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Unit 19. The Weather

pair.jpgLook at the pictures. In pairs, ask and answer the following questions
•    How do you prefer to find out about the weather?
•    Are you interested in knowing what the forecast is every day?
•    Why is the weather forecast so important to some people?
•    How accurate do you think weather forecasts are?

Look at task I and read these statements. Decide if they are true or false. Circle T for True and F for False.
Key.1F   2F   3F   4T   5T   6F   7T
1    You need to write complete sentences in the gaps.    T / F
2    You can only write one word in each gap.    T / F
3    You might have to write as many as ten words in one gap.        T / F
4    The exact word or phrase that you need to write is in the listening somewhere.    T / F
5    The gaps are in the same order as the information which you hear.    T / F
6    Your answer will be marked wrong if you make a spelling mistake.    T / F
7    You can write numbers in a gap, where appropriate.    T / F
Look at these three examples of gaps.
Key.Word to complete the gaps: hot, hotter, normal, higher, etc
Phrase to complete the gaps: hotter than today, unusual for June, colder than yesterday, etc

1   Temperature tomorrow: _________________1
2   What will the temperature be tomorrow? _________________2
3   The temperature tomorrow will be _________________3

Now think about possible kinds of answers.

Write an answer involving a number which fits in all three gaps:        25       
Now write down one word which would fit all three gaps: ___________
Finally, write a phrase (of between two and five words) which fits all three gaps:

As a class, discuss your choices.

How many different words or phrases fit all three gaps?

Here is another gap.
Do your choices fit this gap too? If not, discuss why not.
4  The temperature tomorrow will be __________________4 today.
Look at these words and phrases. Decide which of the gaps above they can fill, if any. Tick or cross.

1    42   
2    42°   
3    forty-two deg    rees
4    cool   
5    cooler than   
6    coolest   
7    cooler than yesterday  
8    coolness    
gap 1  
gap 2  
gap 3  
gap 4  

flag.jpgYou are going to listen to the beginning of a weather forecast. Asyou listen, write one word in each gap to complete the sentences.
Key.1 hotter   2 humidity  
3 bright  4 cloud
1   The temperature tomorrow will be ___________________1 than today.
2   There is not much ___________________2 in the air.
3   Tomorrow will be ___________________3, especially at noon.
4   There will not be much ___________________4.

And now, over to Elaine in the weather room.
Elaine    Hello, and a very good evening to you all. Well,
another hot day today, reaching 38 degrees in some parts of the country, and it's going to get even hotter tomorrow. Yes, we're really in the middle of a heatwave now. It could even reach as high as 44 degrees in parts of the South East tomorrow. The good news is that there's very little humidity in the air, only 16% in fact, so we won't all be sweating too much. But it is going to be bright, particularly around midday and in the early afternoon, and there's going to be very little cloud for most of the day, so do put on that sunscreen if you're going to be outside.

flag.jpgNow listen again. This time, all your answers will be phrases of between two and five words, or will involve numbers.
Key.1    38°
2    (parts of) the South East
3    16(%)
4    in the early afternoon
     highest temperature: ________________________1
     up to 44 degrees in: ________________________2
     humidity (per cent): ________________________3
     bright, particularly around midday and ________________________4

And now, over to Elaine in the weather room.
Elaine    Hello, and a very good evening to you all. Well,
another hot day today, reaching 38 degrees in some parts of the country,and it's going to get even hotter tomorrow. Yes, we're really in themiddle of a heatwave now. It could even reach as high as 44 degrees inparts of the South East tomorrow. The good news is that there's verylittle humidity in the air, only 16% in fact, so we won't all besweating too much. But it is going to be bright, particularly aroundmidday and in the early afternoon, and there's going to be very littlecloud for most of the day, so do put on that sunscreen if you're goingto be outside.
Here are some more gaps for the same weather forecast. Can youremember any of the answers? Write a word or short phrase in each one.It doesn't matter if it is only a guess.
1    What is the name of the weather presenter?
2    What is the country experiencing at the noment?   
3    Where will it be hottest tomorrow?
4    The air will not contain much
      ____________________________________4 tomorrow.   
5    People will not be   
      ____________________________________5 much tomorrow.   
6    There won't be much   
      ____________________________________6 for most of the day.   
7    What should people wear outside?   

