English Globe understanding the world

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Unit 16. Education

pair.jpgLook at the pictures. In pairs, discuss the following questions:
•    What are the arguments in favour of school uniforms?
•    What are the arguments against school uniforms?
•    Do you think school uniforms are a good idea?
•    Does it matter what teachers wear in the classroom?


flag.jpgListen to the background noise from five different places. As youlisten, match each noise with one of the places, A-F. You will only usefive of the places.
Key.1E   2B   ЗА   4F   5C
1 __________________
2 __________________
3 __________________
4 __________________
5 __________________
A  a playground
В  a library
С  a school canteen
D  a car
E   an office
F   a shop
1    sounds of an office   
2    sounds of a library   
3    sounds of a playground
4    sounds of a shop
5    sounds of a school canteen

flag.jpgYou're going to listen to seven people talking in different places.Before you listen, write down three things you might expect to hear themtalking about in these places.
Key.1: homework, classmates, school rules 2: students, marking, other teachers 3: parents, students, teachers 4: an academic subject, eg mathematics, taking notes, homework 5: an accident, other traffic, being late 6: prices, fashion, guarantee 
at home   
in a classroom             
in a school staff room
in a headteacher's office
in a lecture hall
in a car
in a shop

flag.jpgNow listen to them talking. As you listen, decide where the person is speaking.
Key.1d   2e   3c   4a   5g   6b   7f
1   _________
2   _________
3   _________
4   _________
5   _________
6   _________
7   _________
a    at home
b    in a classroom
с    in a school staff room
d    in a headteacher's office
e    in a lecture hall
f     in a car
g    in a shop
1    (headmistress) Thanks for coming in today, Mr Runkin. It's about Sammy.
2    (lecturer) And you'll see from this slide here that pottery fromthe Minoan civilization was clearly influenced by the Minoans' tradewith Egypt and the Middle East.
3    (teacher) D'you know, I've got about 200 essays to mark over the weekend.
4    (boy) Yeah, I've finished. Can I go round Tommy's now for a bit?
5    (woman) And we'll need three grey shirts, too. Have you got any small ones in stock?
6    (teacher) Right, I'd like you all to turn to page thirty-six, please. Now, Amy, I'd like you to ...
7    (driving instructor) Right, now get ready to turn left at the nextjunction. That's right. Start indicating. Good. Reduce your speed. Don'tforget to...

flag.jpgNow listen again. This time, write on the lines provided who youthink is talking, and who they are talking to. Do not write any names.
Key.1    lecturer; audience/students
2    teacher; teacher
3    child / boy; parent
4    customer; shopkeeper / shop assistant
5    teacher; students / class
6    driving instructor; driver
Who is speaker 1?
Who is speaker 1 talking to?
1    Who is speaker 2?
     Who is speaker 2 talking to?
2    Who is speaker 3?
     Who is speaker 3 talking to?
3    Who is speaker 4?
     Who is speaker 4 talking to?
4    Who is speaker 5?
     Who is speaker 5 talking to?
5    Who is speaker 6?
     Who is speaker 6 talking to?
6    Who is speaker 7?
      Who is speaker 7 talking to?

1    (headmistress) Thanks for coming in today, Mr Runkin. It's about Sammy.
2    (lecturer) And you'll see from this slide here that pottery fromthe Minoan civilization was clearly influenced by the Minoans' tradewith Egypt and the Middle East.
3    (teacher) D'you know, I've got about 200 essays to mark over the weekend.
4    (boy) Yeah, I've finished. Can I go round Tommy's now for a bit?
5    (woman) And we'll need three grey shirts, too. Have you got any small ones in stock?
6    (teacher) Right, I'd like you all to turn to page thirty-six, please. Now, Amy, I'd like you to ...
7    (driving instructor) Right, now get ready to turn left at the nextjunction. That's right. Start indicating. Good. Reduce your speed. Don'tforget to...

flag.jpgNow listen to more of what they say. For each statement below, circle the correct word.  
Key.1    worried
2    doesn't
3    agree
4    permission
5    helpful
6    strict
7    encouraging
1    The parent is worried / nervous.
2    The lecturer does / doesn't ask the audience a question.
3    The two teachers agree / disagree with each other.
4    The mother gives her son advice / permission.
5    The shop assistant is helpful / thoughtless.
6    The teacher is strict / rude.
7    The instructor is encouraging / critical.



