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Lesson 7. My Birthday's on Thursday.


Lesson 7; Part A

important.jpgHow to make the sound /з:/
/з:/  is a long sound.
Look at the diagram. 
Listen and say the sound.
To make this sound, your mouth and your tongue should be very relaxed.
Target sound: /з:/
note.jpgNote: /з:/ is a sound English speakers often make when they aren't sure what to say, and we often write it 'er'.
A: What date is it today? B: Er, I think it's the tenth.

Lesson 7; Part B

spelling.jpgSound and spelling
/з:/ is spelled ir, or, ur, our, ear or er.
Listen and say these words.
ir       bird     first     birthday     circle     thirty
or      word     work     world     worse     worst
ur      turn     Thursday
our    journey
ear    early     earth     heard     learn
er      service     Germany     prefer     dessert     weren't     verb     university
note.jpgNote: The words her, hers and were are often pronounced with /з:/.

galka.jpgNow listen and say these sentences.

My birthday's on Thursday the thirty-first and hers is a week later.
1    My birthday's on Thursday the thirty-first, and hers is a week later.
2    When would you prefer, Tuesday or Thursday?
3    That was the worst journey in the world!
4    Have you ever heard this word?
5    A: The cakes weren't very good.
      B: I thought they were.
6    She went to university to learn German.

Important for listening!
Notice that there's always an r in the spelling of /з:/. MostAmericans, Scots and Irish, and some other English speakers pronouncethese rs. Listen.
1    My birthday's on Thursday the thirty-first, and hers is a week later.
2    When would you prefer, Tuesday or Thursday?
3    That was the worst journey in the world!
4    Have you ever heard this word?
5    A: The cakes weren't very good.
      B: I thought they were.
6    She went to university to learn German.


wizard.jpgListen and put the words in the correct groups.
beard     car     chair     church    curtains     dirty     door     floor     four     girl     horse    large     March     near    nurse     pair     parked     purse    shirt     shorts     stars     surfer    third     warm     wearing
words with /з:/   
2 _______curtains
3 _______dirty
4 _______girl
5 _______nurse
6 _______purse
7 _______shirt
8 _______surfer
9 _______third
words with /o:/    
2 _______floor
3 _______four
4 _______horse
5 _______shorts
6 _______warm
words with /a:/    
2 _______large
3 _______March
4 _______parked
5 _______stars
words with other sounds
2 _______chair
3 _______near
4 _______pair
5 _______wearing

Check with the Key. Then listen again and repeat.

pen.jpgLook at the picture and complete the sentences, using the words from Exercise 1.
beard     car     chair     church    curtains     dirty     door     floor     four     girl     horse    large     March     near    nurse     pair     parked     purse    shirt     shorts     stars     surfer    third     warm     wearing
7.3.jpg1    The    nurse   is sitting on a _______chair next to the _______girl.  
2    The boy's _______wearing a _______pair of _______shorts and a _______dirty _______shirt.
3    There's a man with a _______beard standing _______near the _______door.
4    The girl's _______purse is on the _______floor next to the bed.
5    It's _______warm in the room.
6    The date is the _______third of _______March.   
7    There's a picture of a _______surfer, and a picture of _______four _______horses.
8    There are flowers on the _______curtains.  
9    Through the windows, you can see a _______church, with a _______large _______car _______parked outside. There are some _______stars in the sky.

Listen to check your answers. Check with the Key. Then listen again and repeat.
pen.jpgListen and write the numbers you hear.
Example:    32   

1    _______34
2    _______13
3    _______1st
4    _______30
5     _______3rd
6     _______21st
7    _______14
8    _______37

Check with the Key. Then listen again and repeat.

wizard.jpgListen and circle the word you hear.
Check with the Key.

1 shirts / shorts Keyshirts       3 bird / beard Keybeard   
2 first / fast Keyfirst              4 heard / head Keyhead

Listen to check your answers. Check with the Key. Then listen again and repeat. 

Lesson 6     Lesson 7    Lesson 8 forward.jpg

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