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Lesson 12. Twenty Days.

/t/ and /d/

Lesson 12; Part A

important.jpgHow to make the sound /t/
Look at the diagrams.
Listen and say the sound.
1    Stop the air with your tongue behind your teeth.
2    Move your tongue down to release the air. If you hold a piece of paper in front of your mouth when you move your tongue down, the paper moves.
Target sound: /t∂/

Lesson 12; Part B

spelling.jpgSound and spelling
/t/ is usually spelled t or tt.
Listen and say these words.
t        tea  till   ten   top   two   twenty   water   bit   complete   eat   eight   light   suit
tt       better   bottle

/t/ is sometimes spelled ed in past tenses.
Listen and say these words.
ed      stopped   washed
/t/ is spelled th in a few names.
Listen and say these words.
th       Thailand    Thames   Thomas
note.jpgNote: The letter t is silent in a few words. Listen and say thesewords.   listen  castle
Note: /ti:/ is the name of the letter T in thealphabet. /ti:/ is also the word tea.  

Lesson 12; Part C

important.jpgHow to make the sound /d/
Look at the diagrams. Listen and say the sound.
1    Stop the air with your tongue behind your teeth.
2    Move your tongue down to release the air.
/d/ is different from /t/ in two ways:
1    If you hold a piece of paper in front of your mouth when you move your tongue down, the paper does not move.
2    There is voicing (vibration from the throat).
Target sound: /d∂/
Listen and say the two sounds, /t∂/ /d∂/ 

Lesson 12; Part D

spelling.jpgSound and spelling
/d/ is spelled d or dd.
Listen and say these words.
d    day     deep     do     door     did     food   good     head     ready
dd    аdd     address     ladder     middle
note.jpgNote: /di:/ is the name of the letter D in the alphabet.
  • Sometimes you don't hear the /t/ or /d/ clearly at the end of a word. Listen to the difference.
1. Something to ea(t)       3. The end of the roa(d)
2. Turn on the ligh(t)        4. Writingon the boar(d)
The vowel sound is longer before /d/ than before /t/. Listen
roa(d)    wro(te)    boar(d)    bough(t)
  • You often dont' hear a /t/ or /d/ when it's between other consonants, so facts sounds like fax and next week sounds like necks week. Listen

A: Tell me all the fac(t)s.    B: I'll tell you nex(t) week.


wizard.jpgListen and complete the sentences.
Example: What shall we do   next   week?

1    2001 was the _______first time I went to Britain.
2    I _______found some money in the street.
3    I worked hard _______last week.
4    Do you know a _______good place to eat near here?  

5    I live in _______West Road.
6    Is this the _______right house?
7    Do you want some _______bread?
8    Do you like my new _______hat

Check with the Key. Then listen again and repeat.  

pen.jpgListen and write the numbers of the words. KEY1. wide   2. wrote
3. set     4. said
5. white  6. sent
7. road   8. sent

send    sent    wide     1       white    said     set     road    wrote

Check with the Key. Then listen again and repeat.

pen.jpgListen and complete the sentences.

1    They _______send us emails every day.
2    I _______spent all my money on CDs.
3    When it stopped snowing we went for a walk across the _______wide fields.
4    People _______build houses next to the beach.

Check with the Key. Then listen again and repeat.

galka.jpgListen and repeat these poems.
Too many twos
Tom and Tim were twins.
Tom said to Tim, "Can I talk to you?"
Tim said to Tom, "Ssh, wait a minute ...
One two is two
Two twos are four
Three twos are six
Four twos are eight
Five twos are ten..."
Tom said to Tim, "And what are two fives?"
Tim said to Tom, "Two fives? Don't ask me!"
A difficult daughter
Doctor Dixon said to his daughter Daria,
"Don't go down town after dark - if s dangerous."
Daria said, "Don't worry, Dad, I won't You know I never do."
Next day when he came home for dinner, he said,
"Daria, dear, you didn't go down town after dark, did you?"
and she said, "No, Dad, I didn't"
But she did.
I don't know the details, but she definitely did.

wizard.jpgListen and circle the word you hear.
Check with the
Key1. watch
2. wide
3. dry
4. writing
5. taught
1    what / watch
2    wide / white
3    dry / try
4    riding / writing
5    taught / thought

Check with the Key. Then listen and repeat.  

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