H/mistress Thanks for coming in today, Mr Runkin. It's about Sammy.
Parent       Is anything wrong?
H/mistress  Well, to tell you the truth we're all a little concerned about Sammy's attitude in class. He doesn't seem to be paying as much attention as he used to, and I've even had reports that he's beginning to be rude to some of the teachers.
Parent       I see. Oh, dear.


Lecturer   And you'll see from this slide here that pottery from
the Minoan civilization was clearly influenced by the Minoans' trade with Egypt and the Middle East. Right, could we have the lights back on, please? Okay, so, the question we have to address is whether the Minoans ...


Teacher 1 D'you know, I've got about 200 essays to mark over the weekend.
Teacher 2 Me too. I mean, I don't mind. I know it's part of the job and all that but...
Teacher 1 But the kids don't seem to understand, do they? They're always saying, 'Have you marked my essay yet? Have you marked my essay yet?' as if we only had one to mark.
Teacher 2 I know. Still, at least they're keen.


Mum    You finished your homework yet?
Boy    Yeah, I've finished. Can I go round Tommy's now for a bit?
Mum        All right, love. Don't be late though. I want you in bed by half nine.
Boy    Okay. See you later.
Mum        Bye, love.


Woman    And we'll need three grey shirts, too. Have you got any small ones in stock?
Assistant     I'll just have a look for you. You did say small, didn't you?
Woman    Yes, that's right.
Assistant   Here we go. Three small ones.


Teacher     Right, I'd like you all to turn to page thirty-six, please. Now, Amy, I'd like you to ... Sean, are you chewing gum? How many times have I told you I won't allow gum in my classroom? Take it out now, please. In the bin ...


Driving instructor     You're doing very well. That's it. Watch your speedometer. Good.
Learner     I think I'm getting the hang of it at last.
Driving instructor     Yup, you'll be ready for your test soon. Right, now get instructor ready to turn left at the next junction. That's right. Start indicating. Good. Reduce your speed. Don't forget to ...

Look back at your answers to C, D and E. What do you think each situation is an example of? Circle the best choice.
Key.Situation 1 a meeting
Situation 2 a lecture
Situation 3 a chat between colleagues
Situation 4 a conversation
Situation 5 a conversation in a clothes shop
Situation 6 a lesson
Situation 7 a driving lesson

Situation 1
a a meeting
b an interview
Situation 2
a a lesson
b a lecture
Situation 3
a a chat between friends
b a chat between colleagues   
Situation 4
a a conversation
b a disagreement
Situation 5
a a conversation in a clothes shop
b a conversation in a shoe shop
Situation 6
a a meeting
b a lesson
Situation 7
a a driving test
b a driving lesson
In pairs, discuss your answers to В, C, D and E. Do you agree onwhere they are? Do you agree on who is talking and who they are talkingto? Did you circle the same words in E? Do you agree on what type ofsituation it is?

Read these sentences and then use the words in bold to complete the sentences below.
Key.1    special needs
2    lectures
3    school uniform
4    gap year/year off/year out
5    lesson
6    lecturer
7    undergrad(uate)
8    PhD
9    professor
10  subject

