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Unit 64. То ..., for... and so that... (purpose)

Unit 64; Part A

galka.jpgWe use to ... to say why somebody does something (= the purpose of an action):

    'Why are you going out?'    'To post a letter.'
    A friend of mine phoned to invite me to a party.
    We shouted to warn everybody of the danger.

We use to ... to say why something exists
(= its purpose):
    This wall is to keep people out of the garden.
    The president has a team of bodyguards to protect him.

Unit 64; Part B

galka.jpgWe use to ... to say what can be done or must be done with something:

    It's difficult to find a place to park in the centre. 
(= a place where you can park)
    Would you like something to eat?
    Have you got much work to do
(= work that you must do)
    I get lonely if there's nobody to talk to.
    I need something to open this bottle with.

money/time/chance/opportunity/energy/courage etc. to (do something):
    They gave us some money to buy some food.
    Do you have much opportunity to practise your English?
    I need a few days to think about your proposal.

Unit 64; Part C

galka.jpgFor ... and to ...
for + noun
to + verb
    I'm going to Spain for a holiday.
    I'm going to Spain to learn Spanish.
    (not for learn, not for learning)
    What would you like for dinner?
    Let's go to the pool for a swim.            
    What would you like to eat?
    Let's go to the pool to have a swim.

You can say 'for (somebody) to (do something)':

    There weren't any chairs for us to sit on, so we had to sit on the floor.

You can use for -ing or to ... to talk about the general purpose of something, or what it is generally used for:

    Do you use this brush for washing the dishes?  (or ... to wash the dishes?)

You can use What ... for? to ask about purpose:

    What is this switch for?
    What did you do that for?

Unit 64; Part D

galka.jpgSo that
Sometimes you have to use so that for purpose.

We use so that (not to ...) especially when the purpose is negative (so that ... won't/wouldn't):
    I hurried so that I wouldn't be late.  (= because I didn't want to be late)
    Leave early so that you
won't (or don't) miss the bus.

with can and
could (so that ... can/could):
    She's learning English so that she can study in Canada.
    We moved to London so that we could see our friends more often.


flag.jpgChoose from Box A and Box В to make a new sentence with to ... .
Key.2    I had to go to the bank to get some money.
3    I'm saving money to go to Canada.
4    I went into hospital to have an operation.
5    I'm wearing two sweaters to keep warm.
6    I phoned the police to report that my car had been stolen.

1    I shouted
2    I had to go to the bank
3    I'm saving money
4    I went into hospital
5    I'm wearing two sweaters
6    I phoned the police
I want to keep warm
I wanted to report that my car had been stolen
I want to go to Canada
I had to have an operation
I needed to get some money
I wanted to warn people ot the dange

1    I shouted to warn people of the danger.   
2    I had to go to the bank __________________
3    I _______________________________________
4    _________________________________________  
5    _________________________________________  
6    _________________________________________
flag.jpg Complete these sentences using a suitable verb.
Key.2    to read
3    to walk / to go on foot
4    to drink
5    to put / to carry
6    to discuss / to consider / to talk about
7    to buy / to get
8    to talk / to speak
9    to wear / to put on
10  to celebrate
11  to help / to assist

1    The president has a team of bodyguards    to protect    him.
2    I didn't have enough time ___________ the newspaper today.
3    I came home by taxi. I didn't have the energy ___________.
4    'Would you like something ___________?'    'Yes, please. A cup of coffee.'
5    We need a bag ___________ these things in.
6    There will be a meeting next week ___________ the problem.
7    I wish we had enough money ___________ another car.
8    I saw Helen at the party, but we didn't have a chance ___________ to each other.
9    I need some new clothes. I don't have anything nice ___________.
10  They've just passed their exams. They're having a party ___________.
11  I can't do all this work alone. I need somebody ___________ me.
flag.jpgPut in to or for.
Key.2    for
3    to
4    to
5    for
6    to
7    for
8    for ... to

1    I'm going to Spain   for   a holiday.
2    You need a lot of experience ______ this job.
3    You need a lot of experience ______ do this job.
4    We'll need more time ______ make a decision.
5    I went to the dentist ______ a check-up.
6    I had to put on my glasses ______ read the letter.
7    Do you have to wear glasses ______ reading?
8    I wish we had a garden ______ the children ______ play in.
flag.jpgWrite sentences with so that.
Key.2    I wore warm clothes so that I wouldn't be cold.
3    I left Dave my phone number so that he could contact me. / ... would be able to contact me.
4    We whispered so that nobody else would hear our conversation. /... so that nobody else could hear ... / would be able to hear ...
5    Please arrive early so that we can start the meeting on time. / ... so that we'll be able to start ...
6    Jennifer locked the door so that she wouldn't be disturbed.
7    I slowed down so that the car behind me could overtake. / ... would be able to overtake.

1    I hurried. I didn't want to be late.
       I hurried so that I wouldn't be late.
2    I wore warm clothes. I didn't want to be cold.
     I wore ____________________________
3    I left Dave my phone number. I wanted him to be able to contact me.
     I ____________________________
4    We whispered. We didn't want anybody else to hear our conversation.
      ____________________________ nobody ____________________________
5    Please arrive early. We want to be able to start the meeting on time.
     Please ____________________________
6    Jennifer locked the door. She didn't want to be disturbed.
7    I slowed down. I wanted the car behind me to be able to overtake.

Unit 63      Unit 64     Unit 65 forward.jpg