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Unit 6. Pronunciation in Slow and Fast Speech (2).

Pronunciation in Slow and Fast Speech (2).

Unit 6; Part A

idea.jpgImportant for listening!
ln fast speech , sounds that are found in words spoken slowly may bemissed out. Listen and notice how the highlighted sounds are missed outin this conversation extract:
For more details, see Units 8, 9, 29 and 30.

Unit 6; Part B

idea.jpgImportant for listening!
As well as sounds, syllables or whole words that we would expect tohear in slow speech may be reduced or missed out in fast speech. Listenand notice how the highlighted parts are reduced or missed out in thisconversation:

For more details, see Units 27-30.

Unit 6; Part C

idea.jpgImportant for listening!
Sounds in words may also change in fast speech compared with howthey are said in slow speech or how they are represented indictionaries. Listen and notice how the sound /t/ changes in the highlighted parts of this conversation:

For more details, see Units 26 and 29.

It is not essential to make these changes in your own speech inorder to be understood, although they can help your speech sound morenatural and fuent. 



flag.jpgListen to these sentences as many times as you need. First you willhear them said slowly and carefully and then at a more normal speed forconversation. Indicate the differences you hear in the 'conversation'versions.
flag.jpgListen to these conversations as many times as you need and fill in thespaces. How is the AO     pronunciation of each missing word diferentfrom its slow form?

Follow up:Record yourself saying the sentences in exercise 1. First say themslowly and carefully, and then at normal speed. Then compare what yousaid with what you heard in the recording

Unit 5      Unit 6     Unit 7 forward.jpg

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