•    I'm going to take a gap year/year off/year out before university, to travel round Europe.
•    Our French lesson on Thursdays is two hours long.
•    Physics is my least favourite subject. I find it so boring!
•    If you are a professor, you have a very senior position in a department at a university.
•    A lecturer is a teacher at a university or college. Не/She is less senior than a professor.
•    When I was at university, I had ten hours of lectures and six hours of seminars each week.
•    Masha is an undergraduate at Moscow State University. If she passes her exams, she'll get her degree next summer.
•    I got my degree in English Literature, then I did an MA and now I'm working for my PhD. When I get that, I'll officially be called Doctor Stephens.
•    Pauline teaches kids with special needs at a Comprehensive in London. She says it's hard work, but very rewarding.
•    When I was at school, the school uniform was a pair of grey trousers and a blue sweater. We wore grey shorts in the summer!
1    Teachers have begun to realise that learners with ____________,such as children with dyslexia, need particular help and support.
2    Dr Dawkins' ____________ are always entertaining. He makes astrophysics come alive.
3    Wearing a ____________ means you don't have to worry about what to put on!
4    I went to Australia for my ____________. It taught me about surviving in the real world.
5    There was a fire practice during our German ____________ this morning, so we didn't have a test!
6    Simon was a/an ____________ for twenty years before they made him a professor.
7    When I was a/an ____________, you used to get a grant from the government to cover your living expenses at university.
8    I'm thinking of doing a ____________ on the similarities between Eminem's rap lyrics and the poetry of Robert Browning.
9    Like most university lecturers, Angela hopes to become a ____________ one day.
10  I'm thinking of doing another A level, but I can't decide which ____________ to choose.

Listening know-how
• Выполняя задание H, помните, что фразы "Speaker One", "Speaker Twо" ит.д. отсутствуют аудиозаписи. Аудиотекст представлен небольшимиотрывками, которые разделены короткими паузами. Чтобы избежать случайнойошибки при записи ответа, отмечайте вопросы, которые уже прозвучали.
•Выполняя задание I, вы услышите разговор трех собеседников. Слушаязапись, обращайте особое внимание на имена, для того, чтобы точно знать,кому принадлежит тот или иной голос.

flag.jpgYou will hear five people talking about teachers they had when theywere at school. For questions 1-5, choose from the list A-F how each oneof them describes his or her teacher. Use the letters only once. Thereis one extra letter you do not need to use.
Key.Speaker 1: С   
Speaker 2: F   
Speaker 3: В
Speaker 4: A  
Speaker 5: E
A He / She was encouraging.
В He / She was sympathetic.
С He / She was funny.
D He / She was strict.
E He / She was generous.
F He / She was respectful. 
Speaker 1 _____________ 1
Speaker 2 _____________ 2
Speaker 3 _____________ 3
Speaker 4 _____________ 4
Speaker 5 _____________ 5

Speaker 1

Mr Taylor, he was called. Taught us English in the sixth form. He was a scream! He used to do these impersonations of the other teachers. Brilliant, it was! Had us rolling around on the floor. The best one he did was of the headmistress. She was really strict, and he used to come into the class waddling, as she used to do, and say 'Mr Taylor can't be here today so, I'm taking the class. Sit down, shut up, and don't make a sound for the next hour' Got her off to a tee. Hysterical!

Speaker 2

Well, usually at my school we were called by our surnames by the teachers, you know, 'Williams, where's your homework?' or 'Williams, stop running!' but there was one teacher, Miss Granger, who insisted on calling us Mr or Miss. So it would be, 'Mr Williams, please don't be late again.' or 'Not bad, Miss Farley. Quite encouraging, in fact' You know, it really made a difference. We all felt she was treating us like adults rather than small children.

Speaker 3

Of course, my parents split up when I was in the fourth form, so things weren't exactly easy for me for a while, and my school work did start to suffer. Mr Potter, though, the headmaster, was really understanding and he'd often call me into his office and ask if everything was okay and if he could help in any way. I'll never forget him, actually. His lessons were really boring, but he was kind to me.

Speaker 4

Well, I was rubbish at maths - I mean, really useless - I'd never even got the hang of multiplication and division, and most of my maths teachers had just given up on me, but there was this one teacher, Mrs Walker her name was, who I had for maths in the fifth year. Anne,' she used to say, Anne, you can do it. I know you can do it. You've just got to believe in yourself She gave me the confidence I'd been lacking all those years. And look at me now. Passed my exams, maths at university and now a well-paid accountant. I owe everything to her, you know.

