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Lesson 17. Fresh fish, usually

/∫/ and /3/

Lesson 17; Part A

important.jpgHow to make the sound /∫/
Look at the diagram.
Listen and say the sound.
Your tongue pointsupwards towards the roof of your mouth.
There is some contact betweenthe tongue and the teeth at the sides of the mouth.
There is no voicing(vibration from the throat).
Target sound: /∫/

Lesson 17; Part B

spelling.jpgSound and spelling
/∫/ is usually spelled sh.
Listen and say these words.
shop     fashion     cash     fresh     wash     mushroom 
But  /∫/ is sometimes spelled in different ways. Listen and say these words.
с    ocean
ch    machine
ci    delicious     special
s    sugar     sure
ss    Russia
ti    international
galka.jpgListen and say these sentences.

1    This is a very special pronunciation machine.
2    All our food is fresh, and we serve delicious international specialities.
3    A: You didn't put sugar in my tea, did you?
     B: No.
     A: Are you sure?
This is a very special pronunciation machine. 

Lesson 17; Part C

important.jpg How to make the sound /3/
Look at the diagram.
Listen and say the sound.
Your tongue pointsupwards towards the roof of your mouth.
There is some contact betweenthe tongue and the teeth at the sides of the mouth.
/3/ is differentfrom /∫/ because there is voicing (vibration from the throat).
Targetsound: /333333/
Listen and say the two sounds.
/∫/   /333333/

Lesson 17; Part D

spelling.jpgSound and spelling
There are not many words with /3/. It is usually spelled si or s.
Listen and say these words.
television     Asia     usually
galka.jpgListen and say these sentences.

A: Do you like sport?
B: Yes ... but only on television, usually!


pen.jpgWrite these words.
/'∫ug∂/     sugar  
1    /fi∫/        _______fish
2    /'stei∫n/  _______station
3    /'fini∫/     _______finish
4    /∫aυt/     _______shout
5    /∫o:t/      _______short
6    /di∫/       _______dish
Listen to check your answers. Check with the Key. Then listen and repeat.
wizard.jpgListen and complete the text.


Take your _______cash.
Go to the _______shop.   
Buy some _______fresh _______fish
and some _______fresh _______mushrooms.
Take them home.
_______Wash them.
Cook them for a _______short time.
Put them in a _______dish.
Eat them.
_______Shout, "_______Delicious!"

Check with the Key. Then listen and repeat.

pen.jpgListen and complete the sentences.
  1. Yes,we're an _______international business.We're based in _______Russia, but wefly to anywhere in _______Asia and thePacific _______Ocean.
  2. A: Why are you _______shouting at that _______machine?
    B: It's eaten my _______cash!
Check with the Key. Then listen and repeat.

wizard.jpgListen and circle the word you hear.
Check with the
Key1. shoe
2. shoes
1    shoe / Sue   
2    shoes / choose  

Check with the Key. Then listen and repeat.   

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