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Unit 2. The Law

pair.jpgLook at the picture for one minute, then close your book. What can youremember about the picture? In pairs, try to describe it in as muchdetail as possible.

Внимательно прочитайте задание перед прослушиванием теиста. Постарайтесьпонять, какую информацию вам нужно выбрать из звучащего текста. Этопоможет вам определить, что из звучащего текста будет наиболее важнымдля ответа.

flag.jpgListen to three people who witnessed a crime similar to the one in the picture above.
Match each speaker with the person they are describing.

Key.1  с
2  b
3  a


Speaker 1

He was quite tall. About, well, I'd say about twenty-five years old. He was white, had short dark hair, and an earring in his left ear. Oh, and he was wearing jeans and a black T-shirt.

Speaker 2

...he was definitely wearing a blue shirt and jeans. His hair was quite long - dark hair, I think. Yeah, black. What else? His age? Oh, he wasn't young. In his late forties or early fifties, I'd say.

Speaker 3

He was in his mid-thirties, with short brown hair. He didn't have an earring - I know one of the other witnesses said he did, but he didn't. He did have a gold chain around his neck, though. His clothes - he was wearing a black shirt and jeans.

pair.jpgIn pairs, discuss your answers. Do you agree? What did you hear each witness say?

flag.jpgListen to the witnesses giving more information and carry out the tasksbelow. Be careful! The speakers are in a different order this time.
Key.Speaker 1
1 the police   
2 brown   
3 a gold chain
4 black  
5 didn't manage
Speaker 2
1 bank  
2 supermarket  
3 window  
4 25  
5 left
Speaker 3
1 in the/a car (driving)  
2 blue
3 quite long, dark  
4 late 40s or early 50s

Speaker 1 Choose the correct word or phrase to complete the sentences.
1    The witness phoned the police / her mother.
2    She says the man's hair was short and brown / black.
3    She says the man was wearing an earring / a gold chain.
4    She says he was wearing jeans and a black / blue shirt.
5    The thief managed / didn't manage to escape with the TV.
Speaker 2 Write a word or a number to complete the sentences.
1    The witness had just been to the _____________.
2    She was going to the _____________.
3    She didn't see the man break the _____________.
4    She thinks the man was about _____________ years old.
5    She says the man had an earring in his _____________ ear.
Speaker 3 Write a word or short phrase to answer each question.
1    Where was the witness?   
2    What colour was the thief's shirt?   
3    What was the thief's hair like?
4    How old does the witness think the thief was?


Speaker 1

As soon as I saw him, I called the police on my mobile. They asked for a description on the phone, so I gave them one. I remember everything in great detail. Well, I got a very good look at him. He was in his mid-thirties, with short brown hair. He didn't have an earring - I know one of the other witnesses said he did, but he didn't. He did have a gold chain around his neck, though. His clothes - he was wearing a black shirt and jeans. The funniest thing was when he started running down the street with the TV 'cos he dropped it and it smashed into hundreds of little pieces! You should have seen his face!

Speaker 2

I saw the whole thing very clearly. You see, I'd just been to the bank and was walking down the street to run into the supermarket to get some milk. Well! I couldn't believe it! He was just helping himself to a TV out of the shop window. I don't know if he smashed the window himself - I didn't see that. But I did get a good look at him. He was quite tall. About, well, I'd say about twenty-five years old. He was white, had short dark hair, and an earring in his left ear. Oh, and he was wearing jeans and a black T-shirt.

Speaker 3

Well, I didn't get a very good look at him because I was in the car, driving past, you know, but he was definitely wearing a blue shirt and jeans. His hair was quite long - dark hair, I think. Yeah, black. What else? His age? Oh, he wasn't young. In his late forties or early fifties, I'd say.

flag.jpgAs a class, compare your answers. Then listen again and check your answers.

Speaker 1

As soon as I saw him, I called the police on my mobile. They asked for adescription on the phone, so I gave them one. I remember everything ingreat detail. Well, I got a very good look at him. He was in hismid-thirties, with short brown hair. He didn't have an earring - I knowone of the other witnesses said he did, but he didn't. He did have agold chain around his neck, though. His clothes - he was wearing a blackshirt and jeans. The funniest thing was when he started running downthe street with the TV 'cos he dropped it and it smashed into hundredsof little pieces! You should have seen his face!

Speaker 2

I saw the whole thing very clearly. You see, I'd just been to the bankand was walking down the street to run into the supermarket to get somemilk. Well! I couldn't believe it! He was just helping himself to a TVout of the shop window. I don't know if he smashed the window himself - Ididn't see that. But I did get a good look at him. He was quite tall.About, well, I'd say about twenty-five years old. He was white, hadshort dark hair, and an earring in his left ear. Oh, and he was wearingjeans and a black T-shirt.

Speaker 3

Well, I didn't get a very good look at him because I was in the car,driving past, you know, but he was definitely wearing a blue shirt andjeans. His hair was quite long - dark hair, I think. Yeah, black. Whatelse? His age? Oh, he wasn't young. In his late forties or earlyfifties, I'd say.


flag.jpgListen to a police officer describing the crime. Write a word, number or short phrase in each gap to complete the police report.
Key.1    3.20 pm
2    13th September
3    Winchester
4    electrical
5    ten / 10
6    white male
7    shoplifting
8    department store
9    nine / 9
10  forty-four/44


Police officer

The first we heard of it, a woman - Seline Davanti is her name - called the police station from her mobile phone. That was at twenty past three in the afternoon on Thursday the 13th of September last year. Miss Davanti was standing in Winchester Street in the town centre, and said she could see a man trying to steal a television from the smashed window of Jasper and Sons electrical suppliers. The police station radioed me - I was in my police car at the time -and I raced to Winchester Street. When I got there, I met Miss Davanti and several other witnesses standing outside the shop. There was a broken TV about ten metres further down the pavement. Each of the witnesses gave me a description of the thief, who had run off when he dropped the TV. Their descriptions were not all the same, and it wasn't clear whether his hair was long or short, whether his shirt was black or blue, or what kind of jewellery he was wearing. It appeared, however, that the person we wanted was a white male with dark hair who was wearing jeans. Well, a lot of people fit that description, so it was difficult to know where to start looking. In fact, we caught the thief within an hour. At quarter past four I got a message saying a man had been caught shoplifting by a security guard at a local department store called Madison's. When I got to the shop, the man seemed to fit the description of the TV thief. Eventually, he confessed to the crime. And to another eight similar crimes. His name's Adrian Fisher, and he's forty-four years old. He was sent to prison for four and a half years.

flag.jpgAs a class, discuss these questions.

1.  Have toy read or heard about any crimes in your area recently?
2.  What happened?
3.  Have the criminals been caught yet?

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