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Lesson 41. They're Here!


Lesson 41; Part A

41.1.jpgListen and look at the spellings of the weak forms.
These weak forms written with an ' apostrophe are called contractions.

full / strong form      
contraction / weak form
 is 's
 is not isn't
important.jpgContractions show the way we normally speak. In the sentence It'sraining again!, the most important word is raining; the word is isunstressed and we use the contraction it's. But in the sentence Yes, itis!, the word is is the most important word, and we use the full form,not the contraction.

Lesson 41; Part B

Listen and look at the spellings of the weak forms.41.2.jpg

full / strong form      
contraction / weak form
 are 're

In the sentence They're here!, the most important word is here, andThey're is unstressed and contracted to /ðe∂/ or /ð∂/. But in thesentence They are, the most important word is are, so we use the fullform, not the contraction.
note.jpgNote: We use the contraction 's for is or has.
It's raining, 's = is
Where's he gone? 's = has     

Here are some other common contractions.

full / strong form      
contraction / weak form
 have 've
 had / would


full / strong form      
contraction / weak form
 I am          
 let us let's

We use these contractions in many types of informal writing, as well as in speech.

idea.jpgImportant for listening!
In some types of texts, like cartoons and pop songs, you can find other contractions, like these. Listen.41.3.jpg
1    One of these days I'm gonna leave this town.
2    I just wanna have a good time.
3    Nice place, this, innit?
4    A: Why dontcha wanna come with us? B: 'Cos I hate shopping!
5    Rock 'n' roll will never die.
6    Tell 'im to come now!
7    A: Can you see "em? B: Not yet.

going to     gonna     and        'n'
want to      wanna     them      'em
isn't it?      innit         him        'im
don't you? dontcha   do you    d'you
because    'cos



wizard.jpgListen and underline what you hear - the contraction or the full form.  
Key1. A: Why haven't you done the shopping?B: I have done the shopping. It's on the kitchen table.
2. A: The weather's is better than last year, isn't it? B: It certainly is.
3. A: Right then, I'm going. Are you coming with us? B: No, I'll see you later.
4. A: What's the time? B: It's twenty to seven.
5. A: They aren't ready yet. B: We are ready!
6. A: I'd love to go somewhere warm for a change. B: I would, too!
7. A: I'm afraid they haven't arrived yet. B: They have. They're here now!
8. A: Let's go. B: I don't think the concert's finished yet, has it? A: It has, actually.
  1. A: Why haven't you done the shopping?
    B: I've / I have done the shopping. It's / It is on the kitchen table.
  2. A: The weather's / weather is better than last year, isn't it?
    B: It certainly 's / is.
  3. A: Right then, I'm / I am going. Are you coming with us?
    B: No, I'll / I will see you later.
  4. A: What's / What is the time?
    B: It's / It is twenty to seven.
  5. A: They aren't ready yet.
    B: We're / We are ready!
  6. A: I'd / I would love to go somewhere warm for a change.
    B: I'd / I would, too!
  7. A: I'm / I am afraid they haven't / have not arrived yet.
    B: They've / They have. They're / They are here now!
  8. A: Let's / Let us go.
    B: I don't think the concert's / concert has finished yet, has it?
    A: It's / It has, actually.
Check with the Key. Then listen and repeat.

wizard.jpgListen, and write the sentences you hear in normal spelling.

You hear: "Are you gonna be with us at the weekend?" and you write: "Are you going to be with us at the weekend?"
1 ____________________________What do you want to do tommorow?
2 ____________________________We'll just have to wait and see.
3 ____________________________I was late because there was a lot of traffic.
4 ____________________________Bring them all to the party.
5 ____________________________I haven't seen him for ages.

Check with the Key. Then listen and repeat. 

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