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Lesson 27. Last Week.

Consonant Groups Across Words

Lesson 27; Part A

important.jpgSometimes a word ends with a consonant or a consonant group, and thenext word starts with a consonant or consonant group, and you pronouncethe consonants together as a group. Listen and repeat.27.1.jpg
a plane_ticket
a pop_star
an English_class
the next_word
time_to go
an old_castle
idea.jpgImportant for listening!
Sometimes you don t hear all the consonants clearly. Listen and repeat.
stop_the game          sto(p) the game
last_week                 las(t) week
back_to work            ba(ck) to work
and_then ...              an(d) then ...
put your bag_down    put your ba(g) down

Lesson 27; Part B

galka.jpgSometimes the sound of one of the consonants changes. 27.2.jpg
Listen and repeat.

ten       ten_boys (n sounds like m)
            ten_girls (n sounds like /η/)
good   goodbye (d sounds like b)
           good_goal! (d sounds like g)

Lesson 27; Part C

galka.jpgIf the same consonant sound comes at the end of one word and thebeginning of the next word, you usually hear it only once, but longerthan normal. Listen and repeat.
enough food
a good_day
a black_cat


wizard.jpgListen and complete the sentences.

Were you at the    last    meeting?
1    See you _______next week.
2    Have a _______good time.
3    Have a _______great holiday.
4    _______Give me a call.
5    _______Send me an email.
6    _______Tell me how you are.
7    _______Write me a letter.
8    _______Bring me a present.

Check with the Key. Then listen again and repeat.

wizard.jpgUnderline the consonant groups across words in these sentences. Key1    It's really warm today.
2    Try this sentence.
3    I don't know what to do.
4    Look through all the photos.
5    Check the answer.
6    I'd like to ask you something.
7    Is this the right place?
8    I haven't listened to this CD yet.
9    The meeting's on Monday.
10  The potatoes aren't cooked yet.

This is the last time.
1    It's really warm today.
2    Try this sentence.
3    I don't know what to do.
4    Look through all the photos.
5    Check the answer.
6    I'd like to ask you something.
7    Is this the right place?
8    I haven't listened to this CD yet.
9    The meeting's on Monday.
10  The potatoes aren't cooked yet.

Listen to check your answers. Check with the Key. Then listen and repeat.

wizard.jpgComplete the phrases with the words from the box. You will need to use some of them more than once.
 this      young     cheap     white      big     next     black      last     old      small
  this   month
a/an _______big town     
a/an _______young cat
a/an _______black cat
_______cheap clothes
_______black clothes   
_______next month
a/an _______old town     
a/an _______white cat
a/an _______old cat
_______white clothes
_______old clothes
_______last month
a/an _______small town
a/an _______big cat
a/an _______small cat
_______big clothes
_______small clothes

Check with the Key. Then listen and repeat.

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