should cross the street by the subway. 4. You should take oFF yourhat when entering a room. 5. You should have helped your classmate to clean the classroom. 6. Youshould take some medicine. 7. You need not have bought bread. 8. You should have been present atthe meeting. 9. You need not have sent a telegram. 10. You should not have gone out without yourcoat. 1
1. You need not have apologized. 12. You should have attended this lecture. 13. You need nothave got up at six o'clock on Sunday morning. 14. You should not have read till two o'clock in themorning. 15. You need not have copied the whole text into your exercise book. 16. You need nothave watered the garden. 17. You should have returned the books to the library.
  553Упражнение 553
1. a) must, b) should. 2. a) should, b) must. 3. a) must, b) should. 4. a) must, b) should. 5. a) must, b)should.
  554Упражнение 554
1. had to go out and tell. 2. should tell. 3. had to take. 4. should have taken. 5. should have given. 6.had to bake. 7. should have baked. 8. had to wait. 9. had to wear. 10. should ask. 1
1. should, shouldhave bought.
  555Упражнение 555
1. had to leave. 2. had to get. 3. should have disconnected. 4. had to go. 5. should have written, hadto translate. 6. should not have taken, had to do. 7. should have seen, should have gone. 8. had toattend. 9. should have attended. 10. had to attend..
  556Упражнение 556
1. a) I did not have to buy sugar. b) You need not have bought sugar. 2. a) We did not have to worryabout her. b) You need not have worried about us. 3. a) You need not have gone there, b) We did nothave to go there. 4. a) I did not have to go to the library. b) You need not have gone to the library. 5.a) You need not have gone downtown, b) I did not have to go downtown. 6. a) You need not havechecked For spelling mistakes, b) I did not have to check For spelling mistakes. 7. a) I did not have toring him up. b) I need not have rung him up.
  557Упражнение 557
1. should not have gone. 2. did not have to go. 3. need not have worried. 4. should not run. 5. shouldnot have told. 6. need not go. 7. should not put. 8. need not give. 9. I'll just have to pay, I'll have togive. 10. should call. 1
1. shouldn't be. 12. needn't have told. 13. should be reFrigerated. 14. don'thave to do.
  558Упражнение 558
1. Он, должно быть, продал свое пианино. 2. Он, возможно, продал свое пианино. 3. Можетбыть, он и продал свое пианино (хотя вряд ли). 4. Не может быть, что он продал свое пианино.5. Ему следовало продать пианино. 6. Ему не следовало продавать пианино. 7. Он мог и непродавать пианино. 8. Ему не понадобилось продавать пианино. 9. Ему пришлось продатьпианино. 10. Ему предстояло продать пианино.
  559Упражнение 559
1. They must have gone to New York. 2. They may have gone to New York. 3. They might have goneto New York. 4. They can't have gone to New York. 5. They should have gone to New York. 8. Theyshould not have gone to New York. 7. They need not have gone to New York. 8. They did not have togo to New York. 9. They had to go to New York. 10. They were to go to New York.
560Упражнение 560
1. can, must. 2. can. 3. could. 4. can. 5. could. 6. can, must, can, need. 7. must. 8. can (may), must.9. can (may), must (may, can), must. 10. must, need, can. 1
1. must, need, can. 12. can, can, must.13. can.
  561Упражнение 561
1. need. 2. need, must. 3. can, shall be able to. 4. need. 5. may, can, must. 6. must. 7. can, can. 8.had to, could. 9. have to. 10. can. 1
1. can. 12. has to. 13. could, had to. 14. must, must, must, can,can, need, must, must.
  562Упражнение 562
1. You may take this book iF you like. 2. You can take this book: it is not heavy. 3. You need not takethis book. 4. I cannot take this book. 5. Just think: we need not have gone there! 6. You need notagree at once: think a Few days. 7. You may go there today. 8. You need not go there today. 9. Youneed not rewrite the composition. 10. You can stay: you have time, don't you? 1
1. You may stay iFyou like. 12. You need not stay iF you don't want to. 13. You need not tell him about it. 14. You maytell him about it. 15. We need not repeat these rules: we know them. 16. We need not have writtenthe composition. 17. He need not have come: everything had already been done.
  563Упражнение 563
1. You may go there: I don't mind. 2. You can go there: it is quite near. 3. You cannot go there: youdon't know the address. 4. You need not go there: I can ring them up. 5. You must not go there: theyare very bad people. 6. You need not have gone there yesterday. 7. You should go there: they arewaiting For you. 8. You should have gone there yesterday. 9. You should not have gone thereyesterday. 10. She must be at home now. 1
1. She must have been at home yesterday. 12. We maycome to see you tomorrow. 13. They may have come to our place, but we were out. 14. He musthave seen this monument when he was in your town. 15. He may have seen this monument when hewas in your town. 16. He can't know this picture. 17. He can't have seen this picture. 18. He mightknow the problem, so he might know the answer to this question, but I am not very sure (not quitesure). 19. Where are they living? — They might be living abroad, but I am not so sure oF it. 20. Youmust be asking For trouble.
  564Упражнение 564
1. I must buy a cake today. 2. My brother cannot speak English. 3. My sister can speak French. 4. May I see your photo? 5. Can you show me your photo? 6. He can't be Forty: he looks much younger.7. He can't have Forgotten to come. He must have been very busy. 8. We may go to the country iFthe weather is Fine. 9. IF my sister does not buy me any coFFee, I shall have to go to the shop myselF.10. I cannot Find my watch. — You may have leFt it at work. — No, I can't have leFt it at work: I nevertake it oFF my wrist. 1
1. Will you be able to speak to him tomorrow? 12. I must have lost my way. Canyou tell me how to get to the Hermitage? 13. I had to read a lot oF books when I was getting readyFor my report. 14. I could not remember the last lines oF the sonnet, and I had to ring up my Friend.15. You can't watch TV until you have done your homework. 16. We must keep in touch. 17. Youshould listen to him and try not to worry about it.