flag.jpgNow listen one more time and check your answers to G. Change any of the guesses that you got wrong.
Key.1 Elaine  2 a heatwave               
3 the South East  4 humidity
5 sweating  6 cloud
7 sunscreen

And now, over to Elaine in the weather room.
Elaine    Hello, and a very good evening to you all. Well,
another hot day today, reaching 38 degrees in some parts of the country,and it's going to get even hotter tomorrow. Yes, we're really in themiddle of a heatwave now. It could even reach as high as 44 degrees inparts of the South East tomorrow. The good news is that there's verylittle humidity in the air, only 16% in fact, so we won't all besweating too much. But it is going to be bright, particularly aroundmidday and in the early afternoon, and there's going to be very littlecloud for most of the day, so do put on that sunscreen if you're goingto be outside.

Read these sentences and then use the words in bold to complete the sentences below.
Key.1 hail                            
2 drizzling
3 spell
4 snowed in
5 waterproofs
6 flooding
7 windy
8 banks
9 meteorologists
10 sunny
•    We were snowed in for three days and couldn't even get to the shops.
•    If the river rises any higher, the whole town is in danger of flooding.
•    If it carries on raining, then the river may well burst its banks.
•    The weatherman said that we're in for a cold spell over the next few days.
•    These days, meteorologists rely on sophisticated computers to forecast the weather.
•    It was so windy that my umbrella kept turning inside out!
•    Let's go for a walk in the country if it's sunny tomorrow.
•    You'd better take your waterproofs. They say it's going to rain quite heavily later.
•    Hail is small pieces of ice which fall from the sky.
•    If it is drizzling, it's raining very lightly.

1    I got caught in a __________________ storm. It was actually quite painful!
2    It's only __________________. I'm not going to bother to take my umbrella.
3    We had a really hot __________________ last week. It was lovely. We had a barbecue in the garden every evening.
4    I hope we don't get __________________. I've got an important meeting tomorrow.
5    Remember to bring your __________________. They'll keep you warm and dry if the weather turns bad.
6    The regular __________________ could be avoided if the council putin a proper drainage system. At the moment, there's nowhere for thewater to flow to.
7   Do you think it's too __________________ to fly my kite?
8   The local council are strengthening the __________________ of theriver in an attempt to prevent a repeat of last year's flooding.
9   Are all the weathermen and weathergirls on TV professional __________________?
10 It was a beautiful __________________ day. There wasn't a cloud in the sky.

Listening know-how
• Выполняя задание I, помните, что ваш ответ не должен состоять болеечем из пяти слов. Старайтесь избегать в ответах лишней информации.
• В задании J пропуски даны в том же порядке, что и информация в текстена кассете. Например, если вы не услышали ответ па вопрос 4, но услышалиответ па вопрос 5, имейте в виду, что ответ на вопрос 4 прозвучалраньше.

flag.jpgYou will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-8, choose the best answer, А, В or С
Key.1С   2B   ЗА   4B   5B   6B   7B   8A 
1    You hear a man talking about a football match. Why was the match cancelled? ____________1
      A   because of the bad weather
      В   because of football hooligans
      С   because of an accident
2    You hear someone talking on a mobile phone. Who is she talking to? ____________2
      A   a customer
      В   a colleague
      С   a relative
3    You overhear two people in a travel agent's arguing about a trip. What do they disagree about? ____________3
      A   how warm it will be
      В   how sunny it will be
      С   how humid it will be
4    You hear a weather forecast on the radio. What will the weather be like tomorrow in the north? ____________4
      A   wet
      В   windy
      С   bright
5    Listen to this news report about a flood. What was the probable cause of the flood? ____________5
      A   a river bursting its banks
      В   a broken pipe
      С   heavy rainfall
6    You hear two academics talking on television about global warming. What are they arguing about? ____________6
      A   the existence of global warming
      В   the causes of global warming
      С   the effects of global warming
7    Listen to this man talking about the weather. Who is he? ____________7
      A   a vet
      В   a farmer
      С   a butcher
8    Listen to this woman talking about weather forecasting. How does she feel? ____________8
      A   angry
      В   worried
      С   amused



