English Globe understanding the world

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Lesson 9. Have a Great Time!

/ei/, /ai/ ad /oi/

Lesson 9; Part A

important.jpgHow to make the sound /ei/
/ei/ is a long sound.
It moves from /e/ to /i/.
Look at the diagram.
Listen and say the sound.
Target sound: /ei/
note.jpgNote: When you say the sound /ei/ by itself, you say the letter A.

Lesson 9; Part B

spelling.jpgSound and spelling
/ei/ is spelled in different ways.
Listen and repeat.
a        age     came     plane     table
ai        rain    wait
ay       day    play     say
ey       grey
ea       break    great
eigh    eight    weight
galka.jpgListen and say these sentences.

1    They came a day later.            3   Is this the way to the station?
2    It was a grey day in May.         4.  Wait at the gate - I'll be there at eight.

Lesson 9; Part C

important.jpgHow to make the sound /ai/
/ai/ is a long sound, it moves from /a/ to /i/.
Look at the diagram.
Listen and say the sound.
Target sound: /ai/
note.jpgNote: When you say the sound  /ai/ by itself, you say the word eye, or the letter I.

Lesson 9; Part D


spelling.jpgSound and spelling
/ai/ is spelled in different ways.
Listen and repeat.
i       like     time     white
ie     die
y      dry     July     why
igh   high     night     right
uy    buy

galka.jpgListen and say these sentences.
1    Do you like dry wine?
2    Why don't you try?
3    July will be fine.
4    Drive on the right. 

Lesson 9; Part E

important.jpgHow to make the sound /oi/
/oi/ is a long sound.
It moves from /o/ to /i/.
Look at the diagram.
Listen and say the sound.
Target sound: /oi/

Lesson 9; Part F

spelling.jpgSound and spelling
/oi/ is usually spelled oi or oy.
Listen and repeat.
oi       coin     point     voice
oy      boy     enjoy     toy
galka.jpgListen and say these sentences.
1    I can hear a boy's voice.
2    Those are coins, not toys! 


pen.jpgLook at the pictures and find six things with /ei/, three things with /ai/ and three things with /oi/.



/ei/   1    radio     2 t_______table   3 c_______cake  4 t_______train  5 p_______plane   6 s_______suitcase  
/ai/   7 l_______light   8 w_______wine  9 i_______ice
/oi/   10 b_______boy  11 с_______coins  12 t_______toys

Listen to check your answers. Check with the Key. Then listen and repeat. 

pen.jpgThese verbs are in the past tense. Write the infinitive. They all have /ai/.
Example: drove     drive   
1    wrotewrite               3 foundfind                5 flewfly          
2    triedtry                4 boughtbuy   

Listen to check your answers. Check with the Key. Then listen and repeat.

wizard.jpgListen and circle the word you hear.
Check with the Key.

1    gate / get  Keygate
2    way / wear   Keywear
3    my / May   Keymy

Listen to check your answers. Check with the Key. Then listen and repeat.  

wizard.jpgComplete these sentences. All the missing words have /ei/ or /ai/.
bye   day    dry   eight   flight   great   miles    night   right   time   way   white   wine

1    The plane left in the evening and arrived the next morning. It was a   night   _______flight.
2    It's best to drink _______white _______wine with fish.
3    Fourteen kilometres is about _______eight _______miles.  
4    There was no rain yesterday. It was a _______dry _______day.
5    I think I'm lost - is this the _______right _______way to the beach?
6    We've had a _______great _______time, thanks _______Bye!

Listen to check your answers. Check with the Key. Then listen and repeat.

wizard.jpgComplete the titles of these pictures. All the missing words have /ei/.
Example Ch ang ing the d ate .

9.4.jpg1    W_____waiting ing for the tr_______train.   
2    T_______takinging a br_______break.   
3    R_______raininging in Sp_______Spain.   
4    M_______makinging a m_______mistake.   
5    В_______bakinging а с_______cake

Listen to check your answers. Check with the Key. Then listen and repeat.


Lesson 8     Lesson 9    Lesson 10 forward.jpg

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