English Globe understanding the world

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Unit 24. Speaking skills development 2


Script for teachersExaminer:      Now, I'm going to give each of you two different photographs. I'd like you both to show each other your pictures and then talk about them. You each have only one minute for this, so don't worry if I interrupt you. Student A, here are your two pictures. Please let Student В see them. They show different places. Student B, I'll give you your pictures in a minute. Student A, I'd like you to compare and contrast these pictures saying what you find attractive and unattractive about each place. Remember, you only have one minute. All right?
(Student A: approximately 1 minute)
Examiner:      Thank you. Student B, can you tell us which place you would prefer to live near?
(Student B: approximately 20 seconds)
Examiner:      Thank you. Now, Student B, here are your pictures. Please let Student A see them. They show two different kinds of job. I'd like you to compare and contrast them saying which job you would prefer to have. Remember, you only have one minute. (Student B: approximately 1 minute)
Examiner:       Thank you. Student A, how do you feel about these jobs? (Student A: approximately 20 seconds)
Examiner:      Thank you.


Script for teachersExaminer:      I'd like you to imagine that you are doing a project at school aboutthe environment. You need to do some research. Here are some things thatmight help you with your research. I'd like you to discuss how eachthing could help you find the information you need. Then, decide whichthree would be the most useful for your research, and why. Remember, youhave about three minutes for this.

Your teacher will ask you some questions related to the theme of Task 3.

What's your local environment like?
Are you concerned about environmental issues?
What are the main causes of environmental damage?
What can people do to help protect the environment?
How easy is it to recycle things where you live?
Are you generally optimistic or pessimistic about the future of the planet?

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