It was twenty past two, and the match was supposed to start at half past. We didn't know what to do. Pouring with rain, it was, but the stadium was still full. Then we got word that their bus had crashed on the way here. Hit a car, or something. No one was injured, thank goodness, but they weren't going to make it. Well, that was it. I had to make an announcement that the match had been cancelled. Some of the usual hooligans in the crowd started to make a bit of trouble, of course, but the police soon put a stop to that. [repeated]


No ... no ... there's absolutely no way I can get back today. We're basically snowed in here ... yeah, I've tried. There are no flights at all. Look, I'm going to be at John's house ... yeah, my brother, that's right. You've got the number, haven't you? Okay... but I want to ask you a favour. Can you look on my desk and see if there's a file with 'Winchester' written on the top ... You got it? Great. He's one of our best clients and I've got to get in touch with him today... What? Cancelled the order? ... When? ... Are you sure? Okay, well give me his number and I'll call him immediately... [repeated]


Woman     Well, I don't really care about that. I mean, we're not the kind to be lying on the beach all day sunbathing anyway, are we?
Man    No, true. But we don't want to go anywhere chilly, do we?
Woman     It won't be chilly. It's the middle of summer.
Man    Well, the brochure says you need to take a jumper. That sounds like chilly to me.
Woman     You're just being silly. It'll be fine during the day. Anyway, you know you always moan if it's too humid. It's better to go somewhere a bit cooler.
Man    Oh, we're not going anywhere humid, that's for sure.
Woman     Well, at least we agree on something, [repeated]


Weather   ... with a top temperature of 24 degrees.
presenter Tomorrow, very much like today, in fact, with most of the country still enjoying the sunshine we've been experiencing over the past few days. Expect some gales in the North, however, so hold onto your hats towards mid-morning, and it'll probably be a bit more cloudy up there than it is down south, too, but it should remain dry. (fade) In the evening ... [repeated]


Reporter   I'm standing in what was, until yesterday, the main road through the picturesque town of Moxham. As you can see, it's now a river flowing through the town. The water's way above my ankles, and I must say I'm rather glad I brought a good pair of wellies with me. As the clean-up operation starts in earnest, local residents are now asking why this happened. A burst water-drainage pipe on the outskirts of town has been located, but as there's been no rainfall here at all over the last few weeks, the question still remains as to what exactly led to the breakage, and where the water came from. Local Councillor Jason Parkes is placing the blame squarely... [repeated]


Woman     ... and I don't think even Professor Warren can disagree with me on that.
Man    No, Shirley's absolutely right to say that global warming is now a reality and we have to face up to it. And there's also no doubt that it's going to have a very great impact on life on this planet over the next few thousand years or so.
Woman     There's no going back, if you like.
Man    Quite. But whether the human race is responsible for what's happened is still open to debate, in my opinion.
Woman     Oh, come on. The evidence is overwhelming ...
Man    Yes, the evidence that you care to put forward. But I can come up with equally... [repeated]


Man    Makes my life a misery, it does, the snow. And we always get it here, regular as clockwork. First week of January, down it comes. Snowed in for three weeks we were last winter. And, you know, in this line of work - we've got over 600 beef cattle, you know, all told - if you can't keep the animals healthy and well fed, you're done for. No cows, no meat. No meat, no money. [repeated]


