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"Milo" by Jennifer Bassett

Milo - aдаптированная аудиокнига для чтения с одновременнымпрослушиванием. Насыщенность лексического материала и профессиональноеозвучивание сделают увлекательным и чтение и работу над навыкомаудирования как при самостоятельных занятиях, так и во время работыгруппой.

In 2008, Sally Gardiner makes friends with Milo, ayoung student. When he tells Sally why he is different from other boysof his age, she does not believe him. Years later, however, she realizesthat he was right. She sits down to write a letter of warning to hergranddaughter, Lola.
Storylines are lively, original storieswith contemporary themes, illustrated in full colour. They are carefullygraded at four levels to encourage students to read for pleasure.

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