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Глава 4. Effective business discussions (Успешное деловое общение). Урок 2. Discussion (Дискуссия)

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Discussion (Дискуссия)
Если Вы ведете дискуссию, приглашайте участников высказывать своемнение. Одновременно Вы должны придерживаться графика и предотвращатьвозможные отклонения от темы: Could you stick to the subject, please? Также Вам необходимо устранять недоразумения и неясности:
Could you explain that in a little more detail?

Chairman: Mr Jones. You have investigated the area. Could I askyou to start this discussion by giving us your views on the choice ofthe building site?   строительный участок

doc Полезные фразы

Asking opinions / Просьбы о высказываниях по теме
I'd like Mr Brown to take the floor.    взять слово
I would like to invite Dr Lee to present his views on ...   изложить свое мнение о...
Mr Grem would you like to say something about this?
I wonder if you like to comment, Mr Smith?     высказаться
What's your opinion on this, John?
What do you think of that / say to that, Jim?

Digressions / Отклонения от темы

I'm afraid we're moving too far away from the subject.
I'm afraid this isn't really relevant to the discussion.
Shouldn't we rather return to the topic?
Let's not get side-tracked.     отходить от темы
I don't think this is essential.
Could we stick to the subject, please?     придерживаться
Could you keep to the point.    не отклоняться от темы
The time schedule / График
Let's try to keep this meeting short.
Let's try to finish by four o'clock.
I'm sorry, but we're running out of time.
Could you keep your comment short?
As time is short we have to move on.    двигаться дальше

Misunderstandings / Недоразумения

There seems to be a misunderstanding.
Could you explain what you mean?
Could you give us some more details?
Could you be a little more precise?
I'm afraid I don't really understand you?
Do you mean to say that...?

Завершение дискуссии
Chairman: I hate to interrupt you Mr Jones but we're running short of time and we really need to come to a decision. Let me just summarize the main points that have been made, before we put the proposal to a vote проголосовать за and bring this meeting to an end.

Summarize / Подведение итогов
In short, the main points that have been made are ...
Let me summarize what we have discussed so far.
To sum up, it seems that we all agree ...
I'd like to go over the most important pros and cons.    за и против

A vote / Голосование

I suggest we move to a vote.     перейти к голосованию
Perhaps we should have a formal vote on this.
Could we take a vote on it?
Let's have a vote on this.
Can I ask for a show of hands?    поднять руки
All those in favour raise their hands.   за
Those against?     против
Any abstentions?     воздержался
I'd like to abstain.      воздержаться от голосования
The motion is carried by six votes to four.   предложение было принято
The motion is carried unanimously.      единогласно
The proposal is rejected.    предложение отклонено

Any Other Business? / Прочее?

Is there anything else to discuss?
Any further points of discussion?
Is there any other business?

Closing the meeting / Завершение обсуждения

We seem to have arrived to the decision that...
I think we've discussed everything.
I'd now like to draw this meeting to a close.     закрыть заседание
I declare the meeting closed! Thank you Ladies and Gentlemen.
I'd like to / let's call it a day now.        Я бы хотел закончить / давайте закончим работу.
Thanks for coming everyone!

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