Woman     Well, it's just ridiculous, isn't it? I mean, there's no
excuse. The biggest storm for the last thirty years, who knows how much damage has been done? Frightening really, and they failed to predict it. They've only got one thing to do, for goodness sake. Tell us what the weather's going to be tomorrow. And they can't even get that right. It's laughable, it really is. Well, the joke's on them for sure, this time. People aren't going to put up with it any longer, I can tell you. [repeated]

flag.jpgYou will hear a radio presenter talking about an Internet website.For questions 9-18, fill in the missing information with a word or shortphrase.
Key.9 Weather Watchers 
10    history
11    blood
12    information
13    quiz 
14    a thousand questions / 1000 questions
15    dictionary
16    video film
17    teenagers
18    Goldman College

Search & Find Factsheet No. 22
name of website: ______________________9
website address: www.ww.co.uk
subject: strange weather in ______________________10
such as: raining frogs, stones, ______________________11, lizards
site also includes:
  • other useful ______________________12
  • ______________________13 page
  • (with more than ______________________14)  
  • ______________________15 of meteorological terms
  • (with photos or ______________________16)
  • links to other websites
ideal for: ______________________17 working on projects
website designed by: students at ______________________18


Hello and welcome to another edition of Search and Find, the show that showcases the best websites on the net. This week, we're going to start by taking you to a lovely little site, Weather Watchers, which you'll find, rather a weird address this, at www.ww.co.uk. It's absolutely free, and it's all about the strangest kinds of weather recorded throughout history. And strange they certainly are. Forget about raining cats and dogs, this site has some far weirder examples. Did you know, there are recorded cases of it raining frogs, stones, blood and even lizards? But there's all sorts of other useful information, too. In fact, anything you want to know about the weather since they first started collecting data several hundred years ago. Want to know the hottest day on record in Britain? It's there. Which town has the highest average rainfall each year? This'll tell you. Want to know every occasion it's snowed in London in the last four hundred years? Well, you can find out here.
Another interesting feature is the quiz page. There are over a thousand questions in total, graded from beginner through to expert. See how much you really know about weather and climate. And if you want to know the difference between a tornado and a cyclone, or when a gale becomes a hurricane, there's a handy little dictionary where you just click on the word and up comes an explanation, usually with photos or video film. It's bright, fun and informative, and there are some useful links too to other weather-related websites, like the Meteorological Office's own official website. The website's very easy to navigate around, so it's ideal for teenagers doing a school project, but anyone interested in matters meteorological should check it out. The whole thing was put together by students from Goldman College, so a big thumbs up to them. And now, let's move on to another website ... [repeated]

When people speak, they often run certain words and phrases together. Listen to this example.
Does it sound like this?
Key.Are you gonna make a decision now, or d'ya wanna wait'n'see what the weather's like?  
Are you going to make a decision now, or do you want to wait and see what the weather is like?
Or this?
  Are you gonna make a decision now, or d'ya wanna wait'n'see what the weather's like?

Listen to these people talking. For each one,fill in the gaps with the written form of the word or phrase they say(i.e. write 'going to' and not 'gonna').
Key.1    shouldn't have been / were you
2    I'm going to try and leave / the roads are
3    I shan't
4    don't know / didn't hear a
5    don't want to / traffic will be / there will / lots for / We'll give them / to see / they're coming
1    You ____________________ out in such bad weather. What ____________________ thinking?
2    I think ____________________ in the morning, whatever ____________________ like.
3    ____________________ use a flash, as the sun's quite bright anyway.
4    I ____________________. I ____________________ weather forecast this morning.
5    They ____________________ come if it's snowing. The____________________ bad, and ____________________ be____________________ them to do on the farm. ____________________ a ringin the morning ____________________ if ____________________.



You shouldn't have been out in such bad weather. What were you thinking? [repeated]


I think I'm going to try and leave in the morning, whatever the roads are like, [repeated]


I shan't use a flash, as the sun's quite bright anyway [repeated]


I don't know. I didn't hear a weather forecast this morning. [repeated]


They don't want to come if it's snowing. The traffic will be bad, and ttiere'll be lots for them to do on the farm. We'll give them a ring in the morning to see if they're coming, [repeated]

Unit 18     Unit 19     Unit 20 forward.jpg