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Unit 17. Have got and have.

Unit 17; Part A

galka.jpgHave got and have (= for possession, relationships, illnesses etc.)

You can use have got or have
(without got). There is no difference in meaning:
    They've got a new car.    or   They have a new car.
•    Lisa's got two brothers.  
or   Lisa has two brothers.
•    I've got a headache.   
or   I have a headache.
    Our house has got a small garden.   
or   Our house has a small garden.
    He's got a few problems.   
or    He has a few problems.

With these meanings
(possession etc.), you cannot use continuous forms (am having etc.):
    We're enjoying our holiday. We've got / We have a nice room in the hotel.  (not We're having)

For the past we use had (without got):

    Lisa had long hair when she was a child.  (not Lisa had got)

Unit 17; Part B

galka.jpgIn questions and negative sentences there are three possible forms:

Have you got any questions?   
Do you have
any questions?   
Have you
any questions?  (less usual)   
Has she got
a car?   
Does she have
a car?   
Has she
a car?  (less usual)    
I haven't got any questions.
I don't have any questions.
I haven't any questions,  (less usual)
She hasn't got a car.
She doesn't have a car.
She hasn't a car.  (less usual)

In past questions and negative sentences, we use did/didn't:

•     Did you have a car when you were living in London?
    I didn't have a watch, so I didn't know the time.
•     Lisa had long hair, didn't she?

Unit 17; Part C

galka.jpgHave breakfast / have a bath / have a good time etc.

We also use have
(but not have got) for many actions and experiences. For example:
breakfast / dinner / a cup of coffee / something to eat etc.
a bath / a shower / a swim / a break / a rest / a party / a holiday
an accident / an experience / a dream
a look
(at something)
a chat / a conversation / a discussion
(with somebody)
difficulty / trouble / fun / a good time
a baby
(= give birth to a baby)

Have got is not possible in the expressions in the box. Compare:

   •    Sometimes I have (= eat) a sandwich for my lunch.  (not I've got)
but   I've got / I have some sandwiches. Would you like one?

You can use continuous forms
(am having etc.) with the expressions in the box:
   •    We're enjoying our holiday. We're having a great time.  (not We have)
   •    Mike is having a shower at the moment. He has a shower every day.

In questions and negative sentences we use do/does/did:

   •    I don't usually have a big breakfast.  (not I usually haven't)
   •    What time does Jenny have lunch?  (not has Jenny lunch)
   •    Did you have difficulty finding a place to live?


flag.jpgWrite negative sentences with have. Some are present (can't) and some are past (couldn't).
Key.3 I haven't got a ladder. / I don't have a ladder.
4 We didn't have enough time.
5 He didn't have a map.
6 She hasn't got any money. / She doesn't have any money.
7 I haven't got enough energy. / I don't have enough energy.
8 They didn't have a camera.

1    I can't get into the house.  (a key)     I haven't got a кеу.     
2    I couldn't read the letter.  (my glasses)    I didn't have my glasses.   
3    I can't get onto the roof.  (a ladder)  I __________________________
4    We couldn't visit the museum.  (enough time)  We __________________________
5    He couldn't find his way to our house.  (a map) __________________________
6    She can't pay her bills.  (any money) __________________________
7    I can't go swimming today.  (enough energy) __________________________
8    They couldn't take any photographs.  (a camera) __________________________

flag.jpgComplete the questions with have. Some are present and some are past.
Key.2    Have you got / Do you have
3    Did you have
4    Have you got / Do you have
5    Have you got / Do you have
6    did you have
7    Did you have

1    Excuse me,   have you got  a pen I could borrow?
2    Why are you holding your face like that? _______________ a toothache?
3    _______________ a lot of toys when you were a child?
4    A: _______________ the time, please?
      B: Yes, it's ten past seven.
5    I need a stamp for this letter. _______________ one?
6    When you worked in your last job, _______________ your own office?
7    A: It started to rain very heavily while I was out.
      B: _______________ an umbrella?
flag.jpgWrite sentences about yourself. Have you got these things now? Did you have them ten years ago?
Write two sentences each time using I've got /I haven't got and I had/I didn't have. (You can also write about your family: We've got ... /We had ... etc.).

Key.2 I haven't got a bike (now). I had a bike (ten years ago).
3 I've got a mobile phone (now). I didn't have a mobile phone (ten years ago).
4 I haven't got a dog (now). I didn't have a dog (ten years ago).
5 I've got a guitar (now). I had a guitar (ten years ago).
6 I haven't got long hair (now). I didn't have long hair (ten years ago).
7 I've got a driving licence (now). I didn't have a driving licence (ten years ago).

1    (a car)           I've got a car.             
2    (a bike)  I _______________________
3    (a mobile phone) _______________________     
4    (a dog) _______________________     
5    (a guitar) _______________________     
6    (long hair) _______________________     
7    (a driving licence) _______________________

ten years ago
     I didn't have a car.       
I ______________________

flag.jpgComplete the sentences. Use an expression from the list and put the verb into the correct form where necessary.
Key.2 has a break   
3 had a party
4 have a look   
5 's having/ is having a nice time       
6 had a chat   
7 Did you have difficulty
8 had a baby   
9 was having a shower
10 Did you have a good flight?
have a baby       have a break      have a chat       have difficulty           have a good flight
have a look        have lunch         have a party      have a nice time       have a shower
1    I don't eat much during the day. I never     have lunch    .
2    David starts work at 8 o'clock and _____________ at 10.30.
3    We _____________ last week. It was great - we invited lots of people.
4    Excuse me, can I _____________ at your newspaper, please?
5    Jim is away on holiday at the moment. I hope he _____________.
6    I met Ann in the supermarket yesterday. We stopped and _____________.
7    A: _____________ finding the book you wanted?
      B: No, I found it OK.
8    Suzanne _____________ a few weeks ago. It's her second child.
9    A: Why didn't you answer the phone?
      B:  I _____________.
10   Yon meet your friend Sally at the airport. She has just arrived. You say:
      Hi. Sally. How are you? _____________?

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