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Unit 43. A Shirt and a Tie / A Shirt and Tie.

Grouping Words

Unit 43; Part A

Listen to the underlined phrase in these two sentences. Notice that in the first one, the speaker pauses after the word shirt,so the words are divided into two groups. The line / shows where theyare divided. The second phrase is pronounced all as one group.

           I bought a shirt / and a tie.
           He  was wearing a shirt and tie.

The speakers group the words differently because the first speakerthinks of the shirt and tie as separate things, and the second speakerthinks of them as things that go together in a group.

Unit 43; Part B

Listen to this sentence. Notice that the speaker divides it into groups. In each group, the words are pronounced all joined together like one long word.
          I bought a nice new jacket / with a zip down the front / and a lot of pockets.

There is no rule about where to divide words into groups, but it must make sense.
If the word groups don't make sense, it is very hard to understand.
Listen to the same sentence again, but this time divided badly. Notice how strange it sounds.
          I bought a nice new /  jacket with a zip down the / front and a lot of pockets.

Unit 43; Part C

Listen to this woman. She is remembering the uniform she had atschool. Listen to how she divides her words into groups. This is shownhere by the / lines.
note.jpg Note:When you are speaking, you often have to pause to think (or breathe!).Put the pause in the break between two groups of words. If you put thepause in the middle of a group of words, it will make you difficult tounderstand. 



flag.jpgLook at the two ways of dividing the sentences below. For each pairof sentences, cross out the one where the grouping does not make sense.
Key.crossed out sentences:
1. b
2. b
3. a

      a I bought a ticket and got / on tho train.
      b I bought a ticket / and got on the train.
1    a It was a small car / with a red stripe along the side.
      b It was a small car with a red / stripe along the side.
2    a Do you want chicken and chips / or fish and salad?
      b Do you want chicken / and chips or fish and salad?
3    a Derek can wear the most / expensive suit but he never looks smart.
      b Derek can wear the most expensive suit / but he never looks smart.
flag.jpgHere are some sentences giving advice on what clothes to take ondifferent kinds of trip. Divide the sentences using a line (/) over oneof the gaps. Choose the gap which makes the best sense. Then listen andcheck.
Key.1 Take your boots and ski suit / and a dress and some nice shoes for the evenings.
2 Take a hat and sunglasses and T-shirts / and an umbrella in case it rains.
3 Take a smart suit and a shirt and tie / and some casual clothes for the weekend.
4 Take your camera and some good walking shoes / and a towel and bathing costume for the beach.

A hot place which gets cold in the evenings:
      Take shorts ___ and T-shirts   /  and long trousers ___ and a sweater for the evenings.
1    A ski resort:
      Take your boots ___ and ski suit ___ and a dress ___ and some nice shoes for the evenings.
2    A sunny place which sometimes has rain:
      Take a hat ___ and sunglasses ___ and T-shirts ___ and an umbrella in case it rains.
3    A business trip with a weekend off in the middle:
      Take a smart suit ___ and a shirt ___ and tie ___ and some casual clothes for the weekend.
4    A sightseeing holiday with a few days on the beach at the end:
      Take your camera ___ and some good walking shoes ___ and a towel ___ and bathing costume for the beach.
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