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Fruit Bat

fruit-batsThe verylarge fruit trees that are common to the Okavango Delta are also home to thePeter's Epauletted Fruit Bat. These bats favour the fruit off the Sycamore figand feeding by night they add to the night sounds, their squeaks & whistlesechoing through the dense canopy. During the day the fruit bats hang upsidedown from the canopy. Here they remain silent, waiting in anticipation for thenights feeding. The bats are often forced to fly as they are very oftendisturbed by both baboon & vervet monkey who like to eat them.

Gordo, amale ocelot, is believed to be one of only about 100 left in the U.S. DallasZoo researchers are working with the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Department tosave the endangered ocelot cat from extinction.

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