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electric-raySIZE: Atlantic torpedo ray may be up to 1.82 m in lengthIn general, female rays are larger thanmales.
WEIGHT: Atlantic torpedo ray may reach 90 kg
  • Electric rays belong to the superorderBatoidea, which includes stingrays, skates, guitarfishes, and sawfishes. Liketheir relatives the sharks, batoids have skeletons made of tough connectivetissue called cartilage.
  • Atlantic torpedo rays (Torpedonobiliana), for example, live along the coastlines of Canada, the UnitedStates, United Kingdom,and South Africa.But they also have been found in the open ocean at depths of approximately 450 m. Blind electricrays (Typhlonarke aysoni) have been discovered in waters as deep as 900 m.
  • The mouth of the Australian coffin ray(Hypnos monopterygium) is enormous, allowing it to gulp prey half the size ofits body.
  • All livingcreatures produce electricity - even humans - but electric rays have twospecial kidney-shaped organs that generate and store electricity like abattery. Large Atlantic torpedo rays can generate enough power to produce ashock of about 220 volts, while smaller rays, like the lesser electric ray(Narcine brasiliensis) can only muster a shock of about 37 volts.
  • Most electric rays bury themselvesunder sand during the day and come out at night to feed. If prey isencountered, the ray will stun the creature with electricity. Then, the raywill guide the food with its pectoral fins to its mouth, which is located underits body.
  • Inaddition to stunning potential prey and dissuading prospective predators, theelectric organs of electric rays may also be used to detect prey and tocommunicate with each other.

List of Animals English Globe