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Unit 100. Adjectives and adverbs 1 (quick/quickly)

Unit 100; Part A

galka.jpgLook at these examples:

   •    Our holiday was too short - the time passed very quickly.
   •    Two people were seriously injured in the accident.

Quickly and seriously are adverbs. Many adverbs are formed from an adjective + -ly:

       adjective:     quick       serious      careful       quiet       heavy       bad
       adverb:        quickly    seriously   carefully   quietly    heavily     badly

Not all words ending in -ly are adverbs. Some adjectives end in -ly too, for example:

        friendly       lively       elderly       lonely       silly        lovely

Unit 100; Part B

galka.jpgAdjective or adverb?

Unit 100; Part C

galka.jpgWe also use adverbs before adjectives and other adverbs. For example:

     reasonably cheap    (adverb + adjective)
       terribly sorry    (adverb + adjective)
     incredibly quickly    (adverb + adverb)

      •    It's a reasonably cheap restaurant and the food is extremely good.
      •    I'm terribly sorry. I didn't mean to push you.  (not rerrible sorry)
      •    Maria learns languages incredibly quickly.
      •    The examination was surprisingly easy.

You can also use an adverb before a past participle
(injured/organised/written etc.):
      •    Two people were seriously injured in the accident.  (not serious injured)
      •    The meeting was very badly organised.


flag.jpgComplete each sentence with an adverb. The first letters of the adverb are given.
Key.2    badly
3    easily
4    patiently
5    unexpectedly
6    regularly
7    perfectly ... slowly ... clearly

1    We didn't go out because it was raining he avily .  
2    Our team lost the game because we played very ba_______.
3    I had little difficulty finding a place to live. I found a flat quite ea_______.
4    We had to wait for a long time, but we didn't complain. We waited pat_______.
5    Nobody knew Steve was coming to see us. He arrived unex_______.
6    Mike keeps fit by playing tennis reg_______.
7    I don't speak French very well, but I can understand per_______ if people speak sl_______ and cl_______.

flag.jpgPut in the correct word.
Key.3    selfishly
4    terribly
5    sudden
6    colourfully
7    colourful
8    badly
9    badly
10  safe

1    Two people were      seriously    injured in the accident.  (serious / seriously)
2    The driver of the car had      serious    injuries.  (serious / seriously)
3    I think you behaved very ____________. (selfish / selfishly)
4    Rose is ____________ upset about losing her job.  (terrible / terribly)
5    There was a ____________ change in the weather.  (sudden / suddenly)
6    Everybody at the party was ____________ dressed.  (colourful / colourfully)
7    Linda likes wearing ____________ clothes.  (colourful / colourfully)
8    Liz fell and hurt herself quite ____________.  (bad / badly)
9    Joe says he didn't do well at school because he was ____________ taught.  (bad / badly)
10  Don't go up that ladder. It doesn't look ____________.  (safe / safely)

flag.jpgComplete each sentence using a word from thebox. Sometimes you need the adjective (careful etc.) and sometimes theadverb (carefully etc.).
Key.2    careful
3    continuously
4    happily
5    fluent
6    specially
7    complete
8    perfectly
9    nervous
10  financially  or completely

careful(ly)         complete(ly)   continuous(ly)    financial(ly)    fluent(ly)
happy/happily   nervous(ly)      perfect(ly)         quick(ly)        special(ly)
1    Our holiday was too short. The time passed very    quickly  .   
2    Steve doesn't take risks when he's driving. He's always ____________.
3    Sue works ____________. She never seems to stop.
4    Rachel and Patrick are very ____________ married.
5    Maria's English is very ____________ although she makes quite a lot of mistakes.
6    I cooked this meal ____________ for you, so I hope you like it.
7    Everything was very quiet. There was ____________ silence.
8    I tried on the shoes and they fitted me ____________.
9    Do you usually feel ____________ before examinations?
10  I'd like to buy a car, but it's ____________ impossible for me at the moment.

flag.jpgChoose two words (one from each box) to complete each sentence.
Key.2    seriously ill
3    absolutely enormous
4    slightly damaged
5    unusually quiet
6    completely changed
7    unnecessarily long
8    badly planned
absolutely         badly          completely
reasonаЫу        seriously    slightly
unnecessarily    unusually

changed         cheap      damaged
enormous       ill             long
planned          quiet

1    I thought the restaurant would be expensive, but it was   reasonably cheap   .   
2    Steve's mother is ________________ in hospital.
3    What a big house! It's ________________.
4    It wasn't a serious accident. The car was only ________________.
5    The children are normally very lively, but they're ________________ today.
6    When I returned home after 20 years, everything had ________________.
7    The film was ________________. It could have been much shorter.
8    A lot went wrong during our holiday because it was ________________.

Unit 99      Unit 100     Unit 101 forward.jpg

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