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Unit 14. Present perfect and past 2 (I have done and I did).

Unit 14; Part A

galka.jpgDo not use the present perfect (I have done) when you talk about a finished time (for example yesterday / ten minutes ago / in 1999 / when I was a child). Use a past tense:
    It was very cold yesterday (not has been)
    Paul and Lucy arrived ten minutes ago.  (not have arrived)
    Did you eat a lot of sweets when you were a child (not have you eaten)
    I got home late last night. I was very tired and went straight to bed.

Use the past to ask When ... ? or What time ... ?:

    When did your friends arrive(not have ... arrived)
    What time did you finish work?
Present perfect
    Tom has lost his key. He can't get into the house.
    Is Carla here or has she left?

Past simple
    Tom lost his key yesterday. He couldn't get into the house.
    When did Carla leave?

Unit 14; Part B

Present perfect (have done)
    I've done a lot of work today.

We use the present perfect for a period of time that continues until now.
For example: today / this week / since 1985.

Past simple
    I did a lot of work yesterday.

We use the past simple for a finished time in the past.
For example: yesterday / last week / from 1995 to 2001.
    It hasn't rained this week.
    Have you seen Anna this morning?

     (it is still morning)
    Have you seen Tim recently?

    It didn't rain last week.
    Did you see Anna this morning?

      (it is now afternoon or evening)
    Did you see Tim on Sunday?
    I don't know where Lisa is. I haven't seen her.
( = I haven't seen her recently)
    We've been waiting for an hour.
(we are still waiting now)
    A: Was Lisa at the party on Sunday?
     B: I don't think so. I didn't see her.
    We waited (or were waiting) for an hour. 

     (we are no longer waiting)
    Ian lives in London. He has lived there for seven years.
    I have never played golf. 
(in my life)
    Ian lived in Scotland for ten years. Now he lives in London.
    I didn't play golf last summer.
    It's the last day of your holiday. You say: It's been a really good holiday. I've really enjoyed it.  
    After you come back from holiday you say:  It was a really good holiday. I really enjoyed it.


flag.jpgAre the underlined parts of these sentences right or wrong? Correct them where necessary.
Key.3    OK
4    I bought
5    Where were you
6    Lucy left school
7    OK
8    OK
9    OK
10  When was this book published?

1    I've lost my key. I can't find it anywhere.
2    Have you eaten a lot of sweets when you were a child? 
3    I've bought a new car. You must come and see it.       
4    I've bought a new car last week.       
5    Where have you been yesterday evening?       
6    Lucy has left school in 1999.       
7    I'm looking for Mike. Have you seen him?       
8    'Have you been to Paris?'    'Yes. many times.'       
9    I'm very hungry. I haven't eaten much today.       
10  When has this book been published? 

 Did you eat     

flag.jpgMake sentences from the words in brackets. Use the present perfect or past simple.
Key.2 The weather has been cold recently.
3 It was cold last week.
4 I didn't read a newspaper yesterday.
5 I haven't read a newspaper today.
6 Emily has earned a lot of money this year.
7 She didn't earn so much last year.
8 Have you had a holiday recently?

1    (it / not / rain / this week)    It hasn't rained this week.   
2    (the weather / be / cold / recently) The weather ________________________
3    (it / cold / last week)  It ________________________
4    (I / not / read / a newspaper yesterday)  I ________________________
5    (I / not / read / a newspaper today) ________________________
6    (Emily / earn / a lot of money / this year) ________________________
7    (she / not / earn / so much / last year) ________________________
8    (you / have / a holiday recently?) ________________________

flag.jpgPut the verb into the correct form, present perfect or past simple.
Key.2 got ... was ... went
3 Have you finished / Did you finish
4 wasn't / was not
5 worked
6 's lived / has lived
7  Did you go ... was ... was
8 died ... never met
9 've never met / have never met
10 's gone / has gone    or    went ... did he go
11 have you lived / have you been living ... did you live ... did you live

1    I don't know where Lisa is.   Have you seen   (you / see) her?
2    When I _______________ (get) home last night, I _______________ (be) very tired and I _______________ (go) straight to bed.
3    A: _______________ (you / finish) painting the bedroom?
     B: Not yet. I'll finish it tomorrow.
4    George _______________ (not/ be) very well last week.
5    Mr Clark _______________ (work) in a bank for 15 years. Then he gave it up.
6    Molly lives in Dublin.  She _______________ (live) there all her life.
7    A: _______________ (you/ go) to the cinema last night?
     B: Yes. but it _______________ (be) a mistake. The film _______________ (be) awful.
8    My grandfather _______________ (die) before I was born. I _______________ (never/ meet) him.
9    I don't know Carol's husband.  I _______________ (never/ meet) him.
10  A: Is Martin here?    B: No, he _______________ (go) out.
      A: When exactly _______________ (he / go) out?    B: About ten minutes ago.
11  A: Where do you live?    B: In Boston.
      A: How long _______________ (you / live) there?    B: Five years.
     A: Where _______________ (you / live) before that?    B: In Chicago.
     A: And how long _______________ (you / live) in Chicago?    B: Two years.
flag.jpgWrite sentences about yourself using the ideas in brackets.
Key.Example answers:
2    I haven't bought anything today.
3    I didn't watch TV yesterday.
4    I went out with some friends yesterday evening.
5    I haven't been to the cinema recently.
6    I've read a lot of books recently.

1    (something you haven't done today)        I haven't eaten any fruit today.      
2    (something you haven't done today)     _________________________________
3    (something you didn't do yesterday)     _________________________________  
4    (something you did yesterday evening) _________________________________
5    (something you haven't done recently)  _________________________________   
6    (something you've done a lot recently)  _________________________________

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