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Глава 4. Effective business discussions (Успешное деловое общение). Урок 6. Presentations (Презентации)

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Presentations (Презентации)
Во время презентаций необходимо привлечь внимание слушателя иподдерживать его. В Вашем распоряжении большое количествовспомогательных средств. Большая часть Вашего успеха зависит от того,как Вы преподнесете свою информацию или послание. Для началапризнайтесь, что Ваш английский далек от совершенства: I'm afraid my English is not perfect, и попросите собеседника задавать вопросы, если что-то непонятно: So, please do not hesitate to ask me if anything was unclear. Избегайте предложений, содержащих сложные придаточные конструкции. Высказывайтесь коротко и ясно: I'll try to be brief and clear!

Сначала кратко представьтесь Вашим коллегам: Let me briefly introduce myself. I'm ... and this is my colleague .... Поблагодарите за приглашение: I'd like to thank you for inviting me here today и огласите тему презентации: I'm going to talk to you about ... После этого сделайте краткий обзор плана презентации (a short overview of the structure) и обратите внимание на раздаточный материал (hand-outs). Сразу же предупредите о возможности прерывать Вас во время выступления: You can interrupt me at any time if you have any questions, или, если Вам удобнее другой вариант, попросите задавать вопросы в оставшееся время после презентации: After the presentation there will be ample time for questions.
Mr Horst:
Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm delighted to be here todayas a guestspeaker at the annual customer meeting of MillerCommunications Incorporated. Let me briefly introduce myself: I'mGerhard Horst, head of the research and development department ofHirsch in Germany. I'd like to inform you on the latest developments inthe field of electronic communications. I'll begin with an overview ofour latest projects, then I'll brief проинформирую you on our company's sales figures данные по сбыту and I'll finish off with an outlook обзор on the company's future plans. If you have any questions, I'll be happy to answer them after my presentation.

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Opening words / Вступление

Good morning. Let me introduce myself ...
Let me introduce you to my colleague ...
I / We represent...

Thanking for the invitation / Благодарность за приглашение

It's great honour to be able to speak here today.    честь
I'm grateful for having the opportunity to ...     благодарен
I'm glad to have a chance to speak.
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for asking me to tell you ...

Announcing the topic / Оглашение темы

Today I'm going to talk about...
The topic / subject of this presentation is ...
In my presentation I'll be explaining our new project.
I'll try to give you an overview of the development...
You've met here today to hear something about ...
Handouts / Раздаточный материал

In the handout, which will be passing around, you'll find ...
I hope everybody received the handout?
May I draw уоик attention to the handout?
There is a small mistake in the handout which I would like to correct.
I'm afraid we've run out of copies, could you share with your neighbour's?  у нас закончились все экземпляры

Structure / План

I'll focus on two main points.      Я сосредоточусь на двух темах.
I'll be covering the following three main areas.     Я рассмотрю три основные сферы.

I've divided this presentation into four sections.
In the first part of my presentation I'll...
I'd like to begin with ... then / next / after that...
First / firstly / first of all... Secondly ... Thirdly ... Finally ...
My colleague will take over the second part.
Interruptions / Паузы для вопросов

Please do not hesitate to interrupt me if I'm speaking too fast / I'm not making myself clear / you have questions.
Please stop me if anything is unclear.
After the presentation there will be time for questions.
I'll be happy to answer any questions after my talk.


Основная часть

Чтобы слушателю было понятно, какова Ваша цель, каково логическое построение Вашей аргументации, в основной части Вашей презентации Вам следует огласить следующий шаг: Let me now move on to the following point, which is ... Риторическими вопросами Вы можете придать стилю Вашего доклада некоторую живость, а слушатели будут привлечены к размышлениям по проблематике выступления: How could this problem affect us? / How could we solve this problem? Это же позволит Вам сделать хороший переход к решению проблемы, которое Вы предложите: Well, one way to solve this problem is ...

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Step by step / Шаг за шагом
Let's start with ...
I'd like to begin with an overview of...
So that's the present situation. Let's now have a look at...
With this we have come to the following ...
Let me move on to ...
So much for the figures. Now as to ... что касается
Having finished this part, I'd like to turn to the next point.
As you can see on the handout this brings us to the last part.

Rhetorical questions / Риторические вопросы

The question is: What can we do about this?
What does this mean for our company?
What advantages would this offer us? преимущества
You will ask yourselves: In what way does this affect us?
Isn't there a better way of dealing with this problem?

Bringing arguments / Аргументация

On the one hand ... On the other...
In addition ..., furthermore ...    в дополнение; далее

Because of this / as a result of this ...
Consequently / therefore ...    поэтому
However, I think that...    Несмотря на это / Хотя

Generally speaking / in general we could say...
On the whole ...    В основном
We should take into account the following ...    учесть
Instead of increasing our production, I suggest ...    Вместо; я предлагаю
Not only ... but also ...
There are two reasons for this. First... second ...
This is due to ...    Это можно объяснить тем, что..

Offering solutions / Предложение решений

One way to solve this problem would be...
We propose the following solution ...
A possible solution would be ...
I found a way to deal with this problem.
However, there' s another alternative.
Another option would be to ...    Альтернатива

Making forecasts / Прогнозы

What's the forecast for next year?
The long / short term forecast is ...
The outlook is (not) very encouraging.   воодушевляющий
The prospects for next year are pretty good.       перспективы; достаточно хорошие
We expect this trend to continue.       Мы ожидаем, что эта тенденция сохранится.