Speaker 5

We used to have this thing called the plus and minus system. You know, if you did something good or if you did well in a test or something, the teacher would give you a plus, but if you did anything bad you'd get a minus. Well, one teacher, Mr Barker, really liked our class, and he used to give us loads of plusses. It was bizarre! You know, he'd hand the homework back and at the bottom it would say: 'Very well done!' and there'd be, like, five plusses. All the other teachers only ever gave one, or maybe two if you'd done something really special. [repeated]

flag.jpgYou will hear a conversation which takes place in a seminar atuniversity, between a lecturer and two students, Erika and Paul. Answerquestions 6-12 by writing L for Lecturer E for Erika or P for Paul, inthe boxes provided.
Key.Remind students that they will hear the piece twice.
6L  7E   8P  9L  10L  11E   12P
6    Who apologises for being late? ________
7    Who explains that they were too busy to do something? ________
8    Who wants to consider more than one book? ________
9    Who rejects someone's suggestion? ________
10  Who mentions being a student? ________
11  Who thought the deadline was later? ________
12  Who is going away on a trip? ________


Lecturer    Sorry guys. Staff meeting went on a bit longer than it should have. Now, as you know, we're continuing to look at the European novel throughout this term and I asked you last week to think about what you parti¬cularly want to concentrate on for your first assessed essay Erika, have you had any thoughts on this?
Erika    Umm ... well, to be honest, I'm not entirely sure yet as I... umm ... haven't actually ...
Lecturer    You have got all the books on this term's reading list, haven't you? Didn't you read them over the summer?
Erika    Well, you see, the thing is, I was working over the summer and... I have got the books, but, let's say I've got rather a lot of reading to do over the next week or so. But I'll get it done, I promise.
Lecturer    Well, you really must. Paul, how about you? Have you got any ideas?
Paul    Yes, I'm toying with the idea of comparing Anna Karenina and Madame Bovary in terms of their destruction through love. Would it be all right if I actually looked at two texts like that?
Erika    I don't suppose I could do a comparison between a novel and a film could I? I mean, a novel and a film version of the same novel.
Lecturer    I'd rather you didn't, to be honest, Erika, as I don't really want to get into looking at film on this course.
Erika    Oh, right.
Lecturer    But your idea, Paul, is rather a good choice for an essay, actually. I seem to remember I did something similar when I was an undergraduate. What I would like is to see a plan for both your essays by the thirteenth of next month, if that's okay with you.
Erika    Oh, actually I thought we had until the thirtieth, but, er, never mind. I'm sure I'll be ready in time.
Paul    Would you mind if I brought my plan along next Tuesday, as I won't be around in the week leading up to the thirteenth? I'll be on that Shakespeare week in Stratford.
Lecturer    Yes, no problem. Bring it along when you come next
week. [repeated]

TapescriptYou didn't go to Cambridge, did you?
You didn't go to Cambridge, did you?
1    Adam hasn't left school, has he?
2    Helen doesn't teach Latin, does she?
3    Graham isn't in the fifth form, is he?
4    You didn't get a student loan, did you?
5    Student grants don't exist anymore, do they?
6    You won't be at the school play tomorrow night, will you?
7    We can't take the exam in December, can we?

Key.1    surprised
2    surprised
3    expects 'No'
4    surprised
5    expects 'No'
6    expects 'No'
7    surprised

Listen to someone saying this sentence two different ways:
You didn't go to Cambridge, did you?

The meaning depends on the tone of voice.
The first time, the speaker expects the answer 'No, I didn't.'
The second time, another person has just said that they went to Cambridge, and the speaker is expressing surprise at this information.
Now listen to these seven questions. For each one, decide if the speaker expects the answer 'No', or if they are surprised at the information they have just heard. Tick the appropriate box.
 expects 'No'

Unit 15     Unit 16     Unit 17 forward.jpg