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Unit 47. Right, OK ...

Understanding Instructions

Unit 47; Part A

idea.jpgImportant for listening!
When listening to instructions, listen for the signals right, now and OK,which tell you that you are moving on to the next step. In theconversation below, В is giving A instructions on how to do somethingon a computer. В uses the words right, now and OK tosignal that she is starting a new step in the instructions. Listen andnotice that these words (in black below) are said in an emphatic voice.


Unit 47; Part B

idea.jpgImportant for listening!
The words right, now and OK are used in other contexts,apart from as a signal to the next step. In these other contexts, theyare often not pronounced so strongly. Listen and compare the difference.

          Close the box ... that's right. Right, now you can close the whole program.
          I think we're on line now. Now, type the address in the box at the top.
          Now look at the whole page and see if it looks OK. OK. now you can print!

Unit 47; Part C

idea.jpgImportant for listening!
Listen again to this line from the conversation in A. Notice that the speaker pronounces Oh in a high voice.

              Open document ... Paste .. Oh, I see.

The speaker uses the word Oh to signal that he has learnt something new.



flag.jpgListen to the instructions and complete this picture. First you willhear instructions to draw the line and square below. Then you will hearmore details to add.

flag.jpgListen to the instructions for 1 again and write a number each time you bear one of the words right, now, OK. Write the numbers at the start of each line below. Then write the instruction after each number.
Key.1 Take a piece of paper and a pen.
2 Draw a line across the page.
3 On top of that line, draw a square.
4 Draw a triangle on top of the square.
5 Draw some windows and a door.
6 Draw a tree to the left of the house.

1.   Take a piece of paper and a pen.                                                     
2.   Draw a line across the page.                                                           

Follow up: Give the instructions, but don't say the numbers, say right, now or OK instead. Record yourself if possible.

flag.jpgListen to these instructions. Is the expression in italics a signal toa new step in the instructions (said in a high voice) or not? If it isa signal, underline it. Note that the punctuation is not written, soyou must decide from the pronunciation.
Key.1 Check that everything looks right and then send it   2 Click here so you ger a new page OK and now write the title at the top   3 Make sure you save that OK and now close the program   4 You will see the icon on the right of your screen   5 Open rhe program right and now start a new document   6 I think it's ready now you can switch it on
      Click on that icon now the program is opening right now start a new document
1    Check that everything looks right and then send it
2    Click here so you ger a new page OK and now write the title at the top
3    Make sure you save that OK and now close the program
4    You will see the icon on the right of your screen
5    Open rhe program right and now start a new document
6    I think it's ready now you can switch it on


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