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Unit 126. To / at / in / into

Unit 126; Part A

galka.jpgWe say go/come/travel (etc.) to a place or event. For example:126.1.jpg

      When are your friends going back to Italy?  (not going back in Italy)
      Three people were injured in the accident and taken to hospital.
      Welcome to our country!
  (not Welcome in)

In the same way we say 'a journey to / a trip to / a visit to / on my way to ...'
etc. :
      Did you enjoy your trip to Paris / your visit to the zoo?

Compare to
(for movement) and in/at (for position):
      They are going to France.    but   They live in France.
      Can you come to the party?   
but    I'll see you at the party.

Unit 126; Part B

galka.jpgBeen to
We say 'been to (a place)':
      I've been to Italy four times, but I've never been to Rome.
      Amanda has never been to a football match in her life.

Unit 126; Part C

galka.jpgGet and arrive
We say
get to (a place):
      What time did they get to London / to work / to the party?

But we say arrive in ... or arrive at ...
(not arrive to).
We say arrive in a town or country:
      They arrived in London / in Spain a week ago.

For other places
(buildings etc.) or events, we say arrive at:
      When did they arrive at the hotel / at the airport / at the party?

Unit 126; Part D

We say: go home / come home / get home / arrive home / on the way home
etc. (no preposition). We do not say 'to home':
      I'm tired. Let's go home now.  (not go to home)
      I met Linda on my way home.  (not my way to home)

Unit 126; Part E

126.2.jpgGo into, get into ...etc. = enter (a room / a building / a car etc.):
      I opened the door, went into the room and sat down.
      A bird flew into the kitchen through the window.

With some verbs (especially go/get/put) we often use in (instead of into):
      She got in the car and drove away.  (or She got into the car ...)
      I read the letter and put it back in the envelope.

The opposite of into is out of:
      She got out of the car and went into a shop.

We usually say 'get on/off a bus / a train / a plane'
(not usually get into/out of)
      She got on the bus and I never saw her again.


flag.jpgPut in to/at/in/into where necessary. If no preposition is necessary, leave the space empty.
3   at
4   to
5   to
6   into
7   at
8   to
9   into
10 to
11 at
12 to
13 into
14 to
15 get home...going to bed
16 returned to France... two years in Brazil
17 born in Chicag... moved to New York... lives in New York

1    Three people were taken    to    hospital after the accident.
2    I met Kate on my way    -     home.  (no preposition)
3    We left our luggage _____ the station and went to find something to eat.
4    Shall we take a taxi _____ the station or shall we walk?
5    I have to go _____ the bank today to change some money.
6    The river Rhine flows _____ the North Sea.
7    'Have you got your camera?'    'No, I left it _____ home.'
8    Have you ever been _____ China?
9    I had lost my key, but I managed to climb _____ the house through a window.
10  We got stuck in a traffic jam on our way _____ the airport.
11  We had lunch _____ the airport while we were waiting for our plane.
12  Welcome _____ the hotel. We hope you enjoy your stay here.
13  We drove along the main road for about a kilometre and then turned _____ a narrow side street.
14  Did you enjoy your visit _____ the zoo?
15  I'm tired. As soon as I get _____ home, I'm going _____ bed.
16  Marcel is French. He has just returned _____ France after two years _____ Brazil.
17  Carl was born _____ Chicago, but his family moved _____ New York when he was three. He still lives _____ New York.

flag.jpgHave you been to these places? If so, how many times? Choose three of the places and write a sentence using been to.
I've been to Sweden once.
I've never been to the United States.
I've been to Paris a few times.

Athens       Australia       Ireland       Paris       Rome       Sweden       Tokyo       the United States
(example answers)     I've never been to Australia. / I've been to Ireland once.   
2  _________________________________________________________________________     
3  _________________________________________________________________________
4  _________________________________________________________________________

flag.jpgPut in to/at/in where necessary. If no preposition is necessary, leave the space empty.
Key.2  in
3  -
4  at
5  to
6  -

1    What time does this train get    to    London?
2    What time does this train arrive _____ London?
3    What time did you get _____ home last night?
4    What time do you usually arrive _____ work in the morning?
5    When we got _____ the cinema, there was a long queue outside.
6    I arrived _____ home feeling very tired.

flag.jpgWrite sentences using got + into / out of / on / off.
Key.2 I got in the bus
3 I got out of the car.
4 O got off the train.
5 I got into the taxi.  or  I got in the taxi.
6 I got off the plane.

1    You were walking home. A friend passed you in her car.She saw you, stopped and offered you a lift.
      She opened the door. Whatdid you do?     I got into the car.   
2    You were waiting for the bus. At last your bus came.
      The doors opened. What did you do then?  I ______________________.
3    You drove home in your car. You stopped outside your house andparked the car.
      What did you do then? ______________________.
4    You were travelling by train to Manchester.
      When the train got to Manchester, what did you do? ______________________.
5    You needed a taxi. After a few minutes a taxi stopped for you.
      Youopened the door. What did you do then?  ______________________.
6    You were travelling by air. At the end of your flight, your planelanded at the airport and stopped.
      The doors were opened, you took yourbag and stood up. What did you do then? ______________________.

Unit 125      Unit 126     Unit 127 forward.jpg

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