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Unit 25. Go - Goal - Gold.

Consonants at the End of Syllables

Unit 25; Part A

Some one-syllabic words have no consonant sound (C) after the vowel sound (V), for example go. If we add one or more consonant sounds (C) to the end of these words, they are still only one syllable. Here is an example.

Unit 25; Part B

Sometimes, if you do not pronounce the last С of a word, you in fact say another word.
For example, if you do not pronounce the final /k/ in think /θιηk/ you get thing /θιη/.Listen to the words below. The words on the left sound the same as thewords on the right without the final C, so you can see that it isimportant to pronounce the final consonants.
belt /belt/
change /t∫eιnd3/       
help /help/     
film /fιlm/      
tenth /tenθ/      
learnt /lз:nt/       
wolf /wυlf/       
hold /h∂υld/
bell /bel/
chain /t∫eιn/            
hell /hel/
fill /fιl/
ten /ten/
learn /lз:n/
wool /wυl/
hole /h∂υl/

Unit 25; Part C

Some learners of English find it difficult to pronounce two Cs together at the end of a syllable. If you have this problem, you may find it easier if you put a word beginning with a V after it and imagine that the last С of the first word is in fact the beginning of the second word. For example, if you find it difficult to say the /nt/ at the end of weren't, imagine the /t/ at the start of the next word:
They weren't able to do it.    They weren' → table to do it.

note.jpgNote: We often get the consonant pair /nt/ at the end of negative contractions, e.g. isn't (See Unit 35.)
Note: There are often two or more Cs at the end of verbs in the past tense. For example walked is pronounced /wo:kt/ so it has the pattern CVCC. Similarly with -es endings, likes is pronounced /laiks/ (CVCC).

Unit 25; Part D

Some learners of English add a vowel after words ending in two Cs to make it easier to say.
But be careful: if you add an extra V after the last C, you may get a different word.
Listen to these examples.




flag.jpgRemove a consonant sound from the end of each word to make a newword. Be careful: think of sounds, not spelling! Look at the example.If you remove the last sound from went /went/, you get when /wen/.
Example:   went   when 
1   field     
2   change   
3   six
_______feel / feed
4   build  
5   shelf
6   wealth    
_______bill / bid
_______shell / chef
7   guest    
8   wild
_______guess / get
_______while / wide


dialogue.jpgRead the conversation and underline the words which end with two consonant sounds.
Key.A: OK, first question. What's the eighth month in the year?
B:  It's August.
A:  Correct! Second question. What's the highest mountain on Earth?
B:  Mount Everest.
A:  Correct again! Mount Everest! Next question. Which city is furthest east in Europe: Athens, Brussels or Budapest?
B:  Is it Budapest, or perhaps Brussels?
A:  No, it isn't. It's Athens. OK, last question. What's the biggest land animal in the world?
B:  The elephant.
A:  Very good! Three out of four correct, that's seventy-five percent!

A: OK, first question. What's the eighth month in the year?
B:  It's August.
A:  Correct! Second question. What's the highest mountain on Earth?
B:  Mount Everest.
A:  Correct again! Mount Everest! Next question.
     Which city is furthest east in Europe: Athens, Brussels or Budapest?
B:  Is it Budapest, or perhaps Brussels?
A:  No, it isn't. It's Athens. OK, last question. What's the biggest land animal in the world?
B:  The elephant.
A:  Very good! Three out of four correct, that's seventy-five percent!

Now read the conversation aloud. Pronounce the underlined words carefully.


flag.jpgThink of a computer which people speak into and it writes what theysay. This computer wrote these sentences down wrongly. The mistakes areunderlined and one of the correct words is given at the end in(brackets). Write the correct sentences.
Key.1    I think old cars are better.      
2    The bank ought to be open by now. 
3    I think all the time.
4    These big cars hold eight people.
5    Did he film other kinds of movies too?
6    Three people have six eyes.
7    If you took aspirins, your head wouldn't ache.

She dozen turn much, (earn)     She doesn't earn much.          
1    I thing cold cars are better. (think)        
2    The bang caught to be open by now. (ought) 
3    I thing call the time. (all)
4    These big cars whole date people. (hold)
5    Did he fill mother kinds of movies too? (other)
6    Three people have sick size. (eyes)  
7    If you took aspirins, your head wooden take. (ache)   
galka.jpgListen and circle the word you hear.
 Key.1. cook
2. helper
3. didn't
4. learnt
5. guess
6. burnt
7. pasta
8. mix

1    They took their cook / cooker with them.  
2    She was a great help / helper?   
3    He did an / didn't exercise.   
4    They learn / learnt quickly.
5    Is that your guess / guest?  
6    They burn / burnt the food.
7    It's all in the past / pasta now.
8    That mix / mixer wasn't very good.
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