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Unit 102. So and such

Unit 102; Part A

galka.jpgCompare so and such:   
We use so + adjective/adverb:
     so stupid       so quick   
     so nice          so quickly

       I didn't like the book. The story was so stupid.
       I like Liz and Joe. They are so nice.

We use such + noun:
such a story      such people

We also use such + adjective + noun:

    such a stupid story      such nice people
       I didn't like the book. It was such a stupid story.
  (not a so stupid story)
       I like Liz and Joe. They are such nice people
(not so nice people)

We say such a ...
(not a such):
       such a big dog (not a such big dog)

Unit 102; Part B

galka.jpgSo and such make the meaning of an adjective (or adverb) stronger:
       It's a beautiful day, isn't it? It's so warm. (= really warm)
       It's difficult to understand him because he talks so quietly.

       It was a great holiday. We had such a good time (= a really good time)
You can use so ... that:
       The book was so good that I couldn't put it down.
You can use such ... that:
       It was such a good book that I couldn't put it down.
       I was so tired that I fell asleep in the armchair.
       It was such nice weather that we spent the whole day on the beach.

We usually leave out that:
       I was so tired I fell asleep.
We usually leave out that:
       It was such nice weather we spent ...

Unit 102; Part C

galka.jpgWe also use so and such with the meaning 'like this':
       Somebody told me the house was built 100 years ago. I didn't realize it was so old.  (= as old as it is)
       I'm tired because I got up at six. I don't usually get up so early.
       I expected the weather to be cooler. I'm surprised it is so warm.
       I didn't realise it was such an old house.
       You know it's not true. How can you say such a thing?

Note the expression no such ... :
       You won't find the word 'blid' in the dictionary. There's no such word.
(= this word does not exist)

Unit 102; Part D

so long
   •    I haven't seen her for so long I've forgotten what she looks like.

such a long time
   •    I haven't seen her for such a long time (not so long time)
so far
   •    I didn't know it was so far.

such a long way
   •    I didn't know it was such a long way.
so much, so many
   •    I'm sorry I'm late - there was so much traffic. 
such a lot (of)
   •    I'm sorry I'm late - there was such a lot of traffic.


flag.jpgPut in so, such or such a.
Key.4    so
5    so
6    such a
7    so
8    such
9    such a
10  such a
11  so
12  so ... such
13  so
14  such a
15  such a

1    It's difficult to understand him because he speaks   so   quietly.
2    I like Liz and Joe. They're    such    nice people.
3    It was a great holiday. We had    such a   good time.
4    I was surprised that he looked ________ well after his recent illness.
5    Everything is ________ expensive these days, isn't it?
6    The weather is beautiful, isn't it? I didn't expect it to be ________ nice day.
7    I have to go. I didn't realise it was ________ late.
8    He always looks good. He wears ________ nice clothes.
9    It was ________ boring film that I fell asleep while I was watching it.
10  I couldn't believe the news. It was ________ shock.
11  I think she works too hard. She looks ________ tired all the time.
12  The food at the hotel was ________ awful. I've never eaten ________ awful food.
13  They've got ________ much money they don't know what to do with it.
14  I didn't realise you lived ________ long way from the city centre.
15  The party was really great. It was ________ pity you couldn't come.

flag.jpgMake one sentence from two. Use so or such.
Key.3    I was so tired (that) I couldn't keep my eyes open.
4    We had such a good time on holiday (that) we didn't want to come home.
5    She speaks English so well (that) you would think it was her native language, or She speaks such good English (that) ...
6    I've got such a lot to do (that) I don't know where to begin. or  I've got so much to do (that) ...
7    The music was so loud (that) you could hear it from miles away.
8    I had such a big breakfast (that) I didn't eat anything else for the rest of the day.
9    It was such horrible weather (that) we spent the whole day indoors.
10  I was so surprised (that) I didn't know what to say.

1    She worked hard.
2    It was a beautiful day.
3    I was tired.
4    We had a good time on holiday.
5    She speaks English well.
6    I've got a lot to do.
7    The music was loud.
8    I had a big breakfast.
9    It was horrible weather.
10  I was surprised.
You could hear it from miles away.
You would think it was her native language.
We spent the whole day indoors.
She made herself ill.
I couldn't keep my eyes open.
I didn't eat anything else for the rest of the day.
We decided to go to the beach.
I didn't know what to say.
I don't know where to begin.
We didn't want to come home.
1   She worked so hard she made herself ill.                                        
2   It was such a beatiful day we decided to go to the beach.        
3   It was ___________________________________________________
4   _________________________________________________________
5   _________________________________________________________
6   _________________________________________________________
7   _________________________________________________________
8   _________________________________________________________
9   _________________________________________________________
10 _________________________________________________________

flag.jpgUse your own ideas to complete these pairs of sentences.
Key.Example answers:
2    a   She's so friendly.
     b   She's such a nice person.
3    a   It's so lively.
     b   It's such an exciting place.
4    a   It's so exhausting.
      b   It's such a difficult job.
5    a   I haven't seen you for so long.
      b   I haven't seen you for such a long time.

1    a    We enjoyed our holiday. It was so   relaxing   .
     b    We enjoyed our holiday. We had such   a good time  .
2    a    I like Catherine. She's so ______________.
      b    I like Catherine. She's such ______________.
3    a    I like New York. It's so ______________.
     b    I like New York. It's such ______________.
4    a    I wouldn't like to be a teacher. It's so ______________.
     b    I wouldn't like to be a teacher. It's such ______________.
5    a    It's great to see you again! I haven't seen you for so ______________.
     b    It's great to see you again! I haven't seen you for such ______________.

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