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Lesson 35. Me and You, You and Me.

Linking Words Together

Lesson 35; Part A

galka.jpgWe use the sounds /j/ and /w/ to link a vowel sound at the end of a word with a vowel sound at the beginning of the next word.
galka.jpgIf the first word ends with a vowel sound like /i/ or /i:/, and the nextword starts with any vowel sound, we use /j/ to link the words. Listen.
me_jand you
jor four
galka.jpgIf the first word ends with a vowel sound like /u/ or /u:/, and the nextword starts with any vowel sound, we use /w/ to link the words. Listen.
you_wand me    two_wor three     go_woutside 

Lesson 35; Part B

galka.jpgListen and repeat these poems.35.1.jpg

Asking the way

Go_wout of the building.
Go_walong the street
Co_wover the bridge.
Go_wacross the street
Go_wup the hill.
Take the_ jeighth street on your left
And the_weleventh on your right
Then ...
I'm not sure -You'll have to_wask again.


I'll do_wone for you
I'll give you_wone too
a nice one
a new_wone
a yellow_wand blue_wone. 
idea.jpgImportant for listening!
The letter h at the beginning of he, his, her and him is often notpronounced, so the first sound in these words is often avowel sound. Listen.
He can't come out tonight. He's got to do_w(h)is homework.
A: I'm afraid the boss is busy. B: When can I see_j(h)er?


galka.jpgListen and complete the dialogues.

1    A: Do  you often  go swimming? B: Not really, I _______only go onceor twice a month.
2    A: What's _______the eight letter in the alphabet? B: Maybe it's G or H _______or J?
3    A: When do _______you go on holiday? B: We _______usually go in July or August.
4    A: What's your _______new adress? B: Twenty-eight, Sea Avenue.
5    A: Try _______to answer soon. B: OK, I'll send you my answer _______by email.
6    A: Look! There's _______snow on the mountains. B: Really? I can't _______see anything.

Check with the Key. Then listen and repeat

galka.jpgMark where you think there will be /j/ and /w/ links between words.35.2.jpg   


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