Sales are expected to rise.
We see signs of growth.    признаки

Declining interruptions / Предотвращение пауз для вопросов

If I might just finish my sentence.
Perhaps we could return to that question later on.
If you would be so kind as to let me finish. I'll answer questions later on.
If you would allow me to finish off first.       разрешить
I'll come back to you as soon as I've finished my talk.
There are two more points I'd like to mention before I answer your questions.
Picking up they thread / Возобновление обсуждения
As I was saying ...
Coming back to what I was trying to explain ...
To return to my subject ...
If we could just return to the topic ...
If I could just continue ...
This leads us back to what I was saying before ...

Графики и диаграммы
Зачастую имеет смысл представить изменения и развитие наглядно при помощи графиков (graphs), таблиц (tables) или диаграмм (charts / diagrams). Круговая диаграмма называется pie chart; flow chart — структурная схема, organization chart в английском языке называется органиграммой, bar chart — это гистограмма, пиктограмма и в английском языке называется pictogram.
As you can see from this graph прибыль, profit increased only slightly незначительно between 1989 and 1990. The following year it plunged резко снизился to just under m owing to a change in management.
Afterthat there was a steady growth reaching a peak at 1994 followed by asteady fall until profits then leveled off at around m for years.


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Commenting diagrams / Комментирование диаграмм

Let's have a look at this graph / diagram.
The horizontal / vertical axis represents ...
Production is indicated by a red line.
This solid line gives us ...     сплошная линия
The broken line shows ...    ломаная линия
The dotted line illustrates ...    пунктирная линия
This curve here indicates ...    показывает
With this pie chart I'd like to show you ...    круговая диаграмма
The shaded section represents ...
The table in the middle gives us last year's sales figures.
The right-hand / left-hand column shows ...    колонка
At the top / bottom you see ...    вверху/внизу

Upward trend / Тенденция улучшения

The number of ... has grown / gone up /risen /increased /climbed.    выросло
Prices have jumped since ...    выросло скачкообразно
There has been an enormous boom / upturn.     подъем
Market has picked up / recovered again.    поднялся, pacтет, оживился
Sales reached a peak in 1992.    пик
It reached an all-time high.    рекордно высокий уровень

Downward trend / Тенденция ухудшения

Profits have declined / gone down / dropped / decreased / fallen.    Прибыль снизилась.

Sales have slumped / plummeted.       резко снизились
We could almost speak of a recession.
There has been an enormous down turn in production.      падение
Prices bottomed out.    достигло низшего уровня
We reached an all-time low.    рекордно низкий уровень

Continuing trend / Стабильная тенденция

Our sales figures have remained stable / steady.     остались
Prices have been stable / unchanged for several years.    остались стабильными
Profits held firm for two years.    устоял

Adverbs of change / Наречия изменений
Barely, slightly    Едва, легко
Gradually / slowly but steadily   Постепенно / медленно, но верно
Substantially, markedly; Significantly, considerably      Значительно
Unexpectedly, surprisingly     Неожиданно, внезапно
Suddenly, abruptly    Внезапно
Dramatically, sharply    Драматично, круто (вертикально)

Contrast and comparison / Контраст и сравнение

If we compare these figures, we see that...
Compared with last year, sales have increased by 5%.
Although we invested a lot, sales figures fell.
Investment increased whereas sales dropped.        в то время, как снизились
The higher the costs, the higher the price.    Чем..., тем...
Investment was not as high as last year.
Despite the recession we managed to expand.      Несмотря на...


После обзора важнейших тем Вы можете завершить рассказ, предложив слушателям задать вопросы. Формулировки типа If there are no questions I'd like to finish скорее удержат людей от постановки вопросов. Лучше поощрите их таким образом: I presume (я предполагаю) you will have a lot of questions. Was anything unclear or did I forget anything important? I'm very curious (любопытно) to know what you think of this project.
Иногда после презентации следуют аплодисменты, при этом ни в коем случае не стучите по столу, как это принято в Германии. В большинстве стран этим жестом привлекают внимание либо просят о соблюдении тишины.

Mr Horst: Well, with this summary I would like to finish off my presentation. I hope I have been able to convince убедить you of the importance of our new project on the international market and would be happy to answer any questions that remained unanswered остались открытыми.For more detailed information you may call me at my office any time, assoon as I'm back in Germany. You'll find my phone number and E-mailaddress on the top right of the handout. Thank you very much for theattention.

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Closing words / Завершающие слова

I'd like to conclude by making the following statement       завершить что-либо следующим высказыванием
Let me go through the main arguments again before finishing this presentation.
I hope it has become clear through this presentation...     в ходе презентации
I'd like to close off with the following suggestion...      предложение
To put it in a nutshell ...    Короче говоря...
So, to summarize we could say that...

Inviting questions / Поощрение вопросов

I'd now like to turn to the questions that you certainly have.
If you have any questions, I'd be happy to answer them now.
I'd welcome any questions or comments.
Please tell me if anything was unclear.
Any further questions?

Difficult questions / Сложные вопросы

I don't think I'm the right person to answer that question.
That is beyond my competence.    Это вне моей компетенции.

I'm afraid I don't have those figures here, but I could let you know later.
Let me pass this question to Mr Marks who is an expert on this matter.     Мне хотелось бы переадресовать этот вопрос...
Could we come back to that later?

Dealing with criticism / Обращение с критикой

I quite see your point but still...    несмотря на...
That's an interesting observation but we shouldn't forget ...
I understand your criticism, but don't you think...?
I entirely agree with you. On the other hand ...
Perhaps I should make myself clearer on this point.
It seems that you have misunderstood there.      неправильно поняли
I don't think this is the place or time to discuss this.

Closing the discussion / Завершение дискуссии

With this last question I'd like to finish this presentation.
I'm sorry to break off this interesting discussion but I think we're running out of time.
I think we should call it a day.    считать законченным
Thank you for your attention, ladies and gentlemen.
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for sacrificing your valuable time.        тратить драгоценное время
Thank you very much for coming and I hope I've been able to inform you sufficiently. достаточно

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